Converted \inlinebash{...}.

This commit is contained in:
Achim D. Brucker 2021-02-02 12:20:03 +00:00
parent b81eef7bd2
commit 2d3e521296
1 changed files with 11 additions and 185 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ subsubsection*[isadof::technical]\<open>Installing \<^isadof>\<close>
In the following, we assume that you already downloaded the \<^isadof> distribution
(\href{\isadofarchiveurl}{\isadofarchiven}) from the \<^isadof> web site. The main steps for
installing are extracting the \<^isadof> distribution and calling its \inlinebash|install| script.
installing are extracting the \<^isadof> distribution and calling its \<^boxed_bash>\<open>install\<close> script.
We start by extracting the \<^isadof> archive:
@{boxed_bash [display]\<open>ë\prompt{}ë tar xf ë\href{\isadofarchiveurl}{\isadofarchiven}ë\<close>}
This will create a directory \texttt{\isadofdirn} containing \<^isadof> distribution.
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ Isabelle/DOF Installer
/usr/local/Isabelleë\isabelleversion/bin/isabelleë build -D . \<close>}
After the successful installation, you can now explore the examples (in the sub-directory
\inlinebash|examples| or create your own project. On the first start, the session
\inlinebash|Isabelle_DOF| will be built automatically. If you want to pre-build this
\<^boxed_bash>\<open>examples\<close> or create your own project. On the first start, the session
\<^boxed_bash>\<open>Isabelle_DOF\<close> will be built automatically. If you want to pre-build this
session and all example documents, execute:
@{boxed_bash [display]\<open>ë\prompt{\isadofdirn}ë isabelle build -D . \<close>}
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ session and all example documents, execute:
subsection*[first_project::technical]\<open>Creating an \<^isadof> Project\<close>
\<^isadof> provides its own variant of Isabelle's
\inlinebash|mkroot| tool, called \inlinebash|mkroot_DOF|:\index{mkroot\_DOF}
\<^boxed_bash>\<open>mkroot\<close> tool, called \<^boxed_bash>\<open>mkroot_DOF\<close>:\index{mkroot\_DOF}
@{boxed_bash [display]\<open>ë\prompt{}ë isabelle mkroot_DOF -h
@ -182,14 +182,14 @@ Usage: isabelle mkroot_DOF [OPTIONS] [DIR]
\<^item> which ontologies (\<^eg>, scholarly\_paper) are required and
\<^item> which document template (layout)\index{document template} should be used
(\<^eg>, scrartcl\index{scrartcl}). Some templates (\<^eg>, lncs) require that the users manually
obtains and adds the necessary \<^LaTeX> class file (\<^eg>, \inlinebash|llncs.cls|.
obtains and adds the necessary \<^LaTeX> class file (\<^eg>, \<^boxed_bash>\<open>llncs.cls\<close>.
This is due to licensing restrictions).
If you are happy with the defaults, \ie, using the ontology for writing academic papers
(scholarly\_paper) using a report layout based on the article class (\inlineltx|scrartcl|) of
the KOMA-Script bundle~@{cite "kohm:koma-script:2019"}, you can create your first project
\inlinebash|myproject| as follows:
\<^boxed_bash>\<open>myproject\<close> as follows:
@{boxed_bash [display]\<open>ë\prompt{}ë isabelle mkroot_DOF myproject
@ -200,13 +200,13 @@ Preparing session "myproject" iëën "myproject"
Now use the following coëëmmand line to build the session:
isabelle build -D myproject \<close>}
This creates a directory \inlinebash|myproject| containing the \<^isadof>-setup for your
This creates a directory \<^boxed_bash>\<open>myproject\<close> containing the \<^isadof>-setup for your
new document. To check the document formally, including the generation of the document in PDF,
you only need to execute
@{boxed_bash [display]\<open>ë\prompt{}ë isabelle build -d . myproject \<close>}
This will create the directory \inlinebash|myproject|:
This will create the directory \<^boxed_bash>\<open>myproject\<close>:
@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ This will create the directory \inlinebash|myproject|:
The \<^isadof> configuration (\inlinebash|isadof.cfg|) specifies the required
The \<^isadof> configuration (\<^boxed_bash>\<open>isadof.cfg\<close>) specifies the required
ontologies and the document template using a YAML syntax.\<^footnote>\<open>Isabelle power users will recognize that
\<^isadof>'s document setup does not make use of a file \inlinebash|root.tex|: this file is
\<^isadof>'s document setup does not make use of a file \<^boxed_bash>\<open>root.tex\<close>: this file is
replaced by built-in document templates.\<close> The main two configuration files for
users are:
\<^item> The file \<^boxed_bash>\<open>ROOT\<close>\<^index>\<open>ROOT\<close>, which defines the Isabelle session. New theory files as well as new
@ -453,42 +453,6 @@ figure*[fig02::figure,spawn_columns=False,relative_width="95",src="''figures/def
text\<open>The corresponding output of this snippet in the integrated source is shown in\<^figure>\<open>fig02\<close>. \<close>
subsection*[scholar_pide::example]\<open>More Freeform Elements, and Resulting Navigation\<close>
\<open> Ouroboros I: This paper from inside \ldots \<close>
@{docitem \<open>fig1\<close>} shows the corresponding view in the Isabelle/jedit of the start of an academic
paper. The text uses \<^isadof>'s own text-commands containing the meta-information provided by the
underlying ontology. We proceed by a definition of \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>introduction\<close>'s, which we define
as the extension of \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>text_section\<close> which is intended to capture common infrastructure:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>
doc_class introduction = text_section +
comment :: string
As a consequence of the definition as extension, the \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>introduction\<close> class
inherits the attributes \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>main_author\<close> and \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>todo_list\<close>
together with the corresponding default values.
We proceed more or less conventionally by the subsequent sections:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>
doc_class technical = text_section +
definition_list :: "string list" <= "[]"
doc_class example = text_section +
comment :: string
doc_class conclusion = text_section +
main_author :: "author option" <= None
doc_class related_work = conclusion +
main_author :: "author option" <= None
text\<open> In the following, we present some other text-elements provided by the Common Ontology Library
in @{theory "Isabelle_DOF.Isa_COL"}. It provides a document class for figures:
@ -559,12 +523,8 @@ text\<open>
meta-information. Clicking on a document class identifier permits to hyperlink into the
corresponding class definition (\autoref{fig:Dogfood-IV-jumpInDocCLass}); hovering over an
attribute-definition (which is qualified in order to disambiguate;
% TODO for Burkhart Wolff.
% The last phrase should be completed to make it clearer:
% In this part "hovering over order to disambiguate", something is missing.
\autoref{fig:Dogfood-V-attribute}) shows its type.
(* Bu : This autoref stuff could be avoided if we would finally have monitors over figures... *)
\<open> Exploring an attribute (hyperlinked to the class). \<close>
@ -716,124 +676,6 @@ safety-related condition; however, this happens in a context where general \<^em
are listed. \<^isadof>'s checks establish that this is legal in the given ontology.
section*[math_exam::example]\<open>Writing Exams (math\_exam)\<close>
subsection\<open>The Math Exam Example\<close>
The ontology ``math\_exam''\index{ontology!math\_exam} is an experimental ontology modeling
the process of writing exams at higher education institution in the United Kingdom, where exams
undergo both an internal and external review process. The \<^isadof> distribution contains a tiny
example using the ontology ``math\_exam'' in the directory
\nolinkurl{examples/math_exam/MathExam/}. You can inspect/edit the example
in Isabelle's IDE, by either
\<^item> starting Isabelle/jedit using your graphical user interface (\<^eg>, by clicking on the
Isabelle-Icon provided by the Isabelle installation) and loading the file
\<^item> starting Isabelle/jedit from the command line by calling:
@{boxed_bash [display]\<open>ë\prompt{\isadofdirn}ë
isabelle jedit examples/math_exam/MathExam/MathExam.thy \<close>}
You can build the PDF-document by calling:
@{boxed_bash [display]\<open>ë\prompt{}ë isabelle build MathExam\<close>}
subsection\<open>Modeling Exams\<close>
The math-exam scenario is an application with mixed formal and semi-formal content. It addresses
applications where the author of the exam is not present during the exam and the preparation
requires a very rigorous process.
We assume that the content has four different types of addressees, which have a different
\<^emph>\<open>view\<close> on the integrated document:
\<^item> the \<^emph>\<open>setter\<close>, \ie, the author of the exam,
\<^item> the \<^emph>\<open>checker\<close>, \ie, an internal person that checks
the exam for feasibility and non-ambiguity,
\<^item> the \<^emph>\<open>external\<close>, \ie, an external person that checks
the exam for feasibility and non-ambiguity, and
\<^item> the \<^emph>\<open>student\<close>, \ie, the addressee of the exam.
The latter quality assurance mechanism is used in many universities,
where for organizational reasons the execution of an exam takes place in facilities
where the author of the exam is not expected to be physically present.
Furthermore, we assume a simple grade system (thus, some calculation is required). We
can model this as follows:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>
doc_class Author = ...
datatype Subject = algebra | geometry | statistical
datatype Grade = A1 | A2 | A3
doc_class Header = examTitle :: string
examSubject :: Subject
date :: string
timeAllowed :: int -- minutes
datatype ContentClass = setter
| checker
| external_examiner
| student
doc_class Exam_item = concerns :: "ContentClass set"
doc_class Exam_item = concerns :: "ContentClass set"
type_synonym SubQuestion = string
The heart of this ontology is an alternation of questions and answers, where the answers can
consist of simple yes-no answers or lists of formulas. Since we do not assume familiarity of
the students with Isabelle (\<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>term\<close> would assume that this is a parse-able and
type-checkable entity), we basically model a derivation as a sequence of strings:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>
doc_class Answer_Formal_Step = Exam_item +
justification :: string
"term" :: "string"
doc_class Answer_YesNo = Exam_item +
step_label :: string
yes_no :: bool -- \<open>for checkboxes\<close>
datatype Question_Type =
formal | informal | mixed
doc_class Task = Exam_item +
level :: Level
type :: Question_Type
subitems :: "(SubQuestion *
(Answer_Formal_Step list + Answer_YesNo) list) list"
concerns :: "ContentClass set" <= "UNIV"
mark :: int
doc_class Exercise = Exam_item +
type :: Question_Type
content :: "(Task) list"
concerns :: "ContentClass set" <= "UNIV"
mark :: int
In many institutions, having a rigorous process of validation for exam subjects makes sense: is
the initial question correct? Is a proof in the sense of the question possible? We model the
possibility that the @{term examiner} validates a question by a sample proof validated by Isabelle:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>
doc_class Validation =
tests :: "term list" <="[]"
proofs :: "thm list" <="[]"
doc_class Solution = Exam_item +
content :: "Exercise list"
valids :: "Validation list"
concerns :: "ContentClass set" <= "{setter,checker,external_examiner}"
doc_class MathExam=
content :: "(Header + Author + Exercise) list"
global_grade :: Grade
where "\<lbrace>Author\<rbrace>$^+$ ~~ Header ~~ \<lbrace>Exercise ~~ Solution\<rbrace>$^+$ "
In our scenario this sample proofs are completely \<^emph>\<open>intern\<close>, \ie, not exposed to the
students but just additional material for the internal review process of the exam.
section*[tech_onto::example]\<open>Writing Technical Reports in \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>technical_report\<close>\<close>
text\<open>While it is perfectly possible to write documents in the
@ -882,22 +724,6 @@ So its value is that readers can just reuse some of these snippets and adapt the
@{boxed_theory_text [display] \<open>
text\<open>Finally, a number of commonly used "squigglish" combinators is listed:
\<^item> @{ML "op ! : 'a Unsynchronized.ref->'a"}, access operation on a program variable
\<^item> @{ML "op := : ('a Unsynchronized.ref * 'a)->unit"}, update operation on a program variable
\<^item> @{ML "op #> : ('a->'b) * ('b->'c)->'a->'c"}, a reversed function composition
\<^item> @{ML "op o : (('b->'c) * ('a->'b))->'a->'c"}, function composition
\<^item> @{ML "op || : ('a->'b) * ('a->'b) -> 'a -> 'b"}, parse alternative
\<^item> @{ML "op -- : ('a->'b*'c) * ('c->'d*'e)->'a->('b*'d)*'e"}, parse pair
\<^item> @{ML "op ? : bool * ('a->'a)->'a->'a"}, if then else
\<^item> @{ML "I : 'a -> 'a"}, the I combinator
\<^item> @{ML "K : 'a -> 'b -> 'a"}, the K combinator \<close>
figure*[strict_SS::figure, relative_width="95", src="''figures/MyCommentedIsabelle.png''"]
\<open>A table with a number of SML functions, together with their type.\<close>