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<title>fxp - The Program fxcanon</title>
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The Program <i>fxcanon</i></h1>
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<a NAME="DESC"></a>Description</h2>
<i>fxcanon</i> is a validating XML processor. It reads an XML document
and produces an equivalent canonical document. <a href="">Canonical
XML</a> was invented by <a href="">James Clark</a>
for testing XML parsers. It contains only the information a processor is
required to pass to the application. <i>fxcanon</i> understands all options
documented for <i><a href="fxp.html#OPT">fxp</a></i>; additionally, the
following options are available:
<tt>-o fname</tt></dt>
Write all output, except for errors and warnings, to the file named <tt>fname</tt>.
If <tt>fname</tt> is <tt>-</tt>, the standard output is used. Defaults
is <tt>-</tt>.</dd>
<img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
fxp's feedback address <a href="mailto:fxp@PSI.Uni-Trier.DE">fxp@PSI.Uni-Trier.DE</a></address>