
53 lines
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Standard ML

structure Rep_SecureUML : REP_SECUREUML =
datatype Subject = User of string
| Group of Group
withtype Group = string * Subject list
(* perhaps we find the need for a more elaborate type later *)
type Role = string
type RoleAssignment = (Subject * Role) list
type RoleHierarchy = (Role * Role) list
(* computes the reflexiv and transitive closure of rh starting from *)
(* the given role *)
(* fun inherited_roles rh role = ... *)
(* Resources according to ComponentUML. This will have to be adapted when we *)
(* support something like ControllerUML. *)
datatype Resource = Entity of Rep_OclType.Path
| EntityMethod of Rep_OclType.Path
| EntityAttribute of Rep_OclType.Path
(* | EntityAssociationEnd of Rep.Path ??? *)
(* fun contained_resources e = ... *)
datatype ActionName = Create | Read | Update | Delete | FullAccess | Execute
datatype ProtectedAction = SimpleAction of ActionName * Resource * string list
| CompositeAction of ActionName * Resource * string list
fun subordinated_actions (SimpleAction _) = nil
| subordinated_actions (CompositeAction (Read,Entity c,p)) = nil
(* let val read_attributes = ...
val read_methods = ...
List.concat [read_attributes,read_methods]
end *)
(* | subordinated_actions (CompositeAction (_,_)) = ...*)
type Permission = { name: string,
roles: Role list,
constraints: Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm list,
actions: ProtectedAction list