
1053 lines
45 KiB
Standard ML

* su4sml - a SecureUML repository for SML
* xmi_parser.sml - an xmi-parser for the import interface for su4sml
* Copyright (C) 2005 Achim D. Brucker <>
* Jürgen Doser <>
* This file is part of su4sml.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
structure XmiParser : sig
val readFile: string -> XMI.XmiContent
(* generic exception if something is wrong *)
exception IllFormed of string
end =
open library
open XmlTree
open XmlTreeHelper
(* some syntax sugar *)
infix 1 |>
infix 2 is
val map_optional =
fun get_optional_or_default x y = Option.getOpt(y,x)
fun bool_value_of string atts =
let val att = value_of string atts
(valOf o Bool.fromString) att
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("boolean attribute \""^string^
"\" has non-boolean value \""^att^
"\" ( = "^(value_of "" atts)^")")
fun int_value_of string atts =
let val att = value_of string atts
(valOf o Int.fromString) att
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("integer attribute \""^string^
"\" has non-integer value \""^att^
"\" ( = "^(value_of "" atts)^")")
val language = value_of "language"
val body = value_of "body"
val xmiid = value_of ""
val name = value_of "name"
fun xmiidref t = t |> attributes |> value_of "xmi.idref"
fun optional_name_or_empty atts = atts |> optional_value_of "name"
|> get_optional_or_default ""
fun unknown_attribute_value atts att s = raise IllFormed ("attribute \""^att^
"\" has unknown value \""^s^
"\" ( = "^(atts |> xmiid)^")")
fun visibility atts =
let val att = optional_value_of "visibility" atts
case att of SOME "public" => XMI.public
| SOME "private" => XMI.private
| SOME "protected" => XMI.protected
| SOME "package" => XMI.package
| NONE => XMI.public
| SOME string => unknown_attribute_value atts "visibility" string
fun target_scope atts =
let val att = optional_value_of "targetScope" atts
case att of SOME "instance" => XMI.InstanceScope
| SOME "classifier" => XMI.ClassifierScope
| NONE => XMI.InstanceScope
| SOME s => unknown_attribute_value atts "targetScope" s
fun owner_scope atts =
let val att = optional_value_of "ownerScope" atts
case att of SOME "instance" => XMI.InstanceScope
| SOME "classifier" => XMI.ClassifierScope
| NONE => XMI.InstanceScope
| SOME s => unknown_attribute_value atts "ownerScope" s
fun ordering atts =
let val att = optional_value_of "ordering" atts
case att of SOME "unordered" => XMI.Unordered
| SOME "ordered" => XMI.Ordered
| NONE => XMI.Unordered
| SOME s => unknown_attribute_value atts "ordering" s
fun aggregation atts =
let val att = optional_value_of "aggregation" atts
case att of SOME "none" => XMI.NoAggregation
| SOME "aggregate" => XMI.Aggregate
| SOME "composite" => XMI.Composite
| NONE => XMI.NoAggregation
| SOME x => unknown_attribute_value atts "aggregation" x
fun changeability atts =
let val att = optional_value_of "changeability" atts in
case att of
SOME "changeable" => XMI.Changeable
| SOME "frozen" => XMI.Frozen
| SOME "addonly" => XMI.AddOnly
| NONE => XMI.Changeable
| SOME x => unknown_attribute_value atts "changeability" x
fun kind atts =
let val att = atts |> optional_value_of "kind"
|> get_optional_or_default "inout"
case att of
"in" => XMI.In
| "out" => XMI.Out
| "inout" => XMI.Inout
| "return" => XMI.Return
| x => unknown_attribute_value atts "kind" x
fun pseudo_state_kind atts =
let val att = value_of "kind" atts
in case att of "initial" => XMI.initial
| "deep" => XMI.deep
| "shallow" => XMI.shallow
| "join" => XMI.join
| "fork" => XMI.fork
| "junction" => XMI.junction
| "choice" => XMI.choice
| x => unknown_attribute_value atts "kind (PseudoStateKind)" x
fun mkRange tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:MultiplicityRange" |> attributes
(int_value_of "lower" atts, int_value_of "upper" atts)
fun mkMultiplicity tree =
assert "UML:Multiplicity" tree
|> get "UML:Multiplicity.range"
|> map mkRange
fun mkAssociationEnd tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:AssociationEnd" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> optional_value_of "name",
isNavigable = atts |> bool_value_of "isNavigable" ,
ordering = atts |> ordering,
aggregation = atts |> aggregation,
targetScope = atts |> target_scope,
multiplicity = tree |> get_optional "UML:AssociationEnd.multiplicity"
|> map_optional mkMultiplicity
|> get_optional_or_default [(0,~1)],
changeability = atts |> changeability,
visibility = atts |> visibility,
participant_id = tree |> get_one "UML:AssociationEnd.participant"
|> xmiidref
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkAssociationEnd: "^msg)*)
(* FIX: this is a hack to handle AssociationClasses like Associations. *)
(* It neglects the participation ot the AssociationClass itself in the *)
(* Association. It only handles the association between the connected *)
(* classes. *)
fun mkAssociationFromAssociationClass tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:AssociationClass" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> optional_value_of "name" ,
connection = tree |> get_many "UML:Association.connection"
|> map mkAssociationEnd
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkAssociation: "^msg)*)
fun mkAssociation tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Association" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> optional_value_of "name",
connection = tree |> get_many "UML:Association.connection"
|> map mkAssociationEnd
(* handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkAssociation: "^msg)*)
(* find the xmi.idref attribute of an element pointed to by name *)
fun xmiidref_to name tree = tree |> get_one name
|> xmiidref
(* find the type of an OCl sub-expression *)
fun expression_type tree = tree |> xmiidref_to "OCL.Expressions.OclExpression.type"
handle _ => "DummyT"
(* hack: return a reference to a dummy*)
(* type if the real type is not found *)
(* this is a hack. This will still throw an exception in xmi2mdr, because the *)
(* expression_type should be the xmiid of oclLib.Boolean, which we do not know *)
val triv_expr = XMI.LiteralExp {symbol = "true",
expression_type = "bool" }
(* FIX: this is only a dummy implementation *)
fun mkCollectionLiteralPart x = (xmiidref x)
fun mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.BooleanLiteralExp",atts),_))
= XMI.LiteralExp
{ symbol = atts |> value_of "booleanSymbol",
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.IntegerLiteralExp",atts),_))
= XMI.LiteralExp
{ symbol = atts |> value_of "integerSymbol",
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.StringLiteralExp",atts),_))
= XMI.LiteralExp
{ symbol = atts |> value_of "stringSymbol",
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.RealLiteralExp",atts),_))
= XMI.LiteralExp
{ symbol = atts |> value_of "realSymbol",
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.CollectionLiteralExp",atts),_))
= XMI.CollectionLiteralExp
{ parts = nil,
(* map mkCollectionLiteralPart (follow "" trees), *)
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.OperationCallExp",atts),_))
= XMI.OperationCallExp
{ source = (tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.PropertyCallExp.source"
|> mkOCLExpression)
(* This hack is necessary to support TYPE::allInstances() as parsed *)
(* by dresden-ocl. *)
handle IllFormed msg =>
{ symbol = "",
expression_type = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.FeatureCallExp.srcType"
|> xmiidref
arguments = tree |> get "OCL.Expressions.OperationCallExp.arguments"
|> map mkOCLExpression,
referredOperation = tree |> xmiidref_to "OCL.Expressions.OperationCallExp.referredOperation",
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.OclOperationWithTypeArgExp",atts),_))
= XMI.OperationWithTypeArgExp
{ source = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.PropertyCallExp.source"
|> mkOCLExpression,
name = atts |> name,
typeArgument = tree |> xmiidref_to "OCL.Expressions.OclOperationWithTypeArgExp.typeArgument",
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.AttributeCallExp",atts),_))
= XMI.AttributeCallExp
{ source = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.PropertyCallExp.source"
|> mkOCLExpression,
referredAttribute = tree |> xmiidref_to
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.AssociationEndCallExp",atts),_))
= XMI.AssociationEndCallExp
{ source = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.PropertyCallExp.source"
|> mkOCLExpression,
referredAssociationEnd = tree |> xmiidref_to
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.AssociationClassCallExp",atts),_))
= raise IllFormed ("AssociationClassCallExp is not yet implemented"^some_id tree)
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.VariableExp",atts),_))
= XMI.VariableExp
{ referredVariable = tree |> xmiidref_to
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.IfExp",atts),_))
= XMI.IfExp
{ condition = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.IfExp.condition"
|> mkOCLExpression,
thenExpression = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.IfExp.thenExpression"
|> mkOCLExpression,
elseExpression = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.IfExp.elseExpression"
|> mkOCLExpression,
expression_type = tree |> expression_type }
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.LetExp",atts),_))
= XMI.LetExp
{ variable = let val vard = tree |> get_one
val atts = vard |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
declaration_type = vard |> xmiidref_to
init = vard |> get_one
|> mkOCLExpression
inExpression = tree |> get_one ""
|> mkOCLExpression,
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.IterateExp",atts),_))
= XMI.IterateExp
{ result = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.IterateExp.result"
|> mkVariableDec,
iterators = tree |> get_many "OCL.Expressions.LoopExp.iterators"
|> map mkVariableDec,
body = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.LoopExp.body"
|> mkOCLExpression,
source = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.PropertyCallExp.source"
|> mkOCLExpression,
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression (tree as Node(("UML15OCL.Expressions.IteratorExp",atts),_))
= XMI.IteratorExp
{ name = atts |> name,
iterators = tree |> get_many "OCL.Expressions.LoopExp.iterators"
|> map mkVariableDec,
body = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.LoopExp.body"
|> mkOCLExpression,
source = tree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.PropertyCallExp.source"
|> mkOCLExpression,
expression_type = tree |> expression_type
| mkOCLExpression tree =
raise IllFormed ("unknown OCLExpression type \""^(tagname tree)^"\""^some_id tree^".")
and mkVariableDec vtree =
let val atts = vtree |> assert "UML15OCL.Expressions.VariableDeclaration"
|> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
init = vtree |> get_optional "OCL.Expressions.VariableDeclaration.initExpression"
|> map_optional mkOCLExpression,
declaration_type = vtree |> get_one "OCL.Expressions.VariableDeclaration.type"
|> xmiidref
(* handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkVariableDec: "^msg)*)
fun getAssociations t = (map mkAssociation (filter "UML:Association" t))@
(map mkAssociationFromAssociationClass
(filter "UML:AssociationClass" t))
(*handle _ => raise IllFormed ("Error in getAssociations") *)
fun filterConstraints trees = List.filter (fn x => (tagname o (get_one "UML:Constraint.body")) x
= "UML15OCL.Expressions.ExpressionInOcl")
(filter "UML:Constraint" trees)
val filterStereotypes = filter "UML:Stereotype"
val filterVariableDecs = filter "UML15OCL.Expressions.VariableDeclaration"
val filterPackages = fn trees => append (filter "UML:Package" trees)
(filter "UML:Model" trees)
val filterStateMachines = filter "UML:StateMachine"
val filterActivityGraphs= filter "UML:ActivityGraph"
val filterEvents = fn x => append (filter "UML:CallEvent" x)
(filter "UML:SignalEvent" x)(* add SignalEvents? *)
(* there may be other kinds of dependencies, but we do not parse them atm *)
val filterDependencies = filter "UML:Abstraction"
val filterTagDefinitions = filter "UML:TagDefinition"
(* FIX: other classifiers *)
fun filterClassifiers trees =
List.filter (fn x => let val elem = tagname x in
elem = "UML:Class" orelse
elem = "UML:Primitive" orelse
elem = "UML:DataType" orelse
elem = "UML:Interface" orelse
elem = "UML:Enumeration" orelse
elem = "UML15OCL.Types.SequenceType" orelse
elem = "UML15OCL.Types.BagType" orelse
elem = "UML15OCL.Types.SetType" orelse
elem = "UML15OCL.Types.CollectionType" orelse
elem = "UML15OCL.Types.VoidType" orelse
elem = "UML:AssociationClass"
end) trees
fun mkDependency tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Abstraction" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
client = tree |> get_one "UML:Dependency.client"
|> xmiidref,
supplier = tree |> get_one "UML:Dependency.supplier"
|> xmiidref,
stereotype = tree |> get_one "UML:ModelElement.stereotype"
|> xmiidref
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkDependency: "^msg) *)
fun mkConstraint tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Constraint" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> optional_value_of "name",
constraint_type = tree |> get_one "UML:ModelElement.stereotype"
|> xmiidref,
body = tree |> get_one "UML:Constraint.body"
|> assert "UML15OCL.Expressions.ExpressionInOcl"
|> get_one "OCL.Expressions.ExpressionInOcl.bodyExpression"
|> mkOCLExpression
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkConstraint: "^msg)*)
fun mkParameter tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Parameter" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
kind = atts |> kind,
type_id = tree |> get_one "UML:Parameter.type"
|> xmiidref
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkParameter: "^msg)*)
fun mkOperation tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Operation" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
visibility = atts |> visibility,
isQuery = atts |> bool_value_of "isQuery",
ownerScope = atts |> owner_scope,
parameter = tree |> get "UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter"
|> map mkParameter,
constraints = tree |> get_maybe "UML:ModelElement.constraint"
|> map xmiidref
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkOperation: "^msg)*)
fun mkTaggedValue tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:TaggedValue" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
dataValue= tree |> find_child "UML:TaggedValue.dataValue"
|> children
|> map text
|> String.concat,
tag_type = tree |> get_one "UML:TaggedValue.type"
|> assert "UML:TagDefinition"
|> xmiidref
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkTaggedValue: "^msg)*)
fun mkAttribute tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Attribute" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
visibility = atts |> visibility,
changeability = atts |> changeability,
ordering = atts |> ordering,
initialValue = tree |> get_optional "UML:Attribute.initialValue"
|> map_optional (get_optional "OCL.Expressions.ExpressionInOcl.bodyExpression")
|> Option.join
|> map_optional mkOCLExpression,
type_id = tree |> get_one "UML:StructuralFeature.type"
|> xmiidref,
multiplicity = tree |> get_optional "UML:StructuralFeature.multiplicity"
|> map_optional mkMultiplicity
|> get_optional_or_default [(1,1)],
targetScope = atts |> target_scope,
ownerScope = atts |> owner_scope,
stereotype = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.stereotype"
|> map xmiidref ,
taggedValue = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.taggedValue"
|> map mkTaggedValue
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkAttribute: "^msg)*)
fun mkTagDefinition tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:TagDefinition" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
multiplicity = tree |> get_one "UML:TagDefinition.multiplicity"
|> mkMultiplicity
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkTagDefinition: "^msg)*)
fun mkStereotypeR tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Stereotype" |> attributes
tree |> xmiidref
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkStereotype: "^msg)*)
fun mkAction tree =
let val atts = tree |> attributes
val expr = tree |> get_one "UML:Action.script"
val expr_atts = expr |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> optional_name_or_empty,
isSpecification = atts |> bool_value_of "isSpecification" ,
isAsynchronous = atts |> bool_value_of "isAsynchronous" ,
language = expr_atts |> language,
body = expr_atts |> body ,
expression = "" (* FIXME: is this even useful? *)}
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkAction: "^msg)*)
(* This works for ArgoUML, i.e. 1.4 metamodels... *)
fun mkProcedure tree =
let val elem = tagname tree
if elem = "UML:CallAction" orelse
elem = "UML:CreateAction" orelse
elem = "UML:DestroyAction" orelse
elem = "UML:ReturnAction" orelse
elem = "UML:SendAction" orelse
elem = "UML:TerminateAction" orelse
elem = "UML:UninterpretedAction"
then mkAction tree
else raise IllFormed ("unknown Action type \""^elem^"\""^(some_id tree)^".")
fun mkGuard tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Guard"
|> attributes
val expr = tree |> get_one "UML:Guard.expression"
val expr_atts = expr |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> optional_name_or_empty,
isSpecification = atts |> bool_value_of "isSpecification",
visibility = atts |> visibility,
language = if expr is "UML15OCL:Expressions.ExpressionInOcl" orelse
expr is "UML:BooleanExpression"
then expr_atts |> language
raise IllFormed ("unknown expression type \""^(tagname expr)^
"\""^some_id expr^"."),
body = if expr is "UML:BooleanExpression" then
SOME (expr_atts |> body)
else NONE,
expression = if expr is "UML15OCL:Expressions.ExpressionInOcl"
then SOME (mkOCLExpression expr)
else NONE}
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkGuard: "^msg)*)
fun mkTransition tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Transition" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
isSpecification = atts |> bool_value_of "isSpecification",
source = tree |> get_one "UML:Transition.source"
|> xmiidref,
target = tree |> get_one ""
|> xmiidref,
guard = tree |> get_optional "UML:Transition.guard"
|> map_optional mkGuard,
trigger = tree |> get_optional "UML:Transition.trigger"
|> map_optional xmiidref,
effect = tree |> get_optional "UML:Transition.effect"
|> map_optional mkProcedure,
taggedValue = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.taggedValue"
|> map mkTaggedValue
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkTransition: "^msg)*)
fun mkState tree =
let val elem = tagname tree
val atts = attributes tree
val xmiid = atts |> xmiid
val name = atts |> optional_name_or_empty
val isSpecification = atts |> bool_value_of "isSpecification"
fun idref tree = tree |> xmiidref
val stereotypes = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.stereotype"
|> map mkStereotypeR
val incoming = tree |> get "UML:StateVertex.incoming"
|> map xmiidref
val outgoing = tree |> get "UML:StateVertex.outgoing"
|> map xmiidref
fun getSubvertex tree = tree |> get_many "UML:CompositeState.subvertex"
|> map mkState
val entry = tree |> get_optional "UML:State.entry"
|> map_optional mkProcedure
val exit = tree |> get_optional "UML:State.exit"
|> map_optional mkProcedure
val do_act = tree |> get_optional "UML:State.doActivity"
|> map_optional mkProcedure
val tagval = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.taggedValue"
|> map mkTaggedValue
fun getType tree = tree |> get_one "UML:ObjectFlowState.type"
|> xmiidref
in case elem of
"UML:CompositeState" =>
{ xmiid=xmiid,name=name,isSpecification=isSpecification,
stereotype = stereotypes,
isConcurrent = atts |> bool_value_of "isConcurrent",
outgoing = outgoing, incoming = incoming,
subvertex = getSubvertex tree,
entry = entry,
exit = exit,
doActivity = do_act,
taggedValue = tagval
|"UML:SubactivityState" =>
{ xmiid=xmiid,name=name,isSpecification=isSpecification,
stereotype = stereotypes,
isConcurrent = atts |> bool_value_of "isConcurrent",
isDynamic = atts |> bool_value_of "isDynamic",
outgoing = outgoing, incoming = incoming,
subvertex = getSubvertex tree,
entry = entry,
exit = exit,
doActivity = do_act,
submachine = mkStateMachine tree,
(* HACK ! So far, no UML tool supports this. *)
(* Parser has to be adapted when we find a first example ... *)
taggedValue = tagval}
|"UML:ActionState" =>
{ xmiid=xmiid,name=name,isSpecification=isSpecification,
stereotype = stereotypes,
outgoing = outgoing, incoming = incoming,
isDynamic = atts |> bool_value_of "isDynamic",
entry = entry,
taggedValue = tagval}
|"UML:Pseudostate" =>
{ xmiid=xmiid,name=name,isSpecification=isSpecification,
stereotype = stereotypes,
kind = atts |> pseudo_state_kind,
outgoing = outgoing,incoming = incoming,
taggedValue = tagval}
|"UML:SimpleState" =>
{ xmiid=xmiid,name=name,isSpecification=isSpecification,
stereotype = stereotypes,
entry = entry,
exit = exit,
doActivity = do_act,
outgoing = outgoing, incoming = incoming,
taggedValue = tagval}
|"UML:ObjectFlowState" =>
{ xmiid=xmiid,name=name,isSpecification=isSpecification,
stereotype = stereotypes,
entry = entry,
exit = exit,
doActivity = do_act,
outgoing = outgoing, incoming = incoming,
isSynch = atts |> bool_value_of "isSynch",
parameter = nil,
type_ = tree |> getType,
taggedValue = tagval}
|"UML:FinalState" =>
{ xmiid=xmiid,name=name,isSpecification=isSpecification,
stereotype = stereotypes,
entry = entry,
exit = exit,
doActivity = do_act,
incoming = incoming,
taggedValue = tagval}
|"UML:SyncState" =>
{ xmiid=xmiid,name=name,isSpecification=isSpecification,
stereotype = stereotypes,
bound = 0,
outgoing = outgoing,incoming = incoming,
taggedValue = tagval}
| s => raise IllFormed ("unknown StateVertex type \""^s^"\""^some_id tree^".")
and mkStateMachine tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:StateMachine" |> attributes
{ isSpecification = atts |> bool_value_of "isSpecification",
xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
contextxmiid = tree |> get_one "UML:StateMachine.context"
|> xmiidref,
top = tree |> get_one ""
|> mkState,
transitions = tree |> get "UML:StateMachine.transitions"
|> map mkTransition
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkStateMachine: "^msg)*)
fun mkActivityGraph tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:ActivityGraph" |> attributes
{ isSpecification = atts |> bool_value_of "isSpecification",
xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
contextxmiid = tree |> get_one "UML:StateMachine.context"
|> xmiidref,
top = tree |> get_one ""
|> mkState,
transitions = tree |> get "UML:StateMachine.transitions"
|> map mkTransition,
partition = nil}
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkActivityGraph: "^msg)*)
fun mkClass atts tree =
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
isActive = atts |> bool_value_of "isActive",
visibility = atts |> visibility,
isLeaf = atts |> bool_value_of "isLeaf",
generalizations = tree |> get "UML:GeneralizableElement.generalization"
|> map xmiidref,
attributes = tree |> get "UML:Classifier.feature"
|> filter "UML:Attribute"
|> map mkAttribute,
operations = tree |> get "UML:Classifier.feature"
|> filter "UML:Operation"
|> map mkOperation,
invariant = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.constraint"
|> map xmiidref,
stereotype = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.stereotype"
|> map xmiidref,
taggedValue = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.taggedValue"
|> map mkTaggedValue,
clientDependency = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.clientDependency"
|> map xmiidref,
supplierDependency = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.supplierDependency"
|> map xmiidref,
classifierInState = tree |> get "UML:Namespace.ownedElement"
|> filter "UML:ClassifierInState"
|> map (xmiid o attributes),
state_machines = tree |> get "UML:Namespace.ownedElement"
|> filter "UML:StateMachine"
|> map mkStateMachine,
activity_graphs = tree |> get "UML:Namespace.ownedElement"
|> filter "UML:ActivityGraph"
|> map mkActivityGraph
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("Error in mkClass "^(name atts)^
": "^msg)*)
fun mkAssociationClass atts tree
= XMI.AssociationClass
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
isActive = atts |> bool_value_of "isActive",
visibility = atts |> visibility,
isLeaf = atts |> bool_value_of "isLeaf",
generalizations = tree |> get "UML:GeneralizableElement.generalization"
|> map xmiidref,
attributes = tree |> get "UML:Classifier.feature"
|> filter "UML:Attribute"
|> map mkAttribute,
operations = tree |> get "UML:Classifier.feature"
|> filter "UML:Operation"
|> map mkOperation,
invariant = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.constraint"
|> map xmiidref,
stereotype = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.stereotype"
|> map xmiidref,
taggedValue = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.taggedValue"
|> map mkTaggedValue,
clientDependency = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.clientDependency"
|> map xmiidref,
supplierDependency = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.supplierDependency"
|> map xmiidref,
connection = tree |> get_many "UML:Association.connection"
|> map mkAssociationEnd
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkAssociationClass: "^msg)*)
fun mkPrimitive atts tree
= XMI.Primitive
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
operations = tree |> get "UML:Classifier.feature"
|> filter "UML:Operation"
|> map mkOperation,
generalizations = tree |> get "UML:GeneralizableElement.generalization"
|> map xmiidref,
invariant = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.constraint"
|> map xmiidref
(* handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkPrimitive: "^msg)*)
fun mkInterface atts tree
= XMI.Interface
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
operations = tree |> get "UML:Classifier.feature"
|> filter "UML:Operation"
|> map mkOperation,
generalizations = tree |> get "UML:GeneralizableElement.generalization"
|> map xmiidref,
invariant = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.constraint"
|> map xmiidref,
clientDependency = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.clientDependency"
|> map xmiidref,
supplierDependency = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.supplierDependency"
|> map xmiidref
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkInterface: "^msg)*)
fun mkEnumerationLiteral tree =
tree |> assert "UML:EnumerationLiteral"
|> attributes |> name
(*handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkOperation: "^msg)*)
fun mkEnumeration atts tree
= XMI.Enumeration
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
operations = tree |> get "UML:Classifier.feature"
|> filter "UML:Operation"
|> map mkOperation,
generalizations = tree |> get "UML:GeneralizableElement.generalization"
|> map xmiidref,
invariant = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.constraint"
|> map xmiidref,
literals = tree |> get "UML:Enumeration.literal"
|> map mkEnumerationLiteral
(* handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkEnumeration: "^msg)*)
fun mkVoid atts tree = XMI.Void { xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name
(* handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkVoid: "^msg)*)
fun mkGenericCollection atts tree =
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
operations = tree |> get "UML:Classifier.feature"
|> filter "UML:Operation"
|> map mkOperation,
generalizations = tree |> get "UML:GeneralizableElement.generalization"
|> map xmiidref,
elementtype = tree |> get_one "OCL.Types.CollectionType.elementType"
|> xmiidref
(* handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkGenericCollection: "^msg) *)
fun mkCollection atts tree = XMI.Collection (mkGenericCollection atts tree)
fun mkSequence atts tree = XMI.Sequence (mkGenericCollection atts tree)
fun mkSet atts tree = XMI.Set (mkGenericCollection atts tree)
fun mkBag atts tree = XMI.Bag (mkGenericCollection atts tree)
fun mkOrderedSet atts tree = XMI.OrderedSet (mkGenericCollection atts tree)
fun mkStereotype tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Stereotype" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
baseClass = (text o hd o text_children)
(find_some "UML:Stereotype.baseClass"
(node_children tree)),
stereotypeConstraint = NONE (* FIXME, not supported by ArgoUML 0.22 *)
(* handle IllFormed msg => raise IllFormed ("in mkStereotype: "^msg)*)
fun mkClassifier tree =
let val elem = tagname tree
val atts = attributes tree
val trees = node_children tree
case elem of "UML:Class" => mkClass atts tree
| "UML:AssociationClass" => mkAssociationClass atts tree
| "UML:Interface" => mkInterface atts tree
| "UML:DataType" => mkPrimitive atts tree
| "UML:Primitive" => mkPrimitive atts tree
| "UML:Enumeration" => mkEnumeration atts tree
| "UML15OCL.Types.VoidType" => mkVoid atts tree
| "UML15OCL.Types.CollectionType" => mkCollection atts tree
| "UML15OCL.Types.SequenceType" => mkSequence atts tree
| "UML15OCL.Types.SetType" => mkSet atts tree
| "UML15OCL.Types.BagType" => mkBag atts tree
| "UML15OCL.Types.OrderedSetType" => mkOrderedSet atts tree
| _ => raise IllFormed ("unknown Classifier type \""^elem^
"\""^some_id tree^".")
fun mkGeneralization tree =
let val atts = tree |> assert "UML:Generalization" |> attributes
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
child_id = tree |> get_one "UML:Generalization.child"
|> xmiidref,
parent_id = tree |> get_one "UML:Generalization.parent"
|> xmiidref
fun mkCallEvent atts tree =
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> optional_name_or_empty,
operation = tree |> get_one "UML:CallEvent.operation"
|> xmiidref,
parameter = tree |> get "UML:Event.parameter"
|> map mkParameter
fun mkSignalEvent atts tree = XMI.SignalEvent { xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> optional_name_or_empty,
parameter = tree |> get "UML:Event.parameter"
|> map mkParameter
(* FIXME: other events ? *)
fun mkEvent tree =
let val elem = tagname tree
val atts = attributes tree
case elem of "UML:CallEvent" => mkCallEvent atts tree
| "UML:SignalEvent" => mkSignalEvent atts tree
| _ => raise IllFormed ("unknown Event type \""^elem^"\""^some_id tree^".")
fun mkPackage tree =
if tree is "UML:Model" orelse tree is "UML:Package"
then let val trees = tree |> get "UML:Namespace.ownedElement"
val atts = attributes tree
val package_name = atts |> name
val _ = info ("parsing package "^package_name)
{ xmiid = atts |> xmiid,
name = atts |> name,
visibility = atts |> visibility,
packages = trees |> filterPackages |> map mkPackage,
classifiers = trees |> filterClassifiers |> map mkClassifier,
associations = trees |> getAssociations,
generalizations = trees |> filter "UML:Generalization"
|> map mkGeneralization,
constraints = trees |> filterConstraints |> map mkConstraint,
stereotypes = trees |> filterStereotypes |> map mkStereotype,
tag_definitions = trees |> filterTagDefinitions
|> map mkTagDefinition,
state_machines = nil,
activity_graphs = trees |> filterActivityGraphs
|> map mkActivityGraph,
dependencies = trees |> filterDependencies
|> map mkDependency,
stereotype = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.stereotype"
|> map xmiidref,
taggedValue = tree |> get "UML:ModelElement.taggedValue"
|> map mkTaggedValue,
events = trees |> filterEvents |> map mkEvent
else raise IllFormed "no UML:Model or UML:Package found"
fun mkXmiContent tree =
let val trees = node_children (assert "XMI.content" tree)
{ packages = trees |> filterPackages |> map mkPackage,
constraints = trees |> filterConstraints |> map mkConstraint ,
classifiers = trees |> filterClassifiers |> map mkClassifier ,
stereotypes = trees |> filterStereotypes |> map mkStereotype ,
variable_declarations = trees |> filterVariableDecs |> map mkVariableDec ,
activity_graphs = trees |> filterActivityGraphs
|> map mkActivityGraph ,
state_machines = trees |> filterStateMachines
|> map mkStateMachine }
val emptyXmiContent = { packages = nil,
constraints = nil,
classifiers = nil,
stereotypes = nil,
variable_declarations = nil,
activity_graphs = nil,
state_machines = nil}
fun findXmiContent tree = valOf (dfs "XMI.content" tree)
handle Option => raise IllFormed "no XMI.content found"
fun readFile f = (mkXmiContent o findXmiContent o XmlTreeParser.readFile) f
handle ex => (error ("Error during parsing of "^f^": \n\t"^General.exnMessage ex);
raise ex)