
920 lines
43 KiB
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signature ParseContent =
include ParseBase
val parseName : UniChar.Char * AppData * State
-> UniChar.Data * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val openDocument : Uri.Uri option -> AppData
-> Encoding.Encoding * HookData.XmlDecl option * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val skipCharRef : AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val skipReference : UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseComment : Errors.Position -> AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseProcInstr : Errors.Position -> AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val skipTag : Errors.Location -> AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseSTag : Dtd -> Errors.Position -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
-> (HookData.StartTagInfo * Base.ElemInfo) * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val skipDecl : bool -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
val parseDocTypeDecl : Dtd -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
-> int option * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
include ParseDtd
val skipBadSection : UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseElement : Dtd * int list * State * (HookData.StartTagInfo * Base.ElemInfo)
* (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
-> (int * UniChar.Data * Errors.Position * Errors.Position) option
* (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
(* Structure: ParseContent *)
(* *)
(* Exceptions raised by functions in this structure: *)
(* skipBadSection : none *)
(* parseElement : none *)
functor ParseContent (structure ParseBase : ParseBase)
: ParseContent =
structure ParseDtd = ParseDtd (structure ParseBase = ParseBase)
Base Errors UniChar UniClasses UtilList
val THIS_MODULE = "ParseContent"
val DATA_BUFSIZE = 1024
val dataBuffer = Array.array(DATA_BUFSIZE,0w0:UniChar.Char)
(* skip a cdata section, the initial "<![" already consumed. The first*)
(* arg is the type of section to be skipped. cf. 2.5: *)
(* *)
(* [18] CDSect ::= CDStart CData CDEnd *)
(* [19] CDStart ::= '<![CDATA[' *)
(* [20] CData ::= (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char* )) [[ *)
(* [21] CDEnd ::= ']]>' *)
(* *)
(* don't care abeout whether "CDATA[" is present. just skip until the *)
(* next "]]>" or entity end. *)
(* *)
(* return the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun skipBadSection caq =
(* for a sequence of "]"s, check whether the last two are *)
(* followed by a ">" *)
fun checkEnd aq =
let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar aq
in case c1
of 0wx3E (* #">" *) => getChar(a1,q1)
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => checkEnd(a1,q1)
| _ => doit(c1,a1,q1)
and doit (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx00 => let val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_CDATA))
in (c,a1,q)
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar(a,q)
in if c1=0wx5D (* #"]" *) then checkEnd(a1,q1)
else doit (c1,a1,q1)
| _ => doit (getChar(a,q))
in doit caq
(* parse a cdata section, the initial "<![CDATA[" already consumed. *)
(* cf. 2.5: *)
(* *)
(* [18] CDSect ::= CDStart CData CDEnd *)
(* [19] CDStart ::= '<![CDATA[' *)
(* [20] CData ::= (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char* )) [[ *)
(* [21] CDEnd ::= ']]>' *)
(* *)
(* print an error and finish if an entity end is found. *)
(* *)
(* return the data as a Vector option and the next char & state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun parseCDataSection' (aq as (_,q)) =
(* for a sequence of "]"s, check whether the last two are *)
(* followed by a ">" *)
fun doEnd (text,q0,q1) (a2,q2) =
let val (c3,a3,q3) = getChar (a2,q2)
in case c3
of 0wx00 =>
let val a4 = hookError(a3,(getPos q3,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_CDATA))
in (0wx5D::text,getPos q2,(c3,a4,q3))
| 0wx3E => (* #">" *) (text,getPos q0,getChar(a3,q3))
| 0wx5D => doEnd (0wx5D::text,q1,q2) (a3,q3)
| _ => doit (c3::0wx5D::0wx5D::text) (a3,q3)
and doBrack (text,q0) (a1,q1) =
let val (c2,a2,q2) = getChar(a1,q1)
in case c2
of 0wx00 =>
let val a3 = hookError(a2,(getPos q2,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_CDATA))
in (0wx5D::text,getPos q1,(c2,a3,q2))
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => doEnd (text,q0,q1) (a2,q2)
| _ => doit (c2::0wx5D::text) (a2,q2)
and doit text (a,q) =
let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar(a,q)
in case c1
of 0wx00 =>
let val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q1,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_CDATA))
in (text,getPos q,(c1,a2,q1))
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => doBrack (text,q) (a1,q1)
| _ => doit (c1::text) (a1,q1)
val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar aq
val startPos = getPos q1
val (cs,endPos,(c2,a2,q2)) =
case c1
of 0wx00 =>
let val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q1,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_CDATA))
in (nil,getPos q,(c1,a2,q1))
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => doBrack (nil,q) (a1,q1)
| _ => doit [c1] (a1,q1)
val text = Data2Vector(rev cs)
val a3 = hookCData(a1,((startPos,endPos),text))
in (c2,a3,q2)
(* parse a cdata section, the initial "<![" already consumed. *)
(* cf. 2.5: *)
(* *)
(* [18] CDSect ::= CDStart CData CDEnd *)
(* [19] CDStart ::= '<![CDATA[' *)
(* [20] CData ::= (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char* )) [[ *)
(* [21] CDEnd ::= ']]>' *)
(* *)
(* print an error and skip the section if no name or a name other *)
(* than CDATA comes first, or no '[' follows the name. *)
(* *)
(* return the text of the section together with the remaining state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun parseCDataSection startPos aq =
val caq0 as (_,_,q0) = (getChar aq)
val (name,(c1,a1,q1)) = parseName caq0
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = expectedOrEnded(expCdata,LOC_CDATA) c
in raise SyntaxError(c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
val _ = if name = [0wx43,0wx44,0wx41,0wx54,0wx41] (* "CDATA" *) then ()
else let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expCdata,name)
in raise SyntaxError(c1,hookError(a1,(getPos q0,err)),q1)
val _ = if c1=0wx5B (* #"[" *) then ()
else let val err = expectedOrEnded(expLbrack,LOC_CDATA) c1
in raise SyntaxError(c1,hookError(a1,(getPos q1,err)),q1)
handle SyntaxError caq => skipBadSection caq
(* parse element or empty content. The second arg holds the unique *)
(* number of the element's first characters's entity, the index of *)
(* the current element, and the dfa for its content. Cf. 3: *)
(* *)
(* [39] element ::= EmptyElemTag *)
(* | STag content ETag *)
(* ... *)
(* Well-Formedness Constraint: Element Type Match *)
(* The Name in an element's end-tag must match the element type in *)
(* the start-tag. *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Element Valid *)
(* An element is valid if there is a declaration matching *)
(* elementdecl where the Name matches the element type, and one of *)
(* the following holds: *)
(* *)
(* 1. The declaration matches EMPTY and the element has no content. *)
(* 2. The declaration matches children and the sequence of child *)
(* elements belongs to the language generated by the regular *)
(* expression in the content model, with optional white space *)
(* (characters matching the nonterminal S) between each pair of *)
(* child elements. *)
(* *)
(* and 3.1: *)
(* *)
(* [43] content ::= (element | CharData | Reference | CDSect | PI *)
(* | Comment)* *)
(* 2.4: *)
(* The ampersand character (&) and the left angle bracket (<) may *)
(* appear in their literal form only when used as markup delimiters,*)
(* or within a comment, a processing instruction, or a CDATA *)
(* section... If they are needed elsewhere, they must be escaped *)
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* using either numeric character Unsynchronized.references or the strings "&amp;" *)
(* and "&lt;" respectively... *)
(* *)
(* consume the content of the element, accumulating it via the user *)
(* data functions (parameter a in subfunctions). trace the content *)
(* model of the element with a dfa transitions on a dfa state (para- *)
(* meter p in subfunctions). finish at the first end-tag, whether *)
(* matching or not, or at the document end. *)
(* *)
(* handle all syntax and other recoverable errors from subfunctions *)
(* and try to continue. *)
(* *)
(* return the accumulated user data and the next char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun parseElementContent dtd (openElems,startEnt,curr,dfa,ext,mt) caq =
(* check whether the dfa allows a transition/an end tag here. *)
(* print an error if not. After a transition return the new *)
(* dfa state. *)
fun fin_elem (a,pos,dfa,p) =
if dfaFinal(dfa,p) then a
else hookError(a,(pos,ERR_ENDED_EARLY(Index2Element dtd curr)))
fun trans_elem (a,q,dfa,p,el) =
let val p1 = dfaTrans(dfa,p,el)
in if p1<>dfaError then (p1,a)
else let val err = ERR_BAD_ELEM(Index2Element dtd curr,Index2Element dtd el)
in (p1,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)))
(* consume all white space and skip all data until the next "<" *)
(* or "&". print an error for each sequence of data encountered.*)
(* *)
(* add the white space as data to the user data. *)
(* return the next char and state. *)
fun do_char_elem (c0,a0,q0) =
(* read data characters until the next "<", "&" or entity end. *)
(* add the data to the user data when an error occurs or no *)
(* more data follows. *)
(* *)
(* return the modified user data with the next char and state. *)
fun data_hook(a,q,cs) =
if null cs then a
else hookData(a,((getPos q0,getPos q),Data2Vector(rev cs),true))
fun after_error (caq as (c,a,q)) =
case c
of 0wx00 => caq
| 0wx26 (* #"&" *) => caq
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => caq
| _ => after_error(getChar(a,q))
fun do_data (yet,aq as (_,q)) =
let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar aq
in case c1
of 0wx00 => (c1,data_hook(a1,q,yet),q1)
| 0wx26 (* #"&" *) => (c1,data_hook(a1,q,yet),q1)
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => (c1,data_hook(a1,q,yet),q1)
| _ =>
if isS c1 then do_data (c1::yet,(a1,q1))
else let val a2 = data_hook(a1,q,yet)
val a3 = hookError(a2,(getPos q1,err))
in after_error (getChar(a3,q1))
if isS c0 then
let val a1 = if not (ext andalso standsAlone dtd) then a0
else let val err = ERR_STANDALONE_ELEM(Index2Element dtd curr)
val _ = setStandAlone dtd (not (!O_ERROR_MINIMIZE))
in hookError(a0,(getPos q0,err))
in do_data ([c0],(a1,q0))
else let val a1 = hookError(a0,(getPos q0,ERR_ELEM_CONTENT(IT_DATA nil)))
in after_error(getChar(a1,q0))
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* consume a Unsynchronized.reference, handling errors by ignoring them. *)
fun do_ref (q,(c1,a1,q1)) =
if c1=0wx23 (* #"#" *)
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* it's a character Unsynchronized.reference. *)
then let val err = ERR_ELEM_CONTENT IT_CHAR_REF
val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q,err))
in skipCharRef(a2,q1)
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* it's a general entity Unsynchronized.reference. *)
else let val ((id,ent),(a2,q2)) = parseGenRef dtd (c1,a1,q1)
in case ent
of GE_NULL =>
let val a3 = hookGenRef(a2,((getPos q,getPos q2),id,ent,false))
in (getChar(a3,q2))
| GE_INTERN(_,rep) =>
val q3 = pushIntern(q2,id,false,rep)
val a3 = hookGenRef(a2,((getPos q,getPos q2),id,ent,true))
in (getChar(a3,q3))
| GE_EXTERN ext =>
val a3 = hookGenRef(a2,((getPos q,getPos q2),id,ent,true))
val caq4 = #3(openExtern (id,false,resolveExtId ext) (a3,q2))
handle CantOpenFile(fmsg,a)
=> let val err = ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE fmsg
val a2 = hookError(a,(getPos q2,err))
val a3 = hookEntEnd(a2,getPos q2)
in (getChar(a3,q2))
in caq4
else let val a3 = hookGenRef(a2,((getPos q,getPos q2),id,ent,false))
in getChar(a3,q2)
raise InternalError
"parseGenRef returned GE_UNPARSED")
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* handle any errors in Unsynchronized.references by ignoring them. *)
handle SyntaxError caq => caq
| NoSuchEntity aq => getChar aq
(* handle an end-tag. finish the element in the user data and *)
(* return. *)
(* *)
(* print an error if the element's content is not yet finished. *)
(* print an error if the end-tag is for another element. *)
(* print an error if the element's first character was not in *)
(* the same entity. *)
and do_etag (p,etag as (elem,space,startPos,endPos),(c,a,q)) =
fun checkNesting a =
if getEntId q=startEnt then a
else hookError(a,(startPos,ERR_ELEM_ENT_NESTING(Index2Element dtd curr)))
if elem=curr then let val a1 = fin_elem (a,startPos,dfa,p)
val a2 = checkNesting a1
val a3 = hookEndTag
in (NONE,(c,a3,q))
else if member elem openElems
then let val err = ERR_OMITTED_END_TAG(Index2Element dtd curr)
val a1 = hookError(a,(startPos,err))
val a2 = fin_elem (a1,startPos,dfa,p)
val a3 = hookEndTag(a2,((startPos,endPos),curr,NONE))
in (SOME etag,(c,a3,q))
else if dfaFinal(dfa,p)
then let val err = ERR_ELEM_TYPE_MATCH(Index2Element dtd curr,
Index2Element dtd elem)
val a1 = hookError(a,(startPos,err))
val a2 = checkNesting a1
val a3 = hookEndTag(a2,((startPos,endPos),curr,SOME(elem,space)))
in (NONE,(c,a3,q))
else let val err = ERR_IGNORED_END_TAG(Index2Element dtd curr,
Index2Element dtd elem)
val a1 = hookError(a,(startPos,err))
in do_elem(p,(c,a1,q))
(* handle a declaration, proc. instr or tag. *)
and do_lt (p,q,(c1,a1,q1)) =
case c1
of 0wx21 (* #"!" *) =>
(* its a declaration, cdata section or comment. *)
(* Only comments are valid. *)
let val (c2,a2,q2) = getChar(a1,q1)
val caq3 =
case c2
of 0wx2D (* #"-" *) =>
let val (c3,a3,q3) = getChar(a2,q2)
in if c3=0wx2D then parseComment (getPos q) (a3,q3)
else let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expDash,[c3])
val a4 = hookError(a3,(getPos q3,err))
in recoverDecl false (c3,a4,q3)
| 0wx5B (* #"[" *) =>
let val a3 = hookError(a2,(getPos q2,ERR_ELEM_CONTENT IT_CDATA))
in skipBadSection (getChar(a3,q2))
| _ => (c2,hookError(a2,(getPos q2,ERR_EXPECTED(expDash,[c2]))),q2)
in do_elem(p,caq3)
| 0wx2F (* #"/" *) =>
(let val (elem,space,endPos,caq2) = parseETag dtd (a1,q1)
in do_etag (p,(elem,space,getPos q,endPos),caq2)
handle SyntaxError caq => do_elem(p,caq))
| 0wx3F (* #"?" *) => do_elem (p,parseProcInstr (getPos q) (a1,q1))
| _ =>
(* it's a start tag. the recursive call to parseElement *)
(* might return an end-tag that has to be consumed. *)
if isNms c1 then
let val (p1,(opt,caq2)) =
(let val (stag as ((_,elem,_,_,_),_),(c2,a2,q2)) =
parseSTag dtd (getPos q) (c1,a1,q1)
val (p1,a3) = trans_elem (a2,q1,dfa,p,elem)
in (p1,parseElement (dtd,curr::openElems,q,stag,(c2,a3,q2)))
handle SyntaxError caq => (p,(NONE,caq))
in case opt
of NONE => do_elem (p1,caq2)
| SOME etag => do_etag (p1,etag,caq2)
val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q,err))
in do_elem (p,(c1,a2,q1))
(* do element content. handle the document end by printing an *)
(* error and finishing like with an end-tag. *)
and do_elem (p,(c,a,q)) =
case c
of 0wx00 => if isSpecial q
then let val err = ERR_OMITTED_END_TAG(Index2Element dtd curr)
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
val pos = getPos q
val a2 = fin_elem (a1,pos,dfa,p)
val a3 = hookEndTag(a2,((pos,pos),curr,NONE))
in (NONE,(c,a3,q))
else let val a1 = hookEntEnd(a,getPos q)
in do_elem (p,getChar(a1,q))
| 0wx26 (* #"&" *) => do_elem (p,do_ref (q,getChar(a,q)))
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => do_lt (p,q,getChar(a,q))
| _ => do_elem (p,do_char_elem (c,a,q))
(* do empty content. if the first thing to come is the current *)
(* element's end-tag, finish it. Otherwise print an error and *)
(* continue as for element content. *)
and do_empty (c,a,q) =
if c<>0wx3C (* #"<" *)
then let val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_NONEMPTY(Index2Element dtd curr)))
in do_elem (dfaInitial,(c,a1,q))
let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar(a,q)
in if c1<>0wx2F (* #"/" *)
then let val err = ERR_NONEMPTY(Index2Element dtd curr)
val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q,err))
in do_lt (dfaInitial,q,(c1,a2,q1))
else let val (elem,space,endPos,caq2) = parseETag dtd (a1,q1)
in do_etag (dfaInitial,(elem,space,getPos q,endPos),caq2)
handle SyntaxError caq => do_elem (dfaInitial,caq)
in if mt then do_empty caq
else do_elem (dfaInitial,caq)
(* parse mixed or any content. The second arg holds the unique number *)
(* of the element's first characters's entity, the idx of the current *)
(* element, and a function for validating child elements. Cf. 3: *)
(* *)
(* [39] element ::= EmptyElemTag *)
(* | STag content ETag *)
(* ... *)
(* Well-Formedness Constraint: Element Type Match *)
(* The Name in an element's end-tag must match the element type in *)
(* the start-tag. *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Element Valid *)
(* An element is valid if there is a declaration matching *)
(* elementdecl where the Name matches the element type, and one of *)
(* the following holds: *)
(* ... *)
(* 3. The declaration matches Mixed and the content consists of *)
(* character data and child elements whose types match names in *)
(* the content model. *)
(* 4. The declaration matches ANY, and the types of any child *)
(* elements have been declared. *)
(* *)
(* 3.1: *)
(* *)
(* [43] content ::= (element | CharData | Reference | CDSect | PI *)
(* | Comment)* *)
(* 2.4: *)
(* The ampersand character (&) and the left angle bracket (<) may *)
(* appear in their literal form only when used as markup delimiters,*)
(* or within a comment, a processing instruction, or a CDATA *)
(* section... If they are needed elsewhere, they must be escaped *)
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* using either numeric character Unsynchronized.references or the strings "&amp;" *)
(* and "&lt;" respectively. The right angle bracket (>) may be *)
(* represented using the string "&gt;", and must, for compatibility,*)
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* be escaped using "&gt;" or a character Unsynchronized.reference when it appears *)
(* in the string "]]>" in content, when that string is not marking *)
(* the end of a CDATA section. *)
(* *)
(* consume the content of the element, accumulating it via the user *)
(* data functions (parameter a in subfunctions). for each child, *)
(* check whether it was specified in the element's Mixed content *)
(* specification (validate). finish at the first end-tag, whether *)
(* matching or not, or at the document end. *)
(* *)
(* handle all syntax and other recoverable errors from subfunctions *)
(* and try to continue. *)
(* *)
(* return the accumulated user data and the next char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
and parseMixedContent dtd (openElems,startEnt,curr,validate) caq =
(* read data characters until the next "<", "&" or entity end. *)
(* add the data to the user data when an error occurs or no *)
(* more data follows. *)
(* *)
(* return the modified user data with the next char and state. *)
fun do_data (br,(c0,a0,q0)) =
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
val pos0 = Unsynchronized.ref (getPos q0)
val _ = Array.update(dataBuffer,0,c0)
fun data_hook (i,(a,q)) =
hookData(a,((!pos0,getPos q),
ArraySlice.vector(ArraySlice.slice(dataBuffer,0,SOME i)),
fun takeOne (c,qE,i,aq as (a,q)) =
if i<DATA_BUFSIZE then (i+1,aq) before Array.update(dataBuffer,i,c)
else let val a1 = data_hook(i,(a,qE))
val _ = pos0 := getPos q
val _ = Array.update(dataBuffer,0,c)
in (1,(a1,q))
fun do_br (n,(i,aq as (_,q))) =
let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar aq
in case c1
of 0wx00 => (c1,data_hook(i,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx26 (* #"&" *) => (c1,data_hook(i,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => (c1,data_hook(i,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => do_br (n+1,takeOne(c1,q,i,(a1,q1)))
| 0wx3E (* #">" *) =>
let val a2 = if n=1 then a1
else hookError(a1,(getPos q1,ERR_MUST_ESCAPE c1))
in doit (takeOne(c1,q,i,(a2,q1)))
| _ => doit (takeOne(c1,q,i,(a1,q1)))
and doit (i,aq as (_,q)) =
let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar aq
in case c1
of 0wx00 => (c1,data_hook(i,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx26 (* #"&" *) => (c1,data_hook(i,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => (c1,data_hook(i,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => if !O_COMPATIBILITY
then do_br (1,takeOne(c1,q,i,(a1,q1)))
else doit (takeOne(c1,q,i,(a1,q1)))
| _ => doit (takeOne(c1,q,i,(a1,q1)))
if br then do_br (1,(1,(a0,q0)))
else doit (1,(a0,q0))
fun do_data (br,(c0,a0,q0)) =
fun data_hook (yet,(a,q)) =
hookData(a,((getPos q0,getPos q),Data2Vector(rev yet),false))
fun do_br (n,yet,aq as (_,q)) =
let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar aq
in case c1
of 0wx00 => (c1,data_hook(yet,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx26 (* #"&" *) => (c1,data_hook(yet,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => (c1,data_hook(yet,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => do_br (n+1,c1::yet,(a1,q1))
| 0wx3E (* #">" *) =>
let val a2 = if n=1 then a1
else hookError(a1,(getPos q1,ERR_MUST_ESCAPE c1))
in doit (c1::yet,(a2,q1))
| _ => doit (c1::yet,(a1,q1))
and doit (yet,aq as (_,q)) =
let val (c1,a1,q1) = getChar aq
in case c1
of 0wx00 => (c1,data_hook(yet,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx26 (* #"&" *) => (c1,data_hook(yet,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => (c1,data_hook(yet,(a1,q)),q1)
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => if !O_COMPATIBILITY
then do_br (1,c1::yet,(a1,q1))
else doit (c1::yet,(a1,q1))
| _ => doit (c1::yet,(a1,q1))
if br then do_br (1,[0wx5D],(a0,q0))
else doit ([c0],(a0,q0))
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* consume a Unsynchronized.reference, handling errors by ignoring them. *)
fun do_ref (q0,(c,a,q)) =
if c=0wx23 (* #"#" *)
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* it's a character Unsynchronized.reference. *)
then let val (cs,(ch,a1,q1)) = parseCharRefLit [0wx23,0wx26] (a,q)
val cv = Data2Vector(rev cs)
val a2 = hookCharRef(a1,((getPos q0,getPos q1),ch,cv))
in getChar(a2,q1)
handle SyntaxError caq => caq
| NoSuchChar aq => getChar aq
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* it's a general entity Unsynchronized.reference. *)
else let val ((id,ent),(a1,q1)) = parseGenRef dtd (c,a,q)
in case ent
of GE_NULL =>
let val a2 = hookGenRef(a1,((getPos q0,getPos q1),id,ent,false))
in getChar(a2,q1)
| GE_INTERN(_,rep) =>
val q2 = pushIntern(q1,id,false,rep)
val a2 = hookGenRef(a1,((getPos q0,getPos q1),id,ent,true))
in getChar(a2,q2)
| GE_EXTERN ext =>
val a2 = hookGenRef(a1,((getPos q0,getPos q1),id,ent,true))
val caq3 = #3(openExtern (id,false,resolveExtId ext) (a2,q1))
handle CantOpenFile(fmsg,a)
=> let val err = ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE fmsg
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q1,err))
val a2 = hookEntEnd(a1,getPos q1)
in (getChar(a2,q1))
in caq3
else let val a2 = hookGenRef(a1,((getPos q0,getPos q1),id,ent,false))
in getChar(a2,q1)
raise InternalError
"parseGenRef returned GE_UNPARSED")
2021-04-28 08:27:40 +00:00
(* handle any errors in Unsynchronized.references by ignoring them. *)
handle SyntaxError caq => caq
| NoSuchEntity aq => getChar aq
(* handle an end-tag. finish the element in the user data and *)
(* return. *)
(* *)
(* print an error if the element's content is not yet finished. *)
(* print an error if the end-tag is for another element. *)
(* print an error if the element's first character was not in *)
(* the same entity. *)
and do_etag (etag as (elem,space,startPos,endPos),(c,a,q)) =
fun checkNesting a =
if getEntId q=startEnt then a
else hookError(a,(startPos,ERR_ELEM_ENT_NESTING(Index2Element dtd curr)))
if elem=curr then let val a1 = checkNesting a
val a2 = hookEndTag
in (NONE,(c,a2,q))
else if member elem openElems
then let val err = ERR_OMITTED_END_TAG(Index2Element dtd curr)
val a1 = hookError(a,(startPos,err))
val a2 = hookEndTag(a1,((startPos,endPos),curr,NONE))
in (SOME etag,(c,a2,q))
else let val err = ERR_ELEM_TYPE_MATCH(Index2Element dtd curr,
Index2Element dtd elem)
val a1 = hookError(a,(startPos,err))
val a2 = checkNesting a1
val a3 = hookEndTag(a2,((startPos,endPos),curr,SOME(elem,space)))
in (NONE,(c,a3,q))
(* handle a declaration, proc. instr or tag. If it is an end- *)
(* tag, finish the element in the user data and return. *)
(* *)
(* print an error if the element's content is not yet finished. *)
(* print an error if the end-tag is for another element. *)
(* print an error if the element's first character was not in *)
(* the same entity. *)
and do_lt (q,(c1,a1,q1)) =
case c1
of 0wx21 (* #"!" *) =>
(* its a declaration, cdata section or comment. *)
(* Only comments and cdata sections are valid. *)
let val (c2,a2,q2) = getChar(a1,q1)
val caq3 =
case c2
of 0wx2D (* #"-" *) =>
let val (c3,a3,q3) = getChar(a2,q2)
in if c3=0wx2D then parseComment (getPos q) (a3,q3)
else let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expDash,[c3])
val a4 = hookError(a3,(getPos q3,err))
in recoverDecl false (c3,a4,q3)
| 0wx5B (* #"[" *) => parseCDataSection (getPos q) (a2,q2)
| _ =>
(c2,hookError(a2,(getPos q2,ERR_EXPECTED(expDashLbrack,[c2]))),q2)
in do_mixed caq3
| 0wx2F (* #"/" *) =>
(let val (elem,space,endPos,caq2) = parseETag dtd (a1,q1)
in do_etag ((elem,space,getPos q,endPos),caq2)
handle SyntaxError caq => do_mixed caq)
| 0wx3F (* #"?" *) => do_mixed (parseProcInstr (getPos q) (a1,q1))
| _ =>
(* it's a start tag. the recursive call to parseElement *)
(* might return an end-tag that has to be consumed. *)
if isNms c1 then
let val (opt,caq2) =
(let val (stag as ((_,elem,_,_,_),_),(c2,a2,q2)) =
parseSTag dtd (getPos q) (c1,a1,q1)
val a3 = validate (a2,q1) elem
in parseElement (dtd,curr::openElems,q,stag,(c2,a3,q2))
handle SyntaxError caq => (NONE,caq))
in case opt
of NONE => do_mixed caq2
| SOME etag => do_etag (etag,caq2)
val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q,err))
in do_mixed (c1,a2,q1)
(* do mixed content. handle the document end by printing an *)
(* error and finishing like with an end-tag. *)
and do_mixed (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx00 => if isSpecial q
then let val err = ERR_OMITTED_END_TAG(Index2Element dtd curr)
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
val pos = getPos q
val a2 = hookEndTag(a1,((pos,pos),curr,NONE))
in (NONE,(c,a2,q))
else let val a1 = hookEntEnd(a,getPos q)
in do_mixed (getChar(a1,q))
| 0wx26 (* #"&" *) => do_mixed (do_ref (q,getChar(a,q)))
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => do_lt (q,getChar(a,q))
| 0wx5D => do_mixed (do_data (!O_COMPATIBILITY,(c,a,q)))
| _ => do_mixed (do_data (false,(c,a,q)))
do_mixed caq
(* parse an element, the start tag already read. the second arg holds *)
(* the number of the entity of the start-tag's first char, and the *)
(* start-tag information. The 1st arg is the start value for the user *)
(* data. 3: *)
(* *)
(* [39] element ::= EmptyElemTag *)
(* | STag content ETag *)
(* and 3.1: *)
(* *)
(* Empty-element tags may be used for any element which has no *)
(* content, whether or not it is declared using the keyword EMPTY. *)
(* For interoperability, the empty-element tag must be used, and *)
(* can only be used, for elements which are declared EMPTY. *)
and parseElement (dtd,openElems,q0,(stag as (_,curr,_,_,mt),elemInfo),(c,a,q)) =
(* validate whether an element is allowed in mixed/any content. *)
fun trans_any (a,_) _ = a
fun trans_mixed is (a,q) i =
if member i is then a
else let val err = ERR_BAD_ELEM(Index2Element dtd curr,Index2Element dtd i)
in hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
(* For empty-element tags, verify that the element's declar. *)
(* allows empty content. *)
if mt then
let val a1 =
if not (!O_VALIDATE andalso hasDtd dtd) then a
case #decl elemInfo
of (SOME(CT_EMPTY,_)) => a
| (SOME(CT_ELEMENT(_,dfa),_)) =>
if not (dfaFinal(dfa,dfaInitial))
then hookError(a,(getPos q0,ERR_EMPTY_TAG(Index2Element dtd curr)))
else if not (!O_INTEROPERABILITY) then a
else hookError
(a,(getPos q0,ERR_EMPTY_TAG_INTER (Index2Element dtd curr)))
| _ => if not (!O_INTEROPERABILITY) then a
else hookError(a,(getPos q0,ERR_EMPTY_TAG_INTER
(Index2Element dtd curr)))
in (NONE,(c,hookStartTag(a1,stag),q))
(* for normal start-tags, check whether the element's decl. *)
(* requires an empty-element tag, or empty content, then *)
(* call the appropriate function that parses the content. *)
let val startEnt = getEntId q0
in if !O_VALIDATE then
case getOpt(#decl elemInfo,(CT_ANY,false))
of (CT_ANY,_) => parseMixedContent dtd
(openElems,startEnt,curr,trans_any) (c,hookStartTag(a,stag),q)
| (CT_MIXED is,_) => parseMixedContent dtd
(openElems,startEnt,curr,trans_mixed is) (c,hookStartTag(a,stag),q)
| (CT_ELEMENT(_,dfa),ext) => parseElementContent dtd
| (CT_EMPTY,_) =>
let val a1 = if not (!O_INTEROPERABILITY) then a
else let val err = ERR_MUST_BE_EMPTY(Index2Element dtd curr)
in hookError(a,(getPos q0,err))
val a2 = hookStartTag(a1,stag)
in parseElementContent dtd
(openElems,startEnt,curr,emptyDfa,false,true) (c,a2,q)
else parseMixedContent dtd
(openElems,startEnt,curr,trans_any) (c,hookStartTag(a,stag),q)