
340 lines
17 KiB
Standard ML

(* Structure: Dtd *)
(* *)
(* Exceptions raised by functions in this structure: *)
(* AttNot2Index : none *)
(* Element2Index : none *)
(* GenEnt2Index : none *)
(* Id2Index : none *)
(* Index2AttNot : NoSuchIndex *)
(* Index2Element : NoSuchIndex *)
(* Index2GenEnt : NoSuchIndex *)
(* Index2Id : NoSuchIndex *)
(* Index2ParEnt : NoSuchIndex *)
(* ParEnt2Index : none *)
(* entitiesWellformed : none *)
(* getElement : NoSuchIndex *)
(* getGenEnt : NoSuchIndex *)
(* getId : NoSuchIndex *)
(* getNotation : NoSuchIndex *)
(* getParEnt : NoSuchIndex *)
(* hasNotation : NoSuchIndex *)
(* initDtdTables : none *)
(* maxUsedElem : none *)
(* maxUsedId : none *)
(* printAttNotTable : none *)
(* printIdTable : none *)
(* printParEntTable : none *)
(* printxElementTable : none *)
(* printxGenEntTable : none *)
(* setElement : NoSuchIndex *)
(* setGenEnt : NoSuchIndex *)
(* setId : NoSuchIndex *)
(* setNotation : NoSuchIndex *)
(* setParEnt : NoSuchIndex *)
signature Dtd =
type Dtd
val hasDtd : Dtd -> bool
val hasExternal : Dtd -> bool
val standsAlone : Dtd -> bool
val setHasDtd : Dtd -> unit
val setExternal : Dtd -> unit
val setStandAlone : Dtd -> bool -> unit
val entitiesWellformed : Dtd -> bool
val validPredef : int -> UniChar.Vector
val isRedefined : Dtd -> int -> bool
val setRedefined : Dtd -> int -> unit
val notRedefined : Dtd -> UniChar.Data list
val AttNot2Index : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int
val Element2Index : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int
val Id2Index : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int
val GenEnt2Index : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int
val ParEnt2Index : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int
val hasAttNot : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int option
val hasElement : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int option
val hasId : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int option
val hasGenEnt : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int option
val hasParEnt : Dtd -> UniChar.Data -> int option
val Index2Element : Dtd -> int -> UniChar.Data
val Index2Id : Dtd -> int -> UniChar.Data
val Index2GenEnt : Dtd -> int -> UniChar.Data
val Index2AttNot : Dtd -> int -> UniChar.Data
val Index2ParEnt : Dtd -> int -> UniChar.Data
val getId : Dtd -> int -> Base.IdInfo
val getElement : Dtd -> int -> Base.ElemInfo
val getGenEnt : Dtd -> int -> Base.GenEntInfo
val getNotation : Dtd -> int -> Base.NotationInfo
val getParEnt : Dtd -> int -> Base.ParEntInfo
val hasNotation : Dtd -> int -> bool
val setId : Dtd -> int * Base.IdInfo -> unit
val setElement : Dtd -> int * Base.ElemInfo -> unit
val setGenEnt : Dtd -> int * Base.GenEntInfo -> unit
val setNotation : Dtd -> int * Base.ExternalId -> unit
val setParEnt : Dtd -> int * Base.ParEntInfo -> unit
val maxUsedId : Dtd -> int
val maxUsedElem : Dtd -> int
val maxUsedGen : Dtd -> int
val initDtdTables : unit -> Dtd
val printDtdTables : Dtd -> unit
val printAttNotTable : Dtd -> unit
val printIdTable : Dtd -> unit
val printElementTable : Dtd -> unit
val printGenEntTable : Dtd -> unit
val printParEntTable : Dtd -> unit
val defaultIdx : int
val preserveIdx : int
val xmlLangIdx : int
val xmlSpaceIdx : int
structure Dtd : Dtd =
Base UniChar
DataDict DataSymTab
val O_TS_ELEM = Unsynchronized.ref 6 (* Initial size of element table *)
val O_TS_GEN_ENT = Unsynchronized.ref 6 (* Initial size of general entity table *)
val O_TS_ID = Unsynchronized.ref 6 (* Initial size of id attribute table *)
val O_TS_ATT_NOT = Unsynchronized.ref 6 (* Initial size of notation table *)
val O_TS_PAR_ENT = Unsynchronized.ref 6 (* Initial size of parameter entity table *)
(* this is how the predefined entities must be declared. *)
val predefined = Vector.fromList
(map (fn (x,y,z) => (String2Data x,String2Vector y,String2Vector z))
("amp" ,"'&'","&"),
("lt" ,"'<'","<"),
("gt" ,"'>'",">"),
("apos","\"'\"" ,"'" ),
("quot","'\"'" ,"\"" )])
fun validPredef i = #3(Vector.sub(predefined,i))
(* this type holds all information relevent to the DTD. *)
type Dtd = {hasDtdFlag : bool Unsynchronized.ref,
standAloneFlag : bool Unsynchronized.ref,
externalFlag : bool Unsynchronized.ref,
elDict : ElemInfo DataDict.Dict,
genDict : GenEntInfo DataDict.Dict,
idDict : IdInfo DataDict.Dict,
notDict : NotationInfo DataDict.Dict,
parDict : ParEntInfo DataDict.Dict,
preRedef : bool array
fun newDtd() = {hasDtdFlag = Unsynchronized.ref false,
standAloneFlag = Unsynchronized.ref false,
externalFlag = Unsynchronized.ref false,
elDict = nullDict ("element",nullElemInfo),
idDict = nullDict ("ID name",nullIdInfo),
genDict = nullDict ("general entity",(GE_NULL,false)),
notDict = nullDict ("attribute and notation",NONE:NotationInfo),
parDict = nullDict ("parameter entity",(PE_NULL,false)),
preRedef = Array.array(6,false)
} : Dtd
val default = String2Data "default"
val preserve = String2Data "preserve"
val xmlLang = String2Data "xml:lang"
val xmlSpace = String2Data "xml:space"
(* standalone status, existance of a DTD and of external declarations *)
(* externalFlag is true if there is an external subset or a (not nece-*)
(* ssarily external) parameter entity Unsynchronized.reference in the DTD. (cf. 4.1) *)
fun standsAlone (dtd:Dtd) = !(#standAloneFlag dtd)
fun hasExternal (dtd:Dtd) = !(#externalFlag dtd)
fun hasDtd (dtd:Dtd) = !(#hasDtdFlag dtd)
fun setHasDtd (dtd:Dtd) = #hasDtdFlag dtd := true
fun setExternal (dtd:Dtd) = #externalFlag dtd := true
fun setStandAlone (dtd:Dtd) x = #standAloneFlag dtd := x
(* 4.1: *)
(* Well-Formedness Constraint: Entity Declared *)
(* In a document without any DTD, a document with only an internal *)
(* DTD subset which contains no parameter entity Unsynchronized.references, or a *)
(* document with "standalone='yes'", the Name given in the entity *)
(* Unsynchronized.reference must match that in an entity declaration ... Note that *)
(* if entities are declared in the external subset or in external *)
(* parameter entities, a non-validating processor is not obligated *)
(* to read and process their declarations; for such documents, the *)
(* rule that an entity must be declared is a well-formedness *)
(* constraint only if standalone='yes'. *)
(* *)
(* Thus a Unsynchronized.reference to an undeclared entity is a well-formedness *)
(* error if either #hasDtdFlag or #externalFlag is false, or if *)
(* #standaloneFlag is true *)
(* bug fixed 080600: changed !hasDtdFlag to not(!hasDtdFlag) *)
fun entitiesWellformed ({hasDtdFlag,standAloneFlag,externalFlag,...}:Dtd) =
not (!hasDtdFlag andalso !externalFlag) orelse !standAloneFlag
fun initStandalone ({hasDtdFlag,standAloneFlag,externalFlag,...}:Dtd) =
(hasDtdFlag := false; standAloneFlag := false; externalFlag := false)
(* this array tells whether the predefined entities (index 1-5) have *)
(* been declared in the dtd. *)
fun isRedefined (dtd:Dtd) i = Array.sub(#preRedef dtd,i)
fun setRedefined (dtd:Dtd) i = Array.update(#preRedef dtd,i,true)
fun notRedefined dtd = List.mapPartial
(fn i => if isRedefined dtd i then NONE else SOME(#1(Vector.sub(predefined,i))))
fun AttNot2Index (dtd:Dtd) name = getIndex(#notDict dtd,name)
fun Element2Index (dtd:Dtd) name = getIndex(#elDict dtd,name)
fun GenEnt2Index (dtd:Dtd) name = getIndex(#genDict dtd,name)
fun Id2Index (dtd:Dtd) name = getIndex(#idDict dtd,name)
fun ParEnt2Index (dtd:Dtd) name = getIndex(#parDict dtd,name)
fun hasAttNot (dtd:Dtd) name = hasIndex(#notDict dtd,name)
fun hasElement (dtd:Dtd) name = hasIndex(#elDict dtd,name)
fun hasId (dtd:Dtd) name = hasIndex(#idDict dtd,name)
fun hasGenEnt (dtd:Dtd) name = hasIndex(#genDict dtd,name)
fun hasParEnt (dtd:Dtd) name = hasIndex(#parDict dtd,name)
fun Index2AttNot (dtd:Dtd) idx = getKey(#notDict dtd,idx)
fun Index2Element (dtd:Dtd) idx = getKey(#elDict dtd,idx)
fun Index2GenEnt (dtd:Dtd) idx = getKey(#genDict dtd,idx)
fun Index2Id (dtd:Dtd) idx = getKey(#idDict dtd,idx)
fun Index2ParEnt (dtd:Dtd) idx = getKey(#parDict dtd,idx)
fun getElement (dtd:Dtd) idx = getByIndex(#elDict dtd,idx)
fun getGenEnt (dtd:Dtd) idx = getByIndex(#genDict dtd,idx)
fun getId (dtd:Dtd) idx = getByIndex(#idDict dtd,idx)
fun getNotation (dtd:Dtd) idx = getByIndex(#notDict dtd,idx)
fun getParEnt (dtd:Dtd) idx = getByIndex(#parDict dtd,idx)
fun hasNotation (dtd:Dtd) idx = isSome(getByIndex(#notDict dtd,idx))
fun setElement (dtd:Dtd) (idx,el) = setByIndex(#elDict dtd,idx,el)
fun setGenEnt (dtd:Dtd) (idx,ge) = setByIndex(#genDict dtd,idx,ge)
fun setId (dtd:Dtd) (idx,a) = setByIndex(#idDict dtd,idx,a)
fun setNotation (dtd:Dtd) (idx,nt) = setByIndex(#notDict dtd,idx,SOME nt)
fun setParEnt (dtd:Dtd) (idx,pe) = setByIndex(#parDict dtd,idx,pe)
fun maxUsedElem (dtd:Dtd) = usedIndices(#elDict dtd)-1
fun maxUsedGen (dtd:Dtd) = usedIndices(#genDict dtd)-1
fun maxUsedId (dtd:Dtd) = usedIndices(#idDict dtd)-1
(* initialize the attribute tables. Make sure that indices 0...3 are *)
(* assigned to "default", "preserve", "xml:lang" and "xml:space". *)
fun initAttNotTable (dtd as {idDict,notDict,...}:Dtd) =
val _ = clearDict(notDict,SOME(!O_TS_ATT_NOT))
val _ = clearDict(idDict,SOME(!O_TS_ID))
val _ = AttNot2Index dtd default
val _ = AttNot2Index dtd preserve
val _ = AttNot2Index dtd xmlLang
val _ = AttNot2Index dtd xmlSpace
in ()
fun initElementTable (dtd:Dtd) = clearDict(#elDict dtd,SOME(!O_TS_ELEM))
(* reserve 0 for gen entity -, i.e., the document entity. *)
(* reserve 1 for gen entity amp, i.e., "&" *)
(* reserve 2 for gen entity lt, i.e., "<" *)
(* reserve 3 for gen entity gt, i.e., ">" *)
(* reserve 4 for gen entity apos, i.e., "'" *)
(* reserve 5 for gen entity quot, i.e., """ *)
(* reserve 0 for par entity -, i.e., the external dtd subset. *)
(* *)
(* Cf. 4.1: *)
(* *)
(* ... except that well-formed documents need not declare any of *)
(* the following entities: amp, lt, gt, apos, quot. *)
(* *)
(* and 4.6: *)
(* *)
(* <!ENTITY lt "&#38;#60;"> *)
(* <!ENTITY gt "&#62;"> *)
(* <!ENTITY amp "&#38;#38;"> *)
(* <!ENTITY apos "&#39;"> *)
(* <!ENTITY quot "&#34;"> *)
fun initEntityTables (dtd as {genDict,parDict,preRedef,...}:Dtd) =
val _ = clearDict(genDict,SOME(!O_TS_GEN_ENT))
val _ = clearDict(parDict,SOME(!O_TS_PAR_ENT))
val _ = map (fn i => Array.update(preRedef,i,false)) [1,2,3,4,5]
val _ = GenEnt2Index dtd [0wx2D] (* "-" *)
val _ = ParEnt2Index dtd [0wx2D] (* "-" *)
val _ = VectorSlice.appi
(fn (_,(name,lit,cs))
=> (setGenEnt dtd (GenEnt2Index dtd name,(GE_INTERN(lit,cs),false))))
(VectorSlice.slice (predefined,1,NONE))
in ()
fun initDtdTables() =
val dtd = newDtd()
val _ = initAttNotTable dtd
val _ = initElementTable dtd
val _ = initEntityTables dtd
val _ = initStandalone dtd
in dtd
val dtd = initDtdTables()
val defaultIdx = AttNot2Index dtd default
val preserveIdx = AttNot2Index dtd preserve
val xmlLangIdx = AttNot2Index dtd xmlLang
val xmlSpaceIdx = AttNot2Index dtd xmlSpace
fun printAttNotTable (dtd:Dtd) =
printDict NotationInfo2String (#notDict dtd)
fun printElementTable dtd =
printDict (ElemInfo2xString (UniChar.Data2String o (Index2AttNot dtd),
UniChar.Data2String o (Index2Element dtd),
UniChar.Data2String o (Index2GenEnt dtd),
UniChar.Data2String o (Index2Id dtd),
UniChar.Data2String o (Index2AttNot dtd))) (#elDict dtd)
fun printGenEntTable dtd =
printDict (fn (ent,ext) => GenEntity2xString (Data2String o (Index2AttNot dtd)) ent
^(if ext then "[external]" else "")) (#genDict dtd)
fun printIdTable (dtd:Dtd) = printDict (IdInfo2String) (#idDict dtd)
fun printParEntTable (dtd:Dtd) =
printDict (fn (ent,ext) => ParEntity2String ent
^(if ext then "[external]" else "")) (#parDict dtd)
fun printDtdTables dtd = (printAttNotTable dtd;
printElementTable dtd;
printGenEntTable dtd;
printIdTable dtd;
printParEntTable dtd)