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2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
2020-03-09 06:18:30 +00:00
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
2020-03-09 06:18:30 +00:00
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
* Sets of items.
* Currently implemented using sorted lists.
signature SET =
type key
type 'a set
val empty : key set
val is_empty : key set -> bool
val make : key list -> key set
val dest : key set -> key list
val inter : key set -> key set -> key set
val subtract : key set -> key set -> key set (* NOTE: subtracts first from second *)
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
val union : key set -> key set -> key set
val union_sets : key set list -> key set
val insert : key -> key set -> key set
val contains : key set -> key -> bool
val subset : (key set * key set) -> bool
val card: key set -> int
val map: (key -> key) -> key set -> key set
val filter: (key -> bool) -> key set -> key set
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
functor Set(Key: KEY): SET =
type key = Key.key;
* We wrap everything in a private datatype to enforce the user to only use the
* abstract interface.
datatype 'a set = S of 'a list;
(* Make a set from a list. *)
fun make x = Ord_List.make Key.ord x |> S
(* Convert the set back into a list. *)
fun dest (S x) = x
(* Emptiness *)
val empty = S []
fun is_empty (S x) = (length x = 0)
(* Set manipulation. *)
fun inter (S a) (S b) = Ord_List.inter Key.ord a b |> S
fun subtract (S a) (S b) = Ord_List.subtract Key.ord a b |> S
fun union (S a) (S b) = Ord_List.union Key.ord a b |> S
fun insert a (S b) = Ord_List.insert Key.ord a b |> S
fun union_sets l = fold union l empty
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
fun contains (S l) a = Ord_List.member Key.ord l a
fun subset (S a, S b) = Ord_List.subset Key.ord (a, b)
fun card (S a) = length a
fun map f (S a) = make (List.map f a)
fun filter f (S a) = S (List.filter f a)
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
structure Intset = Set(type key = int val ord = int_ord);
structure Symset = Set(type key = string val ord = fast_string_ord);
structure Varset = Set(type key = (string * typ) val ord =
fn (a,b) => Term_Ord.var_ord (((fst a, 0), snd a), ((fst b, 0), snd b)));
structure Typset = Set(type key = typ val ord = Term_Ord.typ_ord);
type varset = Varset.key Varset.set
type symset = Symset.key Symset.set
type typset = Typset.key Typset.set