lib: Allow additional rules for `datatype_schem`.

Previously, the method `datatype_schem` used a specific list of
hard-coded rules to "fix" datatypes in schematics. This adds an
attribute so users can add new datatype "lenses"/"accessors" as needed.
This commit is contained in:
Edward Pierzchalski 2019-06-06 16:47:25 +10:00
parent 7ac89448a1
commit 02dcb099ff
1 changed files with 179 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -10,26 +10,48 @@
theory Datatype_Schematic
imports Main
text {*
Introduces a method for improving unification outcomes for
schematics with datatype expressions as parameters.
text \<open>
Introduces a method for improving unification outcomes for schematics with
datatype expressions as parameters.
There are two variants:
1. In cases where a schematic is applied to a constant
like @{term True}, we wrap the constant to avoid some
undesirable unification candidates.
There are two variants:
1. In cases where a schematic is applied to a constant like @{term True},
we wrap the constant to avoid some undesirable unification candidates.
2. In cases where a schematic is applied to a constructor expression
like @{term "Some x"} or @{term "(x, y)"}, we supply selector expressions
like @{term "the"} or @{term "fst"} to provide more unification candidates.
This is only done if parameter that would be selected (e.g. @{term x} in
@{term "Some x"}) contains bound variables which the schematic does not have
as parameters.
2. In cases where a schematic is applied to a constructor expression like
@{term "Some x"} or @{term "(x, y)"}, we supply selector expressions
like @{term "the"} or @{term "fst"} to provide more unification
candidates. This is only done if parameter that would be selected (e.g.
@{term x} in @{term "Some x"}) contains bound variables which the
schematic does not have as parameters.
In the "constructor expression" case, we let users supply additional
constructor handlers via the `datatype_schematic` attribute. The method uses
rules of the following form:
@{term "\<And>x1 x2 x3. getter (constructor x1 x2 x3) = x2"}
These are essentially simp rules for simple "accessor" primrec functions,
which are used to turn schematics like
@{text "?P (constructor x1 x2 x3)"}
@{text "?P' x2 (constructor x1 x2 x3)"}.
ML \<open>
\<comment> \<open>
Anchor used to link error messages back to the documentation above.
val usage_pos = @{here};
ds_id :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
@ -40,9 +62,41 @@ lemma wrap_ds_id:
"x = ds_id x"
by (simp add: ds_id_def)
ML {*
ML \<open>
structure Datatype_Schematic = struct
fun eq ((idx1, name1, thm1), (idx2, name2, thm2)) =
idx1 = idx2 andalso
name1 = name2 andalso
(Thm.full_prop_of thm1) aconv (Thm.full_prop_of thm2);
structure Datatype_Schematic_Data = Generic_Data
\<comment> \<open>
Keys are names of datatype constructors (like @{const Cons}), values are
`(index, function_name, thm)`.
- `function_name` is the name of an "accessor" function that accesses part
of the constructor specified by the key (so the accessor @{const hd} is
related to the constructor/key @{const Cons}).
- `thm` is a theorem showing that the function accesses one of the
arguments to the constructor (like @{thm list.sel(1)}).
- `idx` is the index of the constructor argument that the accessor
accesses. (eg. since `hd` accesses the first argument, `idx = 0`; since
`tl` accesses the second argument, `idx = 1`).
type T = ((int * string * thm) list) Symtab.table;
val empty = Symtab.empty;
val extend = I;
val merge = Symtab.merge_list eq;
fun gen_att m =
Thm.declaration_attribute (fn thm => fn context => (m (Context.proof_of context) thm) context);
(* gathers schematic applications from the goal. no effort is made
to normalise bound variables here, since we'll always be comparing
elements within a compound application which will be at the same
@ -55,24 +109,18 @@ fun gather_schem_apps (f $ x) insts = let
= gather_schem_apps t insts
| gather_schem_apps _ insts = insts
val actions = Symtab.make_list [
(@{const_name Pair}, (0, @{const_name fst}, @{thms prod.sel})),
(@{const_name Pair}, (1, @{const_name snd}, @{thms prod.sel})),
(@{const_name Some}, (0, @{const_name the}, @{thms option.sel})),
(@{const_name Cons}, (0, @{const_name hd}, @{thms list.sel})),
(@{const_name Cons}, (1, @{const_name tl}, @{thms list.sel}))]
fun sfirst xs f = get_first f xs
fun get_action prop = let
val schem_insts = gather_schem_apps prop []
fun get_action ctxt prop = let
val schem_insts = gather_schem_apps prop [];
val actions = Datatype_Schematic_Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt);
fun mk_sel selname T i = let
val (argTs, resT) = strip_type T
in Const (selname, resT --> nth argTs i) end
sfirst schem_insts
(fn (var, xs) => sfirst (xs ~~ (0 upto (length xs - 1)))
(try (fn (x, idx) => let
(fn (var, xs) => sfirst (Library.tag_list 0 xs)
(try (fn (idx, x) => let
val (c, ys) = strip_comb x
val (fname, T) = dest_Const c
val acts = Symtab.lookup_list actions fname
@ -84,19 +132,19 @@ fun get_action prop = let
fun get_bound_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => case get_action t of
SOME (Var ((nm, ix), T), idx, sel, thms) => (fn t => let
fun get_bound_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => case get_action ctxt t of
SOME (Var ((nm, ix), T), idx, sel, thm) => (fn t => let
val (argTs, _) = strip_type T
val ix2 = Thm.maxidx_of t + 1
val xs = map (fn (i, T) => Free ("x" ^ string_of_int i, T))
(1 upto length argTs ~~ argTs)
(Library.tag_list 1 argTs)
val nx = sel $ nth xs idx
val v' = Var ((nm, ix2), fastype_of nx --> T)
val inst_v = fold lambda (rev xs) (betapplys (v' $ nx, xs))
val t' = Drule.infer_instantiate ctxt
[((nm, ix), Thm.cterm_of ctxt inst_v)] t
val t'' = Conv.fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true) t'
in safe_full_simp_tac (clear_simpset ctxt addsimps thms) i t'' end)
in safe_full_simp_tac (clear_simpset ctxt addsimps [thm]) i t'' end)
| _ => no_tac)
fun id_applicable (f $ x) = let
@ -139,25 +187,119 @@ fun wrap_conv ctxt ct = case Thm.term_of ct of
fun CONVERSION_opt conv i t = CONVERSION conv i t
handle Option => no_tac t
exception Datatype_Schematic_Error of Pretty.T;
fun apply_pos_markup pos text =
val props = Position.def_properties_of pos;
val markup = props (Markup.entity "" "");
in Pretty.mark_str (markup, text) end;
fun invalid_accessor ctxt thm : exn =
Datatype_Schematic_Error ([
Pretty.str "Bad input theorem '",
Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (Thm.full_prop_of thm),
Pretty.str "'. Click ",
apply_pos_markup usage_pos "*here*",
Pretty.str " for info on the required rule format." ] |> Pretty.paragraph);
fun dest_accessor' thm =
case (thm |> Thm.full_prop_of |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) of
@{term_pat "?fun_name ?data_pat = ?rhs"} =>
val fun_name = Term.dest_Const fun_name |> fst;
val (data_const, data_args) = Term.strip_comb data_pat;
val data_vars = data_args |> map (Term.dest_Var #> fst);
val rhs_var = rhs |> Term.dest_Var |> fst;
val data_name = Term.dest_Const data_const |> fst;
val rhs_idx = ListExtras.find_index (curry op = rhs_var) data_vars |> the;
in (fun_name, data_name, rhs_idx) end;
fun dest_accessor ctxt thm =
case try dest_accessor' thm of
SOME x => x
| NONE => raise invalid_accessor ctxt thm;
fun add_rule ctxt thm data =
val (fun_name, data_name, idx) = dest_accessor ctxt thm;
val entry = (data_name, (idx, fun_name, thm));
in Symtab.insert_list eq entry data end;
fun del_rule ctxt thm data =
val (fun_name, data_name, idx) = dest_accessor ctxt thm;
val entry = (data_name, (idx, fun_name, thm));
in Symtab.remove_list eq entry data end;
val add = gen_att add_rule;
val del = gen_att del_rule;
fun wrap_tac ctxt = CONVERSION_opt (wrap_conv ctxt)
fun tac1 ctxt = REPEAT_ALL_NEW (get_bound_tac ctxt) THEN' (TRY o wrap_tac ctxt)
fun tac ctxt = tac1 ctxt ORELSE' wrap_tac ctxt
val method
= Args.context >> (fn _ => fn ctxt => Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (tac ctxt));
val add_section =
Args.add -- Args.colon >> K (Method.modifier add @{here});
val method =
Method.sections [add_section] >> (fn _ => fn ctxt => Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (tac ctxt));
method_setup datatype_schem = {* Datatype_Schematic.method *}
setup \<open>
@{binding "datatype_schematic"}
(Attrib.add_del Datatype_Schematic.add Datatype_Schematic.del)
"Accessor rules to fix datatypes in schematics"
lemma datatype_schem_demo:
method_setup datatype_schem = \<open>
declare prod.sel[datatype_schematic]
declare option.sel[datatype_schematic]
declare list.sel(1,3)[datatype_schematic]
locale datatype_schem_demo begin
lemma handles_nested_constructors:
"\<exists>f. \<forall>y. f True (Some [x, (y, z)]) = y"
apply (rule exI, rule allI)
apply datatype_schem
apply (rule refl)
datatype foo =
basic nat int
| another nat
primrec get_basic_0 where
"get_basic_0 (basic x0 x1) = x0"
primrec get_nat where
"get_nat (basic x _) = x"
| "get_nat (another z) = z"
lemma selectively_exposing_datatype_arugments:
notes get_basic_0.simps[datatype_schematic]
shows "\<exists>x. \<forall>a b. x (basic a b) = a"
apply (rule exI, (rule allI)+)
apply datatype_schem \<comment> \<open>Only exposes `a` to the schematic.\<close>
by (rule refl)
lemma method_handles_primrecs_with_two_constructors:
shows "\<exists>x. \<forall>a b. x (basic a b) = a"
apply (rule exI, (rule allI)+)
apply (datatype_schem add: get_nat.simps)
by (rule refl)