structure RegExpChecker : sig type 'a equal type num type int datatype nat = Zero_nat | Suc of nat type 'a set datatype 'a rexp = Zero | Onea | Atom of 'a | Plus of 'a rexp * 'a rexp | Times of 'a rexp * 'a rexp | Star of 'a rexp val nat : int -> nat val accepts : 'a * (('b -> 'a -> 'a) * ('a -> bool)) -> 'b list -> bool val acceptsa : 'a equal -> 'a * (('b -> 'a -> 'a set) * ('a -> bool)) -> 'b list -> bool val na2da : 'a equal -> 'a * (('b -> 'a -> 'a set) * ('a -> bool)) -> 'a set * (('b -> 'a set -> 'a set) * ('a set -> bool)) val rexp2na : 'a equal -> 'a rexp -> bool list * (('a -> bool list -> (bool list) set) * (bool list -> bool)) val one : nat val zero : nat val enabled : 'a set * (('b -> 'a set -> 'a set) * ('a set -> bool)) -> 'a set -> 'b list -> 'b list val example_expression : nat rexp val nat_of_integer : -> nat val int_of_integer : -> int end = struct fun equal_boola p true = p | equal_boola p false = not p | equal_boola true p = p | equal_boola false p = not p; type 'a equal = {equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool}; val equal = #equal : 'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool; val equal_bool = {equal = equal_boola} : bool equal; fun eq A_ a b = equal A_ a b; fun equal_lista A_ [] (x21 :: x22) = false | equal_lista A_ (x21 :: x22) [] = false | equal_lista A_ (x21 :: x22) (y21 :: y22) = eq A_ x21 y21 andalso equal_lista A_ x22 y22 | equal_lista A_ [] [] = true; fun equal_list A_ = {equal = equal_lista A_} : ('a list) equal; datatype num = One | Bit0 of num | Bit1 of num; datatype int = Zero_int | Pos of num | Neg of num; datatype nat = Zero_nat | Suc of nat; datatype 'a set = Set of 'a list | Coset of 'a list; datatype 'a rexp = Zero | Onea | Atom of 'a | Plus of 'a rexp * 'a rexp | Times of 'a rexp * 'a rexp | Star of 'a rexp; fun dup (Neg n) = Neg (Bit0 n) | dup (Pos n) = Pos (Bit0 n) | dup Zero_int = Zero_int; fun plus_nat (Suc m) n = plus_nat m (Suc n) | plus_nat Zero_nat n = n; val one_nat : nat = Suc Zero_nat; fun nat_of_num (Bit1 n) = let val m = nat_of_num n; in Suc (plus_nat m m) end | nat_of_num (Bit0 n) = let val m = nat_of_num n; in plus_nat m m end | nat_of_num One = one_nat; fun nat (Pos k) = nat_of_num k | nat Zero_int = Zero_nat | nat (Neg k) = Zero_nat; fun uminus_int (Neg m) = Pos m | uminus_int (Pos m) = Neg m | uminus_int Zero_int = Zero_int; fun plus_num (Bit1 m) (Bit1 n) = Bit0 (plus_num (plus_num m n) One) | plus_num (Bit1 m) (Bit0 n) = Bit1 (plus_num m n) | plus_num (Bit1 m) One = Bit0 (plus_num m One) | plus_num (Bit0 m) (Bit1 n) = Bit1 (plus_num m n) | plus_num (Bit0 m) (Bit0 n) = Bit0 (plus_num m n) | plus_num (Bit0 m) One = Bit1 m | plus_num One (Bit1 n) = Bit0 (plus_num n One) | plus_num One (Bit0 n) = Bit1 n | plus_num One One = Bit0 One; val one_int : int = Pos One; fun bitM One = One | bitM (Bit0 n) = Bit1 (bitM n) | bitM (Bit1 n) = Bit1 (Bit0 n); fun sub (Bit0 m) (Bit1 n) = minus_int (dup (sub m n)) one_int | sub (Bit1 m) (Bit0 n) = plus_int (dup (sub m n)) one_int | sub (Bit1 m) (Bit1 n) = dup (sub m n) | sub (Bit0 m) (Bit0 n) = dup (sub m n) | sub One (Bit1 n) = Neg (Bit0 n) | sub One (Bit0 n) = Neg (bitM n) | sub (Bit1 m) One = Pos (Bit0 m) | sub (Bit0 m) One = Pos (bitM m) | sub One One = Zero_int and plus_int (Neg m) (Neg n) = Neg (plus_num m n) | plus_int (Neg m) (Pos n) = sub n m | plus_int (Pos m) (Neg n) = sub m n | plus_int (Pos m) (Pos n) = Pos (plus_num m n) | plus_int Zero_int l = l | plus_int k Zero_int = k and minus_int (Neg m) (Neg n) = sub n m | minus_int (Neg m) (Pos n) = Neg (plus_num m n) | minus_int (Pos m) (Neg n) = Pos (plus_num m n) | minus_int (Pos m) (Pos n) = sub m n | minus_int Zero_int l = uminus_int l | minus_int k Zero_int = k; fun list_ex p [] = false | list_ex p (x :: xs) = p x orelse list_ex p xs; fun bex (Set xs) p = list_ex p xs; fun snd (x1, x2) = x2; fun fst (x1, x2) = x1; fun next a = fst (snd a); fun foldl f a [] = a | foldl f a (x :: xs) = foldl f (f a x) xs; fun foldl2 f xs a = foldl (fn aa => fn b => f b aa) a xs; fun delta a = foldl2 (next a); fun filter p [] = [] | filter p (x :: xs) = (if p x then x :: filter p xs else filter p xs); fun membera A_ [] y = false | membera A_ (x :: xs) y = eq A_ x y orelse membera A_ xs y; fun member A_ x (Coset xs) = not (membera A_ xs x) | member A_ x (Set xs) = membera A_ xs x; fun removeAll A_ x [] = [] | removeAll A_ x (y :: xs) = (if eq A_ x y then removeAll A_ x xs else y :: removeAll A_ x xs); fun inserta A_ x xs = (if membera A_ xs x then xs else x :: xs); fun insert A_ x (Coset xs) = Coset (removeAll A_ x xs) | insert A_ x (Set xs) = Set (inserta A_ x xs); fun fold f (x :: xs) s = fold f xs (f x s) | fold f [] s = s; fun sup_set A_ (Coset xs) a = Coset (filter (fn x => not (member A_ x a)) xs) | sup_set A_ (Set xs) a = fold (insert A_) xs a; val bot_set : 'a set = Set []; fun sup_seta A_ (Set xs) = fold (sup_set A_) xs bot_set; fun map f [] = [] | map f (x21 :: x22) = f x21 :: map f x22; fun image f (Set xs) = Set (map f xs); fun deltaa A_ a [] p = insert A_ p bot_set | deltaa A_ aa (a :: w) p = sup_seta A_ (image (deltaa A_ aa w) (next aa a p)); fun null [] = true | null (x :: xs) = false; fun start a = fst a; fun fin a = snd (snd a); fun accepts a = (fn w => fin a (delta a w (start a))); fun acceptsa A_ a w = bex (deltaa A_ a w (start a)) (fin a); fun or x = (fn (ql, (dl, fl)) => fn (qr, (dr, fr)) => ([], ((fn a => fn b => (case b of [] => sup_set (equal_list equal_bool) (image (fn aa => true :: aa) (dl a ql)) (image (fn aa => false :: aa) (dr a qr)) | true :: s => image (fn aa => true :: aa) (dl a s) | false :: s => image (fn aa => false :: aa) (dr a s))), (fn a => (case a of [] => fl ql orelse fr qr | true :: s => fl s | false :: s => fr s))))) x; fun is_empty (Set xs) = null xs; fun na2da A_ a = (insert A_ (start a) bot_set, ((fn aa => fn q => sup_seta A_ (image (next a aa) q)), (fn q => bex q (fin a)))); fun atom A_ a = ([true], ((fn b => fn s => (if equal_lista equal_bool s [true] andalso eq A_ b a then insert (equal_list equal_bool) [false] bot_set else bot_set)), (fn s => equal_lista equal_bool s [false]))); fun conc x = (fn (ql, (dl, fl)) => fn (qr, (dr, fr)) => (true :: ql, ((fn a => fn b => (case b of [] => bot_set | true :: s => sup_set (equal_list equal_bool) (image (fn aa => true :: aa) (dl a s)) (if fl s then image (fn aa => false :: aa) (dr a qr) else bot_set) | false :: s => image (fn aa => false :: aa) (dr a s))), (fn a => (case a of [] => false | left :: s => left andalso (fl s andalso fr qr) orelse not left andalso fr s))))) x; fun plus x = (fn (q, (d, f)) => (q, ((fn a => fn s => sup_set (equal_list equal_bool) (d a s) (if f s then d a q else bot_set)), f))) x; val epsilon : bool list * (('a -> bool list -> (bool list) set) * (bool list -> bool)) = ([], ((fn _ => fn _ => bot_set), null)); fun star a = or epsilon (plus a); fun rexp2na A_ Zero = ([], ((fn _ => fn _ => bot_set), (fn _ => false))) | rexp2na A_ Onea = epsilon | rexp2na A_ (Atom a) = atom A_ a | rexp2na A_ (Plus (r, s)) = or (rexp2na A_ r) (rexp2na A_ s) | rexp2na A_ (Times (r, s)) = conc (rexp2na A_ r) (rexp2na A_ s) | rexp2na A_ (Star r) = star (rexp2na A_ r); fun apsnd f (x, y) = (x, f y); val one : nat = one_nat; val zero : nat = Zero_nat; fun enabled a sigma = filter (fn x => not (is_empty (next a x sigma))); val example_expression : nat rexp = let val r0 = Atom Zero_nat; val r1 = Atom one_nat; in Times (Star (Plus (Times (r1, r1), r0)), Star (Plus (Times (r0, r0), r1))) end; fun sgn_integer k = (if ((k : = (0 : then (0 : else (if IntInf.< (k, (0 : then (~1 : else (1 :; fun divmod_integer k l = (if ((k : = (0 : then ((0 :, (0 : else (if ((l : = (0 : then ((0 :, k) else (apsnd o (fn a => fn b => IntInf.* (a, b)) o sgn_integer) l (if (((sgn_integer k) : = (sgn_integer l)) then IntInf.divMod (IntInf.abs k, IntInf.abs l) else let val (r, s) = IntInf.divMod (IntInf.abs k, IntInf.abs l); in (if ((s : = (0 : then (IntInf.~ r, (0 : else (IntInf.- (IntInf.~ r, (1 :, IntInf.- (IntInf.abs l, s))) end))); fun nat_of_integer k = (if IntInf.<= (k, (0 : then Zero_nat else let val (l, j) = divmod_integer k (2 :; val la = nat_of_integer l; val lb = plus_nat la la; in (if ((j : = (0 : then lb else plus_nat lb one_nat) end); fun times_num (Bit1 m) (Bit1 n) = Bit1 (plus_num (plus_num m n) (Bit0 (times_num m n))) | times_num (Bit1 m) (Bit0 n) = Bit0 (times_num (Bit1 m) n) | times_num (Bit0 m) (Bit1 n) = Bit0 (times_num m (Bit1 n)) | times_num (Bit0 m) (Bit0 n) = Bit0 (Bit0 (times_num m n)) | times_num One n = n | times_num m One = m; fun times_int (Neg m) (Neg n) = Pos (times_num m n) | times_int (Neg m) (Pos n) = Neg (times_num m n) | times_int (Pos m) (Neg n) = Neg (times_num m n) | times_int (Pos m) (Pos n) = Pos (times_num m n) | times_int Zero_int l = Zero_int | times_int k Zero_int = Zero_int; fun int_of_integer k = (if IntInf.< (k, (0 : then uminus_int (int_of_integer (IntInf.~ k)) else (if ((k : = (0 : then Zero_int else let val (l, j) = divmod_integer k (2 :; val la = times_int (Pos (Bit0 One)) (int_of_integer l); in (if ((j : = (0 : then la else plus_int la one_int) end)); end; (*struct RegExpChecker*)