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2020-03-09 06:18:30 +00:00
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
2020-03-09 06:18:30 +00:00
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory Crunch_Instances_NonDet
lemmas [crunch_param_rules] = Let_def return_bind returnOk_bindE
K_bind_def split_def bind_assoc bindE_assoc
trans[OF liftE_bindE return_bind]
2019-06-05 10:18:48 +00:00
ML \<open>
fun get_nondet_monad_state_type
(Type ("Product_Type.prod",
[Type ("Set.set", [Type ("Product_Type.prod", [_,v])]),
Type ("HOL.bool",[])]))
= SOME v
| get_nondet_monad_state_type _ = NONE
structure CrunchValidInstance : CrunchInstance =
val name = "valid";
type extra = term;
val eq_extra = ae_conv;
fun parse_extra ctxt extra
= case extra of
"" => error "A post condition is required"
| extra => let val pre = Syntax.parse_term ctxt extra
in (pre, Abs ("_", dummyT, pre)) end;
val has_preconds = true;
fun mk_term pre body post =
(Syntax.parse_term @{context} "valid") $ pre $ body $ post;
fun dest_term ((Const (@{const_name "valid"}, _)) $ pre $ body $ post)
= SOME (pre, body, post)
| dest_term _ = NONE;
fun put_precond pre ((v as Const (@{const_name "valid"}, _)) $ _ $ body $ post)
= v $ pre $ body $ post
| put_precond _ _ = error "put_precond: not a hoare triple";
val pre_thms = @{thms "hoare_pre"};
val wpc_tactic = wp_cases_tactic_weak;
val wps_tactic = wps_tac;
val magic = Syntax.parse_term @{context}
"\<lambda>mapp_lambda_ignore. valid P_free_ignore mapp_lambda_ignore Q_free_ignore";
val get_monad_state_type = get_nondet_monad_state_type;
structure CrunchValid : CRUNCH = Crunch(CrunchValidInstance);
structure CrunchNoFailInstance : CrunchInstance =
val name = "no_fail";
type extra = unit;
val eq_extra = op =;
fun parse_extra ctxt extra
= case extra of
"" => (Syntax.parse_term ctxt "%_. True", ())
| _ => (Syntax.parse_term ctxt extra, ());
val has_preconds = true;
fun mk_term pre body _ =
(Syntax.parse_term @{context} "no_fail") $ pre $ body;
fun dest_term ((Const (@{const_name "no_fail"}, _)) $ pre $ body)
= SOME (pre, body, ())
| dest_term _ = NONE;
fun put_precond pre ((v as Const (@{const_name "no_fail"}, _)) $ _ $ body)
= v $ pre $ body
| put_precond _ _ = error "put_precond: not a no_fail term";
val pre_thms = @{thms "no_fail_pre"};
val wpc_tactic = wp_cases_tactic_weak;
fun wps_tactic _ _ _ = no_tac;
val magic = Syntax.parse_term @{context}
"\<lambda>mapp_lambda_ignore. no_fail P_free_ignore mapp_lambda_ignore";
val get_monad_state_type = get_nondet_monad_state_type;
structure CrunchNoFail : CRUNCH = Crunch(CrunchNoFailInstance);
structure CrunchEmptyFailInstance : CrunchInstance =
val name = "empty_fail";
type extra = unit;
val eq_extra = op =;
fun parse_extra ctxt extra
= case extra of
"" => (Syntax.parse_term ctxt "%_. True", ())
| _ => error "empty_fail does not need a precondition";
val has_preconds = false;
fun mk_term _ body _ =
(Syntax.parse_term @{context} "empty_fail") $ body;
fun dest_term (Const (@{const_name empty_fail}, _) $ b)
= SOME (Term.dummy, b, ())
| dest_term _ = NONE;
fun put_precond _ _ = error "crunch empty_fail should not be calling put_precond";
val pre_thms = [];
val wpc_tactic = wp_cases_tactic_weak;
fun wps_tactic _ _ _ = no_tac;
val magic = Syntax.parse_term @{context}
"\<lambda>mapp_lambda_ignore. empty_fail mapp_lambda_ignore";
val get_monad_state_type = get_nondet_monad_state_type;
structure CrunchEmptyFail : CRUNCH = Crunch(CrunchEmptyFailInstance);
structure CrunchValidEInstance : CrunchInstance =
val name = "valid_E";
type extra = term * term;
fun eq_extra ((a, b), (c, d)) = (ae_conv (a, c) andalso ae_conv (b, d));
fun parse_extra ctxt extra
= case extra of
"" => error "A post condition is required"
| extra => let val pre = Syntax.parse_term ctxt extra
in (pre, (Abs ("_", dummyT, pre), Abs ("_", dummyT, pre))) end;
val has_preconds = true;
fun mk_term pre body extra =
(Syntax.parse_term @{context} "validE") $ pre $ body $ fst extra $ snd extra;
fun dest_term (Const (@{const_name "validE"}, _) $ pre $ body $ p1 $ p2)
= SOME (pre, body, (p1, p2))
| dest_term _ = NONE;
fun put_precond pre ((v as Const (@{const_name "validE"}, _)) $ _ $ body $ post $ post')
= v $ pre $ body $ post $ post'
| put_precond _ _ = error "put_precond: not a validE term";
val pre_thms = @{thms "hoare_pre"};
val wpc_tactic = wp_cases_tactic_weak;
val wps_tactic = wps_tac;
val magic = Syntax.parse_term @{context}
"\<lambda>mapp_lambda_ignore. validE P_free_ignore mapp_lambda_ignore Q_free_ignore Q_free_ignore";
val get_monad_state_type = get_nondet_monad_state_type;
structure CrunchValidE : CRUNCH = Crunch(CrunchValidEInstance);
2019-06-05 10:18:48 +00:00
2019-06-05 10:18:48 +00:00
setup \<open>
add_crunch_instance "" (CrunchValid.crunch_x, CrunchValid.crunch_ignore_add_dels)
2019-06-05 10:18:48 +00:00
setup \<open>
add_crunch_instance "valid" (CrunchValid.crunch_x, CrunchValid.crunch_ignore_add_dels)
2019-06-05 10:18:48 +00:00
setup \<open>
add_crunch_instance "no_fail" (CrunchNoFail.crunch_x, CrunchNoFail.crunch_ignore_add_dels)
2019-06-05 10:18:48 +00:00
setup \<open>
add_crunch_instance "empty_fail" (CrunchEmptyFail.crunch_x, CrunchEmptyFail.crunch_ignore_add_dels)
2019-06-05 10:18:48 +00:00