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* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
* Report generating for autolevity. Computes proof start/end ranges, tracks levity tags
* and reports on lemma, const, type and theory dependencies.
theory AutoLevity_Theory_Report
imports AutoLevity_Base
ML \<open>
val _ = Theory.setup(
ML_Antiquotation.inline @{binding string_record}
(Parse.name --|
Parse.$$$ "=" --
Parse.position Parse.string) >>
(fn (name,(source,pos)) =>
val entries =
val chars = String.explode source
|> filter_out (fn #"\n" => true | _ => false)
val trim =
#> take_prefix (fn #" " => true | _ => false)
#> snd
#> take_suffix (fn #" " => true | _ => false)
#> fst
#> String.implode
val str = String.implode chars
|> String.fields (fn #"," => true | #":" => true | _ => false)
|> map trim
fun pairify [] = []
| pairify (a::b::l) = ((a,b) :: pairify l)
| pairify _ = error ("Record syntax error" ^ Position.here pos)
pairify str
val typedecl =
"type " ^ name ^ "= { "
^ (map (fn (nm,typ) => nm ^ ":" ^ typ) entries |> String.concatWith ",")
^ "};"
val base_typs = ["string","int","bool", "string list"]
val encodes = map snd entries |> distinct (op =)
|> filter_out (member (op =) base_typs)
val sanitize = String.explode
#> map (fn #" " => #"_"
| #"." => #"_"
| #"*" => #"P"
| #"(" => #"B"
| #")" => #"R"
| x => x)
#> String.implode
fun mk_encode typ =
if typ = "string"
then "(fn s => quote (String.translate (fn #\"\\n\" => \"\\\\n\" | x => String.str x) s))"
else if typ = "int"
then "Int.toString"
else if typ = "bool"
then "Bool.toString"
else if typ = "string list"
then "(fn xs => (enclose \"[\" \"]\" (String.concatWith \", \" (map quote xs))))"
else (sanitize typ) ^ "_encode"
fun mk_elem nm _ value =
(ML_Syntax.print_string (quote nm) ^ "^ \" : \" ") ^ "^ (" ^ value ^ ")"
fun mk_head body =
"(\"" ^ "{\" ^ String.concatWith \", \" (" ^ body ^ ") ^ \"}\")"
val global_head = if (null encodes) then "" else
"fn (" ^ (map mk_encode encodes |> String.concatWith ",") ^ ") => "
val encode_body =
"fn {" ^ (map fst entries |> String.concatWith ",") ^ "} : " ^ name ^ " => " ^
(ML_Syntax.print_list (fn (field,typ) => mk_elem field typ (mk_encode typ ^ " " ^ field)) entries)
val val_expr =
"val (" ^ name ^ "_encode) = ("
^ global_head ^ "(" ^ encode_body ^ "))"
val _ = @{print} val_expr
typedecl ^ val_expr
ML \<open>
@{string_record deps = "const_deps : string list, type_deps: string list"}
@{string_record location = "file : string, start_line : int, end_line : int"}
@{string_record levity_tag = "tag : string, location : location"}
@{string_record proof_command =
"command_name : string, location : location, subgoals : int, depth : int" }
@{string_record lemma_entry =
"name : string, command_name : string, levity_tag : levity_tag option, location : location,
proof_commands : proof_command list,
lemma_deps : string list, deps : deps"}
@{string_record dep_entry =
"name : string, command_name : string, levity_tag : levity_tag option, location: location,
deps : deps"}
@{string_record theory_entry =
"name : string, file : string"}
fun encode_list enc x = "[" ^ (String.concatWith ", " (map enc x)) ^ "]"
fun encode_option enc (SOME x) = enc x
| encode_option _ NONE = "{}"
val opt_levity_tag_encode = encode_option (levity_tag_encode location_encode);
val proof_command_encode = proof_command_encode (location_encode);
val lemma_entry_encode = lemma_entry_encode
(opt_levity_tag_encode, location_encode, encode_list proof_command_encode, deps_encode)
val dep_entry_encode = dep_entry_encode
(opt_levity_tag_encode, location_encode, deps_encode)
ML \<open>
val get_reports_for_thy: theory ->
string * theory_entry list * lemma_entry list * dep_entry list * dep_entry list
val string_reports_of:
string * theory_entry list * lemma_entry list * dep_entry list * dep_entry list
-> string list
val setup_theory_hook: theory -> theory
structure AutoLevity_Theory_Report : AUTOLEVITY_THEORY_REPORT =
fun thms_of (PBody {thms,...}) = thms
fun proof_body_descend' f (ident,(nm,_,body)) deptab =
if f nm then
((fold (proof_body_descend' f) (thms_of (Future.join body))
(Inttab.update_new (ident, NONE) deptab)) handle Inttab.DUP _ => deptab)
(Inttab.update_new (ident, SOME nm) deptab handle Inttab.DUP _ => deptab)
fun used_facts' f thm =
val body = thms_of (Thm.proof_body_of thm)
in fold (proof_body_descend' f) body Inttab.empty end
fun used_facts f thm =
val nm = Thm.get_name_hint thm
used_facts' (fn nm' => nm' = "" orelse nm' = nm orelse f nm) thm
|> Inttab.dest |> map_filter snd
fun location_from_range (start_pos, end_pos) =
val start_file = Position.file_of start_pos |> the;
val end_file = Position.file_of end_pos |> the;
val _ = if start_file = end_file then () else raise Option;
val start_line = Position.line_of start_pos |> the;
val end_line = Position.line_of end_pos |> the;
SOME ({file = start_file, start_line = start_line, end_line = end_line} : location) end
handle Option => NONE
fun get_command_ranges_of keywords thy_nm =
fun is_ignored nm' = nm' = "<ignored>"
fun is_levity_tag nm' = nm' = "levity_tag"
val transactions =
Symtab.lookup (AutoLevity_Base.get_transactions ()) thy_nm
|> the_default Postab_strict.empty
|> Postab_strict.dest
fun find_cmd_end last_pos ((pos', (nm', ext)) :: rest) =
if is_ignored nm' then
find_cmd_end pos' rest
else (last_pos, ((pos', (nm', ext)) :: rest))
| find_cmd_end last_pos [] = (last_pos, [])
fun change_level nm level =
if Keyword.is_proof_open keywords nm then level + 1
else if Keyword.is_proof_close keywords nm then level - 1
else if Keyword.is_qed_global keywords nm then ~1
else level
fun find_proof_end level ((pos', (nm', ext)) :: rest) =
let val level' = change_level nm' level in
if level' > ~1 then
val (cmd_end, rest') = find_cmd_end pos' rest;
val ((prf_cmds, prf_end), rest'') = find_proof_end level' rest'
in (({command_name = nm', location = location_from_range (pos', cmd_end) |> the,
depth = level,
subgoals = #subgoals ext} :: prf_cmds, prf_end), rest'') end
val (cmd_end, rest') = find_cmd_end pos' rest;
in (([{command_name = nm', location = location_from_range (pos', cmd_end) |> the,
depth = level, subgoals = #subgoals ext}], cmd_end), rest') end
| find_proof_end _ _ = (([], Position.none), [])
fun find_ends tab tag ((pos,(nm, ext)) :: rest) =
val (cmd_end, rest') = find_cmd_end pos rest;
val ((prf_cmds, pos'), rest'') =
if Keyword.is_theory_goal keywords nm
then find_proof_end 0 rest'
else (([],cmd_end),rest');
val tab' = Postab.cons_list (pos, (pos, nm, pos', tag, prf_cmds)) tab;
val tag' =
if is_levity_tag nm then Option.map (rpair (pos,pos')) (#levity_tag ext) else NONE;
in find_ends tab' tag' rest'' end
| find_ends tab _ [] = tab
in find_ends Postab.empty NONE transactions end
fun cmd_entries_ord ((start_pos, _, _, _, _), (start_pos', _, _, _, _)) =
(pos_ord true (start_pos, start_pos'))
fun base_name_of nm =
val (idx, rest) = space_explode "_" nm |> rev |> List.getItem |> the;
val _ = Int.fromString idx |> the;
in rest |> rev |> space_implode "_" end handle Option => nm
fun map_pos_line f pos =
val line = Position.line_of pos |> the;
val file = Position.file_of pos |> the;
val line' = f line;
val _ = if line' < 1 then raise Option else ();
in SOME (Position.line_file_only line' file) end handle Option => NONE
fun search_backwards f pos =
case f pos of
SOME x => SOME x
| NONE =>
(case (map_pos_line (fn i => i - 1) pos) of
SOME pos' => search_backwards f pos'
fun make_deps (const_deps, type_deps) =
({const_deps = distinct (op =) const_deps, type_deps = distinct (op =) type_deps} : deps)
fun make_tag (SOME (tag, range)) = (case location_from_range range
of SOME rng => SOME ({tag = tag, location = rng} : levity_tag)
| make_tag NONE = NONE
fun add_deps (((Defs.Const, nm), _) :: rest) =
let val (consts, types) = add_deps rest in
(nm :: consts, types) end
| add_deps (((Defs.Type, nm), _) :: rest) =
let val (consts, types) = add_deps rest in
(consts, nm :: types) end
| add_deps _ = ([], [])
fun get_deps ({rhs, ...} : Defs.spec) = (add_deps rhs);
fun typs_of_typ (Type (nm, Ts)) = nm :: (map typs_of_typ Ts |> flat)
| typs_of_typ _ = []
fun typs_of_term t = Term.fold_types (append o typs_of_typ) t []
fun deps_of_thm thm =
val consts = Term.add_const_names (Thm.prop_of thm) [];
val types = typs_of_term (Thm.prop_of thm);
in (consts, types) end
fun file_of_thy thy =
val path = Resources.master_directory thy;
val name = Context.theory_name thy;
val path' = Path.append path (Path.basic (name ^ ".thy"))
in Path.smart_implode path' end;
fun entry_of_thy thy = ({name = Context.theory_name thy, file = file_of_thy thy} : theory_entry)
fun get_reports_for_thy thy =
val thy_nm = Context.theory_name thy;
val all_facts = Global_Theory.facts_of thy;
val fact_space = Facts.space_of all_facts;
val tab = get_command_ranges_of (Thy_Header.get_keywords thy) thy_nm;
val parent_facts = map Global_Theory.facts_of (Theory.parents_of thy);
val lemmas = Facts.dest_static false parent_facts (Global_Theory.facts_of thy)
|> map_filter (fn (xnm, thms) =>
val {pos, theory_name, ...} = Name_Space.the_entry fact_space xnm;
if theory_name = thy_nm then
val thms' = map (Thm.transfer thy) thms;
val (_, cmd_name, end_pos, tag, prf_cmds) = search_backwards (Postab.lookup tab) pos
|> the |> sort cmd_entries_ord |> List.getItem |> the |> fst
val lemma_deps' = if cmd_name = "datatype" then [] else
map (used_facts (not o can (Name_Space.the_entry fact_space) o base_name_of)) thms'
|> flat;
val lemma_deps = map base_name_of lemma_deps' |> distinct (op =)
val deps =
map deps_of_thm thms' |> ListPair.unzip |> apply2 flat |> make_deps
val location = location_from_range (pos, end_pos) |> the;
val (lemma_entry : lemma_entry) =
{name = xnm, command_name = cmd_name, levity_tag = make_tag tag,
location = location, proof_commands = prf_cmds,
deps = deps, lemma_deps = lemma_deps}
in SOME (pos, lemma_entry) end
else NONE end handle Option => NONE)
|> Postab_strict.make_list
|> Postab_strict.dest |> map snd |> flat
val defs = Theory.defs_of thy;
fun get_deps_of kind space xnms = xnms
|> map_filter (fn xnm =>
val {pos, theory_name, ...} = Name_Space.the_entry space xnm;
if theory_name = thy_nm then
val specs = Defs.specifications_of defs (kind, xnm);
val deps =
map get_deps specs
|> ListPair.unzip
|> (apply2 flat #> make_deps);
val (_, cmd_name, end_pos, tag, _) = pos
|> search_backwards (Postab.lookup tab)
|> the |> sort cmd_entries_ord |> List.getItem |> the |> fst
val loc = location_from_range (pos, end_pos) |> the;
val entry =
({name = xnm, command_name = cmd_name, levity_tag = make_tag tag,
location = loc, deps = deps} : dep_entry)
in SOME (pos, entry) end
else NONE end handle Option => NONE)
|> Postab_strict.make_list
|> Postab_strict.dest |> map snd |> flat
val {const_space, constants, ...} = Consts.dest (Sign.consts_of thy);
val consts = get_deps_of Defs.Const const_space (map fst constants);
val {types, ...} = Type.rep_tsig (Sign.tsig_of thy);
val type_space = Name_Space.space_of_table types;
val type_names = Name_Space.fold_table (fn (xnm, _) => cons xnm) types [];
val types = get_deps_of Defs.Type type_space type_names;
val thy_parents = map entry_of_thy (Theory.parents_of thy);
in (thy_nm, thy_parents, lemmas, consts, types) end
2016-05-17 02:23:50 +00:00
fun add_commas (s :: s' :: ss) = s ^ "," :: (add_commas (s' :: ss))
| add_commas [s] = [s]
| add_commas _ = []
fun string_reports_of (thy_nm, thy_parents, lemmas, consts, types) =
["{\"theory_name\" : " ^ quote thy_nm ^ ",",
"\"theory_imports\" : ["] @
2016-05-17 02:23:50 +00:00
add_commas (map (theory_entry_encode) thy_parents) @
["],","\"lemmas\" : ["] @
2016-05-17 02:23:50 +00:00
add_commas (map (lemma_entry_encode) lemmas) @
["],","\"consts\" : ["] @
2016-05-17 02:23:50 +00:00
add_commas (map ( dep_entry_encode) consts) @
["],","\"types\" : ["] @
2016-05-17 02:23:50 +00:00
add_commas (map ( dep_entry_encode) types) @
|> map (fn s => s ^ "\n")
structure Data = Theory_Data
type T = string list;
val empty = [];
val extend = I;
fun merge ((a, b) : T * T) = union (op =) a b;
fun theory_is_processed thy = member (op =) (Data.get thy) (Context.theory_name thy);
fun process_theory thy = Data.map (insert (op =) (Context.theory_name thy)) thy;
val setup_theory_hook = Theory.at_end (fn thy => if theory_is_processed thy then NONE else
val reports = get_reports_for_thy thy;
val lines = string_reports_of reports;
val thy_nm = Context.theory_name thy;
val file_path = Path.append (Resources.master_directory thy) (Path.basic (thy_nm ^ ".lev"));
val _ = File.write_list file_path lines;
in SOME (process_theory thy) end)