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* Copyright 2022, Proofcraft Pty Ltd
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
chapter "AARCH64 Machine Instantiation"
theory Machine_A
context Arch begin global_naming AARCH64_A
text \<open>
The specification is written with abstract type names for object references, user pointers,
word-based data, cap references, and so on. This theory provides an instantiation of these names
to concrete types for the AARCH64 architecture. Other architectures may have slightly different
type_synonym obj_ref = machine_word
type_synonym vspace_ref = machine_word
type_synonym data = machine_word
type_synonym cap_ref = "bool list"
type_synonym length_type = machine_word
type_synonym asid_low_len = 9
type_synonym asid_low_index = "asid_low_len word"
type_synonym asid_high_len = 7
type_synonym asid_high_index = "asid_high_len word"
type_synonym asid_len = 16
type_synonym asid_rep_len = asid_len
type_synonym asid = "asid_rep_len word"
type_synonym vmid = "8 word"
text \<open>
With the definitions above, most conversions between abstract type names boil down to just
the identity function, some convert from @{text word} to @{typ nat} and others between different
word sizes using @{const ucast}.
definition oref_to_data :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> data" where
"oref_to_data \<equiv> id"
definition data_to_oref :: "data \<Rightarrow> obj_ref" where
"data_to_oref \<equiv> id"
definition vref_to_data :: "vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> data" where
"vref_to_data \<equiv> id"
definition data_to_vref :: "data \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref" where
"data_to_vref \<equiv> id"
definition nat_to_len :: "nat \<Rightarrow> length_type" where
"nat_to_len \<equiv> of_nat"
definition data_to_nat :: "data \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"data_to_nat \<equiv> unat"
definition data_to_16 :: "data \<Rightarrow> 16 word" where
"data_to_16 \<equiv> ucast"
definition data_to_cptr :: "data \<Rightarrow> cap_ref" where
"data_to_cptr \<equiv> to_bl"
definition combine_ntfn_badges :: "data \<Rightarrow> data \<Rightarrow> data" where
"combine_ntfn_badges \<equiv> semiring_bit_operations_class.or"
definition combine_ntfn_msgs :: "data \<Rightarrow> data \<Rightarrow> data" where
"combine_ntfn_msgs \<equiv> semiring_bit_operations_class.or"
text \<open>These definitions will be unfolded automatically in proofs.\<close>
lemmas data_convs [simp] =
oref_to_data_def data_to_oref_def vref_to_data_def data_to_vref_def
nat_to_len_def data_to_nat_def data_to_16_def data_to_cptr_def
text \<open>
The following definitions provide architecture-dependent sizes such as the standard page
size and capability size of the underlying machine.
definition slot_bits :: nat where
"slot_bits \<equiv> 5"
definition msg_label_bits :: nat where
[simp]: "msg_label_bits \<equiv> 52"
definition new_context :: "user_context" where
"new_context \<equiv> UserContext (FPUState (\<lambda>_. 0) 0 0) ((\<lambda>_. 0) (SPSR_EL1 := pstateUser))"
text \<open>
The lowest virtual address in the kernel window. The kernel reserves the virtual addresses
from here up in every virtual address space.
definition pptr_base :: "machine_word" where
"pptr_base = Platform.AARCH64.pptrBase"
text "Virtual address space available to users."
definition user_vtop :: "machine_word" where
"user_vtop = Platform.AARCH64.pptrUserTop"
text \<open>
Virtual address for start of kernel device mapping region in highest 1GiB of memory.
definition kdev_base :: "machine_word" where
"kdev_base = Platform.AARCH64.kdevBase"
text \<open>
The virtual address the kernel code is mapped.
definition kernel_elf_base :: "vspace_ref" where
"kernel_elf_base \<equiv> Platform.AARCH64.kernelELFBase"
text \<open>
Currently an arbitrary aligned address for the idle thread.
Only has to exist, does not have to match up with the concrete value in C.
definition idle_thread_ptr :: vspace_ref where
"idle_thread_ptr = pptr_base + 0x1000"
(* FIXME: nat_to_cref is not arch specific *)
definition nat_to_cref :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> cap_ref" where
"nat_to_cref len n \<equiv> drop (word_bits - len) (to_bl (of_nat n :: machine_word))"
definition msg_info_register :: register where
"msg_info_register \<equiv> msgInfoRegister"
definition msg_registers :: "register list" where
"msg_registers \<equiv> msgRegisters"
definition cap_register :: register where
"cap_register \<equiv> capRegister"
definition badge_register :: register where
"badge_register \<equiv> badgeRegister"
definition frame_registers :: "register list" where
"frame_registers \<equiv> frameRegisters"
definition gp_registers :: "register list" where
"gp_registers \<equiv> gpRegisters"
definition exception_message :: "register list" where
"exception_message \<equiv> exceptionMessage"
definition syscall_message :: "register list" where
"syscall_message \<equiv> syscallMessage"
datatype arch_fault
= VMFault (vm_fault_address : vspace_ref) (vm_fault_arch_data : "machine_word list")
| VCPUFault (vcpu_hsr : data)
| VPPIEvent (vppi_irq : irq)
| VGICMaintenance (vgic_maintenance_data : "data option")
context begin interpretation Arch .
requalify_consts idle_thread_ptr