
299 lines
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Standard ML

* su4sml - a SecureUML repository for SML
* xmi_parser.sml - an xmi-parser for the import interface for su4sml
* Copyright (C) 2005 Achim D. Brucker <>
* Jürgen Doser <>
* This file is part of su4sml.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
structure Xmi2Rep :
val transformXMI : XMI.XmiContent -> Rep.Classifier list
val readXMI : string -> Rep.Classifier list
(* generic exception if something is wrong *)
exception IllFormed of string
end =
open library
exception IllFormed of string
open Xmi_IDTable
exception NotYetImplemented
val triv_expr = Rep_OclTerm.Literal ("true",Rep_OclType.Boolean)
fun transform_expression t (XMI.LiteralExp {symbol,expression_type}) =
Rep_OclTerm.Literal (symbol,find_classifier_type t expression_type)
| transform_expression t (XMI.IfExp {condition,thenExpression,
elseExpression,expression_type}) =
Rep_OclTerm.If (transform_expression t condition,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of condition),
transform_expression t thenExpression,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of thenExpression),
transform_expression t elseExpression,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of elseExpression),
find_classifier_type t expression_type)
| transform_expression t (XMI.AttributeCallExp {source,referredAttribute,
expression_type}) =
Rep_OclTerm.AttributeCall (transform_expression t source,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of source),
find_attribute t referredAttribute,
find_classifier_type t expression_type)
| transform_expression t (XMI.OperationCallExp {source,arguments,
expression_type}) =
let val arglist = map (transform_expression t) arguments
val argtyplist = map ((find_classifier_type t) o XMI.expression_type_of) arguments
Rep_OclTerm.OperationCall (transform_expression t source,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of source),
find_operation t referredOperation, (arglist, argtyplist),
find_classifier_type t expression_type)
| transform_expression t (XMI.OperationWithTypeArgExp {source,name,
expression_type}) =
Rep_OclTerm.OperationWithType (transform_expression t source,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of source),
find_classifier_type t typeArgument,
find_classifier_type t expression_type)
| transform_expression t (XMI.VariableExp {referredVariable,expression_type})=
let val var_dec = find_variable_dec t referredVariable
Rep_OclTerm.Variable (#name var_dec,find_classifier_type t expression_type)
| transform_expression t (XMI.AssociationEndCallExp {source, referredAssociationEnd, expression_type}) =
Rep_OclTerm.AssociationEndCall (transform_expression t source,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of source),
find_associationend t referredAssociationEnd,
find_classifier_type t expression_type
| transform_expression t (XMI.IteratorExp {name,iterators,body,source,expression_type}) =
Rep_OclTerm.Iterator (name,
map (fn x => (#name x, find_classifier_type t (#declaration_type x))) iterators,
transform_expression t source, find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of source),
transform_expression t body, find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of body),
find_classifier_type t expression_type
| transform_expression t _ = raise NotYetImplemented
fun transform_constraint t ({xmiid,name,body,...}:XMI.Constraint) =
let val n_name = case name of
(SOME s) => if (s = "") then NONE else (SOME(s))
(n_name,transform_expression t body)
handle NotYetImplemented => (print "Warning: in Xmi2Mdr.transform_constraint: Something is not yet implemented.\n";(NONE, triv_expr))
| IllFormed msg => (print ("Warning: in Xmi2Mdr.transform_constraint: Could not parse Constraint: "^msg^"\n");(NONE, triv_expr))
| ParseXMI.IllFormed msg => (print ("Warning: in Xmi2Mdr.transform_constraint: Could not parse Constraint: "^msg^"\n");(NONE, triv_expr))
fun transform_parameter t {xmiid,name,kind,type_id} =
(name, find_classifier_type t type_id)
fun transform_operation t {xmiid,name,isQuery,parameter,visibility,
constraints} =
arguments = map (transform_parameter t)
(filter (fn x => #kind x <> XMI.Return) parameter),
precondition = map ((transform_constraint t) o (find_constraint t))
(filter_precondition t constraints),
postcondition = map ((transform_constraint t) o (find_constraint t))
(filter_postcondition t constraints),
result = find_classifier_type t ((#type_id o hd)(filter (fn x => #kind x = XMI.Return) parameter)),
isQuery = isQuery (* FIX *)
fun transform_attribute t ({xmiid,name,type_id,changeability,visibility,
ordering,multiplicity}) =
let val cls_type = find_classifier_type t type_id
(name,if multiplicity = [(1,1)]
then cls_type
else if ordering = XMI.Ordered then Rep_OclType.Sequence cls_type
else Rep_OclType.Set cls_type)
fun transform_aend t ({xmiid,name,ordering,multiplicity,participant_id,
= {name = valOf name,
aend_type = find_classifier_type t participant_id,
multiplicity = multiplicity,
ordered = if ordering = XMI.Ordered then true else false }
val filter_named_aends = List.filter (fn {name=SOME _,...}:XMI.AssociationEnd => true
| _ => false)
fun transform_classifier t (XMI.Class {xmiid,name,isActive,visibility,isLeaf,
supplierDependency,taggedValue}) =
let val parents = map ((find_classifier_type t) o (find_parent t))
val filtered_parents = filter (fn x => x <> Rep_OclType.OclAny) parents
Rep.Class {name = path_of_classifier (find_classifier_type t xmiid),
parent = case filtered_parents
of [] => NONE
| xs => SOME (path_of_classifier (hd xs)),
attributes = map (transform_attribute t) attributes,
operations = map (transform_operation t) operations,
invariant = map ((transform_constraint t) o
(find_constraint t)) invariant,
associationends = map (transform_aend t)
((filter_named_aends (find_aends t xmiid))),
stereotypes = map (find_stereotype t) stereotype,
interfaces = nil, (* FIX *)
activity_graphs = nil,
thyname = NONE}
| transform_classifier t (XMI.Primitive {xmiid,name,generalizations,
operations,invariant}) =
Rep.Primitive {name = case find_classifier_type t xmiid of Rep_OclType.Classifier x => x
| _ => raise Option,
parent = NONE, (* FIX *)
operations = map (transform_operation t) operations,
associationends = map (transform_aend t)
(filter_named_aends (find_aends t xmiid)),
invariant = map ((transform_constraint t) o
(find_constraint t)) invariant,
stereotypes = nil, (*FIX *)
interfaces = nil, (* FIX *)
thyname = NONE}
| transform_classifier t (XMI.Enumeration {xmiid,name,generalizations,
operations,literals,invariant}) =
Rep.Enumeration {name = case find_classifier_type t xmiid of Rep_OclType.Classifier x => x
| _ => raise Option,
parent = NONE, (* FIX *)
literals = literals,
operations = map (transform_operation t) operations,
invariant = map ((transform_constraint t) o
(find_constraint t)) invariant,
stereotypes = nil, (* FIX *)
interfaces = nil, (* FIX *)
thyname = NONE}
| transform_classifier t (_) = raise IllFormed "Not supported Classifier type found."
(* recursively transform all classes in the package *)
fun transform_package t (XMI.Package p) =
let (* we do not transform the ocl library *)
val filteredPackages =
filter (fn (XMI.Package x) =>
((#name x <> "oclLib") andalso (#name x <> "UML_OCL")))
(#packages p)
(map (transform_classifier t) (#classifiers p))@
(List.concat (map (transform_package t) filteredPackages))
(* split an association into association ends, and put the association ends *)
(* ends into the table under the corresponding (i.e., opposite) *)
(* classifier. *)
(* 1. split the association into a list of two (or more) association ends *)
(* 2. pair each association end with the participant_id's of all other *)
(* association ends: when a class is a participant in an association, *)
(* this association end is a feature of all _other_ participants in the *)
(* association *)
(* 3. insert the mapping of class to association end into the *)
(* hashtable *)
(* 4. insert mapping of association end to path into the hashtable *)
fun transform_assocation t (assoc:XMI.Association) =
let val aends = #connection assoc
fun all_others x xs = List.filter
(fn (y:XMI.AssociationEnd) => y <> x) xs
fun pair_with ae aes =
map (fn (x:XMI.AssociationEnd) => (#participant_id x, ae)) aes
val mappings = List.concat (map (fn x => pair_with x (all_others x aends)) aends)
fun add_aend_to_type (id,ae) =
let val type_of_id = find_classifier_type t id
val cls_of_id = find_classifier t id
val aends_of_id = ae::(find_aends t id)
val ags_of_id = find_activity_graph_of t id
val path_of_id = case type_of_id of Rep_OclType.Classifier x => x
val path_of_ae = path_of_id @ [case #name ae of SOME x => x
| NONE => ""]
(HashTable.insert t (id,Type (type_of_id,aends_of_id,cls_of_id,ags_of_id));
HashTable.insert t (#xmiid ae, AssociationEnd path_of_ae))
in add_aend_to_type mappings
(* recursively transforms all associations in the package p, *)
fun transform_associations t (XMI.Package p) =
(map (transform_associations t) (#packages p); (transform_assocation t) (#associations p))
(* transform a UML model into a list of Rep classes *)
(* 1. traverse package hierarchy and put of all interesting *)
(* model elements into the hashtable *)
(* 2. traverse again to find all associations, transform them into *)
(* association ends and map the correct classes to them *)
(* (We have to handle associations seperately because there is *)
(* no direct link from classes to their association ends in *)
(* the xmi file) *)
(* 3. traverse again, transforming all remaining model elements, *)
(* i.e., classes with their operations, attributes, *)
(* constraints, etc *)
fun transformXMI ({classifiers,constraints,packages,
stereotypes,variable_declarations,state_machines, activity_graphs}) =
let val (xmiid_table: (string,HashTableEntry) HashTable.hash_table) =
HashTable.mkTable (HashString.hashString, (op =)) (101, Option)
(* hack: insert a dummy type into the table *)
val _ = HashTable.insert xmiid_table ("DummyT",Type (Rep_OclType.DummyT,nil,XMI.Primitive{name="DummyT",xmiid="DummyT",operations=[],generalizations=[],invariant=[]},nil))
(* for some reasons, there are model elements outside of the top-level *)
(* model the xmi-file. So we have to handle them here seperately: *)
val _ = map (insert_classifier xmiid_table nil) classifiers
val _ = map (insert_constraint xmiid_table) constraints
val _ = map (insert_stereotype xmiid_table) stereotypes
val _ = map (insert_variable_dec xmiid_table) variable_declarations
(* "hd packages" is supposed to be the first model in the xmi-file *)
val model = hd packages
insert_model xmiid_table model; (* fill table *)
transform_associations xmiid_table model; (* handle associations *)
map Rep.normalize (transform_package xmiid_table model) (* transform classes *)
handle Empty => raise Option
fun readXMI f = (transformXMI o ParseXMI.readFile) f
handle ParseXMI.IllFormed msg => (print ("Warning: in Xmi2Mdr.readXMI: could not parse file "^f^":\n"^msg^"\n");
| Option => (print ("Warning: in Xmi2Mdr.readXMI: could not parse file "^f^"\n");
| IllFormed msg => (print ("Warning: in Xmi2Mdr.readXMI: could not parse file "^f^": "^msg^"\n");