(*********************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2019 Achim D. Brucker * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * Repository: https://git.logicalhacking.com/adbrucker/isabelle-hacks/ * Dependencies: None (assert.thy is used for testing the theory but it is * not required for providing the functionality of this hack) ***********************************************************************************) chapter\An Import/Export of JSON-like Formats for Isabelle/HOL\ theory "Nano_JSON" imports Complex_Main (* required for type real *) keywords "import_JSON" :: thy_decl and "definition_JSON" :: thy_decl and "serialize_JSON" :: thy_decl begin text\ This theory implements an import/export format for Isabelle/HOL that is inspired by JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). While the format defined in this theory is inspired by the JSON standard (@{url "https://www.json.org"}), it is not fully compliant. Most notably, \<^item> only basic support for Unicode characters \<^item> numbers are mapped to @{type "real"}, which is not a faithful representation of IEEE floating point numbers, moreover, we extended the abstract syntax to allow for representing integers as @{type "int"}. Still, our JSON-like import/expert should work with most real-world JSON files, i.e., simplifying the data exchange between Isabelle/HOL and tools that can read/write JSON. Overall, this theory should enable you to work with JSON encoded data in Isabelle/HOL without the need of implementing parsers or serialization in Isabelle/ML. You should be able to implement mapping from the Nano JSON HOL data types to your own data types on the level of Isabelle/HOL (i.e., as executable HOL functions). Nevertheless, the provided ML routine that converts between the ML representation and the HOL representation of Nano JSON can also serve as a starting point for converting the ML representation to your own, domain-specific, HOL encoding. \ section\Defining a JSON-like Data Structure\ text\ In this section \ datatype number = INTEGER int | REAL real datatype json = OBJECT "(string * json) list" | ARRAY "json list" | NUMBER "number" | STRING "string" | BOOL "bool" | NULL text\ Using the data type @{typ "json"}, we can now represent JSON encoded data easily in HOL: \ subsection\Example\ definition example01::json where "example01 = OBJECT [(''menu'', OBJECT [(''id'', STRING ''file''), (''value'', STRING ''File''), (''popup'', OBJECT [(''menuitem'', ARRAY [OBJECT [(''value'', STRING ''New''), (''onclick'', STRING ''CreateNewDoc()'')], OBJECT [(''value'', STRING ''Open''), (''onclick'', STRING ''OpenDoc()'')], OBJECT [(''value'', STRING ''Close''), (''onclick'', STRING ''CloseDoc()'')] ])] )])]" text\ The translation of the data type @{typ "json"} to ML is straight forward. In addition, we also provide methods for converting JSON instances between the representation as Isabelle terms and the representation as ML data structure. \ subsection\ML Implementation\ ML\ signature NANO_JSON_TYPE = sig datatype number = INTEGER of int | REAL of real datatype json = OBJECT of (string * json) list | ARRAY of json list | NUMBER of number | STRING of string | BOOL of bool | NULL val term_of_json: json -> term val json_of_term: term -> json end structure Nano_Json_Type : NANO_JSON_TYPE = struct datatype number = INTEGER of int | REAL of real datatype json = OBJECT of (string * json) list | ARRAY of json list | NUMBER of number | STRING of string | BOOL of bool | NULL fun real_to_rat_approx r = let val _ = warning ("Conversion of (real) numbers is not JSON compliant.") val rat = Real.toDecimal r fun pow (_, 0) = 1 | pow (x, n) = if n mod 2 = 0 then pow (x*x, n div 2) else x * pow (x*x, n div 2); fun rat_of_dec rat = let val sign = #sign rat val digits = #digits rat val exp = #exp rat fun numerator_of _ [] = 0 | numerator_of c (x::xs) = x*pow(10,c) + (numerator_of (c+1) xs) val numerator_abs = numerator_of 0 (rev digits) val denominator = pow(10, (List.length digits - exp)) in (if sign then ~ numerator_abs else numerator_abs, denominator) end in case #class rat of IEEEReal.ZERO => (0,0) | IEEEReal.SUBNORMAL => rat_of_dec rat | IEEEReal.NORMAL => rat_of_dec rat | IEEEReal.INF => error "Real is INF, not yet supported." | IEEEReal.NAN => error "Real is NaN, not yet supported." end fun mk_divide t1 t2 = @{const Rings.divide_class.divide (real)} $ t1 $ t2 fun mk_real_num i = HOLogic.mk_number @{typ "Real.real"} i fun mk_real (p,q) = if q = 1 then mk_real_num p else mk_divide (mk_real_num p) (mk_real_num q) fun dest_real (@{const Rings.divide_class.divide (real)} $a$b) = Real.fromInt(HOLogic.dest_number a |> snd) / Real.fromInt(HOLogic.dest_number b |> snd) | dest_real t = Real.fromInt (HOLogic.dest_number t |> snd) fun term_of_json (OBJECT l) = @{const "OBJECT"} $(HOLogic.mk_list ((HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.stringT,@{typ "json"}))) (map (fn (s,j) => HOLogic.mk_tuple[HOLogic.mk_string s, term_of_json j]) l)) | term_of_json (ARRAY l) = @{const "ARRAY"} $(HOLogic.mk_list ( @{typ "json"}) (map term_of_json l)) | term_of_json (NUMBER (INTEGER i)) = @{const "NUMBER"} $(@{const "INTEGER"}$(HOLogic.mk_number @{typ "int"} i)) | term_of_json (NUMBER (REAL r)) = @{const "NUMBER"} $(@{const "REAL"}$(mk_real (real_to_rat_approx r))) | term_of_json (STRING s) = @{const "STRING"}$(HOLogic.mk_string s) | term_of_json (BOOL v) = @{const "BOOL"}$(if v then @{const "True"} else @{const "False"}) | term_of_json (NULL) = @{const "NULL"} fun json_of_term t = let fun dest_key_value [string, json] = (HOLogic.dest_string string, json_of json) | dest_key_value _ = error "dest_key_value: not a key-value pair." and json_of (@{const "OBJECT"} $ l) = OBJECT (map (dest_key_value o HOLogic.strip_tuple) (HOLogic.dest_list l)) | json_of (@{const "ARRAY"} $ l) = ARRAY (map json_of (HOLogic.dest_list l)) | json_of (@{const "NUMBER"} $ @{const "INTEGER"} $ i) = (NUMBER (INTEGER (HOLogic.dest_numeral i))) | json_of (@{const "NUMBER"} $ @{const "REAL"} $ r) = (NUMBER (REAL (dest_real r))) | json_of (@{const "STRING"} $ s) = STRING (HOLogic.dest_string s) | json_of (@{const "BOOL"} $ @{const "True"}) = BOOL true | json_of (@{const "BOOL"} $ @{const "False"}) = BOOL true | json_of @{const "NULL"} = NULL | json_of _ = error "Term not supported in json_of_term." in if type_of t = @{typ "json"} then json_of t else error "Term not of type json." end end \ section\Parsing Nano JSON\ text\ In this section, we define the infrastructure for parsing JSON-like data structures as well as for importing them into Isabelle/HOL. This implementation was inspired by the ``Simple Standard ML JSON parser'' from Chris Cannam. \ subsection\ML Implementation\ subsubsection\Lexer\ ML\ signature NANO_JSON_LEXER = sig structure T : sig datatype token = NUMBER of char list | STRING of string | BOOL of bool | NULL | CURLY_L | CURLY_R | SQUARE_L | SQUARE_R | COLON | COMMA val string_of_T : token -> string end val tokenize_string: string -> T.token list end structure Nano_Json_Lexer : NANO_JSON_LEXER = struct structure T = struct datatype token = NUMBER of char list | STRING of string | BOOL of bool | NULL | CURLY_L | CURLY_R | SQUARE_L | SQUARE_R | COLON | COMMA fun string_of_T t = case t of NUMBER digits => String.implode digits | STRING s => s | BOOL b => Bool.toString b | NULL => "null" | CURLY_L => "{" | CURLY_R => "}" | SQUARE_L => "[" | SQUARE_R => "]" | COLON => ":" | COMMA => "," end fun lexer_error pos text = error (text ^ " at character position " ^ Int.toString (pos - 1)) fun token_error pos = lexer_error pos ("Unexpected token") fun bmp_to_utf8 cp = map (Char.chr o Word.toInt) (if cp < 0wx80 then [cp] else if cp < 0wx800 then [Word.orb(0wxc0, Word.>>(cp,0w6)), Word.orb(0wx8, Word.andb (cp, 0wx3f))] else if cp < 0wx10000 then [Word.orb(0wxe0,Word.>>(cp, 0w12)), Word.orb(0wx80, Word.andb(Word.>>(cp,0w6), 0wx3f)), Word.orb(0wx80,Word.andb(cp, 0wx3f))] else error ("Invalid BMP point in bmp_to_utf8 " ^ (Word.toString cp))) fun lexNull pos acc (#"u" :: #"l" :: #"l" :: xs) = lex (pos + 3) (T.NULL :: acc) xs | lexNull pos _ _ = token_error pos and lexTrue pos acc (#"r" :: #"u" :: #"e" :: xs) = lex (pos + 3) (T.BOOL true :: acc) xs | lexTrue pos _ _ = token_error pos and lexFalse pos acc (#"a" :: #"l" :: #"s" :: #"e" :: xs) = lex (pos + 4) (T.BOOL false :: acc) xs | lexFalse pos _ _ = token_error pos and lexChar tok pos acc xs = lex pos (tok :: acc) xs and lexString pos acc cc = let datatype escaped = ESCAPED | NORMAL fun lexString' pos _ ESCAPED [] = lexer_error pos "End of input during escape sequence" | lexString' pos _ NORMAL [] = lexer_error pos "End of input during string" | lexString' pos text ESCAPED (x :: xs) = let fun esc c = lexString' (pos + 1) (c :: text) NORMAL xs in case x of #"\"" => esc x | #"\\" => esc x | #"/" => esc x | #"b" => esc #"\b" | #"f" => esc #"\f" | #"n" => esc #"\n" | #"r" => esc #"\r" | #"t" => esc #"\t" | _ => lexer_error pos ("Invalid escape \\" ^ Char.toString x) end | lexString' pos text NORMAL (#"\\" :: #"u" ::a::b::c::d:: xs) = if List.all Char.isHexDigit [a,b,c,d] then case Word.fromString ("0wx" ^ (String.implode [a,b,c,d])) of SOME w => (let val utf = rev (bmp_to_utf8 w) in lexString' (pos + 6) (utf @ text) NORMAL xs end handle Fail err => lexer_error pos err) | NONE => lexer_error pos "Invalid Unicode BMP escape sequence" else lexer_error pos "Invalid Unicode BMP escape sequence" | lexString' pos text NORMAL (x :: xs) = if Char.ord x < 0x20 then lexer_error pos "Invalid unescaped control character" else case x of #"\"" => (rev text, xs, pos + 1) | #"\\" => lexString' (pos + 1) text ESCAPED xs | _ => lexString' (pos + 1) (x :: text) NORMAL xs val (text, rest, newpos) = lexString' pos [] NORMAL cc in lex newpos (T.STRING (String.implode text) :: acc) rest end and lexNumber firstChar pos acc cc = let val valid = String.explode ".+-e" fun lexNumber' pos digits [] = (rev digits, [], pos) | lexNumber' pos digits (x :: xs) = if x = #"E" then lexNumber' (pos + 1) (#"e" :: digits) xs else if Char.isDigit x orelse List.exists (fn c => x = c) valid then lexNumber' (pos + 1) (x :: digits) xs else (rev digits, x :: xs, pos) val (digits, rest, newpos) = lexNumber' (pos - 1) [] (firstChar :: cc) in case digits of [] => token_error pos | _ => lex newpos (T.NUMBER digits :: acc) rest end and lex _ acc [] = rev acc | lex pos acc (x::xs) = (case x of #" " => lex | #"\t" => lex | #"\n" => lex | #"\r" => lex | #"{" => lexChar T.CURLY_L | #"}" => lexChar T.CURLY_R | #"[" => lexChar T.SQUARE_L | #"]" => lexChar T.SQUARE_R | #":" => lexChar T.COLON | #"," => lexChar T.COMMA | #"\"" => lexString | #"t" => lexTrue | #"f" => lexFalse | #"n" => lexNull | x => lexNumber x) (pos + 1) acc xs fun tokenize_string str = lex 1 [] (String.explode str) end \ subsubsection\Parser\ ML\ signature NANO_JSON_PARSER = sig val json_of_string : string -> Nano_Json_Type.json val term_of_json_string : string -> term end structure Nano_Json_Parser : NANO_JSON_PARSER = struct open Nano_Json_Type open Nano_Json_Lexer fun show [] = "end of input" | show (tok :: _) = T.string_of_T tok val parse_error = error fun parseNumber digits = let open Char fun okExpDigits [] = false | okExpDigits (c :: []) = isDigit c | okExpDigits (c :: cs) = isDigit c andalso okExpDigits cs fun okExponent [] = false | okExponent (#"+" :: cs) = okExpDigits cs | okExponent (#"-" :: cs) = okExpDigits cs | okExponent cc = okExpDigits cc fun okFracTrailing [] = true | okFracTrailing (c :: cs) = (isDigit c andalso okFracTrailing cs) orelse (c = #"e" andalso okExponent cs) fun okFraction [] = false | okFraction (c :: cs) = isDigit c andalso okFracTrailing cs fun okPosTrailing [] = true | okPosTrailing (#"." :: cs) = okFraction cs | okPosTrailing (#"e" :: cs) = okExponent cs | okPosTrailing (c :: cs) = isDigit c andalso okPosTrailing cs fun okPositive [] = false | okPositive (#"0" :: []) = true | okPositive (#"0" :: #"." :: cs) = okFraction cs | okPositive (#"0" :: #"e" :: cs) = okExponent cs | okPositive (#"0" :: _) = false | okPositive (c :: cs) = isDigit c andalso okPosTrailing cs fun okNumber (#"-" :: cs) = okPositive cs | okNumber cc = okPositive cc in if okNumber digits then let val number = String.implode digits in if List.all (Char.isDigit) (String.explode number) then (case Int.fromString (String.implode digits) of NONE => parse_error "Number out of range" | SOME r => INTEGER r) else (case Real.fromString (String.implode digits) of NONE => parse_error "Number out of range" | SOME r => REAL r) end else parse_error ("Invalid number \"" ^ (String.implode digits) ^ "\"") end fun parseObject (T.CURLY_R :: xs) = (OBJECT [], xs) | parseObject tokens = let fun parsePair (T.STRING key :: T.COLON :: xs) = let val (j, xs) = parseTokens xs in ((key, j), xs) end | parsePair other = parse_error("Object key/value pair expected around \"" ^ show other ^ "\"") fun parseObject' _ [] = parse_error "End of input during object" | parseObject' acc tokens = case parsePair tokens of (pair, T.COMMA :: xs) => parseObject' (pair :: acc) xs | (pair, T.CURLY_R :: xs) => (OBJECT (rev (pair :: acc)), xs) | (_, _) =>parse_error "Expected , or } after object element" in parseObject' [] tokens end and parseArray (T.SQUARE_R :: xs) = (ARRAY [], xs) | parseArray tokens = let fun parseArray' _ [] = error "End of input during array" | parseArray' acc tokens = case parseTokens tokens of (j, T.COMMA :: xs) => parseArray' (j :: acc) xs | (j, T.SQUARE_R :: xs) => (ARRAY (rev (j :: acc)), xs) | (_, _) => error "Expected , or ] after array element" in parseArray' [] tokens end and parseTokens [] = parse_error "Value expected" | parseTokens (tok :: xs) = (case tok of T.NUMBER d => (NUMBER ((parseNumber d)), xs) | T.STRING s => (STRING s, xs) | T.BOOL b => (BOOL b, xs) | T.NULL => (NULL, xs) | T.CURLY_L => parseObject xs | T.SQUARE_L => parseArray xs | _ => parse_error ("Unexpected token " ^ T.string_of_T tok ^ " before " ^ show xs)) fun json_of_string str = case parseTokens (Nano_Json_Lexer.tokenize_string str) of (value, []) => value | (_, _) => parse_error "Extra data after input" val term_of_json_string = term_of_json o json_of_string end \ subsection\Isar Setup\ subsubsection\The JSON Cartouche\ syntax "_cartouche_nano_json" :: "cartouche_position \ 'a" ("JSON _") parse_translation\ let fun translation args = let fun err () = raise TERM ("Common._cartouche_nano_json", args) fun input s pos = Symbol_Pos.implode (Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content (Symbol_Pos.explode (s, pos))) in case args of [(c as Const (@{syntax_const "_constrain"}, _)) $ Free (s, _) $ p] => (case Term_Position.decode_position p of SOME (pos, _) => c $ Nano_Json_Parser.term_of_json_string (input s pos) $ p | NONE => err ()) | _ => err () end in [(@{syntax_const "_cartouche_nano_json"}, K translation)] end \ subsubsection\Isar Top-Level Commands\ ML\ structure Nano_Json_Parser_Isar = struct fun make_const_def (constname, trm) lthy = let val arg = ((Binding.name constname, NoSyn), ((Binding.name (constname^"_def"),[]), trm)) val ((_, (_ , thm)), lthy') = Local_Theory.define arg lthy in (thm, lthy') end fun def_json name json = snd o (make_const_def (name, Nano_Json_Parser.term_of_json_string json )) fun def_json_file name filename lthy = let val filename = Path.explode filename val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy val master_dir = Resources.master_directory thy val abs_filename = if (Path.is_absolute filename) then filename else Path.append master_dir filename val json = File.read abs_filename in def_json name json lthy end val jsonFileP = Parse.name -- Parse.name val jsonP = Parse.name -- Parse.cartouche end \ ML\ val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword "definition_JSON"} "Define JSON." (Nano_Json_Parser_Isar.jsonP >> (fn (name, json) => Nano_Json_Parser_Isar.def_json name json)); val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword "import_JSON"} "Define JSON from file." (Nano_Json_Parser_Isar.jsonFileP >> (fn (name, filename) => Nano_Json_Parser_Isar.def_json_file name filename)); \ subsection\Examples\ text\ Now we can use the JSON Cartouche for defining JSON-like data ``on-the-fly'', e.g.: \ lemma \y == JSON\{"name": [true,false,"test"]}\\ oops text\ Note that you need to escape quotes within the JSON Cartouche, if you are using quotes as lemma delimiters, e.g.,: \ lemma "y == JSON\{\"name\": [true,false,\"test\"]}\" oops text\ Thus, we recommend to use the Cartouche delimiters when using the JSON Cartouche with non trivial data structures: \ lemma \ example01 == JSON \{"menu": { "id": "file", "value": "File", "popup": { "menuitem": [ {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"}, {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}, {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"} ] } }}\\ by(simp add: example01_def) text\ Using the top level Isar commands defined in the last section, we can now easily define JSON-like data: \ definition_JSON example02 \ {"menu": { "id": "file", "value": "File", "popup": { "menuitem": [ {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"}, {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}, {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"} ] } }} \ thm example02_def lemma "example01 = example02" by(simp add: example01_def example02_def) text\ Moreover, we can import JSON from external files: \ import_JSON example03 "example.json" thm example03_def lemma "example01 = example03" by(simp add: example01_def example03_def) section\Serializing Nano JSON\ text\ In this section, we define the necessary infrastructure to serialize (export) data from HOL using a JSON-like data structure that other JSON tools should be able to import. \ subsection\ML Implementation\ ML\ signature NANO_JSON_SERIALIZER = sig val serialize_json: Nano_Json_Type.json -> string val serialize_json_pretty: Nano_Json_Type.json -> string val serialize_term: term -> string val serialize_term_pretty: term -> string end structure Nano_Json_Serializer : NANO_JSON_SERIALIZER = struct open Nano_Json_Type fun escapeJsonString s = let fun bs c = "\\"^(Char.toString c) fun escape #"\"" = bs #"\"" | escape #"\\" = bs #"\\" | escape #"\b" = bs #"b" | escape #"\f" = bs #"f" | escape #"\n" = bs #"n" | escape #"\r" = bs #"r" | escape #"\t" = bs #"t" | escape c = let val ord = Char.ord c in if ord < 0x20 then let val hex = Word.toString (Word.fromInt ord) val prfx = if ord < 0x10 then "\\u000" else "\\u00" in prfx^hex end else Char.toString c end in String.concat (map escape (String.explode s)) end fun serialize pretty json = let val nl = if pretty = NONE then "" else "\n" fun indent' 0 = "" | indent' n = " "^(indent' (n-1)) fun indent n = (case pretty of NONE => "" | SOME n' => indent' (n+n')) fun serialize' _ (OBJECT []) = "{}" | serialize' _ (ARRAY []) = "[]" | serialize' n (OBJECT pp) = "{"^nl^(indent (n+1)) ^ String.concatWith (","^nl^(indent (n+1))) (map (fn (key, value) => serialize' (n+1) (STRING key) ^ ":" ^ serialize' (n+1) value) pp) ^ nl^(indent n)^"}" | serialize' n (ARRAY arr) = "["^nl^(indent (n+1)) ^ String.concatWith (","^nl^(indent (n+1))) (map (serialize' (n+1) ) arr) ^ nl^(indent n)^"]" | serialize' _ (NUMBER (REAL n)) = String.implode (map (fn #"~" => #"-" | c => c) (String.explode (Real.toString n))) | serialize' _ (NUMBER (INTEGER n)) = String.implode (map (fn #"~" => #"-" | c => c) (String.explode (Int.toString n))) | serialize' _ (STRING s) = "\"" ^ escapeJsonString s ^ "\"" | serialize' _ (BOOL b) = Bool.toString b | serialize' _ NULL = "null" in (serialize' 0 json)^nl end val serialize_json = serialize NONE val serialize_json_pretty = serialize (SOME 0) val serialize_term = (serialize NONE) o json_of_term val serialize_term_pretty = (serialize (SOME 0)) o json_of_term end \ subsection\Isar Setup\ ML\ structure Nano_Json_Serialize_Isar = struct fun export_json ctxt json_const filename = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt val master_dir = Resources.master_directory thy val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy; val term = Thm.concl_of (Global_Theory.get_thm thy (json_const^"_def")) val json_term = case term of _ $ (_ $ json_term) => json_term | _ => error ("Term structure not supported: " ^(Sledgehammer_Util.hackish_string_of_term ctxt term)) val json_string = Nano_Json_Serializer.serialize_term_pretty json_term in case filename of SOME filename => let val filename = Path.explode filename val abs_filename = if (Path.is_absolute filename) then filename else Path.append master_dir filename in File.write (abs_filename) json_string handle (IO.Io{name=name,...}) => warning ("Could not write \""^name^"\".") end | NONE => tracing json_string end end \ ML\ Outer_Syntax.command ("serialize_JSON", Position.none) "export JSON data to an external file" (Parse.name -- Scan.option Parse.name >> (fn (const_name,filename) => (Toplevel.keep (fn state => Nano_Json_Serialize_Isar.export_json (Toplevel.context_of state) const_name filename)))); \ subsection\Examples\ text\ We can now serialize JSON and print the result in the output window of Isabelle/HOL: \ serialize_JSON example01 text\ Alternatively, we can export the serialized JSON into a file: \ serialize_JSON example01 example01.json section\Putting Everything Together\ text\ For convenience, we provide an ML structure that provides access to both the parser and the serializer:, \ ML\ structure Nano_Json = struct open Nano_Json_Type open Nano_Json_Parser open Nano_Json_Serializer end \ end