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Note to maintainer: sync with tools/release_files/README
AutoCorres is a tool that assists reasoning about C programs
in [Isabelle/HOL][1]. In particular, it uses Norrish's
[C-to-Isabelle parser][2] to parse C into Isabelle, and then
abstracts the result to produce a result that is (hopefully)
more pleasant to reason about.
[1]: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/hvg/Isabelle/
2018-03-01 05:54:05 +00:00
[2]: https://ts.data61.csiro.au/software/TS/c-parser/
Contents of this README
* Installation
* Quickstart
* Development and reporting bugs
* Options
* Examples
* Publications
AutoCorres is packaged as a theory for Isabelle2019:
AutoCorres currently supports two platforms: ARM and X64. The platform
determines the sizes of C integral and pointer types.
For ARM, the sizes are:
- 64 bits: long long
- 32 bits: pointers, long, int
- 16 bits: short
For X64:
- 64 bits: pointers, long long, long
- 32 bits: int
- 16 bits: short
To build or use AutoCorres, you must set the L4V_ARCH environment variable
according to your choice of platform.
To build AutoCorres for ARM, run the following in the L4.verified directory:
L4V_ARCH=ARM misc/regression/run_tests.py AutoCorres
This builds the C parser and AutoCorres itself.
To build AutoCorres for X64:
L4V_ARCH=X64 misc/regression/run_tests.py AutoCorres
There is also a test suite, which can be run using:
L4V_ARCH=ARM misc/regression/run_tests.py AutoCorresTest
L4V_ARCH=X64 misc/regression/run_tests.py AutoCorresTest
A brief tutorial can be found in doc/quickstart.
Run `make AutoCorresDoc` to generate a readable PDF document of
the tutorial.
Development and reporting bugs
AutoCorres is currently maintained by
Matthew Brecknell <Matthew.Brecknell@data61.csiro.au>.
Additionally, the latest development version is available on GitHub
as part of the L4.verified project:
https://github.com/seL4/l4v (in tools/autocorres)
AutoCorres supports a variety of options, which are used as follows:
autocorres [option, key=val, list=a b c d] "path/to/file.c"
`path/to/file.c` is the same path given to `install_C_file`, and
AutoCorres will define the translated functions in the C-parser's
generated locale (named `file`).
The options are:
* `no_heap_abs = FUNC_NAMES`: Disable _heap abstraction_
on the given list of functions.
* `force_heap_abs = FUNC_NAMES`: Attempt _heap abstraction_
on the given list of functions, even if AutoCorres' heuristics
believes that they cannot be lifted.
* `heap_abs_syntax`: Enable experimental heap abstraction
syntactic sugar.
* `skip_heap_abs`: Completely disable _heap abstraction_.
* `unsigned_word_abs = FUNC_NAMES`: Use _word abstraction_
on unsigned integers in the given functions.
* `no_signed_word_abs = FUNC_NAMES`: Disable signed
_word abstraction_ on the given list of functions.
* `skip_word_abs`: Completely disable _word abstraction_.
* `ts_rules = RULES`: Enable _type strengthening_ to the
following types. Possible types include `pure` (pure
functional), `option` (option monad without state), `gets` (option
monad with state) and `nondet` (non-deterministic state monad).
* `ts_force RULE_NAME = FUNC_NAMES`: Force the given
functions to be type-strengthened to the given type,
even if a "better" type could otherwise be used.
See `tests/examples/type_strengthen_tricks.thy`.
* `scope = FUNC_NAMES`: Only translate the given functions
and their callees, up to depth `scope_depth`.
AutoCorres can be invoked multiple times to translate
parts of a program. See `tests/examples/Incremental.thy`.
* `scope_depth = N`: Call depth for `scope`.
Name compatibility options (see `tests/examples/AC_Rename.thy`):
* `lifted_globals_field_prefix="foo"`, `lifted_globals_field_suffix="foo"`:
Override generated names for global variables during heap abstraction.
The default is `f` -> `f_''` (i.e. prefix="", suffix="_''").
* `function_name_prefix="foo"`, `function_name_suffix="foo"`:
Override generated names for abstracted functions.
The default is `f` -> `f'` (i.e. prefix="", suffix="'").
Less common options (mainly for debugging):
* `keep_going`: Attempt to ignore certain non-critical
* `trace_heap_lift = FUNC_NAMES`: Trace the _heap abstraction_
process for each of the given functions. The traces
are stored in the Isabelle theory and can be quite large.
See `tests/examples/TraceDemo.thy`.
* `trace_word_abs = FUNC_NAMES`: As above, but traces
_word abstraction_.
* `trace_opt`: As above, but traces internal simplification
phases (for all functions).
* `no_opt`: Disable some optimisation passes that simplify
the AutoCorres output.
* `gen_word_heaps`: Force _heap abstraction_ to create
abstract heaps for standard `word` types
(`word8`, `word16`, `word32`, `word64`) even if they
are not needed.
The following options are for interfacing with the seL4 proofs.
* `c_locale = NAME`: Run in this locale, rather than the default locale
created by the C-parser. This locale must behave like the C-parser
one except that the function bodies may be different.
* `no_c_termination`: Generate SIMPL wrappers and correspondence
proofs that do not require program termination for the SIMPL source.
An example of invoking AutoCorres with _all_ of the options
is as follows:
autocorres [
no_heap_abs = a b,
force_heap_abs = c d,
skip_heap_abs, (* mutually exclusive with previous options *)
unsigned_word_abs = f g h,
no_signed_word_abs = i j k,
skip_word_abs, (* mutually exclusive with previous options *)
ts_rules = pure nondet,
ts_force nondet = l m n,
scope = o p q,
scope_depth = 5,
c_locale = "my_locale",
trace_heap_lift = c d,
trace_word_abs = f h i,
] "filename.c"
Some examples are in the `tests/examples` directory.
Many of these examples are quick-and-dirty proofs, and should not
necessary be considered the best style.
None-the-less, some of the examples available are, in approximate
increasing level of difficulty:
* `Simple.thy`: Proofs of some simple functions, including
`max` and `gcd`.
* `Swap.thy`: Proof of a simple `swap` function.
* `MultByAdd.thy`: Proof of a function that carries out
multiplication using addition.
* `Factorial.thy`: Proof of a factorial function, using
several different methods.
* `FibProof.thy`: Proof of the Fibonacci function, using
several different methods.
* `ListRev.thy`: Proof of a function that carries out an
in-place linked list reversal.
* `CList.thy`: Another list reversal, based on a proof by
Mehta and Nipkow. See [the paper][3].
* `IsPrime.thy`: Proof of a function that determines if
the input number is prime.
* `Memset.thy`: Proof of a C `memset` implementation.
* `Quicksort.thy`: Proof of a simple quicksort
implementation on an array of `int`s.
* `BinarySearch.thy`: Proof of a function that determines
if a sorted input array of `unsigned int` contains the
given `unsigned int`.
* `SchorrWaite.thy`: Proof a C implementation of the
Schorr-Waite algorithm, using Mehta and Nipkow's
high-level proof. See [the paper][3].
* `Memcpy.thy`: Proof of a C `memcpy` implementation.
The proof connects the C parser's byte-level heap
with AutoCorres's type-safe heap representation.
There are also some examples that aren't about program proofs,
but demonstrate AutoCorres features:
* `AC_Rename.thy`: how to change AutoCorres-generated names.
* `TraceDemo.thy`: how to use the (experimental) tracing.
* `type_strengthen_tricks.thy`: configuring type-strengthening.
* `Incremental.thy`: (experimental) support for incremental translation.
L1 (SimplConv), L2 (LocalVarExtract) and TS (TypeStrengthen) were described in
"Bridging the gap: Automatic verified abstraction of C"
David Greenaway, June Andronick, Gerwin Klein
Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP), August 2012.
2018-03-01 05:54:05 +00:00
HL (heap abstraction) and WA (word abstraction) were described in
"Dont sweat the small stuff --- Formal verification of C code without the pain"
David Greenaway, Japheth Lim, June Andronick, Gerwin Klein
Proceedings of the 35th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation. ACM, June 2014.
2018-03-01 05:54:05 +00:00
A more comprehensive source is
"Automated proof-producing abstraction of C code"
David Greenaway
PhD thesis, March 2015.
2018-03-01 05:54:05 +00:00