More content in 4, better tree printing.

This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2021-01-01 21:23:21 +01:00
parent 950a86aa5a
commit 396ef1d477
2 changed files with 58 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ text\<open>
setup\<open> DOF_lib.define_macro \<^binding>\<open>vs\<close> "\\vspace{" "}" (check_latex_measure) \<close>
where \<^ML>\<open>check_latex_measure\<close> is a hand-programmed function that checks
of the input syntax.
the input for syntactical and static semantic constraints.
@ -502,14 +502,68 @@ which are not "ontology-aware" but function similar otherwise.\<close>
subsection*["text-elements"::technical]\<open>The Ontology \<^theory>\<open>Isabelle_DOF.scholarly_paper\<close>\<close>
ML\<open>writeln (DOF_core.print_doc_class_tree @{context} (fn (n,l) => String.isPrefix "scholarly_paper" l) I)\<close>
ML\<open>val toLaTeX = String.translate (fn c => if c = #"_" then "\\_" else String.implode[c])\<close>
ML\<open>writeln (DOF_core.print_doc_class_tree
@{context} (fn (n,l) => String.isPrefix "scholarly_paper" l
orelse String.isPrefix "Isa_COL" l)
text\<open>The \<^verbatim>\<open>scholarly_paper\<close> ontology extends \<^verbatim>\<open>COL\<close> by the following concepts:
.0 .
.1 scholarly\_paper.title.
.1 scholarly\_paper.subtitle.
.1 scholarly\{An Author Entity Declaration}.
.1 scholarly\_paper.abstract.
.1 Isa\_COL.text\_element.
.2 scholarly\_paper.text\_section{A Subclass for Major Paper Text-Elements}.
.3 scholarly\_paper.introduction{...}.
.3 scholarly\_paper.conclusion{...}.
.4 scholarly\_paper.related\_work{...}.
.3 scholarly\_paper.bibliography{...}.
.3 scholarly\_paper.annex{...}.
.3 scholarly\_paper.example{...}.
.3 scholarly\_paper.technical{Freeform Class for Technical Content}.
.4 ...
.4 scholarly\_paper.math\_content{...}.
.5 scholarly\_paper.definition{Freeform Definition}.
.5 scholarly\_paper.lemma{Freeform Lemma}.
.5 scholarly\_paper.theorem{...}.
.5 scholarly\_paper.corollary{...}.
.5 scholarly\_paper.math\_example{...}.
.5 scholarly\_paper.math\_semiformal{...}.
.4 scholarly\\_example{...}.
.4 scholarly\_paper.math\_motivation{...}.
.4 scholarly\_paper.math\_explanation{...}.
.4 scholarly\\_content{...}.
.5 scholarly\{...}.
.5 scholarly\_paper.evaluation{...}.
.5 scholarly\_paper.experiment{...}.
.1 ...
.1 scholarly\_paper.article{The Paper Monitor}.
.1 \ldots.
text\<open>They were alltogether also supported
While the default user interface for class definitions via the
\<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>text*\<open> ... \<close>\<close>-command allow to access all features of the document
class, \<^isadof> provides short-hands for certain, widely-used, concepts such as
\<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>title*\<open> ... \<close>\<close> or \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>section*\<open> ... \<close>\<close>, \<^eg>:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>
subtitle*[subtitle::subtitle]\<open>User and Implementation Manual\<close>

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@ -679,12 +679,12 @@ fun print_doc_class_tree ctxt P T =
fun is_class_son X (n, dc:docclass_struct) = (X = #inherits_from dc)
fun tree lev ([]:(string * docclass_struct)list) = ""
|tree lev ((n,R)::S) = (if P(lev,n)
then "."^Int.toString lev^" "^(T n)^"\n"
then "."^Int.toString lev^" "^(T n)^"{...}.\n"
^ (tree(lev + 1)(filter(is_class_son(SOME([],n)))class_tab))
else "."^Int.toString lev^" ... \n")
^ (tree lev S)
val roots = filter(is_class_son NONE) class_tab
in tree 0 roots end
in ".0 .\n" ^ tree 1 roots end