# authorarchive A LaTeX style for producing author self-archiving copies of (academic) papers. ## Installation Copy `authorarchive.sty` in a directory that is searched by LaTeX (e.g,. either your `texmf` tree or the local directory with your main LaTeX file. ## Usage A simple use for LNCS-formatted papers is as follows: ```tex \usepackage[LNCS, key=brucker-authorarchive-2016, year=2016, publication={Anonymous et al. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on LaTeX-Hacks, LNCS~42. Some Publisher, 2016.} startpage={42}, doi={00/00_00}, doiText={0/00\_00}, nocopyright ]{authorarchive} ``` ## License If not otherwise stated, all sub-projects are dual-licensed under a 2-clause BSD-style license and/or the LPPL version 1 or any later version.