theory MathExam imports "../../ontologies/mathex_onto" begin open_monitor*[exam::MathExam] text*[idir::Author, affiliation="''CentraleSupelec''", email="''''"] {*Idir AIT SADOUNE*} text*[header::Header,examSubject= "algebra", examTitle="''Exam number 1''"] {* Please follow directions carefully and show all your work.*} section*[exo1 :: Exercise, Exercise.content="[q1::Question,q2,q3]", mark="15::int"]{* Exercise 1.*} text*[q1::Question, level="twoStars", Question.mark="5::int"] {* Give an example of each of the following : \begin{itemize} \item - a rational number which is not integer. \item - a real number which is not rational. \end{itemize} *} text*[q2::Question, level="oneStar", Question.mark="5::int"] {* Write in interval notation : @{term "-3 < x"} and @{term "x < 5"} *} text*[q3::Question, level="oneStar", Question.mark="5::int"] {* True or false : @{term "0/8 = 0"} *} close_monitor*[exam] end