
1158 lines
60 KiB
Standard ML

signature ParseDecl =
include ParseBase
val parseName : UniChar.Char * AppData * State
-> UniChar.Data * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseComment : Errors.Position -> AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseProcInstr : Errors.Position -> AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val skipS : UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
val skipSopt : UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
val skipSmay : UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> bool * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val openExtern : int * Uri.Uri -> AppData * State
-> Encoding.Encoding * HookData.TextDecl option * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val openDocument : Uri.Uri option -> AppData
-> Encoding.Encoding * HookData.XmlDecl option * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val openSubset : Uri.Uri -> AppData
-> Encoding.Encoding * HookData.TextDecl option * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val skipCharRef : AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val skipReference : UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseGenRef : Dtd -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
-> (int * Base.GenEntity) * (AppData * State)
val parseParRef : Dtd -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
-> (int * Base.ParEntity) * (AppData * State)
val parseCharRefLit : UniChar.Data -> AppData * State
-> UniChar.Data * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val skipPSopt : Dtd -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
-> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
val skipTag : Errors.Location -> AppData * State -> (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseETag : Dtd -> AppData * State
-> int * UniChar.Data * Errors.Position * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseSTag : Dtd -> Errors.Position -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
-> (HookData.StartTagInfo * Base.ElemInfo) * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
include ParseTags
val skipDecl : bool -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
val parseExtIdSub : Dtd -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
-> Base.ExternalId * bool * (UniChar.Char * AppData * State)
val parseEntityDecl : Dtd -> EntId * Errors.Position * bool
-> UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
val parseElementDecl : Dtd -> EntId * Errors.Position * bool
-> UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
val parseNotationDecl : Dtd -> EntId * Errors.Position * bool
-> UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
val parseAttListDecl : Dtd -> EntId * Errors.Position * bool
-> UniChar.Char * AppData * State -> UniChar.Char * AppData * State
(* Structure: ParseDecl *)
(* *)
(* Exceptions raised by functions in this structure: *)
(* skipDecl : none *)
(* parseExtIdSub : NotFound SyntaxError *)
(* parseEntityDecl : none *)
(* parseElementDecl : none *)
(* parseNotationDecl : none *)
(* parseAttListDecl : none *)
functor ParseDecl (structure ParseBase : ParseBase)
: ParseDecl =
structure ParseTags = ParseTags (structure ParseBase = ParseBase)
UtilInt UtilList
Base Errors HookData
(* skip a markup declaration, the initial "<!" and name already read. *)
(* ignore ">" if within a literal. yake care of internal subset if *)
(* the first arg is true. *)
(* *)
(* print an error and finish if an entity end is found. *)
(* *)
(* return the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun skipDecl hasSubset caq =
fun do_lit ch (c,a,q) =
if c=0wx00 then (c,a,q)
else if c=ch then getChar (a,q)
else do_lit ch (getChar(a,q))
fun do_decl (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx00 => (c,a,q)
| 0wx22 (* #"\""" *) => do_decl (do_lit c (getChar(a,q)))
| 0wx27 (* #"'" *) => do_decl (do_lit c (getChar(a,q)))
| 0wx3E (* #">" *) => getChar(a,q)
| _ => do_decl (getChar(a,q))
fun do_subset (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx00 => (c,a,q)
| 0wx3C (* #"<" *) => do_subset (do_decl (getChar(a,q)))
| 0wx5D (* #"]" *) => getChar(a,q)
| _ => do_subset (getChar(a,q))
fun doit (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx00 => (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_DECL)),q)
| 0wx22 (* #"\"""*) => doit (do_lit c (getChar(a,q)))
| 0wx27 (* #"'" *) => doit (do_lit c (getChar(a,q)))
| 0wx3E (* #">" *) => getChar(a,q)
| 0wx5B (* #"[" *) => if hasSubset then doit (do_subset (getChar(a,q)))
else doit (getChar(a,q))
| _ => doit (getChar(a,q))
in doit caq
(* parse an external id, or a public id if the first arg is true. *)
(* Cf. 4.2.2 and 4.7: *)
(* *)
(* [75] ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral *)
(* | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral *)
(* *)
(* [83] PublicID ::= 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral *)
(* *)
(* raise NotFound if no name is found first. *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if a wrong name is found. *)
(* print an Error and raise SyntaxState if a required literal is not *)
(* found (depends on optSys). *)
(* *)
(* return the public and system identifiers as string options, *)
(* a boolean, whether whit space followed the external id, *)
(* and the next character and the remaining state. *)
(* might raise: NotFound SyntaxState *)
fun parseExternalId dtd optSys (caq as (_,_,q))=
(* do not handle NotFound: in this case no extId was found *)
val (name,caq1) = parseName caq
val caq2 as (_,_,q2)= skipPS dtd caq1
case name
of [0wx50,0wx55,0wx42,0wx4c,0wx49,0wx43] => (* "PUBLIC" *)
val (pub,pquote,caq3) = parsePubidLiteral caq2
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expLitQuote,[c])
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
in raise SyntaxError (c,a1,q)
val (hadS,caq4 as (_,_,q4)) = skipPSmay dtd caq3
in let
val (sys,squote,(c5,a5,q5)) = parseSystemLiteral caq4
val base = getUri q4
val a6 = if hadS then a5 else hookError(a5,(getPos q4,ERR_MISSING_WHITE))
val (hadS6,caq6) = skipPSmay dtd (c5,a6,q5)
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => (* no system id *)
if optSys then (EXTID(SOME(pub,pquote),NONE),hadS,(c,a,q))
else let val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_EXPECTED(expLitQuote,[c])))
in raise SyntaxError (c,a1,q)
| [0wx53,0wx59,0wx53,0wx54,0wx45,0wx4d] => (* "SYSTEM" *)
val (sys,squote,caq3) = parseSystemLiteral caq2
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expLitQuote,[c])
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
in raise SyntaxError (c,a1,q)
val base = getUri q2
val (hadS,caq4) = skipPSmay dtd caq3
| _ => let val (c2,a2,q2) = caq2
val a3 = hookError(a2,(getPos q,ERR_EXPECTED(expExtId,name)))
in raise SyntaxError (c2,a3,q2)
(* parse an external id in an entity definition. Cf. 4.2.2: *)
(* *)
(* print an Error and raise SyntaxState if no external id is found. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseExtIdEnt dtd caq = parseExternalId dtd false caq
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expLitQuotExt,[c])
in raise SyntaxError (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
(* parse an external or public id in a notation declaration. *)
(* *)
(* print an Error and raise SyntaxState if neither external nor *)
(* public id is found. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseExtIdNot dtd caq = parseExternalId dtd true caq
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expExtId,[c])
in raise SyntaxError (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
(* parse an external id for the external subset. *)
(* *)
(* raise NotFound if no external id is found. *)
(* might raise: NotFound SyntaxState *)
fun parseExtIdSub dtd caq = parseExternalId dtd false caq
(* parse a parameter entity declaration, starting after the '%'. The *)
(* unique entity id of the initial '<' is given as first arg. 4.2: *)
(* *)
(* [72] PEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S? '>' *)
(* [74] PEDef ::= EntityValue | ExternalID *)
(* *)
(* (see also the comments for ParseDtd.parseMarkupDecl). *)
(* *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if neither entity value nor *)
(* external identifier is found. *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if the closing '>' is missing.*)
(* print an error if the '>' is not in the same entity as the '<!'. *)
(* *)
(* enter the declared entity into the entity table. *)
(* return the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseParEntDecl dtd (startEnt,startPos,ext) caq =
val caq1 as (_,_,q1) = skipPS dtd caq
val (name,caq2) = parseName caq1
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expAnEntName,[c])
in raise SyntaxError (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
val idx = ParEnt2Index dtd name
val caq3 = skipPS dtd caq2
val (ent,(c4,a4,q4)) =
let val (ent,caq4) = parseEntityValue dtd PE_INTERN caq3
val caq5 = skipPSopt dtd caq4
in (ent,caq5)
handle NotFound caq =>
let val (extId,_,caq1) = parseExtIdEnt dtd caq
in (PE_EXTERN extId,caq1)
val a5 = if useParamEnts() orelse not ext then addParEnt dtd (a4,q1) (idx,ent,ext) else a4
val a6 = hookDecl(a5,((startPos,getPos q4),DEC_PAR_ENT(idx,ent,ext)))
if c4<>0wx3E (* #">" *)
then let val a7 = hookError(a6,(getPos q4,ERR_EXPECTED(expGt,[c4])))
in raise SyntaxError(c4,a7,q4)
else let val a7 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse getEntId q4=startEnt then a6
else hookError(a6,(getPos q4,ERR_DECL_ENT_NESTING LOC_ENT_DECL))
in getChar(a7,q4)
(* parse a general entity declaration, starting with the name. The *)
(* unique entity id of the initial '<' is given as first arg. 4.2: *)
(* *)
(* [71] GEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>' *)
(* [73] EntityDef ::= EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?) *)
(* *)
(* [76] NDataDecl ::= S 'NDATA' S Name [ VC: Notation *)
(* Declared ] *)
(* *)
(* If the NDataDecl is present, this is a general unparsed entity; *)
(* otherwise it is a parsed entity. *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Notation Declared *)
(* The Name must match the declared name of a notation. *)
(* *)
(* (see also the comments for ParseDtd.parseMarkupDecl). *)
(* *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if neither entity value nor *)
(* external identifier is found. *)
(* print an error if name other then 'NDATA' is found after ext. id. *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no name is found after the *)
(* 'NDATA'. *)
(* print an error if the notation is not declared. *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if the closing '>' is missing.*)
(* print an error if the '>' is not in the same entity as the '<!'. *)
(* *)
(* enter the declared entity into the entity table. *)
(* return the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseGenEntDecl dtd (startEnt,startPos,ext) (caq as (_,_,q)) =
val (name,caq1) = parseName caq
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expEntNamePero,[c])
in raise SyntaxError (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
val idx = GenEnt2Index dtd name
val caq2 = skipPS dtd caq1
val (ent,expEnd,(c3,a3,q3)) =
(* Try for an internal entity. Then '>' must follow. *)
val (ent,caq3) = parseEntityValue dtd GE_INTERN caq2
val caq4 = skipPSopt dtd caq3
handle NotFound cq => (* raised by parseEntityValue *)
(* Must be external. First parse the external identifier. *)
val (extId,hadS,caq1 as (_,_,q1)) = parseExtIdEnt dtd caq2
in let
(* Does a name follow? Then is must be 'NDATA' and the *)
(* notation name follows. Thus the entity is unparsed. *)
(* Also, only '>' may come next. *)
(* NotFound is handled at the end of the let. *)
val (key,(c2,a2,q2)) = parseName caq1
val a3 = if hadS then a2 else hookError(a2,(getPos q1,ERR_MISSING_WHITE))
val a4 = if key = [0wx4e,0wx44,0wx41,0wx54,0wx41] (* "NDATA" *) then a3
else hookError(a3,(getPos q1,ERR_EXPECTED(expGtNdata,key)))
val caq5 as (_,_,q5) = skipPS dtd (c2,a4,q2)
val (not,caq6) = parseName caq5
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expANotName,[c])
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
in raise SyntaxError (c,a1,q)
val notIdx = AttNot2Index dtd not
val caq7 = skipPSopt dtd caq6
(GE_UNPARSED(extId,notIdx,getPos q5),expGt,caq7)
handle NotFound caq =>
(* No 'NDATA' present, so it's parsed external entity. *)
(* A 'NDATA' might have followed. *)
(GE_EXTERN extId,expGtNdata,caq)
val a4 = if useParamEnts() orelse not ext then addGenEnt dtd (a3,q) (idx,ent,ext) else a3
val a5 = hookDecl(a4,((startPos,getPos q3),DEC_GEN_ENT(idx,ent,ext)))
if c3<>0wx3E (* #">" *)
then let val a6 = hookError(a5,(getPos q3,ERR_EXPECTED(expGt,[c3])))
in raise SyntaxError(c3,a6,q3)
else let val a6 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse getEntId q3=startEnt then a5
else hookError(a5,(getPos q3,ERR_DECL_ENT_NESTING LOC_ENT_DECL))
in getChar(a6,q3)
(* parse an entity declaration, the initial '<!ENTITY' already read. *)
(* The unique entity id of the initial '<' is given as 1st arg. 4.2: *)
(* *)
(* [70] EntityDecl ::= GEDecl | PEDecl *)
(* [71] GEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>' *)
(* [72] PEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S? '>' *)
(* *)
(* (see also the comments for ParseDtd.parseMarkupDecl). *)
(* *)
(* raise SyntaxState in case of a syntax error. *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* *)
(* print an error for entity end exceptions in subfunctions. *)
(* catch syntax errors by recovering to the next possible state. *)
(* *)
(* pass control to parseParEntDecl or parseGenEntDecl, depending on *)
(* whether the S is followed by a '%'. *)
(* return the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun parseEntityDecl dtd pars caq =
val (hadPero,caq1) = skipPSdec dtd caq
if hadPero then parseParEntDecl dtd pars caq1
else parseGenEntDecl dtd pars caq1
handle exn as SyntaxError (c,a,q) =>
let val a1 = if c=0wx00 then hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_ENT_DECL))
else a
in recoverDecl false (c,a1,q)
(* parse a notation declaration, the initial '<!NOTATION' already *)
(* read. The unique entity id of the '<!' is given as first arg. 4.7: *)
(* *)
(* [82] NotationDecl ::= '<!NOTATION' S Name S *)
(* (ExternalID | PublicID) S? '>' *)
(* *)
(* (see also the comments for ParseDtd.parseMarkupDecl). *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no notation name, no *)
(* external/public identifier or no final '>' is found. *)
(* print an error if the '>' is not in the same entity as the '<!'. *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* *)
(* print an error for entity end exceptions in subfunctions. *)
(* catch syntax errors by recovering to the next possible state. *)
(* *)
(* enter the declared notation into the notation table. *)
(* return the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun parseNotationDecl dtd (startEnt,startPos,ext) caq =
val caq1 as (_,_,q1) = skipPS dtd caq
val (name,caq2) = parseName caq1
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expANotName,[c])
in raise SyntaxError (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
val idx = AttNot2Index dtd name
val caq3 = skipPS dtd caq2
val (extId,_,(c4,a4,q4)) = parseExtIdNot dtd caq3
val a5 = if useParamEnts() orelse not ext then addNotation dtd (a4,q1) (idx,extId) else a4
val a6 = hookDecl(a5,((startPos,getPos q4),DEC_NOTATION(idx,extId,ext)))
if c4<>0wx3E (* #">" *)
then let val a7 = hookError(a6,(getPos q4,ERR_EXPECTED(expGt,[c4])))
in raise SyntaxError (c4,a7,q4)
else let val a7 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse getEntId q4=startEnt then a6
else hookError(a6,(getPos q4,ERR_DECL_ENT_NESTING LOC_NOT_DECL))
in getChar(a7,q4)
handle exn as SyntaxError(c,a,q) =>
let val a1 = if c=0wx00 then hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_NOT_DECL))
else a
in recoverDecl false (c,a1,q)
(* parse a mixed-content specification, the initial '(', S? and '#' *)
(* already read. The unique id of the openening paren's entity is *)
(* given as first arg. Cf. 3.2.1/2: *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Proper Group/PE Nesting *)
(* Parameter-entity replacement text must be properly nested with *)
(* parenthetized groups. That is to say, if either of the opening *)
(* or closing parentheses in a choice, seq, or Mixed construct is *)
(* contained in the replacement text for a parameter entity, both *)
(* must be contained in the same replacement text. *)
(* ... *)
(* [51] Mixed ::= '(' S? '#PCDATA' [ VC: Proper Group/PE *)
(* (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')*' Nesting ] *)
(* | '(' S? '#PCDATA' S? ')' [ VC: No Duplicate *)
(* Types ] *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no name is found first. *)
(* print an error if a name other than 'PCDATA' is found. *)
(* is found in the first place. *)
(* print an error if element names are specified but no '*' follows. *)
(* print an error if an element name is specified more than once. *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if neither '|' nor ')' is *)
(* found after the 'PCDATA' or after an element name. *)
(* print an error if the closing parenthesis is not in the same *)
(* as the opening one. *)
(* *)
(* return the mixed-content specification, togther with the next *)
(* character and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseMixed dtd lparEnt (caq as (_,_,q)) =
fun doit is (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx29 (* #")" *) =>
let val a1 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse getEntId q=lparEnt then a
else hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_GROUP_ENT_NESTING LOC_MIXED))
in (rev is,getChar(a1,q))
| 0wx7C (* #"|" *) =>
val caq1 as (_,_,q1) = skipPSopt dtd (getChar(a,q))
val (name,(c2,a2,q2)) = parseName caq1
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expAName,[c])
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
in raise SyntaxError (c,a1,q)
val i = Element2Index dtd name
val (newis,a3) =
if not (member i is) then (i::is,a2)
else let val a3 = if !O_VALIDATE
then hookError(a2,(getPos q1,ERR_MULT_MIXED name))
else a2
in (is,a3)
val caq3 = skipPSopt dtd (c2,a3,q2)
in doit newis caq3
| _ => let val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_EXPECTED(expBarRpar,[c])))
in raise SyntaxError (c,a1,q)
val (name,(c1,a1,q1)) = parseName caq
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expPcdata,[c])
in raise SyntaxError (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
val a2 = case name
of [0wx50,0wx43,0wx44,0wx41,0wx54,0wx41] (* "PCDATA" *) => a1
| _ => hookError(a1,(getPos q,ERR_EXPECTED(expPcdata,name)))
val caq2 = skipPSopt dtd (c1,a2,q1)
val (is,(c3,a3,q3)) = doit nil caq2
val caq4 = if c3=0wx2A (* #"*" *) then getChar(a3,q3)
else let val a4 = if null is then a3
else hookError(a3,(getPos q3,ERR_EXPECTED(expRep,[c3])))
in (c3,a4,q3)
(CT_MIXED is,caq4)
(* parse an optional occurrence indicator afer a content particle or *)
(* a content model, given as first argument. Cf. 3.2.1: *)
(* *)
(* [47] children ::= (choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')? *)
(* [48] cp ::= (Name | choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')? *)
(* *)
(* return the (possibly modified) content particle, together with the *)
(* next char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun parseOcc cm (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx3F (* #"?" *) => (CM_OPT cm,getChar(a,q))
| 0wx2A (* #"*" *) => (CM_REP cm,getChar(a,q))
| 0wx2B (* #"+" *) => (CM_PLUS cm,getChar(a,q))
| _ => (cm,(c,a,q))
(* parse a content particle. Cf. 3.2.1: *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Proper Group/PE Nesting *)
(* Parameter-entity replacement text must be properly nested with *)
(* parenthetized groups. ... *)
(* *)
(* (see also parseMixed) *)
(* *)
(* [48] cp ::= (Name | choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')? *)
(* [49] choice ::= '(' S? cp [ VC: Proper Group/ *)
(* ( S? '|' S? cp )* S? ')' PE Nesting ] *)
(* [50] seq ::= '(' S? cp [ VC: Proper Group/ *)
(* ( S? ',' S? cp )* S? ')' PE Nesting ] *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no element name or "(" is *)
(* found in the first place. *)
(* *)
(* return the content particle together with the next char and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseCP dtd (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx28 (* #"(" *) =>
val lparEnt = getEntId q
val caq1 = skipPSopt dtd (getChar (a,q))
in parseGroup dtd lparEnt caq1
| _ => (* must be an element name *)
val (name,caq1) = parseName (c,a,q)
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expElemLpar,[c])
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
in raise SyntaxError (c,a1,q)
val idx = Element2Index dtd name
parseOcc (CM_ELEM idx) caq1
(* parse a seq/choice, the first content particle and the connector *)
(* already parsed; the connector, the type of group and the entity id *)
(* of the opening parenthesis are given in first arg. Cf. 3.2.1: *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Proper Group/PE Nesting *)
(* Parameter-entity replacement text must be properly nested with *)
(* parenthetized groups. ... *)
(* *)
(* (see also parseMixed) *)
(* *)
(* [49] choice ::= '(' S? cp [ VC: Proper Group/ *)
(* ( S? '|' S? cp )* S? ')' PE Nesting ] *)
(* [50] seq ::= '(' S? cp [ VC: Proper Group/ *)
(* ( S? ',' S? cp )* S? ')' PE Nesting ] *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if something other than the *)
(* connector or ')' is found after a content particle. *)
(* print an error if the closing parenthesis of a group is not in the *)
(* same entity as the opening one. *)
(* *)
(* return the list of content particles parsed, together with the *)
(* remaining character and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
and parseGroup' dtd (con,loc,lparEnt) caq =
let fun doit caq =
val caq1 = skipPSopt dtd caq
val (cp,caq2) = parseCP dtd caq1
val (c3,a3,q3) = skipPSopt dtd caq2
if c3=0wx29 (* #")" ( *)
then let val a4 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse getEntId q3=lparEnt then a3
else hookError(a3,(getPos q3,ERR_GROUP_ENT_NESTING loc))
in ([cp],getChar(a4,q3))
else (if c3=con then let val (cps,caq4) = doit (getChar(a3,q3))
in (cp::cps,caq4)
else let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expConCRpar con,[c3])
in raise SyntaxError (c3,hookError(a3,(getPos q3,err)),q3)
doit caq
(* parse a seq/choice, the first content particle parsed; the entity *)
(* id of the opening parenthesis are given in first arg. Cf. 3.2.1: *)
(* *)
(* (see also parseMixed) *)
(* *)
(* [49] choice ::= '(' S? cp [ VC: Proper Group/ *)
(* ( S? '|' S? cp )* S? ')' PE Nesting ] *)
(* [50] seq ::= '(' S? cp [ VC: Proper Group/ *)
(* ( S? ',' S? cp )* S? ')' PE Nesting ] *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if neither '|' nor ',' nor *)
(* ')' follows the first content particle in a seq/choice. *)
(* *)
(* return the list of as a ContentModel, together with the remaining *)
(* character and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
and parseGroup dtd lparEnt caq =
val (cp,caq1) = parseCP dtd caq
val (c2,a2,q2) = skipPSopt dtd caq1
val (group,caq3) =
case c2
of 0wx29 (* #")" *) =>
let val a3 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse getEntId q2=lparEnt then a2
else hookError(a2,(getPos q2,ERR_GROUP_ENT_NESTING LOC_SEQ))
in (CM_SEQ[cp],getChar(a3,q2))
| 0wx2C (* #"," *) =>
let val (cps,caq3) = parseGroup' dtd (c2,LOC_SEQ,lparEnt) (getChar(a2,q2))
in (CM_SEQ(cp::cps),caq3)
| 0wx7C (* #"|" *) =>
let val (cps,caq3) = parseGroup' dtd (c2,LOC_CHOICE,lparEnt) (getChar(a2,q2))
in (CM_ALT(cp::cps),caq3)
| _ => let val a3 = hookError(a2,(getPos q2,ERR_EXPECTED(expConRpar,[c2])))
in raise SyntaxError (c2,a3,q2)
in parseOcc group caq3
(* parse a content specification. Cf. 3.2/3.2.1: *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Proper Group/PE Nesting *)
(* Parameter-entity replacement text must be properly nested with *)
(* parenthetized groups. That is to say, if either of the opening *)
(* or closing parentheses in a choice, seq, or Mixed construct is *)
(* contained in the replacement text for a parameter entity, both *)
(* must be contained in the same replacement text. *)
(* ... *)
(* [46] contentspec ::= 'EMPTY' | 'ANY' | Mixed | children *)
(* *)
(* [47] children ::= (choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')? *)
(* *)
(* [49] choice ::= '(' S? cp ( S? '|' S? cp )* S? ')' [ VC:Proper *)
(* [50] seq ::= '(' S? cp ( S? ',' S? cp )* S? ')' Group/PE *)
(* Nesting ]*)
(* *)
(* [51] Mixed ::= '(' S? '#PCDATA' [ VC: Proper Group/PE *)
(* (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')*' Nesting ] *)
(* | '(' S? '#PCDATA' S? ')' [ VC: No Duplicate *)
(* Types ] *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no children, Mixed, or *)
(* name is found. *)
(* print an error and assume ANY if an ambiguous content model is *)
(* specified. *)
(* print an error and assume ANY if a name other than EMPTY or ANY *)
(* is found. *)
(* print an error if the closing parenthesis of a Mixed is not in the *)
(* same entity as the opening one. *)
(* *)
(* return the parsed content specification, togther with the next *)
(* character and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseContentSpec dtd curr (c,a,q) =
case c
of 0wx28 (* #"(" *) =>
val (c1,a1,q1) = skipPSopt dtd (getChar(a,q))
val lparEnt = getEntId q
if c1=0wx23 (* #"#" *)
then parseMixed dtd lparEnt (getChar(a1,q1))
else let val (cm,(c2,a2,q2)) = parseGroup dtd lparEnt (c1,a1,q1)
val (dfa,a3) = (makeDfa cm,a2) handle Ambiguous(a,n1,n2)
then let val err = ERR_AMBIGUOUS(Index2Element dtd a,n1,n2)
val a3 = hookError(a2,(getPos q,err))
val dfa = makeChoiceDfa cm
in (dfa,a3)
else (makeAmbiguous cm,a2) handle DfaTooLarge max
=> let val a3 = if !O_DFA_WARN_TOO_LARGE
then hookWarning
(a2,(getPos q,WARN_DFA_TOO_LARGE(curr,max)))
else a2
val dfa = makeChoiceDfa cm
in (dfa,a3)
in (CT_ELEMENT(cm,dfa),(c2,a3,q2))
| _ => (* must be ANY or EMPTY *)
val (name,caq1 as (c1,a1,q1)) = parseName (c,a,q)
handle NotFound (c,a,q) =>
let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expContSpec,[c])
in raise SyntaxError(c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
in case name
of [0wx41,0wx4e,0wx59] (* "ANY" *) => (CT_ANY,caq1)
| [0wx45,0wx4d,0wx50,0wx54,0wx59] (* "EMPTY" *) => (CT_EMPTY,caq1)
| _ => let val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q,ERR_EXPECTED(expContSpec,name)))
in (CT_ANY,(c1,a2,q1))
(* parse an element declaration, the initial '<!ELEMENT' already *)
(* read. The unique entity id of the '<!' is given as first arg. 3.2: *)
(* *)
(* [45] elementdecl ::= '<!ELEMENT' S Name [ VC: Unique *)
(* S contentspec S? '>' Element Type *)
(* Declaration ] *)
(* *)
(* (see also the comments for ParseDtd.parseMarkupDecl). *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no element name, no *)
(* content specification, or no final '>' is found. *)
(* print an error if the '>' is not in the same entity as the '<!'. *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* *)
(* print an error for entity end exceptions in subfunctions. *)
(* catch syntax errors by recovering to the next possible state. *)
(* *)
(* enter the declared element into the notation table. *)
(* return the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun parseElementDecl dtd (startEnt,startPos,ext) caq =
val (caq1 as (_,_,q1))= skipPS dtd caq
val (name,(c2,a2,q2)) = parseName caq1
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expAnElemName,[c])
in raise SyntaxError(c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
val a3 = checkElemName (a2,q1) name
val idx = Element2Index dtd name
val caq3 = skipPS dtd (c2,a3,q2)
val (contSpec,(c4,a4,q4)) = parseContentSpec dtd name caq3
val a5 = if useParamEnts() orelse not ext then addElement dtd (a4,q1) (idx,contSpec,ext)
else a4
val a5' = hookDecl(a5,((startPos,getPos q4),DEC_ELEMENT(idx,contSpec,ext)))
val (c6,a6,q6) = skipPSopt dtd (c4,a5',q4)
if c6<>0wx3E (* #">" *)
then let val a7 = hookError(a6,(getPos q6,ERR_EXPECTED(expGt,[c6])))
in raise SyntaxError(c6,a7,q6)
else let val a7 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse getEntId q6=startEnt then a6
else hookError(a6,(getPos q6,ERR_DECL_ENT_NESTING LOC_ELEM_DECL))
in getChar(a7,q6)
handle exn as SyntaxError (c,a,q) =>
let val a1 = if c=0wx00 then hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_ELEM_DECL))
else a
in recoverDecl false (c,a1,q)
(* parse an enumerated attribute type, the '(' already consumed. the *)
(* 1st arg is a string describing the attribute (nmtoken or notation),*)
(* the 2nd arg is a function that parses a single token, the 3rd arg *)
(* a function for converting the token to its index. 3.3.1: *)
(* *)
(* [58] NotationType ::= 'NOTATION' S *)
(* '(' S? Name (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')' *)
(* [59] Enumeration ::= '(' S? Nmtoken (S? '|' S? Nmtoken)* S? ')' *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no token is found after a *)
(* '(' or '|', or if neither '|' nor ')' follows a token. *)
(* *)
(* return the (sorted) list of indices of the parsed tokens. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseEnumerated dtd (expWhat,parseToken,Token2Index) caq =
let fun doit idxs caq =
val caq1 as (_,_,q1) = skipPSopt dtd caq
val (nt,(c2,a2,q2)) = parseToken caq1
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expWhat,[c])
in raise SyntaxError(c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
val (idx,a3) = Token2Index dtd (a2,q1) nt
val (c4,a4,q4) = skipPSopt dtd (c2,a3,q2)
val newIdxs = insertInt(idx,idxs)
in case c4
of 0wx7C (* #"|" *) => doit newIdxs (getChar(a4,q4))
| 0wx29 (* #")" *) => (newIdxs,getChar(a4,q4))
| _ => let val a5 = hookError(a4,(getPos q4,ERR_EXPECTED(expBarRpar,[c4])))
in raise SyntaxError (c4,a5,q4)
in doit nil caq
(* Convert a (name) token to its index as an enumerated attribute. *)
(* 3.3.1: *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Notation Attributes *)
(* ... all notation names in the declaration must be declared. *)
(* *)
(* print an error if a notation is not declared. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun Token2NmtokenIndex dtd (a,_) token = (AttNot2Index dtd token,a)
fun Token2NotationIndex dtd (a,q) token =
val idx = AttNot2Index dtd token
val a1 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse hasNotation dtd idx then a
else hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_UNDECLARED(IT_NOTATION,token,LOC_NONE)))
in (idx,a1)
(* parse an attribute type, the 1st arg being the element this decl. *)
(* Unsynchronized.refers to. 3.3.1: *)
(* *)
(* [54] AttType ::= StringType | TokenizedType | EnumeratedType *)
(* *)
(* [55] StringType ::= 'CDATA' *)
(* [56] TokenizedType ::= 'ID' [VC: One ID per Element Type ] *)
(* | 'IDREF' *)
(* | 'IDREFS' *)
(* | 'ENTITY' *)
(* | 'ENTITIES' *)
(* | 'NMTOKEN' *)
(* | 'NMTOKENS' *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: One ID per Element Type *)
(* No element type may have more than one ID attribute specified. *)
(* *)
(* Enumerated Attribute Types *)
(* *)
(* [57] EnumeratedType ::= NotationType | Enumeration *)
(* [58] NotationType ::= 'NOTATION' S '(' ... *)
(* [59] Enumeration ::= '(' ... *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no '(', or name is found *)
(* in the first place, or the name does not start an attribute type, *)
(* or if no '(' follows a 'NOTATION'. *)
(* print an error and assume NMTOKEN instead of ID if the element *)
(* already has an ID attribute. *)
(* *)
(* return the attribute type together with the next char and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseAttType dtd elem (c,a,q) =
if c=0wx28 (* #"(" *) then
let val (idxs,caq1) = parseEnumerated dtd
(expANameToken,parseNmtoken,Token2NmtokenIndex) (getChar(a,q))
in (AT_GROUP idxs,caq1)
else let val (name,caq1 as (c1,a1,q1)) = parseName (c,a,q)
handle NotFound cq => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expAttType,[c])
in raise SyntaxError (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
in case name
of [0wx43,0wx44,0wx41,0wx54,0wx41] (* "CDATA" *) =>
| [0wx49,0wx44] (* "ID" *) =>
| [0wx49,0wx44,0wx52,0wx45,0wx46] (* "IDREF" *) =>
| [0wx49,0wx44,0wx52,0wx45,0wx46,0wx53] (* "IDREFS" *) =>
| [0wx45,0wx4e,0wx54,0wx49,0wx54,0wx59] (* "ENTITY" *) =>
| [0wx45,0wx4e,0wx54,0wx49,0wx54,0wx49,0wx45,0wx53] (* "ENTITIES" *) =>
| [0wx4e,0wx4d,0wx54,0wx4f,0wx4b,0wx45,0wx4e] (* "NMTOKEN" *) =>
| [0wx4e,0wx4d,0wx54,0wx4f,0wx4b,0wx45,0wx4e,0wx53] (* "NMTOKEN" *) =>
| [0wx4e,0wx4f,0wx54,0wx41,0wx54,0wx49,0wx4f,0wx4e] (* "NOTATION" *) =>
let val (c2,a2,q2) = skipPSopt dtd caq1
in case c2
of 0wx28 (* #"(" *) =>
let val (idxs,caq3) = parseEnumerated dtd
(expANotName,parseName,Token2NotationIndex) (getChar(a2,q2))
in (AT_NOTATION idxs,caq3)
| _ => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expLpar,[c2])
in raise SyntaxError(c2,hookError(a2,(getPos q2,err)),q2)
| _ => let val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q,ERR_EXPECTED(expAttType,name)))
in raise SyntaxError (c1,a2,q1)
(* parse an attribute default, for an attribute whose type is given *)
(* the 1st argument. Cf. 3.3.2: *)
(* *)
(* [60] DefaultDecl ::= '#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED' *)
(* | (('#FIXED' S)? AttValue) *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: Attribute Default Legal *)
(* The declared default value must meet the lexical constraints of *)
(* the declared attribute type. *)
(* *)
(* and 3.3.1: *)
(* *)
(* Validity Constraint: ID Attribute Default *)
(* An ID attribute must have a declared default of #IMPLIED or *)
(* #REQUIRED. *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no '#' or literal is found *)
(* in the first place, or no name or a wrong name is found after the *)
(* '#', or if no literal follows the 'FIXED'. *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* print an error and assume IMPLIED if the default for an ID attrib. *)
(* is not IMPLIED or REQUIRED. *)
(* *)
(* return the default together with the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: SyntaxState *)
fun parseDefaultDecl dtd (aidx,attType) (c,a,q) =
if c=0wx23 (* #"#" *) then
val caq0 as (_,_,q0) = (getChar(a,q))
val (name,caq1) = parseName caq0
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expAttDefKey,[c])
in raise SyntaxError(c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
in case name
of [0wx46,0wx49,0wx58,0wx45,0wx44] (* "FIXED" *) =>
val caq2 as (_,_,q2) = skipPS dtd caq1
val (lit,text,(c3,a3,q3)) = parseAttValue dtd caq2
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expLitQuote,[c])
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
in raise SyntaxError (c,a1,q)
if !O_VALIDATE andalso isIdType attType
then let val a4 = hookError(a3,(getPos q,ERR_ID_DEFAULT))
in (AD_IMPLIED,(c3,a4,q3))
let val (cv,(av,a4)) = makeAttValue dtd (a3,q2)
in (AD_FIXED((lit,cv,av),(getPos q2,Unsynchronized.ref false)),(c3,a4,q3))
handle AttValue a => (AD_IMPLIED,(c3,a,q3))
| [0wx49,0wx4d,0wx50,0wx4c,0wx49,0wx45,0wx44] (* "IMPLIED" *) =>
| [0wx52,0wx45,0wx51,0wx55,0wx49,0wx52,0wx45,0wx44] (* "REQUIRED" *) =>
| _ => let val (c1,a1,q1) = caq1
val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q0,ERR_EXPECTED(expAttDefKey,name)))
in raise SyntaxError (c1,a2,q1)
else let
val (lit,text,(c1,a1,q1)) = parseAttValue dtd (c,a,q)
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expQuoteRni,[c])
val a1 = hookError(a,(getPos q,err))
in raise SyntaxError(c,a1,q)
if !O_VALIDATE andalso isIdType attType
then let val a2 = hookError(a1,(getPos q,ERR_ID_DEFAULT))
in (AD_IMPLIED,(c1,a2,q1))
else let val (cv,(av,a2)) = makeAttValue dtd (a1,q) (aidx,attType,false,true,text)
in (AD_DEFAULT((lit,cv,av),(getPos q,Unsynchronized.ref false)),(c1,a2,q1))
handle AttValue a => (AD_IMPLIED,(c1,a,q1))
(* parse an attribute definition, the Unsynchronized.referred element given as 1st *)
(* argument. 3.3: *)
(* *)
(* [53] AttDef ::= S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl *)
(* *)
(* raise NotFound if no name is found (and thus no attribute def.) *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* *)
(* enter the attribute definition into the element table. *)
(* return the next character and the remaining state. *)
(* might raise: NotFound SyntaxState *)
fun parseAttDef dtd (elem,ext) caq =
val (hadS,caq1 as (_,_,q1)) = skipPSmay dtd caq
val (name,(c2,a2,q2)) = parseName caq1 (* NotFound falls through to the next level *)
val a3 = if hadS then a2 else hookError(a2,(getPos q1,ERR_MISSING_WHITE))
val a4 = checkAttName (a3,q1) name
val idx = AttNot2Index dtd name
val caq5 = skipPS dtd (c2,a4,q2)
val (attType,caq6) = parseAttType dtd elem caq5
val caq7 = skipPS dtd caq6
val (attDef,(c8,a8,q8)) = parseDefaultDecl dtd (idx,attType) caq7
val a9 = if useParamEnts() orelse not ext
then addAttribute dtd (a8,q1) (elem,(idx,attType,attDef,ext)) else a8
(* parse an attribute-list declaration, the initial '<!ATTLIST' *)
(* already read. The unique entity id of the '<!' is given as first *)
(* arg. Cf. 3.3: *)
(* *)
(* [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDef* S? '>' *)
(* *)
(* (see also the comments for ParseDtd.parseMarkupDecl). *)
(* *)
(* check whether the element already had an attlist declaration. (cf. *)
(* DtdElements.enterAttDecl) *)
(* *)
(* print an error and raise SyntaxState if no element name, or no *)
(* final '>' is found. *)
(* print an error if the '>' is not in the same entity as the '<!'. *)
(* print an error if white space is missing. *)
(* *)
(* print an error for entity end exceptions in subfunctions. *)
(* catch syntax errors by recovering to the next possible state. *)
(* *)
(* enter the declared attributes into the element table. *)
(* return the remaining char and state. *)
(* might raise: none *)
fun parseAttListDecl dtd (startEnt,startPos,ext) caq =
val caq1 as (_,_,q1) = skipPS dtd caq
val (name,(c2,a2,q2)) = parseName caq1
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => let val err = ERR_EXPECTED(expAnElemName,[c])
in raise SyntaxError (c,hookError(a,(getPos q,err)),q)
val a3 = checkElemName (a2,q1) name
val idx = Element2Index dtd name
val a4 = if !O_VALIDATE orelse not ext then enterAttList dtd (a3,q1) idx else a3
fun doit attDefs caq =
let val (attDef,caq1) = parseAttDef dtd (idx,ext) caq
handle NotFound (c,a,q) => raise NotFound
(c,hookDecl(a,((startPos,getPos q),DEC_ATTLIST(idx,rev attDefs,ext))),q)
| SyntaxError (c,a,q) => raise SyntaxError
(c,hookDecl(a,((startPos,getPos q),DEC_ATTLIST(idx,rev attDefs,ext))),q)
in doit (attDef::attDefs) caq1
val (c5,a5,q5) = doit nil (c2,a4,q2) handle NotFound caq => caq
if c5 <> 0wx3E (* #">" *)
then let val a6 = hookError(a5,(getPos q5,ERR_EXPECTED(expAttNameGt,[c5])))
in raise SyntaxError (c5,a6,q5)
else let val a6 = if not (!O_VALIDATE) orelse getEntId q5=startEnt then a5
else hookError(a5,(getPos q5,ERR_DECL_ENT_NESTING LOC_ATT_DECL))
in getChar(a6,q5)
handle exn as SyntaxError (c,a,q) =>
let val a1 = if c=0wx00 then hookError(a,(getPos q,ERR_ENDED_BY_EE LOC_ATT_DECL))
else a
in recoverDecl false (c,a,q)