(*********************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2018 Achim D. Brucker * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * Repository: https://git.logicalhacking.com/adbrucker/isabelle-hacks/ * Dependencies: None ***********************************************************************************) (*********************************************************************************** # Changelog This comment documents all notable changes to this file in a format inspired by [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ## [1.0.0] - 2018-06-16 - Initial release ***********************************************************************************) chapter\An Assertion Framework for Isabelle\ theory "Assert" imports Main keywords "assert"::thy_decl begin text\This theory implements a simple @{emph \assertion framework\} for Isabelle: it introduces a new top level command @{bold \assert\} that allows for checking an assertion. The overall idea is very similar to the assert annotations that man unit test frameworks provide. New assertion types can be registered on the ML level of Isabelle.\ section\The Core Assertion Framework\ ML\ signature ASSERT = sig datatype arg_class = optional | mandatory type arg_parseT = ((string * Position.T) * string) type arg_specT = (string * arg_class * string option) type checkT = theory -> arg_parseT list -> unit type assertionT = { name : string, description: string, assertion: checkT } val dispatch : string -> arg_parseT list -> theory -> theory val register : assertionT-> theory -> theory end structure Assert : ASSERT = struct datatype arg_class = optional | mandatory type arg_parseT = ((string * Position.T) * string) type arg_specT = (string * arg_class * string option) type checkT = theory -> arg_parseT list -> unit type assertionT = { name : string, description: string, assertion: checkT } type assert_tab = (assertionT) Symtab.table fun assertion_eq (a, a') = (#name a) = (#name a') fun merge_assert_tab (tab,tab') = Symtab.merge assertion_eq (tab,tab') structure Data = Generic_Data ( type T = assert_tab val empty = Symtab.empty:assert_tab val extend = I fun merge(t1,t2) = merge_assert_tab (t1, t2) ); fun register assertion thy = let val name = #name assertion fun reg tab = Symtab.update_new(name, assertion) tab in Context.theory_of ( (Data.map reg) (Context.Theory thy)) handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("Assertion already defined: "^name) end fun dispatch assertion args thy = let val tab = (Data.get o Context.Theory) thy val _ = (case Symtab.lookup tab assertion of SOME a => (#assertion a) thy args | NONE => error ("No assertion registered: "^assertion)) in thy end end \ ML\ val argP = Parse.position Parse.name -- Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.!!! Parse.string) ""; val argsP = (Parse.$$$ "[" |-- (Parse.position Parse.name -- (Scan.optional(Parse.$$$ "," |-- (Parse.enum "," argP))) [])) --| Parse.$$$ "]" val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "assert"} "theory assertion" (argsP >> (fn ((assert,_),args) => (Toplevel.theory (Assert.dispatch assert args)))); \ section\Utilities for Writing And Registering Assertions on the ML Level\ ML\ signature ASSERT_UTIL = sig val get_mandatory_arg : (string * string) list -> string -> string val get_optional_arg : (string * string) list -> string -> string option val parse_args : Assert.arg_specT list -> Assert.arg_parseT list -> (string * string) list val str_of_thm : Proof.context -> thm -> string end structure Assert_Util : ASSERT_UTIL = struct fun clean_ws s = let fun ws (c1::c2::cs) = if c1 = #" " andalso c2 = #" " then ws (c2::cs) else c1::(ws (c2::cs)) | ws [c] = [c] | ws [] = [] in String.implode (ws (String.explode (String.map (fn c => if c = #"\n" then #" " else c) s))) end fun str_of_thm ctx thm = clean_ws (Print_Mode.setmp [] (Thm.string_of_thm (ctx |> Config.put show_markup false |> Config.put show_question_marks false |> Config.put show_types true ) ) thm) fun parse_args spec (((name,_),value)::args) = let val arg = case filter (fn (name',_,_) => (name' = name)) spec of [v] => v | [] => error ("Not a valid argument: "^name) | _ => error ("Argument given multiple times: "^name) val spec = filter (fn arg' => arg <> arg') spec in (name, value)::(parse_args spec args) end | parse_args spec [] = let val default_args = map (fn (n, _, v) => (n, the v)) (filter (fn (_,_,value) => value <> NONE) spec) val missing_args = filter (fn (_,typ,value) => typ = Assert.mandatory andalso value = NONE) spec in if missing_args = [] then default_args else error(List.foldl (fn (s,s') => (s ^"\n"^s')) "" (map (fn (n,_,_) => "Mandatory argument missing: "^n) missing_args)) end fun get_mandatory_arg ((name', s)::vals) name = if name = name' then s else get_mandatory_arg vals name | get_mandatory_arg [] name = error ("Mandatory arg "^name^" not found.") fun get_optional_arg ((name',s)::vals) name = if name = name' then SOME s else get_optional_arg vals name | get_optional_arg [] _ = NONE end \ section\Am Example\ ML\ signature STRING_OF_THM_CMP_ASSERT = sig val string_of_thm_equal : Assert.assertionT val string_of_thm_notequal : Assert.assertionT end structure String_of_thm_cmp_assert : STRING_OF_THM_CMP_ASSERT = struct fun assert_string_of_thm_cmp cmp ctx thm str = let val str' = Assert_Util.str_of_thm ctx thm in if not (cmp(str,str')) then error ("assert_string_of_thm_equal failed, got '" ^str'^"' expected '"^str^"'.") else () end fun assert_string_of_thm_cmp_args cmp thy args = let val ctx = Toplevel.context_of(Toplevel.theory_toplevel thy) val spec = [("thm_def", Assert.mandatory, NONE), ("str", Assert.mandatory, NONE)] val vals = Assert_Util.parse_args spec args val thm_name = Assert_Util.get_mandatory_arg vals "thm_def" val thm_def = (Global_Theory.get_thm thy thm_name) val str = Assert_Util.get_mandatory_arg vals "str" in assert_string_of_thm_cmp cmp ctx thm_def str end val string_of_thm_equal = { name = "string_of_thm_equal", description = "Check that string representation (including types) " ^"matches given string.", assertion = (assert_string_of_thm_cmp_args (=)) } val string_of_thm_notequal = { name = "string_of_thm_notequal", description = "Check that string representation (including types) " ^"does not match given string.", assertion = (assert_string_of_thm_cmp_args (<>)) } end \ setup\ fn thy => thy |> (Assert.register String_of_thm_cmp_assert.string_of_thm_equal) |> (Assert.register String_of_thm_cmp_assert.string_of_thm_notequal) \ section\Examples\ assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="True_def", str="True \ (\x::bool. x) = (\x::bool. x)"] assert[string_of_thm_notequal, thm_def="True_def", str="False \ (\x::bool. x) = (\x::bool. x)"] end