
239 lines
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Standard ML

(* Structure: UtilString *)
signature UtilString =
val quoteString : char -> string -> string
val numberNth : int -> string
val prependAnA : string -> string
val nBlanks : int -> string
val padxLeft : char -> string * int -> string
val padxRight : char -> string * int -> string
val breakLines : int -> string -> string list
val toUpperFirst : string -> string
val toUpperString : string -> string
val Int2String : int -> string
val Bool2xString : string * string -> bool -> string
val Bool2String : bool -> string
val Option2xString : string * (('a -> string) -> 'a -> string)
-> ('a -> string) -> 'a option -> string
val Option2String0 : ('a -> string) -> 'a option -> string
val Option2String : ('a -> string) -> 'a option -> string
val List2xString : string * string * string -> ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
val List2String0 : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
val List2String : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
val Vector2xString : string * string * string -> ('a -> string) -> 'a vector -> string
val Vector2String : ('a -> string) -> 'a vector -> string
structure UtilString : UtilString =
fun quoteString q s = let val quote = String.implode [q] in quote^s^quote end
(* generate a string with the ordinal number of n, by appending *)
(* "st", "nd", "rd" or "th" to the number. *)
fun numberNth n =
let val suffix = case n mod 9
of 1 => "st"
| 2 => "nd"
| 3 => "rd"
| _ => "th"
in Int.toString n^suffix
(* is the single character c represented by a word starting with a *)
(* vocal in the alphabet? (l~ell->true, k~kay->false) *)
fun vocalLetter c =
case Char.toLower c
of #"a" => true
| #"f" => true
| #"h" => true
| #"i" => true
| #"l" => true
| #"m" => true
| #"n" => true
| #"o" => true
| #"r" => true
| #"s" => true
| #"x" => true
| #"8" => true
| _ => false
(* is character c a vocal? *)
fun isVocal c =
case Char.toLower c
of #"a" => true
| #"e" => true
| #"i" => true
| #"o" => true
| #"u" => true
| _ => false
(* does a word require "an" as undefinite article? true if: *)
(* - it is a single letter that starts with a vocal in the alphabet *)
(* - its first two letters are capitals, i.e. it is an abbreviation, *)
(* and its first letter starts with a vocal in the alphabet *)
(* - it has more than one letter, is not an abbreviation, and either *)
(* + it starts with a, i or o *)
(* + it starts with e and the second letter is not a u (europe) *)
(* + it starts with a u and continues with a vocal (very unlikely, *)
(* only in c.s., like uuencoded or uid *)
(* + it starts with a u, continues with a consonant not followed by *)
(* an i (like in unicode); that is something like un-... *)
(* This ruleset is not complete since it does not cover, e.g., the *)
(* word uninvented, but sufficient for most cases. *)
(* (Is english pronounciation decidable at all?) *)
fun extendsAtoAn word =
case String.explode word
of nil => false
| [c] => vocalLetter c
| c1::c2::cs => if not (Char.isLower c1 orelse Char.isLower c2)
then vocalLetter c1
else case Char.toLower c1
of #"a" => true
| #"i" => true
| #"o" => true
| #"e" => Char.toLower c2 <> #"u"
| #"u" => if isVocal c2 then false
else (case cs
of nil => true
| c3::_ => Char.toLower c3 <> #"i")
| _ => false
(* add an undefinite article to a word. *)
fun prependAnA word = if extendsAtoAn word then "an "^word else "a "^word
(* generate a list/string of n times character c. *)
fun nCharsC c n = if n>0 then c::nCharsC c (n-1) else nil
fun nChars c n = String.implode (nCharsC c n)
val nBlanks = nChars #" "
(* add a minimal number of characters c to the left/right of a string *)
(* in order to make its length at least n. *)
fun padxLeft c (s,n) = (nChars c (n-String.size s))^s
fun padxRight c (s,n) = s^(nChars c (n-String.size s))
val padLeft = padxLeft #" "
val padRight = padxRight #" "
(* break a string into several lines of length width. *)
fun breakLines width str =
val tokens = String.tokens (fn c => #" "=c) str
fun makeLine(toks,lines) = if null toks then lines
else (String.concat (rev toks))::lines
fun doit w (toks,lines) nil = makeLine(toks,lines)
| doit w (toks,lines) (one::rest) =
val l = String.size one
val w1 = w+l
if w1<width then doit (w1+1) (" "::one::toks,lines) rest
else if w1=width then doit 0 (nil,makeLine(one::toks,lines)) rest
else if l>=width then doit 0 (nil,one::makeLine(toks,lines)) rest
else doit (l+1) ([" ",one],makeLine(toks,lines)) rest
in List.rev (doit 0 (nil,nil) tokens)
(* convert the first/all characters of a string to upper case *)
fun toUpperFirst str =
case String.explode str
of nil => ""
| c::cs => String.implode (Char.toUpper c::cs)
fun toUpperString str =
String.implode(map Char.toUpper (String.explode str))
(* return a string representation of an int, char or unit. *)
val Int2String = Int.toString
val Char2String = Char.toString
fun Unit2String() = "()"
(* return a string representation of a boolean. *)
fun Bool2xString (t,f) b = if b then t else f
val Bool2String = Bool2xString ("true","false")
(* return a string representation of an option. *)
(* the first arg is a string for the NONE case, the second a function *)
(* that converts x to a string, given a function for doing so. *)
fun Option2xString (none,Some2String) x2String opt =
case opt
of NONE => none
| SOME x => Some2String x2String x
fun Option2String0 x2String = Option2xString ("",fn f => fn x => f x) x2String
fun Option2String x2String = Option2xString ("NONE",fn f => fn x => "SOME "^f x) x2String
(* return a string representation of list; start with pre, separate *)
(* with sep and finish with post; use X2String for each element. *)
fun List2xString (pre,sep,post) X2String nil = pre^post
| List2xString (pre,sep,post) X2String l =
let fun doit nil _ = [post]
| doit (x::r) str = str::X2String x::doit r sep
in String.concat (doit l pre)
fun List2String X2String nil = "[]"
| List2String X2String l =
let fun doit nil _ = ["]"]
| doit (x::r) str = str::X2String x::doit r ","
in String.concat (doit l "[")
fun List2String0 X2String nil = ""
| List2String0 X2String l =
let fun doit nil _ = nil
| doit (x::r) str = str::X2String x::doit r " "
in String.concat (doit l "")
(* a compiler bug in smlnj 110 makes the following uncompilable: *)
(* fun List2String X2String xs = List2xString ("[",",","]") X2String xs *)
(* fun List2String0 X2String xs = List2xString (""," ","") X2String xs *)
(* return a string representation of list; start with pre, separate *)
(* with sep and finish with post; use X2String for each element. *)
fun Vector2xString (pre,sep,post) X2String vec =
if Vector.length vec=0 then pre^post
else String.concat
(fn (_,x,yet) => sep::X2String x::yet)
(VectorSlice.slice (vec,1,NONE)))
fun Vector2String X2String vec = Vector2xString ("#[",",","]") X2String vec