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<title>fxp - The Program fxesis</title>
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The Program <i>fxesis</i></h1>
<img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#DESC">Description</a></td>
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#OUT">Output Format</a></td>
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#OUTEX">Output Example</a></td>
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#EXA">Options by Example</a></td>
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#OPT">Summary of Options</a></td>
<p><img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
<a NAME="DESC"></a>Description</h2>
<i>fxesis</i> is a validating XML processor. It reads an XML document and
produces a textual description of its Element Structure Information Set
(ESIS). This contains only little information about the DTD, and no information
about the document's entity structure, but provides all information about
the document's logical (element) structure.
<p>The typical invocation of <i>fxesis</i> is
<pre>fxesis [option ...] [infile]</pre>
If <tt>infile</tt> is given, <i>fxesis</i> reads its input document from
that file, otherwise from standard input. By default, it prints its output
to the standard output.
<p><img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
<a NAME="OUT"></a>The Output Format</h2>
The <i>fxesis</i> output is a series of plain text lines. The meaning of
each line is determined by its first character. Some lines, e.g. attribute
specifications, define arguments for a following line. All lines contain
only LATIN1 characters, or, if the <tt><a href="#EXA-ENC">--ascii</a></tt>
option was given, ASCII characters. In order to print other characters
<i>fxesis</i> uses escape sequences with the following meaning:
<td NOWRAP><tt>\\</tt></td>
<td>the character '<tt>\</tt>';&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>\n</tt></td>
<td>a newline character;&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>\t</tt></td>
<td>a tab character;&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>\U+<i>hex</i>;</tt></td>
<td>the Unicode character whose hexadecimal code is <i>hex</i>.&nbsp;</td>
The following output lines can appear:
<td NOWRAP><tt>-</tt><i>data</i></td>
<td>A sequence of data characters, including newlines. The data need not
have been contiguous in the input document, but may have consisted of a
series of data characters, CDATA sections and character references, interspersed
with comments.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>(</tt><i>elem</i></td>
<td>The start of an element of type <i>elem</i>. Preceded by an <tt>A</tt>
line for each of its attributes.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>)</tt><i>elem</i></td>
<td>The end of an element of type <i>elem</i>.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>A</tt><i>att</i> <i>value</i></td>
<td>A specification of attribute <i>att</i> for a following <tt>(</tt>
(element-start) line. <i>value</i> is one out of:&nbsp;
<td NOWRAP><tt>IMPLIED</tt></td>
<td>The attribute value was implied. This is used only in validating mode
<td NOWRAP><tt>CDATA </tt><i>data</i></td>
<td>The attribute was declared <tt>CDATA</tt>; its value is <i>data</i>.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>NOTATION </tt><i>name</i></td>
<td>A notation attribute with value <i>name</i>; that notation was defined
in a previous <tt>N</tt> (notation definition) line.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>ENTITY </tt><i>name</i><tt> ...</tt></td>
<td>An attribute with declared type <tt>ENTITY</tt> or <tt>ENTITIES</tt>.
Each <i>name</i> is the name of an unparsed general entity that was defined
in a preceding <tt>E</tt> (entity definition) line.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>TOKEN </tt><i>token</i><tt> ...</tt></td>
<td>An attribute with declared type <tt>NMTOKEN</tt>, <tt>NMTOKENS</tt>,
<tt>ID</tt>, <tt>IDREF</tt>, <tt>IDREFS</tt>, or enumeration. Each <i>token</i>
is a name token complying with the attribute type.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>?</tt><i>target</i> <i>text</i></td>
<td>A processing instruction with target <i>target</i> and text <i>text</i>.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>E</tt><i>ent</i><tt> NDATA </tt><i>nt</i></td>
<td>Defines an unparsed external entity named <i>ent</i> whose notation
is <i>nt</i> and has been defined by a preceding <tt>N</tt> (notation definition)
line. This line is immediately preceded by an optional <tt>p</tt> (public
identifier) line, an <tt>s</tt> (system identifier) line and, if a filename
could be generated, an <tt>f</tt> (filename) line for the external identifier
declared for <i>ent</i>. An entity is defined by an <tt>E</tt> line only
once per document.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>N</tt><i>nt</i></td>
<td>Defines the notation named <i>nt</i>. This line is immediately preceded
by an optional <tt>p</tt> (public identifier) line and an optional <tt>s</tt>
(system identifier) line for the external identifier declared for <i>nt</i>.
A notation is defined by an <tt>N</tt> line only once per document.&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>p</tt><i>pubid</i></td>
<td><i>pubid</i> is the public identifier belonging to the external identifier
of a following <tt>N</tt> (notation definition) or <tt>E</tt> (entity definition).&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>s</tt><i>sysid</i></td>
<td><i>sysid</i> is the system identifier belonging to the external identifier
of a following <tt>N</tt> (notation definition) or <tt>E</tt> (entity definition).&nbsp;</td>
<td NOWRAP><tt>f&lt;OSFILE></tt><i>filename</i></td>
<td><i>filename</i> is the system file name generated for the external
identifier of a following <tt>E</tt> (entity definition).&nbsp;</td>
<img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
<a NAME="OUTEX"></a>An Output Example</h2>
Consider the example document <tt><a href="Examples/exa-5.xml">exa-5.xml</a></tt>.
The <i>fxesis</i> output, if called without options, for this document
is <tt><a href="Examples/exa-5.esis-8">exa-5.esis-8</a></tt>. Note that
all the adjacent data segments of the first <tt>a</tt> element are merged
into one; note also that there is an <tt>A</tt> line for each implied attribute.
Furthermore, notation <tt>man</tt> is not redefined at its second occurrence.
<p>Opposed to that, <tt>fxesis -7 -nv exa-5.xml</tt> produces the output
in <tt><a href="Examples/exa-5.esis-7">exa-5.esis-7</a></tt>. Note the
difference: on the one hand, no <tt>A</tt> lines are printed for implied
attribute, because validation was turned off. On the other hand, characters
<tt>&ouml;</tt>, <tt>&uuml;</tt> and <tt>&szlig;</tt> are represented by
escape sequences, because they are not ASCII-characters.
<p><img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
<a NAME="EXA"></a>Options by Example</h2>
<i>fxesis</i> understands all options documented for <i><a href="fxp.html#EXA">fxp</a></i>;
the additional options control how output is generated.
<p>By default, <i>fxesis</i> writes its output to the standard output.
It can be redirected to a file named <tt>outfile</tt> via the option <tt>--output=outfile</tt>
or, for short, <tt>-o outfile</tt>.
<a NAME="EXA-ENC"></a>Output Encoding</h4>
By default, <i>fxesis</i> produces its output in the LATIN1 character set,
i.e., using 8-bit characters. It can be restricted to using only 7-bit
characters with the <tt>--ascii</tt> or, for short, <tt>-7</tt> option.
For instance, consider the element
<pre>&lt;addr city="K&ouml;ln">M&uuml;llerstra&szlig;e 13&lt;/addr></pre>
Called with <tt>fxesis -8 ...</tt>, the output for this element is
<pre>Acity CDATA K&ouml;ln
-M&uuml;llerstra&szlig;e 13
whereas <tt>fxesis -7 ...</tt> outputs the following:
<pre>Acity CDATA K\U+f6;ln
-M\U+fc;llerstra\U+df;e 13
<img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
<a NAME="OPT"></a>Summary of Command Line Options</h2>
Each option can be one of:
A file name specifying the input document. Only one input document may
be specified.</li>
A long option of the form <tt>--key[=arg]</tt></li>
A short option of the form <tt>-k</tt>, where <tt>k</tt> consists of single
character. If <tt>k</tt> consists of more than one character, each character
is assumed to be a short option itself (e.g., <tt>-vic</tt> equals <tt>-v
-i -c</tt>).</li>
A short option with argument of the form <tt>-k arg</tt>, where <tt>k</tt>
consists of a single character.</li>
A negative short option of the form <tt>-nk</tt>, where <tt>k</tt> consists
of single character. If <tt>k</tt> consists of more than one character,
each character is assumed to be a negative short option itself (e.g., <tt>-nvic</tt>
equals <tt>-nv -ni -nc</tt>). If <tt>k</tt> is empty, then we have the
(non-negative) short option <tt>-n</tt>.</li>
The string <tt>--</tt>. This option is ignored, except that all remaining
options are interpreted as file names, whether they start with <tt>-</tt>
or not.</li>
<i>fxesis</i> understands all options documented for <i><a href="fxp.html#OPT">fxp</a></i>;
additionally, the following options are available:
<tt>-o fname</tt></dt>
Write all output, except for errors and warnings, to the file named <tt>fname</tt>.
If <tt>fname</tt> is <tt>-</tt>, the standard output is used. Defaults
to -.</dd>
Produce the output in ASCII encoding, i.e., using 7-bit characters only.</dd>
Produce output in Latin1 encoding, i.e., using 8-bit characters also. This
is the default.</dd>
<img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
fxp's feedback address <a href="mailto:fxp@PSI.Uni-Trier.DE">fxp@PSI.Uni-Trier.DE</a></address>