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Standard ML

* su4sml GCG - Generic Code Generator
* secureuml_cartridge.sml - A cartridge for Access Control features of SecureUML
* transcribes a su4sml model according to a template tree
* into code specific to a target language cartridge C
* Copyright (C) 2005 Raphael Eidenbenz <>
* This file is part of su4sml-gcg.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* A Cartridge that supports the basic SecureUML concepts:
* Permissions, Roles, and Constraints.
(** the particular secureuml dialect used *)
structure Security:SECUREUML
include BASE_CARTRIDGE where
type Model = Rep.Classifier list * Security.Configuration
val PermissionSet: environment -> Security.Permission list
val curPermission : environment -> Security.Permission option
val curRole : environment -> string option
val curConstraint : environment -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm option
* A Cartridge that supports the basic SecureUML concepts:
* Permissions, Roles, and Constraints.
functor SecureUML_Cartridge(structure SuperCart : BASE_CARTRIDGE;
structure Security = SecureUML(structure Design = D)
type Model = Rep.Classifier list * Security.Configuration
type environment = { model : Model,
PermissionSet : Security.Permission list,
curPermission : Security.Permission option,
curRole : string option,
curConstraint : Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm option,
extension : SuperCart.environment }
fun PermissionSet (env : environment) = (#PermissionSet env)
fun curPermission (env : environment) = (#curPermission env)
fun curRole (env : environment) = (#curRole env)
fun curConstraint (env : environment) = (#curConstraint env)
fun curPermission' (env : environment) = Option.valOf (#curPermission env)
fun curRole' (env : environment) = Option.valOf (#curRole env)
fun curConstraint' (env : environment) = Option.valOf (#curConstraint env)
fun initEnv model = let val m = Security.parse model
{ model = m,
PermissionSet = (#permissions (#2 m)),
curPermission = NONE,
curRole = NONE,
curConstraint = NONE,
extension = SuperCart.initEnv (#1 m) } : environment
(* unpack : environment -> SuperCart.environment *)
fun unpack (env : environment) = #extension env
(* pack : environment -> SuperCart.environment -> environment *)
fun pack (env: environment) (new_env : SuperCart.environment)
= { model = #model env,
PermissionSet = #PermissionSet env,
curPermission = #curPermission env,
curRole = #curRole env,
curConstraint = #curConstraint env,
extension = new_env}
(* Helper functions that get the SuperCartridge's needed environment values *)
fun getModel (env : environment) = #model env
fun curClassifier (env : environment) = SuperCart.curClassifier (unpack env)
fun curAttribute (env : environment) = SuperCart.curAttribute (unpack env)
fun curOperation (env : environment) = SuperCart.curOperation (unpack env)
fun curArgument (env : environment) = SuperCart.curArgument (unpack env)
fun name_of_role r = r
(********** ADDING/MODIFYING VARIABLE SUBSTITUTIONS *************************)
(* lookup environment -> string -> string
* might override some lookup entries of the base cartridge
fun lookup env "permission_name" = #name (curPermission' env)
| lookup env "role_name" = name_of_role (curRole' env)
| lookup env "constraint" = Ocl2String.ocl2string false (curConstraint' env)
| lookup env s = SuperCart.lookup (unpack env) s
(********** ADDING IF-CONDITION TYPE *****************************************)
fun test env "first_permission" = (curPermission' env = hd (PermissionSet env))
| test env "first_role" = (curRole' env = hd (#roles (curPermission' env)))
| test env "first_constraint" = (curConstraint' env = hd (#constraints (curPermission' env)))
| test env "last_permission" = (curPermission' env = List.last (PermissionSet env))
| test env "last_role" = (curRole' env = List.last (#roles (curPermission' env)))
| test env "last_constraint" = (curConstraint' env
= List.last (#constraints (curPermission' env)))
| test env s = SuperCart.test (unpack env) s
(********** ADDING FOREACH TYPE **********************************************)
(* FIXME: in the context of a permission, return the roles of this permission.
* outside of such a context, return all roles. *)
fun foreach_role (env:environment)
= let val roles = case #curPermission env
of SOME p => #roles p
| NONE => Security.all_roles (#2 (#model env))
fun env_from_list_item r ={ model = #model env,
PermissionSet = #PermissionSet env,
curPermission = #curPermission env,
curRole = SOME r ,
curConstraint = NONE,
extension = #extension env } : environment
in env_from_list_item roles
(* FIXME: in the context of a permission, return the constraints of this permission.
* outside of such a context, return all constraints. *)
fun foreach_constraint (env:environment)
= let val cons = case #curPermission env
of SOME p => #constraints p
| NONE => Security.all_constraints (#2 (#model env))
fun env_from_list_item c ={ model = #model env,
PermissionSet = #PermissionSet env,
curPermission = #curPermission env,
curRole = #curRole env ,
curConstraint = SOME c,
extension = #extension env } : environment
in env_from_list_item cons
(* FIXME (when possible): in the context of a role, return the permissions of this role.
* outside of such a context, return all permissions.*)
fun foreach_permission env
= let val perms = PermissionSet env
fun env_from_list_item p ={ model = #model env,
PermissionSet = #PermissionSet env,
curPermission = SOME p,
curRole = NONE ,
curConstraint = NONE ,
extension = #extension env } : environment
in env_from_list_item perms
fun foreach "role_list" env = foreach_role env
| foreach "constraint_list" env = foreach_constraint env
| foreach "permission_list" env = foreach_permission env
| foreach listType env = map (pack env) (SuperCart.foreach listType (unpack env))