theory Mapped_PILIB_Ontology imports "Isabelle_DOF.Isa_DOF" begin define_shortcut* hol \ \HOL\ isabelle \ \Isabelle/HOL\ dof \ \Isabelle/DOF\ LaTeX \ \LaTeX\ html \ \HTML\ csp \ \CSP\ \\obsolete\ holcsp \ \HOL-CSP\ \\obsolete\ term\fold (+) S 0\ definition sum where "sum S = (fold (+) S 0)" datatype Hardware_Type = Motherboard | Expansion_Card | Storage_Device | Fixed_Media | Removable_Media | Input_Device | Output_Device text\ \<^dof> framework does not assume that all documents reference the same ontology. Each document may build its local ontology without any external reference. It may also build it based upon one or several reference ontologies (i.e., standard ones). The relationship between the local ontology and the reference one is formalised using a morphism function. More precisely, a class of a local ontology may be described as a consequence of a transformation applied to one or several other class(es) defined in other ontologies. This means that each instance of the former can be computed from one or more instances of the latter. Thanks to the morphism relationship, the obtained class may either import properties (definitions are preserved) or map properties (the properties are different but are semantically equivalent) that are defined in the referenced class(es). It may also define additional properties. \ (* Reference Ontology *) onto_class Resource = name :: string onto_class Electronic = Resource + provider :: string manufacturer :: string onto_class Component = Electronic + mass :: int dimensions :: "int list" onto_class Simulation_Model = Electronic + type :: string onto_class Informatic = Resource + description :: string onto_class Hardware = Informatic + type :: Hardware_Type mass :: int composed_of :: "Component list" invariant c1 :: "mass \ = sum(map Component.mass (composed_of \))" onto_class R_Software = Informatic + version :: int text\ To illustrate this process, we use the reference ontology (considered as a standard) described in the listing X, defining the Resource, Electronic, Component, Informatic, Hardware and Software concepts (or classes). Each class contains a set of attributes or properties and some local invariants. In our example, we focus on the Hardware class containing a mass attribute and composed of a list of components with a mass attribute formalising the mass value of each component. The Hardware class also contains a local invariant ''c1'' to define a constraint linking the global mass of a Hardware object with the masses of its own components. \ (* Local Ontology *) onto_class Item = name :: string onto_class Product = Item + serial_number :: int provider :: string mass :: int onto_class Computer_Software = Item + version :: int onto_class Electronic_Component = Product + dimensions :: "int set" onto_class Computer_Hardware = Product + type :: Hardware_Type composed_of :: "Product list" invariant c2 :: "Product.mass \ = sum(map Product.mass (composed_of \))" text\ For the needs of our document, we have defined a simple ontology to classify Software and Hardware objects. This ontology is described in listing X and defines the Item, Product, Computer_Software and Computer_Hardware concepts. As for the reference ontology, we focus on the Computer_Hardware class defined as a list of products characterised by their mass value. This class contains a local invariant ''c2'' to guarantee that its own mass value equals the sum of all the masses of the products composing the object. \ definition Item_to_Resource_morphism :: "'a Item_scheme \ Resource" ("_ \Resource\\<^sub>I\<^sub>t\<^sub>e\<^sub>m" [1000]999) where "\ \Resource\\<^sub>I\<^sub>t\<^sub>e\<^sub>m = \ Resource.tag_attribute = 0::int , = name \ \" definition Product_to_Component_morphism :: "'a Product_scheme \ Component" ("_ \Component\\<^sub>P\<^sub>r\<^sub>o\<^sub>d\<^sub>u\<^sub>c\<^sub>t" [1000]999) where " \ \Component\\<^sub>P\<^sub>r\<^sub>o\<^sub>d\<^sub>u\<^sub>c\<^sub>t = \ Resource.tag_attribute = 1::int , = name \ , Electronic.provider = Product.provider \ , Electronic.manufacturer = ''no manufacturer'' , Component.mass = Product.mass \ , Component.dimensions = [] \" definition Computer_Hardware_to_Hardware_morphism :: "'a Computer_Hardware_scheme \ Hardware" ("_ \Hardware\\<^sub>C\<^sub>o\<^sub>m\<^sub>p\<^sub>u\<^sub>t\<^sub>e\<^sub>r\<^sub>H\<^sub>a\<^sub>r\<^sub>d\<^sub>w\<^sub>a\<^sub>r\<^sub>e" [1000]999) where "\ \Hardware\\<^sub>C\<^sub>o\<^sub>m\<^sub>p\<^sub>u\<^sub>t\<^sub>e\<^sub>r\<^sub>H\<^sub>a\<^sub>r\<^sub>d\<^sub>w\<^sub>a\<^sub>r\<^sub>e = \ Resource.tag_attribute = 2::int , = name \ , Informatic.description = ''no description'', Hardware.type = Computer_Hardware.type \ , Hardware.mass = mass \ , Hardware.composed_of = map Product_to_Component_morphism (Computer_Hardware.composed_of \) \" text\ To check the coherence of our local ontology, we define a relationship between the local ontology and the reference ontology using morphism functions (or mapping rules). These rules are applied to define the relationship between one class of the local ontology to one or several other class(es) described in the reference ontology. For example,\Product_to_Component_morphism\ and \Computer_Hardware_to_Hardware_morphism\ definitions, detailed in the figure Z, specify how \Product\ or \Computer_Hardware\ objects are mapped to \Component\ or \Hardware\ objects defined in the reference ontology. This mapping shows that the structure of a (user) ontology may be quite different from the one of a standard ontology she references. \ find_theorems Hardware.composed_of find_theorems Hardware.mass find_theorems map "(o)" lemma inv_c2_preserved : "c2_inv \ \ c1_inv (\ \Hardware\\<^sub>C\<^sub>o\<^sub>m\<^sub>p\<^sub>u\<^sub>t\<^sub>e\<^sub>r\<^sub>H\<^sub>a\<^sub>r\<^sub>d\<^sub>w\<^sub>a\<^sub>r\<^sub>e)" unfolding c1_inv_def c2_inv_def Computer_Hardware_to_Hardware_morphism_def Product_to_Component_morphism_def by (auto simp: comp_def) lemma Computer_Hardware_to_Hardware_morphism_total : "Computer_Hardware_to_Hardware_morphism ` ({X::Computer_Hardware. c2_inv X}) \ ({X::Hardware. c1_inv X})" using inv_c2_preserved by auto declare[[invariants_checking]] declare[[invariants_checking_with_tactics]] text*[c1::Component, mass=4]\\ text*[c2::Component, mass=4]\\ text*[h1::Hardware, mass=8, composed_of="[@{Component \c1\},@{Component \c2\}]"]\\ text*[h2::Hardware, mass=8, composed_of="[@{Component \c1\},@{Component \c2\}]"]\\ value*\ sum (map Component.mass [@{Component \c1\},@{Component \c2\}]) \ value*\ @{Hardware \h1\} = @{Hardware \h2\} \ end