crunch: Reduce tracing messages, use "writeln" instead of "tracing".

Excessinve tracing messages cause jEdit to pause, waiting for the user
to click "Show more tracing output. We eliminate the debugging tracing
messages by default, and use "writeln" instead for the remainder.
("writeln" doesn't cause jEdit to pause.)
This commit is contained in:
David Greenaway 2014-09-16 11:14:09 +10:00
parent 5698dfcab3
commit 0547cb707b
1 changed files with 21 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,14 @@
(* Tracing debug. *)
val should_debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
fun debug_trace s =
if (!should_debug) then
tracing s
fun funkysplit [_,b,c] = [b,c]
| funkysplit [_,c] = [c]
| funkysplit l = l
@ -201,7 +209,7 @@ val unfold_get_params = @{thms Let_def return_bind returnOk_bindE
fun unfold lthy const triple nmspce =
val _ = tracing "unfold"
val _ = debug_trace "unfold"
val const_term = read_const lthy const;
val const_defn = const |> Long_Name.base_name |> def_of;
val const_def = deep_search_thms lthy const_defn const_term nmspce
@ -251,11 +259,11 @@ fun map_unvarifyT t = map_types Logic.unvarifyT_global t
fun induct_inst lthy const goal nmspce =
val _ = tracing "induct_inst"
val _ = debug_trace "induct_inst"
val base_const = Long_Name.base_name const;
val _ = tracing ("base_const: " ^ PolyML.makestring base_const)
val _ = debug_trace ("base_const: " ^ PolyML.makestring base_const)
val induct_thm = base_const |> induct_of |> get_thm lthy;
val _ = tracing ("induct_thm: " ^ PolyML.makestring induct_thm)
val _ = debug_trace ("induct_thm: " ^ PolyML.makestring induct_thm)
val const_term = read_const lthy const |> map_unvarifyT;
val n = const_term |> fastype_of |> num_args;
val t = mk_abs (Instance.magic $ mk_apps const_term n 0) n
@ -264,7 +272,7 @@ fun induct_inst lthy const goal nmspce =
val trivial_rule = Thm.trivial goal;
val induct_inst = Thm.instantiate ([], [(P, t)]) induct_thm
RS trivial_rule;
val _ = tracing ("induct_inst" ^ Syntax.string_of_term lthy (Thm.prop_of induct_inst));
val _ = debug_trace ("induct_inst" ^ Syntax.string_of_term lthy (Thm.prop_of induct_inst));
val simp_thms = deep_search_thms lthy (base_const |> simps_of) const_term nmspce;
val induct_inst_simplified = induct_inst
|> Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule (map Simpdata.safe_mk_meta_eq simp_thms);
@ -382,7 +390,7 @@ fun crunch cfg pre extra stack const' thms =
val empty_ref = Unsynchronized.ref [] : thm list Unsynchronized.ref (* FIXME: avoid refs *)
val _ = "crunching constant: " ^ const |> tracing;
val _ = "crunching constant: " ^ const |> writeln;
val const_term = read_const lthy const;
val real_const_term = resolve_abbreviated lthy const_term;
val goal = make_goal const_term const pre extra lthy
@ -421,8 +429,8 @@ fun crunch cfg pre extra stack const' thms =
(subtract (op =) (#ig_dels cfg) (#igs cfg @ CrunchIgnore.get (Context.Proof lthy')));
val stack' = const :: stack;
val _ = if (length stack' > 20) then
(tracing "Crunch call stack:";
map tracing (const::stack);
(writeln "Crunch call stack:";
map writeln (const::stack);
error("probably infinite loop")) else ();
val (goals, thms') = funkyfold (crunch cfg pre extra stack') (map fst ms) thms;
val goals' = map_filter I goals
@ -437,7 +445,7 @@ fun crunch cfg pre extra stack const' thms =
val goal_prop2 = if Instance.has_preconds then collect_preconds pre else goal_prop;
val lthy''' = Variable.auto_fixes goal_prop2 lthy''
val _ = tracing ("attempting: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term lthy''' goal_prop2);
val _ = writeln ("attempting: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term lthy''' goal_prop2);
in (Goal.prove lthy''' [] [] goal_prop2
( (*DupSkip.goal_prove_wrapper *) (fn _ =>
@ -462,14 +470,14 @@ fun crunch cfg pre extra stack const' thms =
CHANGED (simp_tac lthy''' n)
)))) |> singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy''' lthy)
handle e =>
(tracing "Crunch call stack:";
map tracing (const::stack);
(writeln "Crunch call stack:";
map writeln (const::stack);
raise e)
, thms') end
in (SOME thm, (get_thm_name cfg const, thm) :: thms') end
handle WrongType =>
let val _ = tracing ("The constant " ^ const ^ " has the wrong type and is being ignored")
let val _ = writeln ("The constant " ^ const ^ " has the wrong type and is being ignored")
in (NONE, []) end
@ -500,10 +508,8 @@ fun parse_unfold_pair unfold =
else error "Could not parse unfold data, expected: (const, thm)" end
fun crunch_x atts extra prp_name wpigs consts lthy =
fun const_name const = dest_Const (read_const lthy const) |> #1
(* handle exn => handle_int exn
strip_comb (Syntax.read_term ctxt const) |> tap (fn x => tracing (PolyML.makestring x)) |> #1 |> dest_Const |> #1;*)
val wps' = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = wp_sect) |> map #2