
29 lines
811 B
Standard ML

(** auxiliary functions on lists of eqtypes.*)
signature LISTEQ =
(** checks whether the list xs includes the value x. *)
val includes: ''a list -> ''a -> bool
(** checks whether the intersection of xs and ys is nonempty. *)
val overlaps: ''a list -> ''a list -> bool
(** checks whether the lists are disjunct, i.e., do not overlap. *)
val disjunct: ''a list -> ''a list -> bool
structure ListEq:LISTEQ =
open List
(** checks whether the list xs includes the value x. *)
fun includes xs x = exists (fn y => y=x) xs
(** checks whether the intersection of xs and ys is nonempty. *)
fun overlaps xs ys = includes (map (includes xs) ys) true
(** checks whether the lists are disjunct, i.e., do not overlap. *)
fun disjunct xs ys = not (overlaps xs ys)