
269 lines
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Standard ML

* su4sml - a SecureUML repository for SML
* xmi_umlcore.sig - XMI-UML-Core datatypes for the import interface for su4sml
* Copyright (C) 2005 Achim D. Brucker <>
* Jürgen Doser <>
* Burkhart Wolff
* This file is part of su4sml.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The types in these structures are supposed to define a representation of
* the XML elements found in UML-XMI files. It is reasonably close to the UML
* metamodel and the XMI representation of it, while simplifying some kinds
* of references.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
structure XMI_CommonBehavior =
structure XMI_StateMachines =
open XMI_ExtensionMechanisms XMI_CommonBehavior
exception IllFormed of string
type StateVertex_Id = string
type Transition_Id = string
type Stereotype_Id = string
datatype Procedure = mk_Procedure of
{xmiid : string,
isSpecification : bool,
name : string,
isAsynchronous : bool,
language : string,
body : string,
expression : string
(* method : Method list, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED *)
(* isList : bool NOT SUPPORTED BY POSEIDON *)}
datatype Guard = mk_Guard of {xmiid : string,
isSpecification : bool,
name : string,
visibility : VisibilityKind,
language : string,
body : string option,
expression : XMI_OCL.OCLExpression option}
datatype Event = SignalEvent of {xmiid : string, parameter: Parameter list}
| CallEvent of { xmiid : string,
name: string,
operation: string, (* xmi.idref *)
parameter: Parameter list
(* | TimeEvent of Parameter list *)
(* | ChangeEvent of Parameter list *)
datatype Transition = mk_Transition of
{isSpecification : bool,
xmiid : string,
source : StateVertex_Id,
target : StateVertex_Id,
guard : Guard option,
trigger : string option, (* xmi.idref to Event *)
effect : Procedure option,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list
(* mmm : StateVertexId option *)
fun transition_source_of (mk_Transition{source,...}) = source
fun transition_target_of (mk_Transition{target,...}) = target
datatype PseudoStateVars = initial | deep | shallow |
join | fork |
junction | choice
datatype StateVertex =
CompositeState of { xmiid : string,
name : string,
stereotype : Stereotype_Id list,
isSpecification : bool,
isConcurrent : bool,
entry : Procedure option,
exit : Procedure option,
doActivity : Procedure option,
outgoing : Transition_Id list,
incoming : Transition_Id list,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list,
subvertex : StateVertex list}
| SubactivityState of { xmiid : string,
name : string,
stereotype : Stereotype_Id list,
isSpecification : bool,
isConcurrent : bool,
entry : Procedure option,
exit : Procedure option,
doActivity : Procedure option,
outgoing : Transition_Id list,
incoming : Transition_Id list,
subvertex : StateVertex list,
submachine : StateMachine,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list,
isDynamic : bool}
| SimpleState of {xmiid : string,
name : string,
stereotype : Stereotype_Id list,
isSpecification : bool,
entry : Procedure option,
exit : Procedure option,
doActivity : Procedure option,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list,
outgoing : Transition_Id list,
incoming : Transition_Id list}
| ActionState of { xmiid : string,
name : string,
stereotype : Stereotype_Id list,
isSpecification : bool,
entry : Procedure option,
outgoing : Transition_Id list,
incoming : Transition_Id list,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list,
isDynamic : bool
(* + dynamicArguments + dynamicMultiplicity *)}
| ObjectFlowState of { xmiid : string,
name : string,
stereotype : Stereotype_Id list,
isSpecification : bool,
entry : Procedure option,
exit : Procedure option,
doActivity : Procedure option,
outgoing : Transition_Id list,
incoming : Transition_Id list,
isSynch : bool,
parameter : Parameter list,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list,
type_ : string}
| FinalState of { xmiid : string,
name : string,
stereotype : Stereotype_Id list,
isSpecification : bool,
entry : Procedure option,
exit : Procedure option,
doActivity : Procedure option,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list,
incoming : Transition_Id list }
| PseudoState of { xmiid : string,
name : string,
stereotype : Stereotype_Id list,
isSpecification : bool,
kind : PseudoStateVars,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list,
outgoing : Transition_Id list,
incoming : Transition_Id list }
| SyncState of { xmiid : string,
name : string,
stereotype : Stereotype_Id list,
isSpecification : bool,
outgoing : Transition_Id list,
incoming : Transition_Id list,
taggedValue : TaggedValue list,
bound : int}
(* | StubState *)
and StateMachine = mk_StateMachine of
{xmiid : string,
contextxmiid : string,
isSpecification : bool,
top : StateVertex,
transitions : Transition list}
fun state_type_of (ObjectFlowState{type_,...}) = type_
| state_type_of _ = raise IllFormed "state_type_of called on a non-ObjectFlow state"
fun state_entry_of (CompositeState{entry,...}) = entry
| state_entry_of (SubactivityState{entry,...}) = entry
| state_entry_of (SimpleState{entry,...}) = entry
| state_entry_of (ActionState{entry,...}) = entry
| state_entry_of (ObjectFlowState{entry,...}) = entry
| state_entry_of (FinalState{entry,...}) = entry
| state_entry_of _ = raise IllFormed "state_entry_of called on a state that does not have entry actions"
fun state_xmiid_of (CompositeState{xmiid,...}) = xmiid
| state_xmiid_of (SubactivityState{xmiid,...}) = xmiid
| state_xmiid_of (SimpleState{xmiid,...}) = xmiid
| state_xmiid_of (ActionState{xmiid,...}) = xmiid
| state_xmiid_of (ObjectFlowState{xmiid,...}) = xmiid
| state_xmiid_of (FinalState{xmiid,...}) = xmiid
| state_xmiid_of (PseudoState{xmiid,...}) = xmiid
| state_xmiid_of (SyncState{xmiid,...}) = xmiid
fun state_name_of (CompositeState{name,...}) = name
| state_name_of (SubactivityState{name,...}) = name
| state_name_of (SimpleState{name,...}) = name
| state_name_of (ActionState{name,...}) = name
| state_name_of (ObjectFlowState{name,...}) = name
| state_name_of (FinalState{name,...}) = name
| state_name_of (PseudoState{name,...}) = name
| state_name_of (SyncState{name,...}) = name
fun state_subvertices_of (CompositeState{subvertex,...}) = subvertex
| state_subvertices_of (SubactivityState{subvertex,...}) = subvertex
| state_subvertices_of _ = raise IllFormed "state_subvertices_of called on a non-composite state"
fun state_outgoing_trans_of (CompositeState{outgoing,...}) = outgoing
| state_outgoing_trans_of (SubactivityState{outgoing,...}) = outgoing
| state_outgoing_trans_of (SimpleState{outgoing,...}) = outgoing
| state_outgoing_trans_of (ActionState{outgoing,...}) = outgoing
| state_outgoing_trans_of (ObjectFlowState{outgoing,...}) = outgoing
| state_outgoing_trans_of (PseudoState{outgoing,...}) = outgoing
| state_outgoing_trans_of (SyncState{outgoing,...}) = outgoing
| state_outgoing_trans_of (FinalState _) = library.error "state_outgoing_trans_of called on a final state"
fun state_incoming_trans_of (CompositeState{incoming,...}) = incoming
| state_incoming_trans_of (SubactivityState{incoming,...}) = incoming
| state_incoming_trans_of (SimpleState{incoming,...}) = incoming
| state_incoming_trans_of (ActionState{incoming,...}) = incoming
| state_incoming_trans_of (ObjectFlowState{incoming,...}) = incoming
| state_incoming_trans_of (FinalState{incoming,...}) = incoming
| state_incoming_trans_of (PseudoState{incoming,...}) = incoming
| state_incoming_trans_of (SyncState{incoming,...}) = incoming
fun state_stereotype_of (CompositeState{stereotype,...}) = stereotype
| state_stereotype_of (SubactivityState{stereotype,...}) = stereotype
| state_stereotype_of (SimpleState{stereotype,...}) = stereotype
| state_stereotype_of (ActionState{stereotype,...}) = stereotype
| state_stereotype_of (ObjectFlowState{stereotype,...}) = stereotype
| state_stereotype_of (FinalState{stereotype,...}) = stereotype
| state_stereotype_of (PseudoState{stereotype,...}) = stereotype
| state_stereotype_of (SyncState{stereotype,...}) = stereotype
fun state_taggedValue_of (CompositeState{taggedValue,...}) = taggedValue
| state_taggedValue_of (SubactivityState{taggedValue,...}) = taggedValue
| state_taggedValue_of (SimpleState{taggedValue,...}) = taggedValue
| state_taggedValue_of (ActionState{taggedValue,...}) = taggedValue
| state_taggedValue_of (ObjectFlowState{taggedValue,...}) = taggedValue
| state_taggedValue_of (FinalState{taggedValue,...}) = taggedValue
| state_taggedValue_of (PseudoState{taggedValue,...}) = taggedValue
| state_taggedValue_of (SyncState{taggedValue,...}) = taggedValue
fun state_is_fork (PseudoState{kind=fork,...}) = true
| state_is_fork _ = false
fun state_is_join (PseudoState{kind=join,...}) = true
| state_is_join _ = false