
295 lines
12 KiB
Standard ML

(* Structure: ParserOptions *)
(* *)
(* Depends on: none *)
signature ParserOptions =
structure DfaOptions : DfaOptions
val O_CHECK_ISO639 : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_CHECK_LANGID : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_CHECK_PREDEFINED : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_CHECK_RESERVED : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_CHECK_VERSION : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_MULT_ENUM : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_XML_DECL : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_ATT_NO_ELEM : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_MULT_ENT_DECL : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_MULT_NOT_DECL : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_MULT_ATT_DEF : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_MULT_ATT_DECL : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_SHOULD_DECLARE : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_WARN_NON_ASCII_URI : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_ERROR_MINIMIZE : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_VALIDATE : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_COMPATIBILITY : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_INTEROPERABILITY : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_INCLUDE_EXT_PARSED : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val O_INCLUDE_PARAM_ENTS : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val setParserDefaults : unit -> unit
val setParserOptions : Options.Option list * (string -> unit) -> Options.Option list
val parserUsage : Options.Usage
functor ParserOptions () : ParserOptions =
structure DfaOptions = DfaOptions ()
open DfaOptions Options UtilInt UtilList
val O_CHECK_VERSION = Unsynchronized.ref true (* check for conforming xml version? *)
val O_CHECK_ISO639 = Unsynchronized.ref true (* check whether a two-letter LangCode *)
(* is acording to ISO 639? *)
val O_CHECK_LANGID = Unsynchronized.ref true (* check whether a LangCode fullfills *)
(* IETF RFC 1766? *)
val O_CHECK_RESERVED = Unsynchronized.ref false(* check for names starting with xml? *)
val O_CHECK_PREDEFINED = Unsynchronized.ref true (* check declarations of predefined *)
val O_WARN_MULT_ENUM = Unsynchronized.ref true (* check whether a token occurs *)
(* twice in the enumerated attribute *)
(* types of the same element *)
val O_WARN_XML_DECL = Unsynchronized.ref false (* warn if the XML decl is missing? *)
val O_WARN_ATT_NO_ELEM = Unsynchronized.ref true (* warn for undeclared elements *)
(* in att def list declarations? *)
val O_WARN_MULT_ENT_DECL = Unsynchronized.ref true (* warn about redefined entities *)
val O_WARN_MULT_NOT_DECL = Unsynchronized.ref true (* warn about redefined notations*)
val O_WARN_SHOULD_DECLARE = Unsynchronized.ref true (* warn if predefined entities *)
(* are not declared in the dtd *)
val O_WARN_MULT_ATT_DEF = Unsynchronized.ref true (* warn if an attributes is defd *)
(* twice for the same element? *)
val O_WARN_MULT_ATT_DECL = Unsynchronized.ref true (* warn if there are multiple att *)
(* def lists for one element? *)
val O_WARN_NON_ASCII_URI = Unsynchronized.ref true (* warn about non-ascii chars in *)
(* system identifiers? *)
val O_ERROR_MINIMIZE = Unsynchronized.ref true (* try to avoid repeating errors? *)
val O_VALIDATE = Unsynchronized.ref true
val O_COMPATIBILITY = Unsynchronized.ref true
val O_INTEROPERABILITY = Unsynchronized.ref false
val O_INCLUDE_EXT_PARSED = Unsynchronized.ref false
val O_INCLUDE_PARAM_ENTS = Unsynchronized.ref false
fun setParserDefaults() =
val _ = setDfaDefaults()
val _ = O_CHECK_ISO639 := false
val _ = O_CHECK_LANGID := false
val _ = O_CHECK_PREDEFINED := true
val _ = O_CHECK_RESERVED := false
val _ = O_CHECK_VERSION := true
val _ = O_WARN_MULT_ENUM := true
val _ = O_WARN_XML_DECL := false
val _ = O_WARN_ATT_NO_ELEM := false
val _ = O_WARN_MULT_ENT_DECL := false
val _ = O_WARN_MULT_NOT_DECL := false
val _ = O_WARN_MULT_ATT_DEF := false
val _ = O_WARN_MULT_ATT_DECL := false
val _ = O_WARN_SHOULD_DECLARE := true
val _ = O_WARN_NON_ASCII_URI := true
val _ = O_VALIDATE := true
val _ = O_COMPATIBILITY := true
val _ = O_INTEROPERABILITY := false
val _ = O_ERROR_MINIMIZE := true
val _ = O_INCLUDE_EXT_PARSED := false
val _ = O_INCLUDE_PARAM_ENTS := false
in ()
val parserUsage =
[U_ITEM(["-[n]v","--validate[=(yes|no)]"],"Turn on or off validation (yes)"),
"Turn on or off compatibility checking (yes)"),
"Turn on or off interoperability checking (no)"),
U_ITEM(["--few-errors[=(yes|no)]"],"Report fewer errors (no)"),
"Checking for reserved names (no)"),
"Check declaration of predefined entities (yes)"),
U_ITEM(["--check-lang-id[=(yes|no)]"],"Checking language identifiers (no)"),
U_ITEM(["--check-iso639[=(yes|no)]"],"Check ISO 639 language codes (no)"),
U_ITEM(["--check-xml-version[=(yes|no)]"], "Check XML version number (yes)"),
U_ITEM(["--warn-xml-decl[=(yes|no)]"],"Warn if there is no XML declaration (no)"),
"Warn about attlist declarations for undeclared elements (no)"),
"Warn if the predefined entities are not declared (no)"),
U_ITEM(["--warn-mult-decl[=<arg>]"],"Warn about multiple declarations (none)"),
U_ITEM(["--warn-uri[=(yes|no)]"],"Warn about non-ASCII characters in URIs (yes)"),
U_ITEM(["--warn[=all]"],"Warn about nearly everything"),
U_ITEM(["--warn=none"],"Do not print warnings"),
"Include external entities in non-validating mode (no)"),
"Include parameter entities and external subset in "^
"non-validating mode (no)"),
fun setParserOptions(opts,doError) =
datatype What = ATT | ATTLIST | ENT | NOT
exception Failed of string option
fun getNat str =
if str="" then raise Failed NONE
else let val cs = String.explode str
in foldl (fn (c,n) => if #"0">c orelse #"9"<c then raise Failed NONE
else 10*n+ord c-48) 0 cs
handle Overflow => raise Failed
(SOME("number "^str^" is too large for this system"))
val allNone = "'all' or 'none'"
val yesNo = "'yes' or 'no'"
val yesNoWhat = "'yes', 'no' or a list of 'att', 'attlist', 'ent' and 'not'"
fun errorMustBe(key,what) = doError
(String.concat ["the argument to option --",key," must be ",what])
fun errorNoArg key = doError
(String.concat ["option --",key," has no argument"])
fun do_mult_decl(key,valOpt) =
fun setFlags whats = app (fn (what,flag) => flag := member what whats)
in case valOpt
of NONE => setFlags all
| SOME "yes" => setFlags all
| SOME "no" => setFlags nil
| SOME s => let val fields = String.fields (fn c => #","=c) s
val whats = map
(fn s => case s
of "att" => ATT
| "attlist" => ATTLIST
| "ent" => ENT
| "not" => NOT
| _ => raise Failed NONE) fields
in setFlags whats
handle Failed _ => errorMustBe(key,yesNoWhat)
fun do_noarg(key,valOpt,flag) =
case valOpt
of NONE => flag := true
| SOME _ => errorNoArg key
fun do_yesno(key,valOpt,flag) =
case valOpt
of NONE => flag := true
| SOME "yes" => flag := true
| SOME "no" => flag := false
| SOME s => errorMustBe(key,yesNo)
fun do_num(key,valOpt,flag) =
case valOpt
of NONE => errorMustBe(key,"a number")
| SOME s => flag := getNat s
handle Failed NONE => errorMustBe(key,"a number")
| Failed (SOME s) => doError s
fun do_warn(key,valOpt) =
fun setFlags value = app (fn flag => flag := value) all
in case valOpt
of NONE => setFlags true
| SOME "all" => setFlags true
| SOME "none" => setFlags false
| SOME _ => errorMustBe(key,allNone)
fun do_long(key,valOpt) =
case key
of "validate" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_VALIDATE)
| "compat" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_COMPATIBILITY)
| "compatibility" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_COMPATIBILITY)
| "interop" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_INTEROPERABILITY)
| "interoperability" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_INTEROPERABILITY)
| "few-errors" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_ERROR_MINIMIZE)
| "check-reserved" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_CHECK_RESERVED)
| "check-predef" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_CHECK_PREDEFINED)
| "check-predefined" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_CHECK_PREDEFINED)
| "check-lang-id" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_CHECK_LANGID)
| "check-iso639" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_CHECK_ISO639)
| "check-xml-version" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_CHECK_VERSION)
| "warn" => true before do_warn(key,valOpt)
| "warn-xml-decl" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_WARN_XML_DECL)
| "warn-att-elem" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_WARN_ATT_NO_ELEM)
| "warn-predefined" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_WARN_SHOULD_DECLARE)
| "warn-mult-decl" => true before do_mult_decl(key,valOpt)
| "warn-uri" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_WARN_NON_ASCII_URI)
| "include-ext" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_INCLUDE_EXT_PARSED)
| "include-external" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_INCLUDE_EXT_PARSED)
| "include-par" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_INCLUDE_PARAM_ENTS)
| "include-parameter" => true before do_yesno(key,valOpt,O_INCLUDE_PARAM_ENTS)
| _ => false
fun do_short cs =
let fun doOne c =
case c
of #"v" => false before O_VALIDATE := true
| #"c" => false before O_COMPATIBILITY := true
| #"i" => false before O_INTEROPERABILITY := true
| _ => true
in List.filter doOne cs
fun do_neg cs =
let fun doOne c =
case c
of #"v" => false before O_VALIDATE := false
| #"c" => false before O_COMPATIBILITY := false
| #"i" => false before O_INTEROPERABILITY := false
| _ => true
in List.filter doOne cs
and doit nil = nil
| doit (opt::opts) =
case opt
of OPT_NOOPT => opts
| OPT_LONG(key,value) => if do_long(key,value) then doit opts
else opt::doit opts
| OPT_SHORT cs => (case do_short cs
of nil => doit opts
| rest => OPT_SHORT rest::doit opts)
| OPT_NEG cs => (case do_neg cs
of nil => doit opts
| rest => OPT_NEG rest::doit opts)
| OPT_STRING s => opt::doit opts
val opts1 = setDfaOptions (opts,doError)
doit opts1