
504 lines
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Standard ML

* su4sml - a SecureUML repository for SML
* xmi_parser.sml - an xmi-parser for the import interface for su4sml
* Copyright (C) 2005 Achim D. Brucker <>
* Jürgen Doser <>
* This file is part of su4sml.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
structure Xmi_IDTable =
open library
exception IllFormed of string
datatype HashTableEntry = Package of Rep_OclType.Path
| Type of (Rep_OclType.OclType *
(XMI.AssociationEnd list) *
XMI.Classifier *
(XMI.ActivityGraph list))
| Generalization of (string * string)
| Constraint of XMI.Constraint
| Stereotype of string
| Variable of XMI.VariableDeclaration
| Attribute of Rep_OclType.Path
| Operation of Rep_OclType.Path
| AssociationEnd of XMI.AssociationEnd
| State of XMI.StateVertex
| Transition of XMI.Transition
| Dependency of XMI.Dependency
| TagDefinition of string
| ClassifierInState of string
| Event of XMI.Event
fun find_tagdefinition t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of TagDefinition x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected TagDefinition "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_state t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of State x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected State "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_event t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Event x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Event "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_transition t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Transition x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Transition "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_dependency t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Dependency x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Dependency "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_generalization t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Generalization x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Generalization "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_stereotype t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Stereotype x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Stereotype "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_attribute t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Attribute x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Attribute "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_operation t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Operation x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Operation "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_type t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Type x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Type "^xmiid^" in table (find_type)")
fun find_aends t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of (Type (c,xs,_,_)) => xs
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Type "^xmiid^" in table (find_aends)")
fun find_variable_dec t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Variable x => x
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected VariableDeclaration "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_parent t xmiid = #2 (find_generalization t xmiid)
fun find_package t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Package path => path
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Path "^xmiid^" in table")
fun path_of_classifier (Rep_OclType.Classifier x) = x
| path_of_classifier _ = raise IllFormed ("path_of_classifier called on non-Classifier argument")
fun find_constraint t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Constraint c => c
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Constraint "^xmiid^" in table")
fun find_associationend t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of AssociationEnd ae => ae
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected AssociationEnd "^xmiid^" in table")
fun filter_exists t cs =
filter (fn x => Option.isSome (HashTable.find t x)) cs
fun filter_precondition t cs
= filter (fn x => let val constraint = find_constraint t x
val name = #name constraint
val constr_type_ref = #constraint_type constraint
val constr_type_name = find_stereotype t constr_type_ref
constr_type_name = "pre"
end) cs
fun filter_postcondition t cs
= filter (fn x => let val constraint = find_constraint t x
val name = #name constraint
val constr_type_ref = #constraint_type constraint
val constr_type_name = find_stereotype t constr_type_ref
constr_type_name = "post"
end) cs
fun filter_bodyconstraint t cs
= filter (fn x => let val constraint = find_constraint t x
val name = #name constraint
val constr_type_ref = #constraint_type constraint
val constr_type_name = find_stereotype t constr_type_ref
constr_type_name = "body"
end) cs
fun find_classifier t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Type (_,_,c,_) => c
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Classifier "^xmiid^" in table (in find_classifer)")
fun find_classifierInState_classifier t cis_id =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t cis_id)
of ClassifierInState c => find_classifier t c
| Type (_,_,c,_) => c
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected ClassifierInState "
^cis_id^" in table")
fun find_activity_graph_of t xmiid =
(case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid)
of Type (_,_,_,ag) => ag
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Classifier "^xmiid^" in table (in find_activity_graph_of)")
fun find_classifier_type t xmiid
= let val ocltype = case valOf (HashTable.find t xmiid) of (Type (x,xs,_,_)) => x
| _ => raise Option
case ocltype of Rep_OclType.Integer => ocltype
| Rep_OclType.String => ocltype
| Rep_OclType.Real => ocltype
| Rep_OclType.Boolean => ocltype
| Rep_OclType.Classifier x => ocltype
| Rep_OclType.OclVoid => ocltype
| Rep_OclType.OclAny => ocltype
| Rep_OclType.DummyT => ocltype
| Rep_OclType.Collection (Rep_OclType.Classifier [x]) => Rep_OclType.Collection (find_classifier_type t x)
| Rep_OclType.Sequence (Rep_OclType.Classifier [x]) => Rep_OclType.Sequence (find_classifier_type t x)
| Rep_OclType.Set (Rep_OclType.Classifier [x]) => Rep_OclType.Set (find_classifier_type t x)
| Rep_OclType.Bag (Rep_OclType.Classifier [x]) => Rep_OclType.Bag (find_classifier_type t x)
| Rep_OclType.OrderedSet (Rep_OclType.Classifier [x]) => Rep_OclType.OrderedSet (find_classifier_type t x)
| _ => raise IllFormed ("unexpected Classifier-Type "^xmiid^" in table")
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Classifier "^xmiid^" in table (in find_classifier_type)")
fun insert_constraint table (c:XMI.Constraint) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid c, Constraint c)
fun insert_variable_dec table (v:XMI.VariableDeclaration) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid v, Variable v)
fun insert_stereotype table (s:XMI.Stereotype) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid s, Stereotype (#name s))
fun insert_generalization table (g:XMI.Generalization) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid g, Generalization (#child_id g, #parent_id g))
fun insert_attribute table path_prefix (a:XMI.Attribute) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid a, Attribute (path_prefix @ [#name a]))
fun insert_operation table path_prefix (a:XMI.Operation) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid a, Operation (path_prefix @ [#name a]))
fun add_aend table xmiid (aend:Rep.associationend) = () (* FIX *)
fun insert_state table (XMI.CompositeState st) =
( (insert_state table) (#subvertex st);
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid st, State (XMI.CompositeState st)))
| insert_state table (XMI.SubactivityState st) =
( (insert_state table) (#subvertex st);
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid st, State (XMI.SubactivityState st)))
| insert_state table (st:XMI.StateVertex) =
HashTable.insert table (XMI.state_xmiid_of st, State st)
fun insert_event table (e as XMI.CallEvent ev) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid ev, Event e)
| insert_event table (e as XMI.SignalEvent ev) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid ev, Event e)
fun insert_transition table (XMI.mk_Transition trans) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid trans, Transition (XMI.mk_Transition trans))
fun insert_activity_graph table (XMI.mk_ActivityGraph ag) =
let val context = #contextxmiid ag
(case valOf (HashTable.find table context)
of (Type (c,xs,aes,ags)) => HashTable.insert
table (context, Type (c,xs,aes,
XMI.mk_ActivityGraph ag::ags))
| _ => raise Option)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("expected Type "^context^" in table (insert_activity_graph)"); (insert_transition table) (#transitions ag);
insert_state table (#top ag)
fun insert_dependency table dep =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid dep, Dependency dep)
fun insert_tagdefinition table (td:XMI.TagDefinition) =
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid td, TagDefinition (#name td))
fun insert_classifierInState table cls_id cis_id =
HashTable.insert table (cis_id,ClassifierInState cls_id)
fun insert_classifier table package_prefix class =
let val id = XMI.classifier_xmiid_of class
val name = XMI.classifier_name_of class
val path = package_prefix @ [name]
val ocltype = if (package_prefix = ["oclLib"]
orelse package_prefix = ["UML_OCL"])
then if name = "Integer" then Rep_OclType.Integer
else if name = "Boolean" then Rep_OclType.Boolean
else if name = "String" then Rep_OclType.String
else if name = "Real" then Rep_OclType.Real
else if name = "OclVoid" then Rep_OclType.OclVoid
(* this shouldn't be necessary: *)
else if name = "Void" then Rep_OclType.OclVoid
else if name = "OclAny" then Rep_OclType.OclAny
(* now this is really ugly... *)
else if String.isPrefix "Collection(" name then Rep_OclType.Collection (Rep_OclType.Classifier [XMI.classifier_elementtype_of class])
else if String.isPrefix "Sequence(" name then Rep_OclType.Sequence (Rep_OclType.Classifier [XMI.classifier_elementtype_of class])
else if String.isPrefix "Set(" name then Rep_OclType.Set (Rep_OclType.Classifier [XMI.classifier_elementtype_of class])
else if String.isPrefix "Bag(" name then Rep_OclType.Bag (Rep_OclType.Classifier [XMI.classifier_elementtype_of class])
else if String.isPrefix "OrderedSet(" name then Rep_OclType.OrderedSet (Rep_OclType.Classifier [XMI.classifier_elementtype_of class])
else raise IllFormed ("didn't recognize ocltype "^name)
else Rep_OclType.Classifier path
(* This function is called before the associations are handled, *)
(* so we do not have to take care of them now... *)
val aends = nil
val ag = nil
HashTable.insert table (id,Type (ocltype,aends,class,ag));
case class
of XMI.Class c => ( (insert_attribute table path) (#attributes c); (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); (insert_classifierInState table id) (#classifierInState c);
| XMI.Primitive c => ( (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); ())
| XMI.Enumeration c => ( (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); ())
| XMI.Interface c => ( (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); ())
| XMI.Collection c => ( (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); ())
| XMI.Sequence c => ( (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); ())
| XMI.Set c => ( (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); ())
| XMI.Bag c => ( (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); ())
| XMI.OrderedSet c => ( (insert_operation table path) (#operations c); ())
| _ => ()
(* recursively insert mapping of's to model elements into Hashtable *)
fun insert_package table package_prefix (XMI.Package p) =
let val full_name = package_prefix @ [#name p]
in (insert_generalization table) (#generalizations p); (insert_constraint table) (#constraints p); (insert_stereotype table) (#stereotypes p); (insert_classifier table full_name) (#classifiers p); (insert_package table full_name) (#packages p); (insert_activity_graph table) (#activity_graphs p); (insert_dependency table) (#dependencies p); (insert_tagdefinition table) (#tag_definitions p); (insert_event table) (#events p);
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid p,Package full_name)
(* We do not want the name of the model to be part of the package hierarchy, *)
(* therefore we handle the top-level model seperately *)
fun insert_model table (XMI.Package p) =
let val full_name = nil
in (insert_generalization table) (#generalizations p); (insert_constraint table) (#constraints p); (insert_stereotype table) (#stereotypes p); (insert_classifier table full_name) (#classifiers p); (insert_package table full_name) (#packages p); (insert_activity_graph table) (#activity_graphs p); (insert_dependency table) (#dependencies p); (insert_tagdefinition table) (#tag_definitions p); (insert_event table) (#events p);
HashTable.insert table (#xmiid p,Package full_name)
fun initial_state_of table (XMI.mk_ActivityGraph ag) =
valOf (List.find (fn (XMI.PseudoState{kind,...}) => kind = XMI.initial
| _ => false)
(XMI.state_subvertices_of (#top ag)))
fun successor_states_of table (st:XMI.StateVertex) =
map ((find_state table) o XMI.transition_target_of o
(find_transition table))
(XMI.state_outgoing_trans_of st)
(* returns a list of tag-value pairs *)
fun class_taggedvalues_of table (XMI.Class c) =
map (fn x => (find_tagdefinition table (#tag_type x),#dataValue x))
(#taggedValue c)
| class_taggedvalues_of table (XMI.AssociationClass c) =
map (fn x => (find_tagdefinition table (#tag_type x),#dataValue x))
(#taggedValue c)
| class_taggedvalues_of table _ = raise IllFormed "in class_taggedvalues_of: \
\argument doesn't support tagged values"
(* returns the value of the given tag *)
fun class_taggedvalue_of table tag (XMI.Class c) = #2 ((List.find (fn (x,y) => x=tag))
(class_taggedvalues_of table (XMI.Class c)))
| class_taggedvalue_of table tag (XMI.AssociationClass c) = #2 ((List.find (fn (x,y) => x=tag))
(class_taggedvalues_of table (XMI.AssociationClass c)))
| class_taggedvalue_of table tag _ = raise IllFormed "in class_taggedvalues_of: \
\argument doesn't support tagged values"
(* returns a list of tag-value pairs *)
fun attribute_taggedvalues_of table (a:XMI.Attribute) =
map (fn x => (find_tagdefinition table (#tag_type x),#dataValue x))
(#taggedValue a)
(* returns the value of the given tag *)
fun attribute_taggedvalue_of table tag (a:XMI.Attribute) = #2 ((List.find (fn (x,y) => x=tag))
(attribute_taggedvalues_of table a))
(* returns a list of tag-value pairs *)
fun state_taggedvalues_of table st =
map (fn x => (find_tagdefinition table (#tag_type x),#dataValue x))
(XMI.state_taggedValue_of st)
(* returns the value of the given tag *)
fun state_taggedvalue_of table tag st = #2 ((List.find (fn (x,y) => x=tag))
(state_taggedvalues_of table st))
(* returns a list of tag-value pairs *)
fun package_taggedvalues_of table (XMI.Package p) =
map (fn x => (find_tagdefinition table (#tag_type x),#dataValue x))
(#taggedValue p)
(* returns the value of the given tag *)
fun package_taggedvalue_of table tag (XMI.Package p) = #2 ((List.find (fn (x,y) => x=tag))
(package_taggedvalues_of table (XMI.Package p)))
(* check whether a class has the given stereotype *)
fun classifier_has_stereotype t st c =
List.exists (fn x => (find_stereotype t x) = st)
(XMI.classifier_stereotype_of c)
* split an association into association ends, and put the association ends
* ends into the table under the corresponding (i.e., opposite)
* classifier.
* 1. split the association into a list of two (or more) association ends
* 2. pair each association end with the participant_id's of all other
* association ends: when a class is a participant in an association,
* this association end is a feature of all _other_ participants in the
* association
* 3. insert the mapping of class to association end into the
* hashtable
* 4. insert mapping of association end to path into the hashtable
fun transform_assocation t (assoc:XMI.Association) =
let val aends = #connection assoc
fun all_others x xs = List.filter
(fn (y:XMI.AssociationEnd) => y <> x) xs
fun pair_with ae aes =
map (fn (x:XMI.AssociationEnd) => (#participant_id x, ae)) aes
val mappings = List.concat (map (fn x => pair_with x (all_others x aends)) aends)
fun add_aend_to_type (id,ae) =
if not (Option.isSome (HashTable.find t id)) then () else
let val type_of_id = find_classifier_type t id
val cls_of_id = find_classifier t id
val aends_of_id = ae::(find_aends t id)
val ags_of_id = find_activity_graph_of t id
(HashTable.insert t (id,Type (type_of_id,aends_of_id,cls_of_id,ags_of_id));
HashTable.insert t (#xmiid ae, AssociationEnd ae))
in add_aend_to_type mappings
* insert the association from assocation class to the connected classifiers.
* the other direction (from connected classifiers to the association class
* is more difficult (and not implemented) because the association class does
* not specify (syntactically) an association end.
* FIX: multiplicity of association ends should be 1..1, regardless of what
* is specified.
* FIX: also add associationfrom connected classifiers to the association class
* (this would probably mean to "invent" an appropriate association end...)
fun transform_associationclass_as_association t (XMI.AssociationClass assoc) =
let val aends = #connection assoc
fun add_aend_to_type (id,ae) =
if not (Option.isSome (HashTable.find t id)) then () else
let val type_of_id = find_classifier_type t id
val cls_of_id = find_classifier t id
val aends_of_id = ae::(find_aends t id)
val ags_of_id = find_activity_graph_of t id
(HashTable.insert t (id,Type (type_of_id,aends_of_id,cls_of_id,ags_of_id));
HashTable.insert t (#xmiid ae, AssociationEnd ae))
in (fn x => add_aend_to_type (#xmiid assoc, x)) aends
| transform_associationclass_as_association t _ =
library.error ("in transform_associationclass_as_association: "^
"argument is not an association classes")
(* recursively transforms all associations in the package p. *)
fun transform_associations t (XMI.Package p) =
( (transform_associations t) (#packages p); (transform_assocation t) (#associations p); (transform_associationclass_as_association t)
(List.filter (fn (XMI.AssociationClass x) => true
| _ => false)
(#classifiers p)))