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2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
2020-03-09 06:18:30 +00:00
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
2020-03-09 06:18:30 +00:00
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
* CapDL Types
* This file introduces many of the high-level types used in this
* specification.
theory Types_D
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
"HOL-Combinatorics.Transposition" (* for Fun.swap *)
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
(* A hardware IRQ number. *)
type_synonym cdl_irq = "10 word"
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* How objects are named within the kernel.
* Objects are named by 32 bit words.
* This name may correspond to the memory address of the object.
type_synonym cdl_object_id = word32
type_synonym cdl_object_set = "(cdl_object_id set)"
(* The badge of an endpoint *)
type_synonym cdl_badge = word32
(* The guard of a CNode cap, and the number of bits the guard uses. *)
type_synonym cdl_cap_guard = word32
type_synonym cdl_cap_guard_size = nat
(* The type we use to represent object sizes. *)
type_synonym cdl_size_bits = nat
(* A single IA32 IO port. *)
type_synonym cdl_io_port = nat
(* The depth of a particular IA32 pagetable. *)
type_synonym cdl_io_pagetable_level = nat
(* An index into a CNode, TCB, or other kernel object that contains caps. *)
type_synonym cdl_cnode_index = nat
(* A reference to a capability slot. *)
type_synonym cdl_cap_ref = "cdl_object_id \<times> cdl_cnode_index"
(* A virtual ASID. *)
type_synonym cdl_asid = "cdl_cnode_index \<times> cdl_cnode_index"
(* mapped address *)
type_synonym cdl_mapped_addr = "(cdl_asid \<times> word32)"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
(* Number of bits of a badge we can use. *)
badge_bits :: nat
"badge_bits \<equiv> 28"
(* FrameCaps, PageTableCaps and PageDirectoryCaps can either be
* "real" cap or "fake" cap. Real caps are installed in CNodes,
* and fake caps represent a page table mapping.
2014-07-17 16:22:50 +00:00
datatype cdl_frame_cap_type = Real | Fake
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* Kernel capabilities.
* Such capabilities (or "caps") give the holder particular rights to
* a kernel object or system hardware.
* Caps have attributes such as the object they point to, the rights
* they give the holder, or how the holder is allowed to interact with
* the target object.
datatype cdl_cap =
(* Kernel object capabilities *)
| UntypedCap bool cdl_object_set cdl_object_set
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
| EndpointCap cdl_object_id cdl_badge "cdl_right set"
| NotificationCap cdl_object_id cdl_badge "cdl_right set"
| ReplyCap cdl_object_id "cdl_right set" (* The id of the tcb of the target thread *)
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| MasterReplyCap cdl_object_id
| CNodeCap cdl_object_id cdl_cap_guard cdl_cap_guard_size cdl_size_bits
| TcbCap cdl_object_id
| DomainCap
* Capabilities representing threads waiting in endpoint queues.
(* thread, badge, is call, can grant, can grant reply, is fault ipc *)
| PendingSyncSendCap cdl_object_id cdl_badge bool bool bool bool
(* thread, is waiting for reply, can grant *)
| PendingSyncRecvCap cdl_object_id bool bool
| PendingNtfnRecvCap cdl_object_id
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(* Indicate that the thread is ready for Reschedule *)
| RestartCap
| RunningCap
(* Interrupt capabilities *)
| IrqControlCap
| IrqHandlerCap cdl_irq
(* Virtual memory capabilties *)
| FrameCap bool cdl_object_id "cdl_right set" nat cdl_frame_cap_type "cdl_mapped_addr option"
| PageTableCap cdl_object_id cdl_frame_cap_type "cdl_mapped_addr option"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
| PageDirectoryCap cdl_object_id cdl_frame_cap_type "cdl_asid option"
| AsidControlCap
| AsidPoolCap cdl_object_id "cdl_cnode_index"
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(* x86-specific capabilities *)
| IOPortsCap cdl_object_id "cdl_io_port set"
| IOSpaceMasterCap
| IOSpaceCap cdl_object_id
| IOPageTableCap cdl_object_id
(* Zombie caps (representing objects mid-deletion) *)
| ZombieCap cdl_object_id
(* Bound NTFN caps signifying when a tcb is bound to an NTFN *)
| BoundNotificationCap cdl_object_id
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(* A mapping from capability identifiers to capabilities. *)
type_synonym cdl_cap_map = "cdl_cnode_index \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap option"
* The cap derivation tree (CDT).
* This tree records how certain caps are derived from others. This
* information is important because it affects how caps are revoked; if an
* entity revokes a particular cap, all of the cap's children (as
* recorded in the CDT) are also revoked.
* At this point in time, we leave the definition of the CDT quite
* abstract. This may be made more concrete in the future allowing us to
* reason about revocation.
type_synonym cdl_cdt = "cdl_cap_ref \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap_ref option"
(type) "cdl_cap_map" <=(type) "nat \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap option"
(type) "cdl_cap_ref" <=(type) "cdl_object_id \<times> nat"
(type) "cdl_cap_ref" <=(type) "word32 \<times> nat"
(type) "cdl_cdt" <=(type) "cdl_cap_ref \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap_ref option"
(* Kernel objects *)
record cdl_tcb =
cdl_tcb_caps :: cdl_cap_map
cdl_tcb_fault_endpoint :: cdl_cptr
cdl_tcb_intent :: cdl_full_intent
cdl_tcb_has_fault :: bool
cdl_tcb_domain :: word8
record cdl_cnode =
cdl_cnode_caps :: cdl_cap_map
cdl_cnode_size_bits :: cdl_size_bits
record cdl_asid_pool =
cdl_asid_pool_caps :: cdl_cap_map
record cdl_page_table =
cdl_page_table_caps :: cdl_cap_map
record cdl_page_directory =
cdl_page_directory_caps :: cdl_cap_map
record cdl_frame =
cdl_frame_size_bits :: cdl_size_bits
record cdl_irq_node =
cdl_irq_node_caps :: cdl_cap_map
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* Kernel objects.
* These are in-memory objects that may, over the course of the system
* execution, be created or deleted by users.
datatype cdl_object =
| Notification
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| Tcb cdl_tcb
| CNode cdl_cnode
| AsidPool cdl_asid_pool
| PageTable cdl_page_table
| PageDirectory cdl_page_directory
| Frame cdl_frame
| Untyped
| IRQNode cdl_irq_node
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(* The architecture that we are modelling. *)
datatype cdl_arch = IA32 | ARM11
(* The map of objects that are in the system. *)
type_synonym cdl_heap = "cdl_object_id \<Rightarrow> cdl_object option"
(type) "cdl_heap" <=(type) "32 word \<Rightarrow> cdl_object option"
* The current state of the system.
* The state record contains the following primary pieces of information:
* arch:
* The architecture of the system. This affects what capabilities and
* kernel objects could possibly be present. In the current kernel
* arch will not change at runtime.
* objects:
* The objects that currently exist in the system.
* cdt:
* The cap derivation tree of the system.
* current_thread:
* The currently running thread. Operations will always be performed
* on behalf of this thread.
* irq_node:
* Which IRQs are mapped to which notifications.
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2014-07-28 07:45:50 +00:00
* asid_table:
* The first level of the asid table, containing capabilities to all
* of the ASIDPools.
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2014-07-28 07:45:50 +00:00
* current_domain:
* The currently running domain.
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record cdl_state =
cdl_arch :: cdl_arch
cdl_objects :: cdl_heap
cdl_cdt :: cdl_cdt
cdl_current_thread :: "cdl_object_id option"
cdl_irq_node :: "cdl_irq \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_id"
cdl_asid_table :: cdl_cap_map
cdl_current_domain :: word8
(* Return the type of an object. *)
object_type :: "cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_type"
"object_type x \<equiv>
case x of
Untyped \<Rightarrow> UntypedType
| Endpoint \<Rightarrow> EndpointType
| Notification \<Rightarrow> NotificationType
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
| Tcb _ \<Rightarrow> TcbType
| CNode _ \<Rightarrow> CNodeType
| IRQNode _ \<Rightarrow> IRQNodeType
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| AsidPool _ \<Rightarrow> AsidPoolType
| PageTable _ \<Rightarrow> PageTableType
| PageDirectory _ \<Rightarrow> PageDirectoryType
| Frame f \<Rightarrow> FrameType (cdl_frame_size_bits f)"
lemmas object_type_simps = object_type_def[split_simps cdl_object.split]
asid_high_bits :: nat where
"asid_high_bits \<equiv> 7"
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asid_low_bits :: nat where
"asid_low_bits \<equiv> 10 :: nat"
asid_bits :: nat where
"asid_bits \<equiv> 17 :: nat"
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* Each TCB contains a number of cap slots, each with a specific
* purpose. These constants define the purpose of each slot.
definition "tcb_cspace_slot = (0 :: cdl_cnode_index)"
definition "tcb_vspace_slot = (1 :: cdl_cnode_index)"
definition "tcb_replycap_slot = (2 :: cdl_cnode_index)"
definition "tcb_caller_slot = (3 :: cdl_cnode_index)"
definition "tcb_ipcbuffer_slot = (4 :: cdl_cnode_index)"
definition "tcb_pending_op_slot = (5 :: cdl_cnode_index)"
definition "tcb_boundntfn_slot = (6 :: cdl_cnode_index)"
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lemmas tcb_slot_defs =
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* Getters and setters for various data types.
(* Capability getters / setters *)
2015-05-09 11:05:01 +00:00
primrec (nonexhaustive)
cap_objects :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_id set"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
"cap_objects (IOPageTableCap x) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (IOSpaceCap x) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (IOPortsCap x _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (AsidPoolCap x _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (PageDirectoryCap x _ _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (PageTableCap x _ _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (FrameCap _ x _ _ _ _) = {x}"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
| "cap_objects (TcbCap x) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (CNodeCap x _ _ _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (MasterReplyCap x) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (ReplyCap x _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (NotificationCap x _ _) = {x}"
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| "cap_objects (EndpointCap x _ _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (UntypedCap _ x a) = x"
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| "cap_objects (ZombieCap x) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (PendingSyncSendCap x _ _ _ _ _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (PendingSyncRecvCap x _ _) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (PendingNtfnRecvCap x) = {x}"
| "cap_objects (BoundNotificationCap x) = {x}"
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cap_has_object :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"cap_has_object cap \<equiv> case cap of
NullCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IrqControlCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IrqHandlerCap _ \<Rightarrow> False
| AsidControlCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IOSpaceMasterCap \<Rightarrow> False
| RestartCap \<Rightarrow> False
| RunningCap \<Rightarrow> False
| DomainCap \<Rightarrow> False
| _ \<Rightarrow> True"
cap_object :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_id"
"cap_object cap \<equiv>
if cap_has_object cap
then (THE c. c \<in> cap_objects cap)
else undefined"
lemma cap_object_simps[simp]:
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
"cap_object (IOPageTableCap x) = x"
"cap_object (IOSpaceCap x) = x"
"cap_object (IOPortsCap x a) = x"
"cap_object (AsidPoolCap x b) = x"
"cap_object (PageDirectoryCap x c d) = x"
"cap_object (PageTableCap x e f) = x"
"cap_object (FrameCap dev x g h i j) = x"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
"cap_object (TcbCap x) = x"
"cap_object (CNodeCap x k l sz) = x"
"cap_object (MasterReplyCap x) = x"
"cap_object (ReplyCap x q) = x"
"cap_object (NotificationCap x m n) = x"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
"cap_object (EndpointCap x p q) = x"
"cap_object (ZombieCap x) = x"
"cap_object (PendingSyncSendCap x s t u v w) = x"
"cap_object (PendingSyncRecvCap x t u) = x"
"cap_object (PendingNtfnRecvCap x) = x"
"cap_object (BoundNotificationCap x) = x"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
by (simp_all add:cap_object_def Nitpick.The_psimp cap_has_object_def)
2015-05-09 11:05:01 +00:00
primrec (nonexhaustive) cap_badge :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_badge"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
"cap_badge (NotificationCap _ x _) = x"
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| "cap_badge (EndpointCap _ x _) = x"
update_cap_badge :: "cdl_badge \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap"
"update_cap_badge x c \<equiv> case c of
NotificationCap f1 _ f3 \<Rightarrow> NotificationCap f1 x f3
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
| EndpointCap f1 _ f3 \<Rightarrow> EndpointCap f1 x f3
| _ \<Rightarrow> c"
definition all_cdl_rights :: "cdl_right set" where
"all_cdl_rights = {Read, Write, Grant, GrantReply}"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
cap_rights :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_right set"
"cap_rights c \<equiv> case c of
FrameCap _ _ x _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> x
| NotificationCap _ _ x \<Rightarrow> x
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
| EndpointCap _ _ x \<Rightarrow> x
| ReplyCap _ x \<Rightarrow> x
| _ \<Rightarrow> all_cdl_rights"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
update_cap_rights :: "cdl_right set \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap"
"update_cap_rights r c \<equiv> case c of
FrameCap dev f1 _ f2 f3 f4 \<Rightarrow> FrameCap dev f1 (validate_vm_rights r) f2 f3 f4
| NotificationCap f1 f2 _ \<Rightarrow> NotificationCap f1 f2 (r - {Grant, GrantReply})
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| EndpointCap f1 f2 _ \<Rightarrow> EndpointCap f1 f2 r
| ReplyCap f1 _ \<Rightarrow> ReplyCap f1 (r - {Read, GrantReply} \<union> {Write})
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| _ \<Rightarrow> c"
update_mapping_cap_status :: "cdl_frame_cap_type \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap"
"update_mapping_cap_status r c \<equiv> case c of
FrameCap dev f1 f2 f3 _ f4 \<Rightarrow> FrameCap dev f1 f2 f3 r f4
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| PageTableCap pt1 _ pt2 \<Rightarrow> PageTableCap pt1 r pt2
| _ \<Rightarrow> c"
2015-05-09 11:05:01 +00:00
primrec (nonexhaustive) cap_guard :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap_guard"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
"cap_guard (CNodeCap _ x _ _) = x"
update_cap_guard :: "cdl_cap_guard \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap"
"update_cap_guard x c \<equiv> case c of
CNodeCap f1 _ f3 f4 \<Rightarrow> CNodeCap f1 x f3 f4
| _ \<Rightarrow> c"
2015-05-09 11:05:01 +00:00
primrec (nonexhaustive) cap_guard_size :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap_guard_size"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
"cap_guard_size (CNodeCap _ _ x _ ) = x"
cnode_cap_size :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_size_bits"
"cnode_cap_size cap \<equiv> case cap of
CNodeCap _ _ _ x \<Rightarrow> x
| _ \<Rightarrow> 0"
update_cap_guard_size :: "cdl_cap_guard_size \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap"
"update_cap_guard_size x c \<equiv> case c of
CNodeCap f1 f2 _ f3 \<Rightarrow> CNodeCap f1 f2 x f3
| _ \<Rightarrow> c"
(* Kernel object getters / setters *)
object_slots :: "cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap_map"
"object_slots obj \<equiv> case obj of
PageDirectory x \<Rightarrow> cdl_page_directory_caps x
| PageTable x \<Rightarrow> cdl_page_table_caps x
| AsidPool x \<Rightarrow> cdl_asid_pool_caps x
| CNode x \<Rightarrow> cdl_cnode_caps x
| Tcb x \<Rightarrow> cdl_tcb_caps x
| IRQNode x \<Rightarrow> cdl_irq_node_caps x
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| _ \<Rightarrow> Map.empty"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
update_slots :: "cdl_cap_map \<Rightarrow> cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_object"
"update_slots new_val obj \<equiv> case obj of
PageDirectory x \<Rightarrow> PageDirectory (x\<lparr>cdl_page_directory_caps := new_val\<rparr>)
| PageTable x \<Rightarrow> PageTable (x\<lparr>cdl_page_table_caps := new_val\<rparr>)
| AsidPool x \<Rightarrow> AsidPool (x\<lparr>cdl_asid_pool_caps := new_val\<rparr>)
| CNode x \<Rightarrow> CNode (x\<lparr>cdl_cnode_caps := new_val\<rparr>)
| Tcb x \<Rightarrow> Tcb (x\<lparr>cdl_tcb_caps := new_val\<rparr>)
| IRQNode x \<Rightarrow> IRQNode (x\<lparr>cdl_irq_node_caps := new_val\<rparr>)
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| _ \<Rightarrow> obj"
has_slots :: "cdl_object \<Rightarrow> bool"
"has_slots obj \<equiv> case obj of
PageDirectory _ \<Rightarrow> True
| PageTable _ \<Rightarrow> True
| AsidPool _ \<Rightarrow> True
| CNode _ \<Rightarrow> True
| Tcb _ \<Rightarrow> True
| IRQNode _ \<Rightarrow> True
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| _ \<Rightarrow> False"
cap_free_ids :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_id set"
"cap_free_ids cap \<equiv> (case cap of
UntypedCap _ _ free_ids \<Rightarrow> free_ids
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| _ \<Rightarrow> {})"
remove_free_ids :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_id set \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap"
"remove_free_ids cap obj_ids \<equiv> case cap of
UntypedCap dev c a \<Rightarrow> UntypedCap dev c (a - obj_ids)
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| _ \<Rightarrow> cap"
definition cap_irq :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_irq"
"cap_irq cap \<equiv> case cap of
IrqHandlerCap x \<Rightarrow> x
| _ \<Rightarrow> undefined"
* Cap types *
definition cap_type :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_type option"
"cap_type x \<equiv> case x of
UntypedCap _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> Some UntypedType
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| EndpointCap _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> Some EndpointType
| NotificationCap _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> Some NotificationType
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| TcbCap _ \<Rightarrow> Some TcbType
| CNodeCap _ _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> Some CNodeType
| AsidPoolCap _ _ \<Rightarrow> Some AsidPoolType
| PageTableCap _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> Some PageTableType
| PageDirectoryCap _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> Some PageDirectoryType
| FrameCap _ _ _ f _ _ \<Rightarrow> Some (FrameType f)
| IrqHandlerCap _ \<Rightarrow> Some IRQNodeType
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| _ \<Rightarrow> None "
abbreviation "is_untyped_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some UntypedType)"
abbreviation "is_ep_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some EndpointType)"
abbreviation "is_ntfn_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some NotificationType)"
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abbreviation "is_tcb_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some TcbType)"
abbreviation "is_cnode_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some CNodeType)"
abbreviation "is_asidpool_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some AsidPoolType)"
abbreviation "is_pt_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some PageTableType)"
abbreviation "is_pd_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some PageDirectoryType)"
abbreviation "is_frame_cap cap \<equiv> (\<exists>sz. cap_type cap = Some (FrameType sz))"
abbreviation "is_irqhandler_cap cap \<equiv> (cap_type cap = Some IRQNodeType)"
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definition "is_irqcontrol_cap cap \<equiv> (cap = IrqControlCap)"
lemma cap_type_simps [simp]:
"is_untyped_cap (UntypedCap dev a a')"
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"is_ep_cap (EndpointCap b c d)"
"is_ntfn_cap (NotificationCap e f g)"
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"is_tcb_cap (TcbCap h)"
"is_cnode_cap (CNodeCap j k l m)"
"is_asidpool_cap (AsidPoolCap n p)"
"is_pd_cap (PageDirectoryCap r s t)"
"is_pt_cap (PageTableCap u v w)"
"is_frame_cap (FrameCap dev a1 a2 a3 a4 a5)"
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"is_irqhandler_cap (IrqHandlerCap a6)"
"cap_type (FrameCap dev obj_id rights sz rs asid) = Some (FrameType sz)"
by (clarsimp simp: cap_type_def)+
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abbreviation "cap_has_type cap \<equiv> (\<exists>type. cap_type cap = Some type)"
lemma cap_type_update_cap_badge [simp]:
"cap_type (update_cap_badge x cap) = cap_type cap"
by (clarsimp simp: update_cap_badge_def cap_type_def split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma cap_type_update_cap_rights [simp]:
"cap_type (update_cap_rights x cap) = cap_type cap"
by (clarsimp simp: update_cap_rights_def cap_type_def split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma cap_type_update_mapping_cap_status [simp]:
"cap_type (update_mapping_cap_status x cap) = cap_type cap"
by (clarsimp simp: update_mapping_cap_status_def cap_type_def split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma cap_type_update_cap_guard [simp]:
"cap_type (update_cap_guard x cap) = cap_type cap"
by (clarsimp simp: update_cap_guard_def cap_type_def split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma update_cap_guard_size [simp]:
"cap_type (update_cap_guard_size x cap) = cap_type cap"
by (clarsimp simp: update_cap_guard_size_def cap_type_def split: cdl_cap.splits)
definition is_pending_cap :: "cdl_cap \<Rightarrow> bool"
where "is_pending_cap c \<equiv> case c of
PendingSyncRecvCap _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> True
| PendingNtfnRecvCap _ \<Rightarrow> True
| PendingSyncSendCap _ _ _ _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> True
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| _ \<Rightarrow> False"
* Object constructors.
(* Create a capability map that contains no caps. *)
empty_cap_map :: "nat \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap_map"
"empty_cap_map sz \<equiv> (\<lambda>a. if a < 2^sz then (Some NullCap) else None)"
(* Create an empty CNode. *)
empty_cnode :: "nat \<Rightarrow> cdl_cnode"
"empty_cnode sz = \<lparr> cdl_cnode_caps = empty_cap_map sz, cdl_cnode_size_bits = sz \<rparr>"
empty_irq_node :: cdl_irq_node
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"empty_irq_node \<equiv> \<lparr> cdl_irq_node_caps = empty_cap_map 0 \<rparr>"
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(* Standard empty TCB object. *)
default_tcb :: "word8 \<Rightarrow> cdl_tcb"
"default_tcb current_domain = \<lparr>
cdl_tcb_caps = \<lambda>n. if n \<le> tcb_boundntfn_slot then Some NullCap else None,
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
cdl_tcb_fault_endpoint = 0,
cdl_tcb_intent = \<lparr>
cdl_intent_op = None,
cdl_intent_error = False,
cdl_intent_cap = 0,
cdl_intent_extras = [],
cdl_intent_recv_slot = None
cdl_tcb_has_fault = False,
cdl_tcb_domain = current_domain
(* Return a newly constructed object of the given type. *)
default_object :: "cdl_object_type \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> word8 \<Rightarrow> cdl_object option"
"default_object x y current_domain \<equiv>
case x of
UntypedType \<Rightarrow> Some Untyped
| EndpointType \<Rightarrow> Some Endpoint
| NotificationType \<Rightarrow> Some Notification
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
| TcbType \<Rightarrow> Some (Tcb (default_tcb current_domain))
| CNodeType \<Rightarrow> Some (CNode (empty_cnode y))
| AsidPoolType \<Rightarrow> Some (AsidPool \<lparr> cdl_asid_pool_caps = empty_cap_map asid_low_bits \<rparr>)
| PageTableType \<Rightarrow> Some (PageTable \<lparr> cdl_page_table_caps = empty_cap_map 8 \<rparr>)
| PageDirectoryType \<Rightarrow> Some (PageDirectory \<lparr> cdl_page_directory_caps = empty_cap_map 12 \<rparr>)
| FrameType sz \<Rightarrow> Some (Frame \<lparr> cdl_frame_size_bits = sz \<rparr>)
| IRQNodeType \<Rightarrow> Some (IRQNode empty_irq_node)"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
abbreviation "pick a \<equiv> SOME x. x\<in> a"
(* Construct a cap for a new object. *)
default_cap :: "cdl_object_type \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_id set \<Rightarrow> cdl_size_bits \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap"
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"default_cap t id_set sz dev \<equiv>
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
case t of
EndpointType \<Rightarrow> EndpointCap (pick id_set) 0 UNIV
| NotificationType \<Rightarrow> NotificationCap (THE i. i \<in> id_set) 0 {Read,Write}
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| TcbType \<Rightarrow> TcbCap (pick id_set)
| CNodeType \<Rightarrow> CNodeCap (pick id_set) 0 0 sz
| IRQNodeType \<Rightarrow> IrqHandlerCap undefined
| UntypedType \<Rightarrow> UntypedCap dev id_set id_set
| AsidPoolType \<Rightarrow> AsidPoolCap (pick id_set) 0
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| PageTableType \<Rightarrow> PageTableCap (pick id_set) Real None
| PageDirectoryType \<Rightarrow> PageDirectoryCap (pick id_set) Real None
| FrameType frame_size \<Rightarrow> FrameCap dev (pick id_set) {Read, Write} frame_size Real None"
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00