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2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
# Copyright 2014, NICTA
# This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
# the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
# See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
from __future__ import print_function
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
class BracedString:
"""A string split into components based on delimiters (usually braces).
When l occurs in the string, create a new component whose contents are
the rest of the string until the matching r.
When l = ( and r = ), this has the approximate behavior of splitting
the string into the components of a Haskell function application,
where each individual component, if not containing the delimiters, can
be split on white space to determine the arguments of the function.
This behaves exactly like a str, except for split, map, and
Invariant: a component either has no delimiters, or is surrounded by
def __init__(self, s, l, r, bits=None):
if bits is None:
bits = self._get_bits(s, l, r)
self.bits = bits
self.s = s
self.l = l
self.r = r
def _get_bits(self, s, l, r):
nesting_depth = 0
bits = ['']
for c in s:
if c == l:
if nesting_depth == 0:
if bits[-1]:
nesting_depth = nesting_depth + 1
bits[-1] = bits[-1] + c
if c == r:
nesting_depth = nesting_depth - 1
if nesting_depth == 0:
if bits[-1]:
if not bits[-1]:
return bits
def __str__(self):
return self.s
def __repr__(self):
check = BracedString(self.s, self.l, self.r)
if check.bits == self.bits:
return 'B%s%s: %r' % (self.l, self.r, self.s)
return 'Broken Braced: %r, %r, %r' % (self.s, self.bits,
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, BracedString):
if self.bits[-1].startswith(self.l):
bits = self.bits + other.bits
elif other.bits[0].startswith(self.l):
bits = self.bits + other.bits
bits = self.bits[:-1] + \
[self.bits[-1] + other.bits[0]] + \
return BracedString(self.s + other.s, self.l, self.r, bits)
return BracedString(self.s + other, self.l, self.r)
def __eq__(self, other):
return other == self.s
def __ne__(self, other):
return other != self.s
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.s)
def __getitem__(self, n):
return self.s[n]
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
return self.s.__getslice__(i, j)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.s)
def split(self, str=None, num=-2, braces=False):
"""Split into multiple BracedStrings, using `str` as a delimiter, and
into a maximum of `num` components.
If `braces` is true (defaults to false), braces will also count as a
delimiter, and each braced component will become a single element of
the output.
Otherwise, each braced pair will not be split into a separate
component, but splitting will ignore the contents inside the
if braces:
bits = []
bbs = []
for bit in self.bits:
d = num + 1 - len(bits)
if d == 0:
bits[-1] = bits[-1] + bit
elif bit.startswith(self.l):
if num == -2:
n_bits = bit.split(str)
n_bits = bit.split(str, d)
bbs.extend([[b] for b in n_bits])
# s is the original string, but with delimited substrings replaced
# with just the delimiters
s = ''
internals = []
for bit in self.bits:
if bit.startswith(self.l):
s = s + self.l + self.r
s = s + bit
# split on the thing, secure in the knowledge that it won't mess
# up things inside delimiters.
bits1 = s.split(str, num)
bits = []
bbs = []
for bit in bits1:
# Invariant: if self.{l,r} not in bit, bit remains whole.
# split on delimiters, which we inserted earlier
bits2 = bit.split(self.l + self.r)
meshed = [bits2.pop(0)]
while bits2:
# If this list has more elements, then we need to insert,
# where each delimiter pair was, the corresponding
# contents which we stored in `internals`.
# then we add in the next component of the string, which
# was after that delimiter pair.
# remove empty strings
meshed = [s for s in meshed if s != '']
return [BracedString(bit, self.l, self.r, bbs[i])
for i, bit in enumerate(bits)]
def startswith(self, s):
return self.s.startswith(s)
def endswith(self, s):
return self.s.endswith(s)
def map(self, fn):
"""Apply a function to each component of this braced string.
For delimited components, the delimiters will not be passed to the
new_s = ''
new_bits = []
for bit in self.bits:
if bit.startswith(self.l):
new = fn(bit[1:-1])
new = self.l + new + self.r
new_s = new_s + new
new_s = new_s + bit
return BracedString(new_s, self.l, self.r, new_bits)
def discard_enclosing_braces(self):
"""If the string consists of one braced expression,
discard the redundant enclosing braces. Otherwise
return the string."""
if len(self.bits) > 1:
return self
[bit] = self.bits
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
if bit.startswith(self.l):
return BracedString(bit[1:-1], self.l, self.r)
return self
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
def clone(str, obj):
if isinstance(obj, BracedString):
return BracedString(str.__str__(), obj.l, obj.r)
return str
2014-07-14 19:32:44 +00:00
str = BracedString
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = BracedString('a => b => c => (d => (e, f))', '(', ')')
print(1, x.split('=>', 1))
print(2, x.split('=>', 2))
print(3, x.split('=>', 3))
print([y.split() for y in x.split('=>')])