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theory FP_Eval_Tests
section \<open>Controlling evaluation\<close>
subsection \<open>Congruence rules\<close>
text \<open>
Use FP_Eval.add_cong or the second argument of FP_Eval.make_rules.
These accept weak congruence rules, e.g.:
thm if_weak_cong option.case_cong_weak
text \<open>
Note that @{thm let_weak_cong} contains a hidden eta expansion, which FP_Eval
currently doesn't understand. Use this alternative:
lemma let_weak_cong':
"a = b \<Longrightarrow> Let a t = Let b t"
by simp
thm let_weak_cong let_weak_cong'
ML_val {*
@{assert} (not (Thm.eq_thm_prop (@{thm let_weak_cong}, @{thm let_weak_cong'})));
text \<open>
Example: avoid evaluating both branches of an @{const If}
ML_val {*
fun eval eqns congs =
FP_Eval.eval @{context} (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs)
val input = (@{cterm "subseq [0::nat, 2, 4] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"}, Bound 0);
(* No cong rule -- blowup *)
val r1 = eval @{thms list_emb_code} @{thms} input
|> fst |> fst;
(* if_weak_cong prevents early evaluation of branches *)
val r2 = eval @{thms list_emb_code} @{thms if_weak_cong} input
|> fst |> fst;
(* Compare performance counters: *)
val eqns = @{thms list_emb_code rel_simps simp_thms if_True if_False};
val p1 = eval eqns @{thms} input |> snd;
val p2 = eval eqns @{thms if_weak_cong} input |> snd;
subsection \<open>Preventing evaluation\<close>
text \<open>
Sometimes it is useful to prevent evaluation of any arguments.
This can be done by adding a cong rule with no premises:
context FP_Eval begin
definition "quote x \<equiv> x"
lemma quote_cong:
"quote x = quote x"
by simp
lemma quote:
"x \<equiv> quote x"
by (simp add: quote_def)
ML_val {*
fun eval eqns congs =
FP_Eval.eval @{context} (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs);
(* By default, fp_eval evaluates all subterms *)
val r1 = eval @{thms fun_upd_def} @{thms}
(@{cterm "FP_Eval.quote (fun_upd f a b) c"}, Bound 0);
(* Use quote_cong to hold all quoted subterms.
Note how the resulting skeleton indicates unevaluated subterms. *)
val r2 = eval @{thms fun_upd_def} @{thms FP_Eval.quote_cong}
(@{cterm "FP_Eval.quote (fun_upd f a b) c"}, Bound 0);
(* Now remove the quote_cong hold. fp_eval continues evaluation
according to the previous skeleton. *)
val r3 = fst r2 |> apfst Thm.rhs_of
|> eval @{thms fun_upd_def} @{thms};
section \<open>Tests\<close>
subsection \<open>Basic tests\<close>
ML_val \<open>
fun eval eqns congs =
FP_Eval.eval @{context} (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs);
val input = (@{cterm "2 + 2 :: nat"}, Bound 0);
val ((result, Var _), counters) = eval @{thms arith_simps} @{thms} input;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.prop_of result aconv @{term "(2 + 2 :: nat) \<equiv> 4"});
text \<open>fp_eval does not rewrite under lambda abstractions\<close>
ML_val \<open>
fun eval eqns congs =
FP_Eval.eval @{context} (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs);
val input = (@{cterm "(\<lambda>x. x + (2 + 2::nat))"}, Bound 0);
val ((result, skel), _) = eval @{thms arith_simps} @{thms} input;
val _ = @{assert} (not (is_Var skel) andalso Thm.is_reflexive result);
subsection \<open>Cong rules\<close>
text \<open>Test for @{thm if_weak_cong}\<close>
ML_val \<open>
fun eval eqns congs =
FP_Eval.eval @{context} (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs);
val input = (@{cterm "subseq [2::int,3,5,7,11] [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]"}, Bound 0);
val r1 = eval @{thms list_emb_code rel_simps refl if_True if_False} @{thms} input;
val r2 = eval @{thms list_emb_code rel_simps refl if_True if_False} @{thms if_weak_cong} input;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of (fst (fst r1))) = @{term True});
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of (fst (fst r2))) = @{term True});
(* Compare performance counters: *)
val (SOME r1_rewrs, SOME r2_rewrs) =
apply2 (snd #> Symtab.make #> (fn t => Symtab.lookup t "rewrites")) (r1, r2);
val _ = @{assert} (r1_rewrs > 10000);
val _ = @{assert} (r2_rewrs < 100);
subsection \<open>Advanced usage\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Triggering breakpoints\<close>
ML_val \<open>
fun break_4 t = Thm.term_of t = @{term "4 :: nat"};
fun eval eqns congs break =
FP_Eval.eval' @{context} (K (K ())) break false (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs);
val input = (@{cterm "map Suc [2 + 2 :: nat, 2 + 3, 2 + 4, 2 + 5, 2 + 6]"}, Bound 0);
(* Normal evaluation *)
val ((result, Var _), _) = eval @{thms list.map arith_simps} @{thms} (K false) input;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of result) aconv
@{term "[Suc 4, Suc 5, Suc 6, Suc 7, Suc 8]"});
(* Evaluation stops after "4" is encountered *)
val ((result2, skel), _) = eval @{thms list.map arith_simps} @{thms} break_4 input;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of result2) aconv
@{term "map Suc [4::nat, 5, 2 + 4, 2 + 5, 2 + 6]"});
(* Skeleton indicates evaluation is unfinished *)
val _ = @{assert} (not (is_Var skel));
subsubsection \<open>Rule set manipulation\<close>
ML_val \<open>
val rules0 = FP_Eval.empty_rules;
val rules1 = FP_Eval.make_rules @{thms simp_thms arith_simps} @{thms if_weak_cong};
val rules2 = FP_Eval.make_rules @{thms simp_thms if_False if_True fun_upd_apply}
@{thms if_weak_cong option.case_cong_weak};
(* dest_rules returns rules *)
val _ = @{assert} (apply2 length (FP_Eval.dest_rules rules1) <> (0, 0));
(* test round-trip conversion *)
val _ = @{assert} (let val (thms, congs) = FP_Eval.dest_rules rules2;
val (thms', congs') = FP_Eval.dest_rules (FP_Eval.make_rules thms congs);
in forall Thm.eq_thm_prop (thms ~~ thms')
andalso forall Thm.eq_thm_prop (congs ~~ congs') end);
(* test that merging succeeds and actually merges rules *)
fun test_merge r1 r2 =
let val (r1_eqns, r1_congs) = FP_Eval.dest_rules r1;
val (r2_eqns, r2_congs) = FP_Eval.dest_rules r2;
val (r12_eqns, r12_congs) = FP_Eval.dest_rules (FP_Eval.merge_rules (r1, r2));
in eq_set Thm.eq_thm_prop (r12_eqns, union Thm.eq_thm_prop r1_eqns r2_eqns)
andalso eq_set Thm.eq_thm_prop (r12_congs, union Thm.eq_thm_prop r1_congs r2_congs)
val _ = @{assert} (test_merge rules0 rules1);
val _ = @{assert} (test_merge rules0 rules2);
val _ = @{assert} (test_merge rules1 rules2);
(* test that rules with conflicting arity are not allowed *)
val conflict_arity = FP_Eval.make_rules @{thms fun_upd_def} @{thms};
val _ = @{assert} (is_none (try FP_Eval.merge_rules (rules2, conflict_arity)));
(* test that installing different cong rules is not allowed *)
val conflict_cong = FP_Eval.make_rules @{thms} @{thms if_weak_cong[OF refl]};
val _ = @{assert} (is_none (try FP_Eval.merge_rules (rules2, conflict_cong)));
subsubsection \<open>Ordering of rules\<close>
text \<open>
In the current implementation, equations are picked based on the default
Net ordering. This should be improved in the future.
ML_val \<open>
fun eval eqns congs =
FP_Eval.eval @{context} (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs);
val input = (@{cterm "list_all (\<lambda>x::nat. x \<le> x) [100000, 314159, 2718281845]"}, Bound 0);
val basic_eqns = @{thms list_all_simps rel_simps simp_thms};
fun get_counter cs x = the (Symtab.lookup (Symtab.make cs) x);
(* evaluate \<le> slowly *)
val ((r1, _), counters1) = eval basic_eqns @{thms} input;
(* shortcut for \<le> *)
val ((r2, _), counters2) = eval (@{thms order.refl} @ basic_eqns) @{thms} input;
val ((r3, _), counters3) = eval (basic_eqns @ @{thms order.refl}) @{thms} input;
(* Bug: shortcut is never used -- no effect on runtime *)
val _ = @{assert} (length (distinct op= [counters1, counters2, counters3]) = 1);
(* desired outcome *)
val ((r4, _), counters4) = eval @{thms list_all_simps simp_thms order.refl} @{thms} input;
val _ = @{assert} (get_counter counters4 "rewrites" < get_counter counters1 "rewrites");
subsection \<open>Miscellaneous and regression tests\<close>
text \<open>Test for partial arity and arg_conv\<close>
ML_val \<open>
fun eval eqns congs =
FP_Eval.eval @{context} (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs);
val input = (@{cterm "(if 2 + 2 = 4 then Suc else id) x"}, FP_Eval.skel0);
(* Need to build these manually, as @{cterm} itself does beta-eta normalisation *)
val input_abs1 = (fold (fn x => fn f => Thm.apply f x)
[@{cterm "f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat"}, @{cterm "4::nat"}]
@{cterm "\<lambda>f. fun_upd (f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat) (2+2) y"},
val input_abs2 = (fold (fn x => fn f => Thm.apply f x)
[@{cterm "f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat"}, @{cterm "4::nat"}]
@{cterm "\<lambda>f x z. z + fun_upd (f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat) (2+2) y x"},
val Abs (_, _, Abs (_, _, Abs _)) $ _ $ _ = Thm.term_of (fst input_abs2); (* check *)
(* Head (= If) is rewritten *)
val ((result, Var _), _) = eval @{thms arith_simps refl if_True} @{thms} input;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of result) = @{term "Suc x"});
(* Head is not rewritten *)
val ((result2, Var _ $ _), _) = eval @{thms arith_simps refl if_False} @{thms} input;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of result2) = @{term "(if True then Suc else id) x"});
(* Head is Abs *)
val ((result3, Var _), _) = eval @{thms arith_simps refl fun_upd_apply if_True} @{thms} input_abs1;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of result3) = @{term "y::nat"});
(* Partially applied Abs *)
val ((result4, Abs _), _) = eval @{thms arith_simps refl fun_upd_apply if_True} @{thms} input_abs2;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of result4) = @{term "\<lambda>z. z + fun_upd (f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat) (2+2) y 4"});
text \<open>Check that skel_skip is not returned for intermediate Abs\<close>
ML_val \<open>
fun eval eqns congs = FP_Eval.eval @{context} (FP_Eval.make_rules eqns congs);
val input = (@{cterm "map (\<lambda>((x, y), z). ((id x, id y), id z)) [((a::'a, b::'b), c::'c)]"}, Bound 0);
val ((result, Var _), counters) = eval @{thms list.map prod.case arith_simps} @{thms} input;
val _ = @{assert} (Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of result) = @{term "[((id a::'a, id b::'b), id c::'c)]"});
text \<open>Test conversion of some basic non-equation rules to equations\<close>
ML_val \<open>
let val thms = @{thms simp_thms rel_simps arith_simps};
in @{assert} (length (map_filter FP_Eval.maybe_convert_eqn thms) = length thms) end