asmrefine: add timeouts for debugging

Also cleans up some of the debug config setup and makes result reporting
more useful.

Signed-off-by: Edward Pierzchalski <>
This commit is contained in:
Edward Pierzchalski 2020-09-01 16:35:55 +10:00 committed by Matthew Brecknell
parent b77f83c57b
commit 074689730f
2 changed files with 83 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -60,16 +60,18 @@ lemma snd_snd_gs_new_frames_new_cnodes[simp]:
"snd (snd ((if P then f else g) gs)) = (if P then snd (snd (f gs)) else snd (snd (g gs)))"
by (simp_all add: gs_new_frames_def gs_new_cnodes_def gs_clear_region_def)
(* If this fails, it can be debugged with the assistance of the
script in TestGraphRefine.thy *)
ML \<open>
\<comment>\<open> VER-1166 \<close>
val blacklist = ["Kernel_C.reserve_region", "Kernel_C.merge_regions", "Kernel_C.arch_init_freemem"]
val dbg = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.new_debug blacklist [];
val dbg = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.new_debug
\<comment>\<open> VER-1166 \<close>
skips = ["Kernel_C.reserve_region", "Kernel_C.merge_regions", "Kernel_C.arch_init_freemem"],
only = [],
timeout = NONE
(* If this fails, it can be debugged with the assistance of the
script in TestGraphRefine.thy *)
ML \<open>
funs (csenv ()) @{context} dbg;
@ -79,6 +81,10 @@ ML \<open>
val _ = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.print dbg "failures:" #failures;
ML \<open>
val _ = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.print dbg "timeouts:" #timeouts;
ML \<open>
val _ = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.print dbg "successes:" #successes;

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@ -918,44 +918,76 @@ fun test_graph_refine_proof funs csenv ctxt nm = case
^ ": " ^ s, ts)
Utility for configuring SimplToGraphProof with debugging failures.
Utility for configuring SimplToGraphProof with debugging features.
type debug = {
type debug_config = {
\<comment>\<open> Functions with these names won't be tested. \<close>
skips: string list,
\<comment>\<open> If non-empty, *only* functions with these names will be tested. \<close>
only: string list,
Logs the names of functions when they pass or fail tests, or are
skipped because they don't have a definition.
Timeout for proofs. Any individual proof that takes longer
than this will be aborted and logged.
new_skips: (string list) Unsynchronized.ref,
successes: (string list) Unsynchronized.ref,
failures: (string list) Unsynchronized.ref
timeout: Time.time option
fun new_debug skips only: debug = {
skips = skips,
only = only,
type debug = {
config: debug_config,
Logs the names of functions when they pass or fail tests, or timeout,
or are skipped because they don't have a definition.
successes: (string list) Unsynchronized.ref,
failures: (string list) Unsynchronized.ref,
timeouts: (string list) Unsynchronized.ref,
new_skips: (string list) Unsynchronized.ref
fun new_debug (config: debug_config): debug = {
config = config,
new_skips = Unsynchronized.ref [],
successes = Unsynchronized.ref [],
failures = Unsynchronized.ref []
failures = Unsynchronized.ref [],
timeouts = Unsynchronized.ref []
fun insert (dbg: debug) field x = change (field dbg) (curry (op ::) x)
fun filter_fns (dbg: debug) =
(if null (#only dbg) then I else filter (member (op =) (#only dbg))) #>
(if null (#skips dbg) then I else filter_out (member (op =) (#skips dbg)))
(if null (#only (#config dbg)) then I else filter (member (op =) (#only (#config dbg)))) #>
(if null (#skips (#config dbg)) then I else filter_out (member (op =) (#skips (#config dbg))))
fun has_failures (dbg: debug) = not (null (! (#failures dbg)))
fun has (dbg: debug) field = not (null (! (field dbg)))
fun interleave _ [] = []
| interleave _ [a] = [a]
| interleave x (a :: b :: xs) = a :: x :: interleave x (b :: xs);
Produces a string that should be valid SML; useful for copy-pasting lists of functions
to modify debug lists.
fun render_ML_string_list xs =
if null xs
then "(none)"
val lines = map (fn x => "\"" ^ x ^ "\"") xs |> interleave ",\n" |> List.foldr (op ^) ""
in "[\n" ^ lines ^ "\n]" end;
fun print (dbg: debug) msg field =
val data = !(field dbg);
val _ = writeln msg;
in if null (data) then writeln "(None)" else app writeln data end
in render_ML_string_list data |> writeln end
fun timeout (dbg: debug) f =
case #timeout (#config dbg) of
SOME time => Timeout.apply time f
| NONE => f;
fun test_graph_refine_proof_with_def funs csenv ctxt dbg nm =
case Symtab.lookup funs nm of
@ -963,13 +995,16 @@ fun test_graph_refine_proof_with_def funs csenv ctxt dbg nm =
| _ =>
val ctxt = define_graph_fun_short funs nm ctxt
fun do_proof nm = (simpl_to_graph_thm funs csenv ctxt nm; insert dbg #successes nm)
fun try_proof nm =
(simpl_to_graph_thm funs csenv ctxt nm; insert dbg #successes nm)
((timeout dbg do_proof) nm)
TERM (message, data) =>
(insert dbg #failures nm; raise TERM ("failure for " ^ nm ^ ": " ^ message, data))
| THM (message, idx, data) =>
(insert dbg #failures nm; raise THM ("failure for " ^ nm ^ ": " ^ message, idx, data));
(insert dbg #failures nm; raise THM ("failure for " ^ nm ^ ": " ^ message, idx, data))
| Timeout.TIMEOUT t =>
(insert dbg #timeouts nm; raise Timeout.TIMEOUT t);
val (time, _) = Timing.timing try_proof nm
in "success on " ^ nm ^ " [" ^ Timing.message time ^ "]" end
@ -990,13 +1025,25 @@ fun test_all_graph_refine_proofs_parallel funs csenv ctxt dbg = let
TERM (msg, _) => warning msg
| THM (msg, _, _) => warning msg
| Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => warning ("Timeout for " ^ nm)
val (time, _) = Timing.timing ( test_and_log) ss
val time_msg = " [" ^ Timing.message time ^ "]"
val time_msg = "[" ^ Timing.message time ^ "]"
val failure_msg =
if has dbg #failures
then SOME "Failures! Check the `#failures` field of the debug parameter.\n"
else NONE;
val timeout_msg =
if has dbg #timeouts
then SOME "Timeouts! Check the `#timeouts` field of the debug parameter.\n"
else NONE;
val msg =
if isSome failure_msg orelse isSome timeout_msg
then SOME (Option.getOpt (failure_msg, "") ^ Option.getOpt (timeout_msg, ""))
else NONE
if has_failures dbg
error ("Failures! Check the `#failures` field of the debug parameter." ^ time_msg)
else "success!" ^ time_msg
case msg of
SOME msg => error (msg ^ time_msg)
| NONE => "success! " ^ time_msg