
154 lines
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Standard ML

functor CopyHooks (structure ParserOptions : ParserOptions) =
structure CopyOutput = CopyOutput (structure ParserOptions = ParserOptions)
Base Dtd Encoding
CopyOptions CopyOutput
datatype Where = SOMEWHERE | SUBSET | CONTENT of int | REFERENCE of Where
type AppData = OS.Process.status * File * Dtd * Where
type AppFinal = OS.Process.status
fun copyStart dtd = (OS.Process.success,noFile,dtd,SOMEWHERE)
fun hookXml ((status,_,dtd,wher),(fname,enc,xmlDecl)) =
let val (vers,_,stand) = case xmlDecl
of SOME ves => ves
val (outEnc,outEncName) = case !O_OUTPUT_ENCODING
of NONE => (enc,encodingName enc)
| SOME x => (NOENC,x)
val f = openFile(!O_OUTPUT_FILE,outEnc,outEncName)
in (status,putXmlDecl(f,(vers,SOME outEncName,stand)),dtd,wher)
fun hookFinish (a as (status,f,_,_)) = status before closeFile f
fun hookError ((status,f,dtd,wher),err) = (OS.Process.failure,f,dtd,wher)
before printError err
fun hookWarning (a,warn) = a before printWarning warn
fun hookProcInst (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),pi) =
case wher
of REFERENCE _ => a
| _ => (status,putProcInst(f,pi),dtd,wher)
fun hookComment (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),com) =
case wher
of REFERENCE _ => a
| _ => (status,putComment(f,com),dtd,wher)
fun hookWhite (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),ws) =
case wher
of REFERENCE _ => a
| _ => (status,putVector(f,ws),dtd,wher)
fun hookDecl (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),decl) =
case wher
of SUBSET => (status,putDecl(f,dtd,decl),dtd,wher)
| _ => a
fun hookStartTag (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),stag) =
case wher
of CONTENT level => let val f1 = putStartTag(f,dtd,stag)
val level1 = if #5 stag then level else level+1
in (status,f1,dtd,CONTENT level1)
| SOMEWHERE => let val f1 = putStartTag(f,dtd,stag)
in if #5 stag then (status,putNl f1,dtd,wher)
else (status,f1,dtd,CONTENT 1)
| _ => a
fun hookEndTag (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),etag) =
case wher
of CONTENT level => let val f1 = putEndTag(f,dtd,etag)
val (f2,wher1) = if level>1 then (f1,CONTENT(level-1))
else (f1,SOMEWHERE)
in (status,f2,dtd,wher1)
| _ => a
fun hookData (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),(_,text,_)) =
case wher
of CONTENT _ => (status,putDataVector(f,text),dtd,wher)
| _ => a
fun hookCData (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),(_,text)) =
case wher
of CONTENT _ => (status,putCData(f,text),dtd,wher)
| _ => a
fun hookCharRef (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),(_,ch,cv)) =
case wher
of CONTENT _ =>
let val f1 = if !O_EXPAND_CONT_CHAR
then putDataChar(f,ch) else putVector(f,cv)
in (status,f1,dtd,wher)
| _ => a
fun hookGenRef (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),(_,idx,ent,included)) =
case wher
of CONTENT l =>
if not included then (status,putGenRef(f,Index2GenEnt dtd idx),dtd,wher)
else if (if isExtGen ent then !O_EXPAND_CONT_EXT else !O_EXPAND_CONT_INT) then a
else (status,putGenRef(f,Index2GenEnt dtd idx),dtd,REFERENCE wher)
| REFERENCE _ => if included then (status,f,dtd,REFERENCE wher) else a
| _ => a
fun hookParRef (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),(_,idx,ent,included)) =
case wher
of SUBSET =>
if not included then (status,putNl(putParRef(f,Index2ParEnt dtd idx)),dtd,wher)
else if (if isExtPar ent then !O_EXPAND_SUBSET_EXT else !O_EXPAND_SUBSET_INT) then a
else (status,putNl(putParRef(f,Index2ParEnt dtd idx)),dtd,REFERENCE wher)
| REFERENCE _ => if included then (status,f,dtd,REFERENCE wher) else a
| _ => if included then (status,f,dtd,REFERENCE wher) else a
fun hookEntEnd (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),_) =
case wher
of REFERENCE wher1 => (status,f,dtd,wher1)
| _ => a
fun hookDocType (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),(didx,extId)) =
case wher
val f1 = putData(f,startDtd)
val f2 = putData(f1,Index2Element dtd didx)
val f3 = if !O_INCLUDE_EXT_SUBSET then f2
else case extId
of NONE => f2
| SOME x => putExtId(putBlank f2,x)
in (status,f1,dtd,wher)
| _ => a
fun hookSubset (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),_) =
case wher
of SOMEWHERE => (status,putData(f,[0wx20,0wx5B]),dtd,SUBSET) (* " [" *)
| _ => a
fun hookExtSubset (a as (status,f,dtd,wher),_) =
then case wher
of SOMEWHERE => (status,putData(f,[0wx20,0wx5B,0wx0A]),dtd,SUBSET) (* " [\n" *)
| SUBSET => (status,putChar(f,0wx0A),dtd,SUBSET)
| _ => a
else case wher
of SOMEWHERE => (status,f,dtd,REFERENCE wher)
| SUBSET => (status,putChar(f,0wx5D),dtd,REFERENCE SOMEWHERE) (* #"]" *)
| _ => a
fun hookEndDtd(a as (status,f,dtd,wher),_) =
case wher
of SOMEWHERE => (status,putData(f,endDecl),dtd,wher)
| SUBSET => (status,putData(putChar(f,0wx5D),endDecl),dtd,SOMEWHERE)
| REFERENCE wher => (status,putData(f,endDecl),dtd,wher)
| _ => a