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2020-03-09 06:18:30 +00:00
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
2020-03-09 06:18:30 +00:00
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory Trace_Schematic_Insts
text \<open>
See Trace_Schematic_Insts_Test for tests and examples.
locale data_stash
text \<open>
We use this to stash a list of the schematics in the conclusion of the proof
state. After running a method, we can read off the schematic instantiations
(if any) from this list, then restore the original conclusion. Schematic
types are added as "undefined :: ?'a" (for now, we don't worry about types
that don't have sort "type").
TODO: there ought to be some standard way of stashing things into the proof
state. Find out what that is and refactor
definition container :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"
"container a b \<equiv> True"
lemma proof_state_add:
"Pure.prop PROP P \<equiv> PROP Pure.prop (container True xs \<Longrightarrow> PROP P)"
by (simp add: container_def)
lemma proof_state_remove:
"PROP Pure.prop (container True xs \<Longrightarrow> PROP P) \<equiv> Pure.prop (PROP P)"
by (simp add: container_def)
lemma rule_add:
"PROP P \<equiv> (container True xs \<Longrightarrow> PROP P)"
by (simp add: container_def)
lemma rule_remove:
"(container True xs \<Longrightarrow> PROP P) \<equiv> PROP P"
by (simp add: container_def)
lemma elim:
"container a b"
by (simp add: container_def)
ML \<open>
type instantiations = {
bounds: (string * typ) list,
terms: (term * term) list,
typs: (typ * typ) list
val empty_instantiations: instantiations
val trace_schematic_insts:
Method.method -> (instantiations -> unit) -> Method.method
val default_report:
Proof.context -> string -> instantiations -> unit
val trace_schematic_insts_tac:
Proof.context ->
(instantiations -> instantiations -> unit) ->
(thm -> int -> tactic) ->
thm -> int -> tactic
val default_rule_report:
Proof.context -> string -> instantiations -> instantiations -> unit
val skip_dummy_state: Method.method -> Method.method
val make_term_container: term list -> term
val dest_term_container: term -> term list
val attach_proof_annotations: Proof.context -> term list -> thm -> thm
val detach_proof_annotations: thm -> term list * thm
val attach_rule_annotations: Proof.context -> term list -> thm -> thm
val detach_rule_result_annotations:
Proof.context -> thm -> ((string * typ) list * term list) * thm
val instantiate_thm: Proof.context -> thm -> instantiations -> term
structure Trace_Schematic_Insts: TRACE_SCHEMATIC_INSTS = struct
Each pair in the terms and typs fields are a (schematic, instantiation) pair.
The bounds field records the binders which are due to subgoal bounds.
An explanation: if we instantiate some schematic `?P` within a subgoal like
@{term "\<And>x y. Q"}, it might be instantiated to @{term "\<lambda>a. R a
x"}. We need to capture `x` when reporting the instantiation, so we report
that `?P` has been instantiated to @{term "\<lambda>x y a. R a x"}. In order
to distinguish between the bound `x`, `y`, and `a`, we record the bound
variables from the subgoal so that we can handle them as necessary.
As an example, let us consider the case where the subgoal is
@{term "\<And>x::int. foo (\<lambda>a. a::'e) (\<lambda>a. a + x) (0::nat)"}
and the rule being applied is
@{term "foo ((f::'d \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a) y) (g::'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) (0::'c::zero)"}.
This results in the instantiations
{bounds: [("x", int)],
terms: [(?f, \<lambda>x a b. b), (?g, \<lambda>x a. x + a), (?y, \<lambda>x. ?y x)],
typs: [(?'a, 'e), (?'b, int), (?'c, nat)]}.
type instantiations = {
bounds: (string * typ) list,
terms: (term * term) list,
typs: (typ * typ) list
val empty_instantiations = {bounds = [], terms = [], typs = []}
Work around Isabelle running every apply method on a dummy proof state
fun skip_dummy_state method =
fn facts => fn (ctxt, st) =>
case Thm.prop_of st of
Const (@{const_name Pure.prop}, _) $
(Const (@{const_name Pure.term}, _) $ Const (@{const_name Pure.dummy_pattern}, _)) =>
Seq.succeed (Seq.Result (ctxt, st))
| _ => method facts (ctxt, st);
fun rewrite_state_concl eqn st =
Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.concl_conv (Thm.nprems_of st) (K eqn)) st
Strip the @{term Pure.prop} that wraps proof state conclusions
fun strip_prop ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
Const (@{const_name "Pure.prop"}, @{typ "prop \<Rightarrow> prop"}) $ _ => Thm.dest_arg ct
| _ => raise CTERM ("strip_prop: head is not Pure.prop", [ct])
fun cconcl_of st =
funpow (Thm.nprems_of st) Thm.dest_arg (Thm.cprop_of st)
|> strip_prop
fun vars_of_term t =
Term.add_vars t []
|> sort_distinct Term_Ord.var_ord
fun type_vars_of_term t =
Term.add_tvars t []
|> sort_distinct Term_Ord.tvar_ord
Create annotation list
fun make_term_container ts =
fold (fn t => fn container =>
Const (@{const_name container},
fastype_of t --> @{typ "bool \<Rightarrow> bool"}) $
t $ container)
(rev ts) @{term "True"}
Retrieve annotation list
fun dest_term_container
(Const (@{const_name container}, _) $ x $ list) =
x :: dest_term_container list
| dest_term_container _ = []
Attach some terms to a proof state, by "hiding" them in the protected goal.
fun attach_proof_annotations ctxt terms st =
val container = make_term_container terms
(* FIXME: this might affect st's maxidx *)
val add_eqn =
[((("P", 0), @{typ prop}), cconcl_of st),
((("xs", 0), @{typ bool}), Thm.cterm_of ctxt container)])
@{thm proof_state_add}
rewrite_state_concl add_eqn st
Retrieve attached terms from a proof state
fun detach_proof_annotations st =
val st_concl = cconcl_of st
val (ccontainer', real_concl) = Thm.dest_implies st_concl
val ccontainer =
|> Thm.dest_arg (* strip Trueprop *)
|> Thm.dest_arg \<comment>\<open>strip outer @{term "container True"}\<close>
val terms =
|> Thm.term_of
|> dest_term_container
val remove_eqn =
[((("P", 0), @{typ prop}), real_concl),
((("xs", 0), @{typ bool}), ccontainer)])
@{thm proof_state_remove}
(terms, rewrite_state_concl remove_eqn st)
\<comment> \<open>
Attaches the given terms to the given thm by stashing them as a new @{term
"container"} premise, *after* all the existing premises (this minimises
disruption when the rule is used with things like `erule`).
fun attach_rule_annotations ctxt terms thm =
val container = make_term_container terms
(* FIXME: this might affect thm's maxidx *)
val add_eqn =
[((("P", 0), @{typ prop}), Thm.cconcl_of thm),
((("xs", 0), @{typ bool}), Thm.cterm_of ctxt container)])
@{thm rule_add}
rewrite_state_concl add_eqn thm
\<comment> \<open>
Finds all the variables and type variables in the given thm,
then uses `attach` to stash them in a @{const "container"} within
the thm.
Returns a tuple containing the variables and type variables which were attached this way.
fun annotate_with_vars_using (attach: Proof.context -> term list -> thm -> thm) ctxt thm =
val tvars = type_vars_of_term (Thm.prop_of thm) |> map TVar
val tvar_carriers = map (fn tvar => Const (@{const_name undefined}, tvar)) tvars
val vars = vars_of_term (Thm.prop_of thm) |> map Var
val annotated_rule = attach ctxt (vars @ tvar_carriers) thm
in ((vars, tvars), annotated_rule) end
val annotate_rule = annotate_with_vars_using attach_rule_annotations
val annotate_proof_state = annotate_with_vars_using attach_proof_annotations
fun split_and_zip_instantiations (vars, tvars) (bounds, insts): instantiations =
val (var_insts, tvar_insts) = chop (length vars) insts
val tvar_insts' = map (TermExtras.drop_binders (length bounds) o fastype_of) tvar_insts
in {
bounds = bounds,
terms = vars ~~ var_insts,
typs = tvars ~~ tvar_insts'
} end
Matches subgoals of the form:
@{term "\<And>A B C. X \<Longrightarrow> Y \<Longrightarrow> Z \<Longrightarrow> container True data"}
Extracts the instantiation variables from `?data`, and re-applies the surrounding
meta abstractions (in this case `\<And>A B C`).
fun dest_instantiation_container_subgoal t =
val (vars, goal) = t |> TermExtras.strip_all
val goal = goal |> Logic.strip_imp_concl
case goal of
@{term_pat "Trueprop (container True ?data)"} =>
dest_term_container data
|> map (fn t => Logic.rlist_abs (rev vars, t)) (* reapply variables *)
|> pair vars
| _ => NONE
Finds the first subgoal with a @{term container} conclusion. Extracts the data from
the container and removes the subgoal.
fun detach_rule_result_annotations ctxt st =
val (idx, data) =
|> Thm.prems_of
|> Library.get_index dest_instantiation_container_subgoal
|> OptionExtras.get_or_else (fn () => error "No container subgoal!")
val st' =
|> resolve_tac ctxt @{thms elim} (idx + 1)
|> Seq.hd
(data, st')
\<comment> \<open>
Instantiate subterms of a given term, using the supplied var_insts. A
complication is that to deal with bound variables, lambda terms might have
been inserted to the instantiations. To handle this, we first generate some
fresh free variables, apply them to the lambdas, do the substitution,
re-abstract the frees, and then clean up any inner applications.
subgoal: @{term "\<And>x::int. foo (\<lambda>a. a::'e) (\<lambda>a. a + x) (0::nat)"},
rule: @{term "foo ((f::'d \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a) y) (g::'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) (0::'c::zero)"}, and
instantiations: {bounds: [("x", int)],
terms: [(?f, \<lambda>x a b. b), (?g, \<lambda>x a. x + a), (?y, \<lambda>x. ?y x)],
typs: [(?'a, 'e), (?'b, int), (?'c, nat)]},
this leads to
vars: [("x", int)],
var_insts: [(?f, \<lambda>a b. b), (?g, \<lambda>a. x + a), (?y, ?y x)]
subst_free: "foo ((\<lambda>a b. b) (?y x)) (\<lambda>a. a + x) 0"
absfree: "\<lambda>x. foo ((\<lambda>a b. b) (?y x)) (\<lambda>a. a + x) 0"
beta_norm: @{term "\<lambda>x. foo (\<lambda>a. a) (\<lambda>a. a + x) 0"}
abs_all: @{term "\<And>x. foo (\<lambda>a. a) (\<lambda>a. a + x) 0"}
fun instantiate_terms ctxt bounds var_insts term =
val vars = Variable.variant_frees ctxt (term :: map #2 var_insts) bounds
fun var_inst_beta term term' =
(term, Term.betapplys (term', map Free vars))
val var_insts' = map (uncurry var_inst_beta) var_insts
in term
|> Term.subst_free var_insts'
|> fold Term.absfree vars
|> Envir.beta_norm
|> TermExtras.abs_all (length bounds)
\<comment> \<open>
Instantiate subtypes of a given term, using the supplied tvar_insts. Similarly
to above, to deal with bound variables we first need to drop any binders
that had been added to the instantiations.
fun instantiate_types ctxt bounds_num tvar_insts term =
fun instantiateT tvar_inst typ =
val tyenv = Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) tvar_inst Vartab.empty
val S = Vartab.dest tyenv
val S' = map (fn (s,(t,u)) => ((s,t),u)) S
in Term_Subst.instantiateT S' typ
in fold (fn typs => Term.map_types (instantiateT typs)) tvar_insts term
\<comment> \<open>
Instantiate a given thm with the supplied instantiations, returning a term.
fun instantiate_thm ctxt thm {bounds, terms as var_insts, typs as tvar_insts} =
Thm.prop_of thm
|> instantiate_terms ctxt bounds var_insts
|> instantiate_types ctxt (length bounds) tvar_insts
fun filtered_instantiation_lines ctxt {bounds, terms, typs} =
val vars_lines =
map (fn (var, inst) =>
if var = inst then "" (* don't show unchanged *) else
" " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt var ^ " => " ^
Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (TermExtras.abs_all (length bounds) inst) ^ "\n")
val tvars_lines =
map (fn (tvar, inst) =>
if tvar = inst then "" (* don't show unchanged *) else
" " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt tvar ^ " => " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt inst ^ "\n")
vars_lines @ tvars_lines
Default callback for black-box method tracing. Prints nontrivial instantiations to tracing output
with the given title line.
fun default_report ctxt title insts =
val all_insts = String.concat (filtered_instantiation_lines ctxt insts)
(* TODO: add a quiet flag, to suppress output when nothing was instantiated *)
in title ^ "\n" ^ (if all_insts = "" then " (no instantiations)\n" else all_insts)
|> tracing
\<comment> \<open>
Default callback for tracing rule applications. Prints nontrivial
instantiations to tracing output with the given title line. Separates
instantiations of rule variables and goal variables.
fun default_rule_report ctxt title rule_insts proof_insts =
val rule_lines = String.concat (filtered_instantiation_lines ctxt rule_insts)
val rule_lines =
if rule_lines = ""
then "(no rule instantiations)\n"
else "rule instantiations:\n" ^ rule_lines;
val proof_lines = String.concat (filtered_instantiation_lines ctxt proof_insts)
val proof_lines =
if proof_lines = ""
then "(no goal instantiations)\n"
else "goal instantiations:\n" ^ proof_lines;
in title ^ "\n" ^ rule_lines ^ "\n" ^ proof_lines |> tracing end
\<comment> \<open>
`trace_schematic_insts_tac ctxt callback tactic thm idx` does the following:
- Produce a @{term container}-annotated version of `thm`.
- Runs `tactic` on subgoal `idx`, using the annotated version of `thm`.
- If the tactic succeeds, call `callback` with the rule instantiations and the goal
instantiations, in that order.
fun trace_schematic_insts_tac
(callback: instantiations -> instantiations -> unit)
(tactic: thm -> int -> tactic)
thm idx st =
val (rule_vars, annotated_rule) = annotate_rule ctxt thm
val (proof_vars, annotated_proof_state) = annotate_proof_state ctxt st
val st = tactic annotated_rule idx annotated_proof_state
st |> Seq.map (fn st =>
val (rule_terms, st) = detach_rule_result_annotations ctxt st
val (proof_terms, st) = detach_proof_annotations st
val rule_insts = split_and_zip_instantiations rule_vars rule_terms
val proof_insts = split_and_zip_instantiations proof_vars ([], proof_terms)
val () = callback rule_insts proof_insts
ML interface, calls the supplied function with schematic unifications
(will be given all variables, including those that haven't been instantiated).
fun trace_schematic_insts (method: Method.method) callback
= fn facts => fn (ctxt, st) =>
val (vars, annotated_st) = annotate_proof_state ctxt st
in (* Run the method *)
method facts (ctxt, annotated_st)
|> Seq.map_result (fn (ctxt', annotated_st') => let
(* Retrieve the stashed list, now with unifications *)
val (annotations, st') = detach_proof_annotations annotated_st'
val insts = split_and_zip_instantiations vars ([], annotations)
(* Report the list *)
val _ = callback insts
in (ctxt', st') end)
method_setup trace_schematic_insts = \<open>
open Trace_Schematic_Insts
(Scan.option (Scan.lift Parse.liberal_name) -- Method.text_closure) >>
(fn (maybe_title, method_text) => fn ctxt =>
(Method.evaluate method_text ctxt)
(default_report ctxt
(Option.getOpt (maybe_title, "trace_schematic_insts:")))
|> skip_dummy_state
\<close> "Method combinator to trace schematic variable and type instantiations"