structure Copy = struct structure ParserOptions = ParserOptions () structure CatOptions = CatOptions () structure CatParams = struct open CatError CatOptions CopyOptions Uri UtilError fun catError(pos,err) = if !O_SILENT then () else TextIO.output (!O_ERROR_DEVICE,formatMessage (4,!O_ERROR_LINEWIDTH) (Position2String pos^" Error in catalog:"::catMessage err)) end structure Resolve = ResolveCatalog (structure Params = CatParams) structure CopyHooks = CopyHooks (structure ParserOptions = ParserOptions) structure ParseCopy = Parse (structure Dtd = Dtd structure Hooks = CopyHooks structure Resolve = Resolve structure ParserOptions = ParserOptions) open CatOptions CopyOptions Options ParserOptions Uri val usage = List.concat [parserUsage,[U_SEP],catalogUsage,[U_SEP],copyUsage] exception Exit of OS.Process.status fun copy(prog,args) = let val prog = "fxcopy" val hadError = ref false fun optError msg = let val _ = TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr,msg^".\n") in hadError := true end fun exitError msg = let val _ = TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr,msg^".\n") in raise Exit OS.Process.failure end fun exitHelp prog = let val _ = printUsage TextIO.stdOut prog usage in raise Exit OS.Process.success end fun exitVersion prog = let val _ = app print [prog," version ",Version.FXP_VERSION,"\n"] in raise Exit OS.Process.success end fun summOpt prog = "For a summary of options type "^prog^" --help" fun noFile(f,cause) = "can't open file '"^f^"': "^exnMessage cause val opts = parseOptions args val _ = setParserDefaults() val opts1 = setParserOptions (opts,optError) val _ = setCatalogDefaults() val opts2 = setCatalogOptions (opts1,optError) val _ = setCopyDefaults() val (vers,help,err,file) = setCopyOptions (opts2,optError) val _ = if !hadError then exitError (summOpt prog) else () val _ = if vers then exitVersion prog else () val _ = if help then exitHelp prog else () val _ = case err of SOME "-" => O_ERROR_DEVICE := TextIO.stdErr | SOME f => (O_ERROR_DEVICE := TextIO.openOut f handle IO.Io {cause,...} => exitError(noFile(f,cause))) | NONE => () val f = valOf file handle Option => "-" val uri = if f="-" then NONE else SOME(String2Uri f) val dtd = Dtd.initDtdTables() val status = ParseCopy.parseDocument uri (SOME dtd) (CopyHooks.copyStart dtd) val _ = if isSome err then TextIO.closeOut (!O_ERROR_DEVICE) else () in status end handle Exit status => status | exn => let val _ = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr,prog^": Unexpected exception: "^exnMessage exn^".\n") in OS.Process.failure end end val _ = Copy.copy( (), CommandLine.arguments ())