(*<*) (************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) * 2019-2023 The University of Exeter * 2018-2023 The University of Paris-Saclay * 2018 The University of Sheffield * * License: * This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms * of the 2-clause BSD-style license. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause *************************************************************************) theory "Isabelle_DOF_Unit_Tests_document" imports "Isabelle_DOF.technical_report" (* "Isabelle_DOF-Ontologies.CENELEC_50128" where do we use this - bu *) begin use_template "scrreprt-modern" use_ontology "technical_report" (* and "Isabelle_DOF-Ontologies.CENELEC_50128" *) (*>*) title*[title::title] \The Isabelle/DOF Implementation\ subtitle*[subtitle::subtitle]\The Unit-Test Suite\ (*<*) end (*>*)