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(** very simple structure defining basix xml schema types. *)
structure XML_Schema =
(* for simplicity: *)
* XML namespace NCName.
* the basic grammar is:
* NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_')*
type NCName = string
* XML namespace QName, i.e., a NCName with optionally a namespace prefix.
* the basic grammar is: QName ::= (NCName ':')? NCName
type QName = string
type anyURI = string (* a URI like ""*)
type xsdElement = { name : string,
typ : string }
type xsdSequence = xsdElement list
datatype xsdType = SimpleType of xsdElement
| ComplexType of xsdComplexType
withtype xsdComplexType = { name : string,
sequence : xsdType list
type xsdSchema = { attributeFormDefault: string,
elementFormDefault: string,
targetNamespace: string,
definitions: xsdType list
structure XML_Schema2Xml =
open XML_Schema
fun xsdType2Xml (ComplexType ct) =
XmlTree.Node (("xsd:complexType",[("name", #name ct)
XmlTree.Node (("xsd:sequence",[]),
map xsdType2Xml (#sequence ct)
| xsdType2Xml (SimpleType st) =
XmlTree.Node (("xsd:element",[("name",#name st),("type",#typ st)]),[])
fun xsdSchema2Xml (schema:xsdSchema) =
XmlTree.Node (("xsd:schema",[("attributeFormDefault",#attributeFormDefault schema),
("elementFormDefault", #elementFormDefault schema),
("targetNamespace", #targetNamespace schema)
map xsdType2Xml (#definitions schema))