section \ Derived Units\ theory SI_Derived imports SI_Prefix begin subsection \ Definitions \ abbreviation "newton \ kilogram \<^bold>\ meter \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "pascal \ kilogram \<^bold>\ meter\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "volt \ kilogram \<^bold>\ meter\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ ampere\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "farad \ kilogram\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ meter\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ ampere\<^sup>\" abbreviation "ohm \ kilogram \<^bold>\ meter\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ ampere\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "siemens \ kilogram\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ meter\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ ampere\<^sup>\" abbreviation "weber \ kilogram \<^bold>\ meter\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ ampere\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "tesla \ kilogram \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ ampere\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "henry \ kilogram \<^bold>\ meter\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ ampere\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "lux \ candela \<^bold>\ steradian \<^bold>\ meter\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation (input) "becquerel \ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "gray \ meter\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "sievert \ meter\<^sup>\ \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" abbreviation "katal \ mole \<^bold>\ second\<^sup>-\<^sup>\" definition degrees_celcius :: "'a::field_char_0 \ 'a[\]" ("_\C" [999] 999) where [si_eq]: "degrees_celcius x = (x \ kelvin) + approx_ice_point" definition [si_eq]: "gram = milli \ kilogram" text\The full beauty of the approach is perhaps revealed here, with the type of a classical three-dimensional gravitation field:\ type_synonym gravitation_field = "real\<^sup>3[L] \ (real\<^sup>3[L \ T\<^sup>-\<^sup>2])" subsection \ Equivalences \ lemma joule_alt_def: "joule \\<^sub>Q newton \<^bold>\ meter" by si_calc lemma watt_alt_def: "watt \\<^sub>Q joule \<^bold>/ second" by si_calc lemma volt_alt_def: "volt = watt \<^bold>/ ampere" by simp lemma farad_alt_def: "farad \\<^sub>Q coulomb \<^bold>/ volt" by si_calc lemma ohm_alt_def: "ohm \\<^sub>Q volt \<^bold>/ ampere" by si_calc lemma siemens_alt_def: "siemens \\<^sub>Q ampere \<^bold>/ volt" by si_calc lemma weber_alt_def: "weber \\<^sub>Q volt \<^bold>\ second" by si_calc lemma tesla_alt_def: "tesla \\<^sub>Q weber \<^bold>/ meter\<^sup>\" by si_calc lemma henry_alt_def: "henry \\<^sub>Q weber \<^bold>/ ampere" by si_calc lemma lux_alt_def: "lux = lumen \<^bold>/ meter\<^sup>\" by simp lemma gray_alt_def: "gray \\<^sub>Q joule \<^bold>/ kilogram" by si_calc lemma sievert_alt_def: "sievert \\<^sub>Q joule \<^bold>/ kilogram" by si_calc subsection \ Properties \ lemma kilogram: "kilo \ gram = kilogram" by (si_simp) lemma celcius_to_kelvin: "T\C = (T \ kelvin) + (273.15 \ kelvin)" by (si_simp) end