arm-hyp refine: update for GrantReply (SELFOUR-6)

This commit is contained in:
Rafal Kolanski 2018-11-08 18:30:01 +11:00 committed by Japheth Lim
parent 8d137b4e86
commit 0ead52863d
16 changed files with 361 additions and 327 deletions

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@ -160,16 +160,17 @@ fun
"CapabilityMap capability.NullCap = cap.NullCap"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.UntypedCap d ref n idx) = cap.UntypedCap d ref n idx"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.EndpointCap ref b sr rr gr) =
| "CapabilityMap (capability.EndpointCap ref b sr rr gr grr) =
cap.EndpointCap ref b {x. sr \<and> x = AllowSend \<or> rr \<and> x = AllowRecv \<or>
gr \<and> x = AllowGrant}"
gr \<and> x = AllowGrant \<or> grr \<and> x = AllowGrantReply}"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.NotificationCap ref b sr rr) =
cap.NotificationCap ref b {x. sr \<and> x = AllowSend \<or> rr \<and> x = AllowRecv}"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.CNodeCap ref n L l) =
cap.CNodeCap ref n (bin_to_bl l (uint L))"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.ThreadCap ref) = cap.ThreadCap ref"
| "CapabilityMap capability.DomainCap = cap.DomainCap"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.ReplyCap ref master) = cap.ReplyCap ref master"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.ReplyCap ref master gr) =
cap.ReplyCap ref master {x. gr \<and> x = AllowGrant \<or> x = AllowWrite}"
| "CapabilityMap capability.IRQControlCap = cap.IRQControlCap"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.IRQHandlerCap irq) = cap.IRQHandlerCap irq"
| "CapabilityMap (capability.Zombie p b n) =
@ -210,10 +211,13 @@ done
lemma cap_relation_imp_CapabilityMap:
"\<lbrakk>wellformed_cap c; cap_relation c c'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> CapabilityMap c' = c"
apply (case_tac c; simp add: wellformed_cap_simps)
apply (rule set_eqI, clarsimp)
apply (case_tac "x", simp_all)
apply (rule set_eqI, clarsimp)
apply (case_tac "x", simp_all)
apply (rule set_eqI, clarsimp)
apply (case_tac "x", simp_all add: word_bits_def)
apply (case_tac "x", simp_all add: word_bits_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: set_eq_iff, rule allI)
apply (case_tac x; clarsimp)
apply (simp add: uint_of_bl_is_bl_to_bin bl_bin_bl[simplified])
apply (simp add: zbits_map_def split: option.splits)
apply (rename_tac arch_cap)
@ -234,12 +238,13 @@ where
| "ThStateMap Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReply =
| "ThStateMap (Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive oref) =
Structures_A.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive oref"
| "ThStateMap (Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnSend oref badge grant call) =
| "ThStateMap (Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive oref grant) =
Structures_A.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive oref \<lparr> receiver_can_grant = grant \<rparr>"
| "ThStateMap (Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnSend oref badge grant grant_reply call) =
Structures_A.thread_state.BlockedOnSend oref
\<lparr> sender_badge = badge,
sender_can_grant = grant,
sender_can_grant_reply = grant_reply,
sender_is_call = call \<rparr>"
| "ThStateMap (Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnNotification oref) =
Structures_A.thread_state.BlockedOnNotification oref"

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@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ lemma isCap_simps:
"isThreadCap v = (\<exists>v0. v = ThreadCap v0)"
"isCNodeCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2 v3. v = CNodeCap v0 v1 v2 v3)"
"isNotificationCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2 v3. v = NotificationCap v0 v1 v2 v3)"
"isEndpointCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2 v3 v4. v = EndpointCap v0 v1 v2 v3 v4)"
"isEndpointCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5. v = EndpointCap v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5)"
"isUntypedCap v = (\<exists>d v0 v1 f. v = UntypedCap d v0 v1 f)"
"isReplyCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1. v = ReplyCap v0 v1)"
"isReplyCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2. v = ReplyCap v0 v1 v2)"
"isIRQControlCap v = (v = IRQControlCap)"
"isIRQHandlerCap v = (\<exists>v0. v = IRQHandlerCap v0)"
"isNullCap v = (v = NullCap)"
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ lemmas projectKOs =
projectKO_eq projectKO_eq2
lemma capAligned_epI:
"ep_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> capAligned (EndpointCap p a b c d)"
"ep_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> capAligned (EndpointCap p a b c d e)"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_real_def capAligned_def
objBits_simps word_bits_def)
apply (drule ko_wp_at_norm)
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ lemma capAligned_tcbI:
lemma capAligned_reply_tcbI:
"tcb_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> capAligned (ReplyCap p m)"
"tcb_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> capAligned (ReplyCap p m r)"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_real_def capAligned_def
objBits_simps word_bits_def capUntypedPtr_def isCap_simps)
apply (fastforce dest: ko_wp_at_norm
@ -539,9 +539,7 @@ proof (rule iffI)
apply -
apply (drule (1) is_aligned_addD1 [where y = "x - y", simplified add_diff_eq])
apply (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def)
apply (auto simp: is_aligned_def dvd_def)
apply arith+
by (auto simp: is_aligned_def dvd_def; arith)
assume "x = y"
thus "tcb_at' (t + x - y) s" using tat by simp

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@ -4748,10 +4748,7 @@ lemma isReplyMaster_eq:
"(isReplyCap new \<and> capReplyMaster new)
= (isReplyCap old \<and> capReplyMaster old)"
using derived
apply (clarsimp simp: weak_derived'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps)+
by (fastforce simp: weak_derived'_def isCap_simps)
@ -8594,9 +8591,9 @@ lemma sameRegion_cap'_src [simp]:
"sameRegionAs cap' c = sameRegionAs src_cap c"
using parency unfolding weak_derived'_def
apply (case_tac "isReplyCap src_cap")
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: capMasterCap_def split: capability.splits arch_capability.splits)
apply (auto simp: sameRegionAs_def ARM_HYP_H.sameRegionAs_def isCap_simps split: if_split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: capMasterCap_def split: capability.splits arch_capability.splits
; fastforce simp: sameRegionAs_def ARM_HYP_H.sameRegionAs_def isCap_simps
split: if_split_asm)+
lemma chunked':

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@ -291,11 +291,11 @@ lemma cap_relation_masks:
"cap_relation c c' \<Longrightarrow> cap_relation
(cap_rights_update (cap_rights c \<inter> rmask) c)
(RetypeDecls_H.maskCapRights (rights_mask_map rmask) c')"
apply (case_tac c, simp_all add: isCap_defs maskCapRights_def Let_def
apply (case_tac c; simp add: isCap_defs maskCapRights_def Let_def
rights_mask_map_def maskVMRights_def
AllowSend_def AllowRecv_def
split del: if_split)
split del: if_split split:bool.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp add: isCap_defs)
by (rule ArchAcc_R.arch_cap_rights_update
[simplified, simplified rights_mask_map_def])
@ -1501,7 +1501,9 @@ definition
capASID cap = capASID cap' \<and>
cap_asid_base' cap = cap_asid_base' cap' \<and>
cap_vptr' cap = cap_vptr' cap' \<and>
(isReplyCap cap \<longrightarrow> cap = cap')"
(* check all fields of ReplyCap except capReplyCanGrant *)
(isReplyCap cap \<longrightarrow> capTCBPtr cap = capTCBPtr cap' \<and>
capReplyMaster cap = capReplyMaster cap')"
lemma capASID_update [simp]:
"capASID (RetypeDecls_H.updateCapData P x c) = capASID c"
@ -3135,11 +3137,11 @@ lemma isArchCap_simps[simp]:
"isArchCap P capability.NullCap = False"
"isArchCap P capability.DomainCap = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.NotificationCap xca xba xaa xd) = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.EndpointCap xda xcb xbb xab xe) = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.EndpointCap xda xcb xbb xab xe xi) = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.IRQHandlerCap xf) = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.Zombie xbc xac xg) = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.ArchObjectCap xh) = P xh"
"isArchCap P (capability.ReplyCap xad xi) = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.ReplyCap xad xi xia) = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.UntypedCap d xae xj f) = False"
"isArchCap P (capability.CNodeCap xfa xea xdb xcc) = False"
"isArchCap P capability.IRQControlCap = False"
@ -4486,9 +4488,9 @@ lemma set_untyped_cap_as_full_corres:
lemma isUntypedCap_simps[simp]:
"isUntypedCap (capability.UntypedCap uu uv uw ux) = True"
"isUntypedCap (capability.NullCap) = False"
"isUntypedCap (capability.EndpointCap v va vb vc vd) = False"
"isUntypedCap (capability.EndpointCap v va vb vc vd ve) = False"
"isUntypedCap (capability.NotificationCap v va vb vc) = False"
"isUntypedCap (capability.ReplyCap v1 v2) = False"
"isUntypedCap (capability.ReplyCap v1 v2 v3) = False"
"isUntypedCap (capability.CNodeCap x1 x2 x3 x4) = False"
"isUntypedCap (capability.ThreadCap v) = False"
"isUntypedCap (capability.DomainCap) = False"

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@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma capUntypedPtr_simps [simp]:
"capUntypedPtr (ThreadCap r) = r"
"capUntypedPtr (NotificationCap r badge a b) = r"
"capUntypedPtr (EndpointCap r badge a b c) = r"
"capUntypedPtr (EndpointCap r badge a b c d) = r"
"capUntypedPtr (Zombie r bits n) = r"
"capUntypedPtr (ArchObjectCap x) = Arch.capUntypedPtr x"
"capUntypedPtr (UntypedCap d r n f) = r"
"capUntypedPtr (CNodeCap r n g n2) = r"
"capUntypedPtr (ReplyCap r m) = r"
"capUntypedPtr (ReplyCap r m a) = r"
"Arch.capUntypedPtr (ARM_HYP_H.ASIDPoolCap r asid) = r"
"Arch.capUntypedPtr (ARM_HYP_H.PageCap d r rghts sz mapdata) = r"
"Arch.capUntypedPtr (ARM_HYP_H.PageTableCap r mapdata2) = r"
@ -617,15 +617,16 @@ lemma isPhysicalCap[simp]:
by (simp add: isPhysicalCap_def ARM_HYP_H.isPhysicalCap_def
split: capability.split arch_capability.split)
(* FIXME instead of a definition and then a simp rule in the simp set, we should use fun *)
capMasterCap :: "capability \<Rightarrow> capability"
"capMasterCap cap \<equiv> case cap of
EndpointCap ref bdg s r g \<Rightarrow> EndpointCap ref 0 True True True
EndpointCap ref bdg s r g gr \<Rightarrow> EndpointCap ref 0 True True True True
| NotificationCap ref bdg s r \<Rightarrow> NotificationCap ref 0 True True
| CNodeCap ref bits gd gs \<Rightarrow> CNodeCap ref bits 0 0
| ThreadCap ref \<Rightarrow> ThreadCap ref
| ReplyCap ref master \<Rightarrow> ReplyCap ref True
| ReplyCap ref master g \<Rightarrow> ReplyCap ref True True
| UntypedCap d ref n f \<Rightarrow> UntypedCap d ref n 0
| ArchObjectCap acap \<Rightarrow> ArchObjectCap (case acap of
PageCap d ref rghts sz mapdata \<Rightarrow>
@ -642,7 +643,7 @@ where
| _ \<Rightarrow> cap"
lemma capMasterCap_simps[simp]:
"capMasterCap (EndpointCap ref bdg s r g) = EndpointCap ref 0 True True True"
"capMasterCap (EndpointCap ref bdg s r g gr) = EndpointCap ref 0 True True True True"
"capMasterCap (NotificationCap ref bdg s r) = NotificationCap ref 0 True True"
"capMasterCap (CNodeCap ref bits gd gs) = CNodeCap ref bits 0 0"
"capMasterCap (ThreadCap ref) = ThreadCap ref"
@ -664,13 +665,13 @@ lemma capMasterCap_simps[simp]:
capability.ArchObjectCap (arch_capability.VCPUCap vref)"
"capMasterCap (capability.UntypedCap d word n f) = capability.UntypedCap d word n 0"
"capMasterCap capability.IRQControlCap = capability.IRQControlCap"
"capMasterCap (capability.ReplyCap word m) = capability.ReplyCap word True"
"capMasterCap (capability.ReplyCap word m g) = capability.ReplyCap word True True"
by (simp_all add: capMasterCap_def)
lemma capMasterCap_eqDs1:
"capMasterCap cap = EndpointCap ref bdg s r g
\<Longrightarrow> bdg = 0 \<and> s \<and> r \<and> g
\<and> (\<exists>bdg s r g. cap = EndpointCap ref bdg s r g)"
"capMasterCap cap = EndpointCap ref bdg s r g gr
\<Longrightarrow> bdg = 0 \<and> s \<and> r \<and> g \<and> gr
\<and> (\<exists>bdg s r g gr. cap = EndpointCap ref bdg s r g gr)"
"capMasterCap cap = NotificationCap ref bdg s r
\<Longrightarrow> bdg = 0 \<and> s \<and> r
\<and> (\<exists>bdg s r. cap = NotificationCap ref bdg s r)"
@ -690,8 +691,8 @@ lemma capMasterCap_eqDs1:
\<Longrightarrow> cap = Zombie ref tp n"
"capMasterCap cap = UntypedCap d ref bits 0
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>f. cap = UntypedCap d ref bits f"
"capMasterCap cap = ReplyCap ref master
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>master. cap = ReplyCap ref master"
"capMasterCap cap = ReplyCap ref master g
\<Longrightarrow> master \<and> g \<and> (\<exists>master g. cap = ReplyCap ref master g)"
"capMasterCap cap = ArchObjectCap (PageCap d ref rghts sz mapdata)
\<Longrightarrow> rghts = VMReadWrite \<and> mapdata = None
\<and> (\<exists>rghts mapdata. cap = ArchObjectCap (PageCap d ref rghts sz mapdata))"
@ -718,18 +719,18 @@ where
else None"
lemma capBadge_simps[simp]:
"capBadge (UntypedCap d p n f) = None"
"capBadge (UntypedCap d p n f) = None"
"capBadge (NullCap) = None"
"capBadge (DomainCap) = None"
"capBadge (EndpointCap ref badge s r w) = Some badge"
"capBadge (NotificationCap ref badge s r) = Some badge"
"capBadge (EndpointCap ref badge s r g gr) = Some badge"
"capBadge (NotificationCap ref badge s r) = Some badge"
"capBadge (CNodeCap ref bits gd gs) = None"
"capBadge (ThreadCap ref) = None"
"capBadge (Zombie ref b n) = None"
"capBadge (ArchObjectCap cap) = None"
"capBadge (IRQControlCap) = None"
"capBadge (IRQHandlerCap irq) = None"
"capBadge (ReplyCap tcb master) = None"
"capBadge (ReplyCap tcb master g) = None"
by (simp add: capBadge_def isCap_defs)+
lemma capClass_Master:
@ -892,14 +893,14 @@ lemma isMDBParent_Null [simp]:
lemma capUntypedSize_simps [simp]:
"capUntypedSize (ThreadCap r) = 1 << objBits (undefined::tcb)"
"capUntypedSize (NotificationCap r badge a b) = 1 << objBits (undefined::Structures_H.notification)"
"capUntypedSize (EndpointCap r badge a b c) = 1 << objBits (undefined::endpoint)"
"capUntypedSize (EndpointCap r badge a b c d) = 1 << objBits (undefined::endpoint)"
"capUntypedSize (Zombie r zs n) = 1 << (zBits zs)"
"capUntypedSize NullCap = 0"
"capUntypedSize DomainCap = 1"
"capUntypedSize (ArchObjectCap x) = Arch.capUntypedSize x"
"capUntypedSize (UntypedCap d r n f) = 1 << n"
"capUntypedSize (CNodeCap r n g n2) = 1 << (objBits (undefined::cte) + n)"
"capUntypedSize (ReplyCap r m) = 1 << objBits (undefined :: tcb)"
"capUntypedSize (ReplyCap r m a) = 1 << objBits (undefined :: tcb)"
"capUntypedSize IRQControlCap = 1"
"capUntypedSize (IRQHandlerCap irq) = 1"
by (auto simp add: capUntypedSize_def isCap_simps objBits_simps

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@ -4039,16 +4039,16 @@ lemma setCTE_work_units_completed[wp]:
lemma create_reply_master_corres:
"sl' = cte_map sl \<Longrightarrow>
"\<lbrakk> sl' = cte_map sl ; AllowGrant \<in> rights \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
corres dc
(cte_wp_at ((=) cap.NullCap) sl and valid_pspace and valid_mdb and valid_list)
(cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>c. cteCap c = NullCap \<and> mdbPrev (cteMDBNode c) = 0) sl'
and valid_mdb' and valid_pspace')
y \<leftarrow> set_original sl True;
set_cap (cap.ReplyCap thread True) sl
set_cap (cap.ReplyCap thread True rights) sl
(setCTE sl' (CTE (capability.ReplyCap thread True) initMDBNode))"
(setCTE sl' (CTE (capability.ReplyCap thread True True) initMDBNode))"
apply clarsimp
apply (rule corres_caps_decomposition)
@ -4153,7 +4153,7 @@ lemma valid_nullcaps_next:
defs noReplyCapsFor_def:
"noReplyCapsFor \<equiv> \<lambda>t s. \<forall>sl m. \<not> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t m) sl s"
"noReplyCapsFor \<equiv> \<lambda>t s. \<forall>sl m r. \<not> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t m r) sl s"
lemma pspace_relation_no_reply_caps:
assumes pspace: "pspace_relation (kheap s) (ksPSpace s')"
@ -4180,10 +4180,10 @@ proof -
apply (clarsimp elim!: cte_wp_at_weakenE simp: m_null)
have no_reply_caps:
"\<forall>sl m. \<not> cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. c = cap.ReplyCap t m) sl s"
"\<forall>sl m r. \<not> cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. c = cap.ReplyCap t m r) sl s"
by (rule no_reply_caps_for_thread [OF invs tcb m_cte_null])
hence noReplyCaps:
"\<forall>sl m. \<not> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t m) sl s'"
"\<forall>sl m r. \<not> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t m r) sl s'"
apply (intro allI)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_neg2 cte_wp_at_ctes_of simp del: split_paired_All)
apply (frule pspace_relation_cte_wp_atI [OF pspace _ invs_valid_objs [OF invs]])
@ -4211,8 +4211,7 @@ lemma setup_reply_master_corres:
apply (rule corres_when)
apply fastforce
apply (rule_tac P'="einvs and tcb_at t" in corres_stateAssert_implied)
apply (rule create_reply_master_corres)
apply simp
apply (rule create_reply_master_corres; simp)
apply (subgoal_tac "\<exists>cte. cte_wp_at' ((=) cte) (cte_map (t, tcb_cnode_index 2)) s'
\<and> cteCap cte = capability.NullCap")
apply (fastforce dest: pspace_relation_no_reply_caps
@ -4289,7 +4288,7 @@ lemma setupReplyMaster_wps[wp]:
"\<lbrace>pspace_aligned'\<rbrace> setupReplyMaster t \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pspace_aligned'\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>pspace_distinct'\<rbrace> setupReplyMaster t \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pspace_distinct'\<rbrace>"
"slot = cte_map (t, tcb_cnode_index 2) \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P ((cteCaps_of s)(slot \<mapsto> (capability.ReplyCap t True))) \<and> P (cteCaps_of s)\<rbrace>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P ((cteCaps_of s)(slot \<mapsto> (capability.ReplyCap t True True))) \<and> P (cteCaps_of s)\<rbrace>
setupReplyMaster t
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (cteCaps_of s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp_all add: setupReplyMaster_def locateSlot_conv)

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@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ lemma descendants_range'_def2:
defs deletionIsSafe_def:
"deletionIsSafe \<equiv> \<lambda>ptr bits s. \<forall>p t m.
(cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = capability.ReplyCap t m) p s \<longrightarrow>
"deletionIsSafe \<equiv> \<lambda>ptr bits s. \<forall>p t m r.
(cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = capability.ReplyCap t m r) p s \<longrightarrow>
t \<notin> {ptr .. ptr + 2 ^ bits - 1}) \<and>
(\<forall>ko. ksPSpace s p = Some (KOArch ko) \<and> p \<in> {ptr .. ptr + 2 ^ bits - 1}
\<longrightarrow> 7 \<le> bits)"
@ -458,17 +458,17 @@ proof -
note blah[simp del] = atLeastatMost_subset_iff atLeastLessThan_iff
Int_atLeastAtMost atLeastatMost_empty_iff split_paired_Ex
have "\<And>t m. \<exists>ptr. cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t m)) ptr s
have "\<And>t m r. \<exists>ptr. cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t m r)) ptr s
\<Longrightarrow> t \<notin> {base .. base + 2 ^ magnitude - 1}"
by (fastforce dest!: valid_cap2 simp: cap obj_reply_refs_def)
hence "\<forall>ptr t m. cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t m)) ptr s
hence "\<forall>ptr t m r. cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t m r)) ptr s
\<longrightarrow> t \<notin> {base .. base + 2 ^ magnitude - 1}"
by (fastforce simp del: split_paired_All)
hence "\<forall>t. t \<in> {base .. base + 2 ^ magnitude - 1} \<longrightarrow>
(\<forall>ptr m. \<not> cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t m)) ptr s)"
(\<forall>ptr m r. \<not> cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t m r)) ptr s)"
by fastforce
hence cte: "\<forall>t. t \<in> {base .. base + 2 ^ magnitude - 1} \<longrightarrow>
(\<forall>ptr m. \<not> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t m) ptr s')"
(\<forall>ptr m r. \<not> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t m r) ptr s')"
unfolding deletionIsSafe_def
apply -
apply (erule allEI)
@ -883,7 +883,8 @@ lemma valid_cap_ctes_pre:
lemma replycap_argument:
"\<And>p t m. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t m) p s \<Longrightarrow> t \<notin> {base .. base + (2 ^ bits - 1)}"
"\<And>p t m r. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t m r) p s
\<Longrightarrow> t \<notin> {base .. base + (2 ^ bits - 1)}"
using safe
by (fastforce simp add: deletionIsSafe_def cte_wp_at_ctes_of field_simps)

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@ -1149,11 +1149,11 @@ primrec
threadCapRefs :: "capability \<Rightarrow> word32 set"
"threadCapRefs (ThreadCap r) = {r}"
| "threadCapRefs (ReplyCap t m) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (ReplyCap t m x) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs NullCap = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (UntypedCap d r n i) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (EndpointCap r badge x y z) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (NotificationCap r badge x y) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (UntypedCap d r n i) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (EndpointCap r badge x y z t) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (NotificationCap r badge x y) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (CNodeCap r b g gsz) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (Zombie r b n) = {}"
| "threadCapRefs (ArchObjectCap ac) = {}"
@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ definition
final_matters' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> bool"
"final_matters' cap \<equiv> case cap of
EndpointCap ref bdg s r g \<Rightarrow> True
EndpointCap ref bdg s r g gr \<Rightarrow> True
| NotificationCap ref bdg s r \<Rightarrow> True
| ThreadCap ref \<Rightarrow> True
| CNodeCap ref bits gd gs \<Rightarrow> True
@ -3119,7 +3119,9 @@ crunch bound_tcb_at'[wp]: cancelSignal, cancelAllIPC "bound_tcb_at' P t"
ignore: getObject setObject threadSet)
lemma finaliseCapTrue_standin_bound_tcb_at':
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. bound_tcb_at' P t s \<and> (\<exists>tt b. cap = ReplyCap tt b) \<rbrace> finaliseCapTrue_standin cap final \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. bound_tcb_at' P t\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. bound_tcb_at' P t s \<and> (\<exists>tt b r. cap = ReplyCap tt b r) \<rbrace>
finaliseCapTrue_standin cap final
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. bound_tcb_at' P t\<rbrace>"
apply (case_tac cap, simp_all add:finaliseCapTrue_standin_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: isNotificationCap_def)
apply (wp, clarsimp)
@ -3478,7 +3480,7 @@ lemma cteDeleteOne_st_tcb_at[wp]:
lemma cteDeleteOne_reply_pred_tcb_at:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. pred_tcb_at' proj P t s \<and> (\<exists>t'. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t' False) slot s)\<rbrace>
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. pred_tcb_at' proj P t s \<and> (\<exists>t' r. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t' False r) slot s)\<rbrace>
cteDeleteOne slot
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pred_tcb_at' proj P t\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: cteDeleteOne_def unless_def isFinalCapability_def)

View File

@ -829,20 +829,27 @@ lemma thread_state_relation_frame:
by (cases st''; cases st'; cases st; fastforce)
lemma thread_state_relation_send_rev_simp:
"thread_state_relation st (BlockedOnSend a b c d) =
(\<exists>y. (st = (Structures_A.BlockedOnSend a y)) \<and> b = sender_badge y \<and> c = sender_can_grant y \<and> d = sender_is_call y)"
"thread_state_relation st (BlockedOnSend a b c d e) =
(\<exists>y. (st = (Structures_A.BlockedOnSend a y)) \<and> b = sender_badge y
\<and> c = sender_can_grant y \<and> d = sender_can_grant_reply y \<and> e = sender_is_call y)"
by (cases st; fastforce)
lemma thread_state_relation_recv_rev_simp:
"thread_state_relation st (BlockedOnReceive a cg) =
(\<exists>y. (st = (Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive a y)) \<and> cg = receiver_can_grant y
by (cases st; fastforce)
lemmas thread_state_rev_simps'[#\<open>solves \<open>simp\<close>\<close>] =
thread_state_relation_frame[of Structures_A.thread_state.Running Structures_H.thread_state.Running]
thread_state_relation_frame[of Structures_A.thread_state.Inactive Structures_H.thread_state.Inactive]
thread_state_relation_frame[of "Structures_A.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x" "Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x" for x]
thread_state_relation_frame[of Structures_A.thread_state.Restart Structures_H.thread_state.Restart]
thread_state_relation_frame[of "Structures_A.thread_state.BlockedOnNotification x" "Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnNotification x" for x]
thread_state_relation_frame[of Structures_A.thread_state.IdleThreadState Structures_H.thread_state.IdleThreadState]
thread_state_relation_frame[of "Structures_A.thread_state.BlockedOnReply" "Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReply"]
lemmas thread_state_rev_simps = thread_state_rev_simps' thread_state_relation_send_rev_simp
crunches vgicUpdateLR
for sch_act_not[wp]: "sch_act_not t"
@ -882,17 +889,22 @@ proof -
apply (corressimp corres: hf_corres[@lift_corres_args]
wp: dmo_gets_wp dmo'_gets_wp gts_wp gts_wp' wplr wplr'
hoare_vcg_all_lift hoare_vcg_imp_lift')+
(* drop unhelpful lemmas *)
supply if_split[split del] supply obj_at_typ_at[simp del]
apply (frule invs_arch_state, drule valid_arch_state_elims(2), frule invs_arch_state')
apply (fastforce split: Structures_H.thread_state.splits
simp: valid_fault_def thread_state_rev_simps valid_arch_state'_def
obj_at_def vcpu_at_is_vcpu' valid_fault_def
simp del: obj_at_typ_at
elim: ct_active_st_tcb_at_weaken
[OF _ iffD1[OF runnable_eq], simplified ct_in_state_def]
st_tcb_ex_cap'[OF _ _ runnable_not_halted]
st_tcb_ex_cap'' pred_tcb'_weakenE ko_wp_at'_weakenE)
apply (clarsimp simp: thread_state_rev_simps cong: if_cong split: Structures_H.thread_state.splits)
(* clear up everything related to the current thread *)
apply (safe
;(clarsimp elim!: ct_active_st_tcb_at_weaken
[OF _ iffD1[OF runnable_eq], simplified ct_in_state_def]
st_tcb_ex_cap'[OF _ _ runnable_not_halted]
pred_tcb'_weakenE ko_wp_at'_weakenE
st_tcb_ex_cap''[OF _ invs_iflive']
simp: valid_fault_def invs_iflive')?)
(* now show there's a vcpu where we think there should be one *)
apply (fastforce split: option.splits elim!: ko_wp_at'_weakenE obj_at_weakenE
simp: if_apply_def2 valid_arch_state'_def
typ_at'_def is_vcpu'_def obj_at_typ_at[symmetric])+

View File

@ -165,14 +165,14 @@ where
"max_ipc_words \<equiv> capTransferDataSize + msgMaxLength + msgMaxExtraCaps + 2"
tcb_st_refs_of' :: "Structures_H.thread_state \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
tcb_st_refs_of' :: "Structures_H.thread_state \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
"tcb_st_refs_of' z \<equiv> case z of (Running) => {}
| (Inactive) => {}
| (Restart) => {}
| (BlockedOnReceive x) => {(x, TCBBlockedRecv)}
| (BlockedOnSend x a b c) => {(x, TCBBlockedSend)}
| (BlockedOnNotification x) => {(x, TCBSignal)}
| (BlockedOnReceive x a) => {(x, TCBBlockedRecv)}
| (BlockedOnSend x a b c d) => {(x, TCBBlockedSend)}
| (BlockedOnNotification x) => {(x, TCBSignal)}
| (BlockedOnReply) => {}
| (IdleThreadState) => {}"
@ -334,15 +334,15 @@ where
"zobj_refs' NullCap = {}"
| "zobj_refs' DomainCap = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (UntypedCap d r n f) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (EndpointCap r badge x y z) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (NotificationCap r badge x y) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (EndpointCap r badge x y z t) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (NotificationCap r badge x y) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (CNodeCap r b g gsz) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (ThreadCap r) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (Zombie r b n) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (ArchObjectCap ac) = azobj_refs' ac"
| "zobj_refs' (IRQControlCap) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (IRQHandlerCap irq) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (ReplyCap tcb m) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (ReplyCap tcb m x) = {}"
ex_nonz_cap_to' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
@ -363,8 +363,8 @@ where
"cte_refs' (UntypedCap d p n f) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (NullCap) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (DomainCap) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (EndpointCap ref badge s r g) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (NotificationCap ref badge s r) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (EndpointCap ref badge s r g gr) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (NotificationCap ref badge s r) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (CNodeCap ref bits g gs) x =
(\<lambda>x. ref + (x * 2^cteSizeBits)) ` {0 .. 2 ^ bits - 1}"
| "cte_refs' (ThreadCap ref) x =
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ where
| "cte_refs' (ArchObjectCap cap) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (IRQControlCap) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (IRQHandlerCap irq) x = {x + (ucast irq) * 16}"
| "cte_refs' (ReplyCap tcb m) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (ReplyCap tcb m g) x = {}"
@ -422,14 +422,14 @@ where
"capBits NullCap = 0"
| "capBits DomainCap = 0"
| "capBits (UntypedCap d r b f) = b"
| "capBits (EndpointCap r b x y z) = objBits (undefined::endpoint)"
| "capBits (EndpointCap r b x y z t) = objBits (undefined::endpoint)"
| "capBits (NotificationCap r b x y) = objBits (undefined::Structures_H.notification)"
| "capBits (CNodeCap r b g gs) = objBits (undefined::cte) + b"
| "capBits (ThreadCap r) = objBits (undefined::tcb)"
| "capBits (Zombie r z n) = zBits z"
| "capBits (IRQControlCap) = 0"
| "capBits (IRQHandlerCap irq) = 0"
| "capBits (ReplyCap tcb m) = objBits (undefined :: tcb)"
| "capBits (ReplyCap tcb m x) = objBits (undefined :: tcb)"
| "capBits (ArchObjectCap x) = acapBits x"
lemmas objBits_defs =
@ -492,14 +492,14 @@ where valid_cap'_def:
| Structures_H.UntypedCap d r n f \<Rightarrow>
valid_untyped' d r n f s \<and> r \<noteq> 0 \<and> minUntypedSizeBits \<le> n \<and> n \<le> maxUntypedSizeBits
\<and> f \<le> 2^n \<and> is_aligned (of_nat f :: word32) minUntypedSizeBits
| Structures_H.EndpointCap r badge x y z \<Rightarrow> ep_at' r s
| Structures_H.EndpointCap r badge x y z t \<Rightarrow> ep_at' r s
| Structures_H.NotificationCap r badge x y \<Rightarrow> ntfn_at' r s
| Structures_H.CNodeCap r bits guard guard_sz \<Rightarrow>
bits \<noteq> 0 \<and> bits + guard_sz \<le> word_bits \<and>
guard && mask guard_sz = guard \<and>
(\<forall>addr. real_cte_at' (r + 2^cteSizeBits * (addr && mask bits)) s)
| Structures_H.ThreadCap r \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s
| Structures_H.ReplyCap r m \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s
| Structures_H.ReplyCap r m x \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s
| Structures_H.IRQControlCap \<Rightarrow> True
| Structures_H.IRQHandlerCap irq \<Rightarrow> irq \<le> maxIRQ
| Structures_H.Zombie r b n \<Rightarrow> n \<le> zombieCTEs b \<and> zBits b < word_bits
@ -538,8 +538,8 @@ definition
valid_tcb_state' :: "Structures_H.thread_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_tcb_state' ts s \<equiv> case ts of
Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive ref \<Rightarrow> ep_at' ref s
| Structures_H.BlockedOnSend ref b d c \<Rightarrow> ep_at' ref s
Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive ref a \<Rightarrow> ep_at' ref s
| Structures_H.BlockedOnSend ref a b d c \<Rightarrow> ep_at' ref s
| Structures_H.BlockedOnNotification ref \<Rightarrow> ntfn_at' ref s
| _ \<Rightarrow> True"
@ -770,14 +770,14 @@ where
"capClass (NullCap) = NullClass"
| "capClass (DomainCap) = DomainClass"
| "capClass (UntypedCap d p n f) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (EndpointCap ref badge s r g) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (NotificationCap ref badge s r) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (EndpointCap ref badge s r g gr) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (NotificationCap ref badge s r) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (CNodeCap ref bits g gs) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (ThreadCap ref) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (Zombie r b n) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (IRQControlCap) = IRQClass"
| "capClass (IRQHandlerCap irq) = IRQClass"
| "capClass (ReplyCap tcb m) = ReplyClass tcb"
| "capClass (ReplyCap tcb m g) = ReplyClass tcb"
| "capClass (ArchObjectCap cap) = acapClass cap"
@ -995,10 +995,10 @@ where
| "runnable' (Structures_H.Inactive) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.Restart) = True"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.IdleThreadState) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive a) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive a b) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnReply) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnSend a b c d) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnNotification x) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnSend a b c d e) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnNotification x) = False"
inQ :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> tcb \<Rightarrow> bool"
@ -1452,11 +1452,11 @@ lemma capability_splits[split]:
| capability.NullCap \<Rightarrow> f2
| capability.NotificationCap x xa xb xc \<Rightarrow> f3 x xa xb xc
| capability.IRQHandlerCap x \<Rightarrow> f4 x
| capability.EndpointCap x xa xb xc xd \<Rightarrow> f5 x xa xb xc xd
| capability.EndpointCap x xa xb xc xd xe \<Rightarrow> f5 x xa xb xc xd xe
| capability.DomainCap \<Rightarrow> f6
| capability.Zombie x xa xb \<Rightarrow> f7 x xa xb
| capability.ArchObjectCap x \<Rightarrow> f8 x
| capability.ReplyCap x xa \<Rightarrow> f9 x xa
| capability.ReplyCap x xa xb \<Rightarrow> f9 x xa xb
| capability.UntypedCap dev x xa xb \<Rightarrow> f10 dev x xa xb
| capability.CNodeCap x xa xb xc \<Rightarrow> f11 x xa xb xc
| capability.IRQControlCap \<Rightarrow> f12) =
@ -1468,19 +1468,19 @@ lemma capability_splits[split]:
P (f3 x31 x32 x33 x34)) \<and>
(\<forall>x4. capability = capability.IRQHandlerCap x4 \<longrightarrow>
P (f4 x4)) \<and>
(\<forall>x51 x52 x53 x54 x55.
(\<forall>x51 x52 x53 x54 x55 x56.
capability =
capability.EndpointCap x51 x52 x53 x54 x55 \<longrightarrow>
P (f5 x51 x52 x53 x54 x55)) \<and>
capability.EndpointCap x51 x52 x53 x54 x55 x56 \<longrightarrow>
P (f5 x51 x52 x53 x54 x55 x56)) \<and>
(capability = capability.DomainCap \<longrightarrow> P f6) \<and>
(\<forall>x71 x72 x73.
capability = capability.Zombie x71 x72 x73 \<longrightarrow>
P (f7 x71 x72 x73)) \<and>
(\<forall>x8. capability = capability.ArchObjectCap x8 \<longrightarrow>
P (f8 x8)) \<and>
(\<forall>x91 x92.
capability = capability.ReplyCap x91 x92 \<longrightarrow>
P (f9 x91 x92)) \<and>
(\<forall>x91 x92 x93.
capability = capability.ReplyCap x91 x92 x93 \<longrightarrow>
P (f9 x91 x92 x93)) \<and>
(\<forall>dev x101 x102 x103.
capability = capability.UntypedCap dev x101 x102 x103 \<longrightarrow>
P (f10 dev x101 x102 x103)) \<and>
@ -1492,11 +1492,11 @@ lemma capability_splits[split]:
| capability.NullCap \<Rightarrow> f2
| capability.NotificationCap x xa xb xc \<Rightarrow> f3 x xa xb xc
| capability.IRQHandlerCap x \<Rightarrow> f4 x
| capability.EndpointCap x xa xb xc xd \<Rightarrow> f5 x xa xb xc xd
| capability.EndpointCap x xa xb xc xd xe \<Rightarrow> f5 x xa xb xc xd xe
| capability.DomainCap \<Rightarrow> f6
| capability.Zombie x xa xb \<Rightarrow> f7 x xa xb
| capability.ArchObjectCap x \<Rightarrow> f8 x
| capability.ReplyCap x xa \<Rightarrow> f9 x xa
| capability.ReplyCap x xa xb \<Rightarrow> f9 x xa xb
| capability.UntypedCap dev x xa xb \<Rightarrow> f10 dev x xa xb
| capability.CNodeCap x xa xb xc \<Rightarrow> f11 x xa xb xc
| capability.IRQControlCap \<Rightarrow> f12) =
@ -1509,19 +1509,19 @@ lemma capability_splits[split]:
\<not> P (f3 x31 x32 x33 x34)) \<or>
(\<exists>x4. capability = capability.IRQHandlerCap x4 \<and>
\<not> P (f4 x4)) \<or>
(\<exists>x51 x52 x53 x54 x55.
(\<exists>x51 x52 x53 x54 x55 x56.
capability =
capability.EndpointCap x51 x52 x53 x54 x55 \<and>
\<not> P (f5 x51 x52 x53 x54 x55)) \<or>
capability.EndpointCap x51 x52 x53 x54 x55 x56 \<and>
\<not> P (f5 x51 x52 x53 x54 x55 x56)) \<or>
capability = capability.DomainCap \<and> \<not> P f6 \<or>
(\<exists>x71 x72 x73.
capability = capability.Zombie x71 x72 x73 \<and>
\<not> P (f7 x71 x72 x73)) \<or>
(\<exists>x8. capability = capability.ArchObjectCap x8 \<and>
\<not> P (f8 x8)) \<or>
(\<exists>x91 x92.
capability = capability.ReplyCap x91 x92 \<and>
\<not> P (f9 x91 x92)) \<or>
(\<exists>x91 x92 x93.
capability = capability.ReplyCap x91 x92 x93 \<and>
\<not> P (f9 x91 x92 x93)) \<or>
(\<exists>x101 x102 x103 dev.
capability = capability.UntypedCap dev x101 x102 x103 \<and>
\<not> P (f10 dev x101 x102 x103)) \<or>
@ -1534,19 +1534,19 @@ lemma capability_splits[split]:
lemma thread_state_splits[split]:
" P (case thread_state of
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x \<Rightarrow> f1 x
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x xa \<Rightarrow> f1 x xa
| Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReply \<Rightarrow> f2
| Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnNotification x \<Rightarrow> f3 x
| Structures_H.thread_state.Running \<Rightarrow> f4
| Structures_H.thread_state.Inactive \<Rightarrow> f5
| Structures_H.thread_state.IdleThreadState \<Rightarrow> f6
| Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnSend x xa xb xc \<Rightarrow>
f7 x xa xb xc
| Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnSend x xa xb xc xd \<Rightarrow>
f7 x xa xb xc xd
| Structures_H.thread_state.Restart \<Rightarrow> f8) =
((\<forall>x11 x12.
thread_state =
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x11 \<longrightarrow>
P (f1 x11)) \<and>
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x11 x12 \<longrightarrow>
P (f1 x11 x12)) \<and>
(awaiting_reply' thread_state \<longrightarrow> P f2) \<and>
(\<forall>x3. thread_state =
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnNotification x3 \<longrightarrow>
@ -1556,26 +1556,26 @@ lemma thread_state_splits[split]:
(thread_state = Structures_H.thread_state.Inactive \<longrightarrow>
P f5) \<and>
(idle' thread_state \<longrightarrow> P f6) \<and>
(\<forall>x71 x72 x73 x74.
(\<forall>x71 x72 x73 x74 x75.
thread_state =
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnSend x71 x72 x73
x74 \<longrightarrow>
P (f7 x71 x72 x73 x74)) \<and>
x74 x75 \<longrightarrow>
P (f7 x71 x72 x73 x74 x75)) \<and>
(thread_state = Structures_H.thread_state.Restart \<longrightarrow> P f8))"
"P (case thread_state of
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x \<Rightarrow> f1 x
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x xa \<Rightarrow> f1 x xa
| Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReply \<Rightarrow> f2
| Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnNotification x \<Rightarrow> f3 x
| Structures_H.thread_state.Running \<Rightarrow> f4
| Structures_H.thread_state.Inactive \<Rightarrow> f5
| Structures_H.thread_state.IdleThreadState \<Rightarrow> f6
| Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnSend x xa xb xc \<Rightarrow>
f7 x xa xb xc
| Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnSend x xa xb xc xd \<Rightarrow>
f7 x xa xb xc xd
| Structures_H.thread_state.Restart \<Rightarrow> f8) =
(\<not> ((\<exists>x11.
(\<not> ((\<exists>x11 x12.
thread_state =
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x11 \<and>
\<not> P (f1 x11)) \<or>
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnReceive x11 x12 \<and>
\<not> P (f1 x11 x12)) \<or>
awaiting_reply' thread_state \<and> \<not> P f2 \<or>
(\<exists>x3. thread_state =
@ -1586,11 +1586,11 @@ lemma thread_state_splits[split]:
thread_state = Structures_H.thread_state.Inactive \<and>
\<not> P f5 \<or>
idle' thread_state \<and> \<not> P f6 \<or>
(\<exists>x71 x72 x73 x74.
(\<exists>x71 x72 x73 x74 x75.
thread_state =
Structures_H.thread_state.BlockedOnSend x71 x72 x73
x74 \<and>
\<not> P (f7 x71 x72 x73 x74)) \<or>
x74 x75 \<and>
\<not> P (f7 x71 x72 x73 x74 x75)) \<or>
thread_state = Structures_H.thread_state.Restart \<and>
\<not> P f8))"
by (case_tac thread_state; simp)+
@ -1777,9 +1777,9 @@ lemma tcb_st_refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Running) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Inactive) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Restart) = {}"
"\<And>x. tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnReceive x) = {(x, TCBBlockedRecv)}"
"\<And>x c. tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnSend x a b c) = {(x, TCBBlockedSend)}"
"\<And>x. tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnNotification x) = {(x, TCBSignal)}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnReceive x'' a') = {(x'', TCBBlockedRecv)}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnSend x a b c d) = {(x, TCBBlockedSend)}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnNotification x') = {(x', TCBSignal)}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnReply) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (IdleThreadState) = {}"
by (auto simp: tcb_st_refs_of'_def)
@ -1808,9 +1808,9 @@ lemma tcb_bound_refs'_simps[simp]:
lemma refs_of_rev':
"(x, TCBBlockedRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> tcbState tcb = BlockedOnReceive x)"
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> (\<exists>a. tcbState tcb = BlockedOnReceive x a))"
"(x, TCBBlockedSend) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> (\<exists>a b c. tcbState tcb = BlockedOnSend x a b c))"
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> (\<exists>a b c d. tcbState tcb = BlockedOnSend x a b c d))"
"(x, TCBSignal) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> tcbState tcb = BlockedOnNotification x)"
"(x, EPRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko =
@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@ lemma projectKO_opt_tcbD:
lemma st_tcb_at_refs_of_rev':
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBBlockedRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. ts = BlockedOnReceive x ) t s"
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. \<exists>a. ts = BlockedOnReceive x a) t s"
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBBlockedSend) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. \<exists>a b c. ts = BlockedOnSend x a b c) t s"
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. \<exists>a b c d. ts = BlockedOnSend x a b c d) t s"
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBSignal) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. ts = BlockedOnNotification x) t s"
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. ts = BlockedOnNotification x) t s"
by (fastforce simp: refs_of_rev' pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_real_def
projectKO_opt_tcb[where e="KOTCB y" for y]
elim!: ko_wp_at'_weakenE
@ -2124,14 +2124,13 @@ lemma next_unfold:
(case s c of Some cte \<Rightarrow> Some (mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte)) | None \<Rightarrow> None)"
by (simp add: mdb_next_def split: option.split)
lemma is_physical_cases:
"(capClass cap = PhysicalClass) =
(case cap of NullCap \<Rightarrow> False
| DomainCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IRQControlCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IRQHandlerCap irq \<Rightarrow> False
| ReplyCap r m \<Rightarrow> False
| ReplyCap r m cr \<Rightarrow> False
| ArchObjectCap ASIDControlCap \<Rightarrow> False
| _ \<Rightarrow> True)"
by (simp split: capability.splits arch_capability.splits zombie_type.splits)

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ locale delete_one_conc_pre =
assumes delete_one_sch_act_not:
"\<And>t. \<lbrace>sch_act_not t\<rbrace> cteDeleteOne sl \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. sch_act_not t\<rbrace>"
assumes delete_one_reply_st_tcb_at:
"\<And>P t. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. st_tcb_at' P t s \<and> (\<exists>t'. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t' False) slot s)\<rbrace>
"\<And>P t. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. st_tcb_at' P t s \<and> (\<exists>t' r. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t' False r) slot s)\<rbrace>
cteDeleteOne slot
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. st_tcb_at' P t\<rbrace>"
assumes delete_one_ksCurDomain:
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ crunch tcb_at[wp]: set_endpoint "tcb_at t"
crunch tcb_at'[wp]: setEndpoint "tcb_at' t"
lemma blocked_cancel_ipc_corres:
"\<lbrakk> st = Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive epPtr \<or>
"\<lbrakk> st = Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive epPtr p' \<or>
st = Structures_A.BlockedOnSend epPtr p; thread_state_relation st st' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
corres dc (invs and st_tcb_at ((=) st) t) (invs' and st_tcb_at' ((=) st') t)
(blocked_cancel_ipc st t)
@ -359,6 +359,16 @@ lemmas cte_index_repair_sym = cte_index_repair[symmetric]
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma cte_wp_at_master_reply_cap_to_ex_rights:
"cte_wp_at (is_master_reply_cap_to t) ptr
= (\<lambda>s. \<exists>rights. cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t True rights)) ptr s)"
by (rule ext, rule iffI; clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_def is_master_reply_cap_to_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_reply_cap_to_ex_rights:
"cte_wp_at (is_reply_cap_to t) ptr
= (\<lambda>s. \<exists>rights. cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t False rights)) ptr s)"
by (rule ext, rule iffI; clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_def is_reply_cap_to_def)
lemma reply_no_descendants_mdbNext_null:
assumes descs: "descendants_of (t, tcb_cnode_index 2) (cdt s) = {}"
and sr: "(s, s') \<in> state_relation"
@ -370,12 +380,15 @@ lemma reply_no_descendants_mdbNext_null:
shows "mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte) = nullPointer"
proof -
from invs st_tcb_at_reply_cap_valid[OF tcb]
have "cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t True)) (t, tcb_cnode_index 2) s"
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state is_cap_simps)
hence "cteCap cte = capability.ReplyCap t True"
have "cte_wp_at (is_master_reply_cap_to t) (t, tcb_cnode_index 2) s"
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state is_cap_simps is_master_reply_cap_to_def)
hence "\<exists>r. cteCap cte = capability.ReplyCap t True r"
using invs sr
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of cte cte_map_def tcb_cnode_index_def
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_master_reply_cap_to_ex_rights
cte_wp_at_ctes_of cte cte_map_def tcb_cnode_index_def
dest: pspace_relation_cte_wp_at state_relation_pspace_relation)
hence class_link:
"\<forall>cte'. ctes_of s' (mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte)) = Some cte' \<longrightarrow>
capClass (cteCap cte') = ReplyClass t"
@ -387,16 +400,17 @@ proof -
apply simp
from invs tcb descs have "\<forall>ptr m.
cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t m)) ptr s \<longrightarrow> ptr = (t, tcb_cnode_index 2)"
apply (intro allI)
from invs tcb descs have "\<forall>ptr m g.
cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t m g)) ptr s \<longrightarrow> ptr = (t, tcb_cnode_index 2)"
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (case_tac m)
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_def valid_state_def valid_reply_masters_def)
apply (fastforce simp: has_reply_cap_def
dest: st_tcb_at_tcb_at reply_master_no_descendants_no_reply)
apply (fastforce simp: invs_def valid_state_def valid_reply_masters_def
apply (fastforce simp: has_reply_cap_def cte_wp_at_reply_cap_to_ex_rights
dest: reply_master_no_descendants_no_reply elim: st_tcb_at_tcb_at)
hence "\<forall>ptr m mdb.
ctes_of s' ptr = Some (CTE (capability.ReplyCap t m) mdb) \<longrightarrow> ptr = t + 2*2^cte_level_bits"
hence "\<forall>ptr m mdb r.
ctes_of s' ptr = Some (CTE (capability.ReplyCap t m r) mdb) \<longrightarrow> ptr = t + 2*2^cte_level_bits"
using sr invs
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (drule(2) pspace_relation_cte_wp_atI
@ -550,14 +564,15 @@ lemma (in delete_one) reply_cancel_ipc_corres:
apply (rule hoare_vcg_conj_lift [OF getCTE_inv getCTE_cte_wp_at, simplified])
apply (rename_tac cte)
apply (rule corres_symb_exec_l [OF _ _ gets_sp])
apply (rule_tac F="cap = cap.ReplyCap t True \<and>
cteCap cte = capability.ReplyCap t True" in corres_req)
apply (rule_tac F="\<exists>r. cap = cap.ReplyCap t True r \<and>
cteCap cte = capability.ReplyCap t True (AllowGrant \<in> r)" in corres_req)
apply (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state is_cap_simps
dest: st_tcb_at_reply_cap_valid)
dest!: st_tcb_at_reply_cap_valid)
apply (rule_tac F="(descs = {}) = (mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte) = nullPointer)"
in corres_req)
apply (fastforce simp: st_tcb_at_tcb_at cte_wp_at_ctes_of st_tcb_def2 cte_index_repair
dest: reply_descendants_of_mdbNext)
apply (elim exE)
apply (case_tac "descs = {}", simp add: when_def)
apply (rule_tac F="\<exists>sl. descs = {sl}" in corres_req)
apply (fastforce intro: st_tcb_at_tcb_at dest: reply_master_one_descendant)
@ -569,12 +584,12 @@ lemma (in delete_one) reply_cancel_ipc_corres:
apply (simp add: when_def getSlotCap_def capHasProperty_def
del: split_paired_Ex)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule_tac P'="cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t False)) sl"
apply (rule_tac P'="\<lambda>s. \<exists>r'. cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t False r')) sl s"
in corres_stateAssert_implied [OF delete_one_corres])
apply (fastforce dest: pspace_relation_cte_wp_at
simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of isCap_simps)
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_def valid_state_def valid_mdb_def reply_mdb_def
apply (fastforce simp: invs_def valid_state_def valid_mdb_def reply_mdb_def
reply_masters_mdb_def cte_wp_at_caps_of_state
apply (fastforce simp: valid_mdb'_def valid_mdb_ctes_def
@ -830,8 +845,8 @@ proof -
apply (wp, simp)
have Q:
"\<And>epptr. \<lbrace>st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>st. (st = BlockedOnReceive epptr )
\<or> (\<exists>a b c. st = BlockedOnSend epptr a b c)) t
"\<And>epptr. \<lbrace>st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>st. \<exists>a. (st = BlockedOnReceive epptr a)
\<or> (\<exists>a b c d. st = BlockedOnSend epptr a b c d)) t
and invs'\<rbrace>
do ep \<leftarrow> getEndpoint epptr;
y \<leftarrow> assert (\<not> (case ep of IdleEP \<Rightarrow> True | _ \<Rightarrow> False));
@ -2036,14 +2051,7 @@ lemma (in delete_one_conc_pre) cancelIPC_queues[wp]:
| rule hoare_drop_imps
| clarsimp simp: valid_tcb'_def tcb_cte_cases_def
elim!: pred_tcb'_weakenE)+
apply (safe)
apply (drule_tac t=t in valid_queues_not_runnable'_not_ksQ)
apply (erule pred_tcb'_weakenE, simp)
apply (drule_tac x=xb in spec, simp)
apply (erule pred_tcb'_weakenE, simp)
apply (drule_tac t=t in valid_queues_not_runnable'_not_ksQ)
apply (erule pred_tcb'_weakenE, simp)
apply (drule_tac x=xe in spec, simp)
apply (fastforce dest: valid_queues_not_runnable'_not_ksQ elim: pred_tcb'_weakenE)
(* FIXME: move to Schedule_R *)

View File

@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ lemma updateCapData_capReplyMaster:
by (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps updateCapData_def split del: if_split)
lemma updateCapData_is_Reply[simp]:
"(updateCapData p d cap = ReplyCap x y) = (cap = ReplyCap x y)"
"(updateCapData p d cap = ReplyCap x y z) = (cap = ReplyCap x y z)"
by (rule ccontr,
clarsimp simp: isCap_simps updateCapData_def Let_def
@ -2211,16 +2211,17 @@ lemma capClass_Reply:
lemma reply_cap_end_mdb_chain:
"\<lbrakk> cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t False)) slot s; invs s;
"\<lbrakk> cte_wp_at (is_reply_cap_to t) slot s; invs s;
invs' s';
(s, s') \<in> state_relation; ctes_of s' (cte_map slot) = Some cte \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (mdbPrev (cteMDBNode cte) \<noteq> nullPointer
\<and> mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte) = nullPointer)
\<and> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. isReplyCap (cteCap cte) \<and> capReplyMaster (cteCap cte))
(mdbPrev (cteMDBNode cte)) s'"
apply (clarsimp simp only: cte_wp_at_reply_cap_to_ex_rights)
apply (frule(1) pspace_relation_ctes_ofI[OF state_relation_pspace_relation],
apply (subgoal_tac "\<exists>slot'. caps_of_state s slot' = Some (cap.ReplyCap t True)
apply (subgoal_tac "\<exists>slot' rights'. caps_of_state s slot' = Some (cap.ReplyCap t True rights')
\<and> descendants_of slot' (cdt s) = {slot}")
apply (elim state_relationE exE)
apply (clarsimp simp: cdt_relation_def
@ -2266,7 +2267,8 @@ lemma reply_cap_end_mdb_chain:
valid_reply_caps_def reply_caps_mdb_def
simp del: split_paired_All)
apply (drule spec, drule spec, drule(1) mp)
apply (erule_tac x=slot in allE, erule_tac x=t in allE, erule impE, fast)
apply (elim exEI)
apply clarsimp
apply (subgoal_tac "P" for P, rule sym, rule equalityI, assumption)
@ -2425,23 +2427,28 @@ lemma restart_rewrite:
by (simp add: when_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_is_reply_cap_toI:
"cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap t False rights)) ptr s
\<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at (is_reply_cap_to t) ptr s"
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_reply_cap_to_ex_rights)
lemma do_reply_transfer_corres:
"corres dc
(einvs and tcb_at receiver and tcb_at sender
and cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap receiver False)) slot)
and cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.ReplyCap receiver False rights)) slot)
(invs' and tcb_at' sender and tcb_at' receiver
and valid_pspace' and cte_at' (cte_map slot))
(do_reply_transfer sender receiver slot)
(doReplyTransfer sender receiver (cte_map slot))"
(do_reply_transfer sender receiver slot grant)
(doReplyTransfer sender receiver (cte_map slot) grant)"
apply (simp add: do_reply_transfer_def doReplyTransfer_def restart_rewrite cong: option.case_cong)
apply (rule corres_split' [OF _ _ gts_sp gts_sp'])
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule gts_corres, (clarsimp simp add: st_tcb_at_tcb_at)+)
apply (rule_tac F = "awaiting_reply state" in corres_req)
apply (clarsimp simp add: st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def is_tcb)
apply (fastforce simp: invs_def valid_state_def
apply (fastforce simp: invs_def valid_state_def intro: has_reply_cap_cte_wpD
dest: has_reply_cap_cte_wpD
dest!: valid_reply_caps_awaiting_reply)
dest!: valid_reply_caps_awaiting_reply cte_wp_at_is_reply_cap_toI)
apply (case_tac state, simp_all add: bind_assoc)
apply (simp add: isReply_def liftM_def)
apply (rule corres_symb_exec_r[OF _ getCTE_sp getCTE_inv, rotated])
@ -2453,6 +2460,7 @@ lemma do_reply_transfer_corres:
apply assumption
apply (rule conjI, assumption)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of)
apply (drule cte_wp_at_is_reply_cap_toI)
apply (erule(4) reply_cap_end_mdb_chain)
apply (rule corres_assert_assume[rotated], simp)
apply (simp add: getSlotCap_def)
@ -2537,7 +2545,7 @@ lemma do_reply_transfer_corres:
apply (clarsimp simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_. tcb_at' sender and tcb_at' receiver and invs'"
in hoare_strengthen_post [rotated])
apply (auto simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def intro: sch_act_wf_weak)[1]
apply (solves\<open>auto simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def\<close>)
apply wp
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
@ -2549,6 +2557,18 @@ lemma do_reply_transfer_corres:
apply (clarsimp)
(* when we cannot talk about reply cap rights explicitly (for instance, when a schematic ?rights
would be generated too early *)
lemma do_reply_transfer_corres':
"corres dc
(einvs and tcb_at receiver and tcb_at sender
and cte_wp_at (is_reply_cap_to receiver) slot)
(invs' and tcb_at' sender and tcb_at' receiver
and valid_pspace' and cte_at' (cte_map slot))
(do_reply_transfer sender receiver slot grant)
(doReplyTransfer sender receiver (cte_map slot) grant)"
using do_reply_transfer_corres[of receiver sender _ slot]
by (fastforce simp add: cte_wp_at_reply_cap_to_ex_rights corres_underlying_def)
lemma valid_pspace'_splits[elim!]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_objs' s"
@ -2582,22 +2602,23 @@ lemma setup_caller_corres:
valid_reply_masters and cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. c = cap.NullCap) (receiver, tcb_cnode_index 3))
(tcb_at' sender and tcb_at' receiver and valid_pspace'
and (\<lambda>s. weak_sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s))
(setup_caller_cap sender receiver)
(setupCallerCap sender receiver)"
(setup_caller_cap sender receiver grant)
(setupCallerCap sender receiver grant)"
supply if_split[split del]
apply (simp add: setup_caller_cap_def setupCallerCap_def
getThreadReplySlot_def locateSlot_conv
apply (rule stronger_corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split_nor)
apply (rule corres_symb_exec_r)
apply (rule_tac F="cteCap masterCTE = capability.ReplyCap sender True
apply (rule_tac F="\<exists>r. cteCap masterCTE = capability.ReplyCap sender True r
\<and> mdbNext (cteMDBNode masterCTE) = nullPointer"
in corres_gen_asm2, simp add: isCap_simps)
in corres_gen_asm2, clarsimp simp add: isCap_simps)
apply (rule corres_symb_exec_r)
apply (rule_tac F="rv = capability.NullCap"
in corres_gen_asm2, simp)
apply (rule cins_corres)
apply simp
apply (simp split: if_splits)
apply (simp add: cte_map_def tcbReplySlot_def
tcb_cnode_index_def cte_level_bits_def)
apply (simp add: cte_map_def tcbCallerSlot_def
@ -2641,7 +2662,7 @@ lemma getThreadReplySlot_tcb_at'[wp]:
by (simp add: getThreadReplySlot_def, wp)
lemma setupCallerCap_tcb_at'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>tcb_at' t\<rbrace> setupCallerCap sender receiver \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. tcb_at' t\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>tcb_at' t\<rbrace> setupCallerCap sender receiver grant \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. tcb_at' t\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: setupCallerCap_def, wp hoare_drop_imp)
crunch ct'[wp]: setupCallerCap "\<lambda>s. P (ksCurThread s)"
@ -2655,7 +2676,7 @@ by (wp sch_act_wf_lift tcb_in_cur_domain'_lift)
lemma setupCallerCap_sch_act [wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. sch_act_not t s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap t r \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace>"
setupCallerCap t r g \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def getSlotCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
getThreadReplySlot_def locateSlot_conv)
apply (wp getCTE_wp' sts_sch_act' hoare_drop_imps hoare_vcg_all_lift)
@ -2664,7 +2685,7 @@ lemma setupCallerCap_sch_act [wp]:
lemma setupCallerCap_weak_sch_act_from_sch_act:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. sch_act_not t s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap t r \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. weak_sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace>"
setupCallerCap t r g \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. weak_sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post, rule setupCallerCap_sch_act)
apply (clarsimp simp: weak_sch_act_wf_def)
@ -2729,7 +2750,7 @@ lemma send_ipc_corres:
"corres dc (einvs and st_tcb_at active t and ep_at ep and ex_nonz_cap_to t)
(invs' and sch_act_not t and tcb_at' t and ep_at' ep)
(send_ipc bl call bg cg t ep) (sendIPC bl call bg cg t ep)"
(send_ipc bl call bg cg cgr t ep) (sendIPC bl call bg cg cgr t ep)"
proof -
show ?thesis
apply (insert assms)
@ -2778,20 +2799,17 @@ proof -
apply (simp add: isReceive_def split del:if_split)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ gts_corres])
apply (rule_tac
F="recv_state = Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive ep"
F="\<exists>data. recv_state = Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive ep data"
in corres_gen_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: case_bool_If case_option_If if3_fold
simp del: dc_simp split del: if_split cong: if_cong)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ dit_corres])
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ sts_corres])
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ possibleSwitchTo_corres])
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ threadget_fault_corres])
apply (fold when_def)[1]
apply (rename_tac fault fault')
apply (rule_tac P="call \<or> fault \<noteq> None"
and P'="call \<or> fault' \<noteq> None"
in corres_symmetric_bool_cases)
apply (auto simp: fault_rel_optionation_def)[1]
apply (rule_tac P="call" and P'="call"
in corres_symmetric_bool_cases, blast)
apply (simp add: when_def dc_def[symmetric] split del: if_split)
apply (rule corres_if2, simp)
apply (rule setup_caller_corres)
@ -2824,8 +2842,9 @@ proof -
ep_redux_simps' st_tcb_at_tcb_at valid_ep_def
cong: list.case_cong)
apply (drule(1) sym_refs_obj_atD[where P="\<lambda>ob. ob = e" for e])
apply (clarsimp simp: st_tcb_at_refs_of_rev st_tcb_at_reply_cap_valid st_tcb_at_caller_cap_null)
apply (fastforce simp: st_tcb_def2 valid_sched_def valid_sched_action_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: st_tcb_at_refs_of_rev st_tcb_at_reply_cap_valid
st_tcb_def2 valid_sched_def valid_sched_action_def)
apply (force simp: st_tcb_def2 dest!: st_tcb_at_caller_cap_null[simplified,rotated])
subgoal by (auto simp: valid_ep'_def invs'_def valid_state'_def split: list.split)
apply wp+
apply (clarsimp simp: ep_at_def2)+
@ -2860,36 +2879,21 @@ proof -
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ set_ep_corres])
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ gts_corres])
apply (rule_tac
F="recv_state = Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive ep"
F="\<exists>data. recv_state = Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive ep data"
in corres_gen_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: isReceive_def case_bool_If
split del: if_split cong: if_cong)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ dit_corres])
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ sts_corres])
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ possibleSwitchTo_corres])
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ threadget_fault_corres])
apply (rename_tac rv rv')
apply (case_tac rv)
apply (clarsimp simp: fault_rel_optionation_def when_def split del: if_split)
apply (clarsimp simp: fault_rel_optionation_def when_def
split del: if_split)
apply (fold dc_def)[1]
apply (rule corres_if2, simp)
apply (rule setup_caller_corres)
apply (rule sts_corres, simp)
apply wp+
apply (rule possibleSwitchTo_corres)
apply (simp add: if_apply_def2)
apply (wp hoare_drop_imps)
apply (simp add: if_apply_def2)
apply (wp hoare_drop_imps)
apply simp
apply ((wp sts_cur_tcb set_thread_state_runnable_weak_valid_sched_action sts_st_tcb_at_cases |
simp add: if_apply_def2 split del: if_split)+)[1]
apply (wp setThreadState_valid_queues' sts_valid_queues sts_weak_sch_act_wf
sts_cur_tcb' setThreadState_tcb' sts_st_tcb_at'_cases)
apply (simp add: valid_tcb_state_def pred_conj_def)
apply (strengthen reply_cap_doesnt_exist_strg disjI2_strg)
apply ((wp hoare_drop_imps do_ipc_transfer_tcb_caps weak_valid_sched_action_lift
| clarsimp simp:is_cap_simps)+)[1]
apply (simp add: valid_tcb_state'_def pred_conj_def)
@ -3630,8 +3634,6 @@ lemma receive_ipc_corres:
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ dit_corres])
apply (simp split del: if_split cong: if_cong)
apply (fold dc_def)[1]
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ threadget_fault_corres
thread_get_inv threadGet_inv])
apply (rule_tac P="valid_objs and valid_mdb and valid_list
and valid_sched
and cur_tcb
@ -3896,7 +3898,7 @@ crunch cur_tcb[wp]: setupCallerCap "cur_tcb'"
(wp: crunch_wps)
lemma setupCallerCap_valid_objs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_objs' and tcb_at' sender\<rbrace> setupCallerCap sender receiver \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_objs'\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>valid_objs' and tcb_at' sender\<rbrace> setupCallerCap sender receiver grant \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_objs'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
apply (rule hoare_pre)
@ -3909,7 +3911,7 @@ lemma setupCallerCap_valid_objs[wp]:
lemma setupCallerCap_state_refs_of[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P ((state_refs_of' s) (sender := {r \<in> state_refs_of' s sender. snd r = TCBBound}))\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap sender rcvr
setupCallerCap sender rcvr grant
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (state_refs_of' s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
@ -3919,7 +3921,7 @@ lemma setupCallerCap_state_refs_of[wp]:
lemma setupCallerCap_state_hyp_refs_of[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P ((state_hyp_refs_of' s) (*sender := {r \<in> state_hyp_refs_of' s sender. snd r = TCBBound}*))\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap sender rcvr
setupCallerCap sender rcvr canGrant
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (state_hyp_refs_of' s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
@ -3945,7 +3947,7 @@ crunch vq[wp]: getThreadReplySlot "Invariants_H.valid_queues"
lemma setupCallerCap_vq[wp]:
"\<lbrace>Invariants_H.valid_queues and (\<lambda>s. \<forall>p. send \<notin> set (ksReadyQueues s p))\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap send recv \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. Invariants_H.valid_queues\<rbrace>"
setupCallerCap send recv grant \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. Invariants_H.valid_queues\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def)
apply (wp crunch_wps sts_valid_queues)
apply (fastforce simp: valid_queues_def obj_at'_def inQ_def)
@ -3955,7 +3957,8 @@ crunch vq'[wp]: setupCallerCap "valid_queues'"
(wp: crunch_wps)
lemma is_derived_ReplyCap' [simp]:
"\<And>m p. is_derived' m p (capability.ReplyCap t False) = (\<lambda>c. c = capability.ReplyCap t True)"
"\<And>m p g. is_derived' m p (capability.ReplyCap t False g) =
(\<lambda>c. \<exists> g. c = capability.ReplyCap t True g)"
apply (subst fun_eq_iff)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac x, simp_all add: is_derived'_def isCap_simps
@ -3964,7 +3967,8 @@ lemma is_derived_ReplyCap' [simp]:
lemma unique_master_reply_cap':
"\<And>c t. (isReplyCap c \<and> capReplyMaster c \<and> capTCBPtr c = t) = (c = capability.ReplyCap t True)"
"\<And>c t. isReplyCap c \<and> capReplyMaster c \<and> capTCBPtr c = t \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<exists>g . c = capability.ReplyCap t True g)"
by (fastforce simp: isCap_simps conj_comms)
lemma getSlotCap_cte_wp_at:
@ -3978,7 +3982,7 @@ crunch no_0_obj'[wp]: setThreadState no_0_obj'
lemma setupCallerCap_vp[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_pspace' and tcb_at' sender and tcb_at' rcvr\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap sender rcvr \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_pspace'\<rbrace>"
setupCallerCap sender rcvr grant \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_pspace'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: valid_pspace'_def setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
getThreadReplySlot_def locateSlot_conv getSlotCap_def)
apply (wp getCTE_wp)
@ -3996,23 +4000,25 @@ declare haskell_assert_inv[wp del]
lemma setupCallerCap_iflive[wp]:
"\<lbrace>if_live_then_nonz_cap' and ex_nonz_cap_to' sender\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap sender rcvr
setupCallerCap sender rcvr grant
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. if_live_then_nonz_cap'\<rbrace>"
unfolding setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
getThreadReplySlot_def locateSlot_conv
by (wp getSlotCap_cte_wp_at
| simp add: unique_master_reply_cap'
| strengthen eq_imp_strg)+
| strengthen eq_imp_strg
| wp_once hoare_drop_imp[where f="getCTE rs" for rs])+
lemma setupCallerCap_ifunsafe[wp]:
"\<lbrace>if_unsafe_then_cap' and valid_objs' and
ex_nonz_cap_to' rcvr and tcb_at' rcvr\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap sender rcvr
setupCallerCap sender rcvr grant
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. if_unsafe_then_cap'\<rbrace>"
unfolding setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
getThreadReplySlot_def locateSlot_conv
apply (wp getSlotCap_cte_wp_at
| simp add: unique_master_reply_cap' | strengthen eq_imp_strg)+
| simp add: unique_master_reply_cap' | strengthen eq_imp_strg
| wp_once hoare_drop_imp[where f="getCTE rs" for rs])+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv. valid_objs' and tcb_at' rcvr and ex_nonz_cap_to' rcvr"
in hoare_post_imp)
apply (clarsimp simp: ex_nonz_tcb_cte_caps' tcbCallerSlot_def
@ -4023,13 +4029,17 @@ lemma setupCallerCap_ifunsafe[wp]:
lemma setupCallerCap_global_refs'[wp]:
setupCallerCap sender rcvr \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_global_refs'\<rbrace>"
setupCallerCap sender rcvr grant
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_global_refs'\<rbrace>"
unfolding setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
getThreadReplySlot_def locateSlot_conv
by (wp getSlotCap_cte_wp_at
apply (wp getSlotCap_cte_wp_at
| simp add: o_def unique_master_reply_cap'
| strengthen eq_imp_strg
| wp_once getCTE_wp | clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of)+
(* at setThreadState *)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_. valid_global_refs'" in hoare_post_imp, wpsimp+)
crunch valid_arch'[wp]: setupCallerCap "valid_arch_state'"
(wp: hoare_drop_imps)
@ -4041,7 +4051,7 @@ crunch irq_node'[wp]: setupCallerCap "\<lambda>s. P (irq_node' s)"
lemma setupCallerCap_irq_handlers'[wp]:
setupCallerCap sender rcvr
setupCallerCap sender rcvr grant
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_irq_handlers'\<rbrace>"
unfolding setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
getThreadReplySlot_def locateSlot_conv
@ -4087,7 +4097,7 @@ crunch it[wp]: setupCallerCap "\<lambda>s. P (ksIdleThread s)"
lemma setupCallerCap_idle'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_idle' and valid_pspace' and
(\<lambda>s. st \<noteq> ksIdleThread s \<and> rt \<noteq> ksIdleThread s)\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap st rt
setupCallerCap st rt gr
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_idle'\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: setupCallerCap_def capRange_def | wp hoare_drop_imps)+
@ -4113,7 +4123,7 @@ crunch ct_not_inQ[wp]: getThreadCallerSlot "ct_not_inQ"
crunch ct_not_inQ[wp]: getThreadReplySlot "ct_not_inQ"
lemma setupCallerCap_ct_not_inQ[wp]:
"\<lbrace>ct_not_inQ\<rbrace> setupCallerCap sender receiver \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. ct_not_inQ\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>ct_not_inQ\<rbrace> setupCallerCap sender receiver grant \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. ct_not_inQ\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def)
apply (wp hoare_drop_imp setThreadState_ct_not_inQ)
@ -4189,7 +4199,7 @@ lemma completeSignal_invs:
lemma setupCallerCap_urz[wp]:
"\<lbrace>untyped_ranges_zero' and valid_pspace' and tcb_at' sender\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap sender t \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. untyped_ranges_zero'\<rbrace>"
setupCallerCap sender t g \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. untyped_ranges_zero'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def getSlotCap_def
getThreadCallerSlot_def getThreadReplySlot_def
@ -4258,10 +4268,12 @@ lemma ri_invs' [wp]:
apply (clarsimp simp: set_eq_subset)
apply (rule conjI, erule delta_sym_refs)
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply (rename_tac list one two three fur five six seven eight nine ten)
apply (rename_tac list one two three fur five six seven eight nine ten eleven)
apply (subgoal_tac "set list \<times> {EPRecv} \<noteq> {}")
apply safe[1]
apply (auto dest!: symreftype_inverse')[10]
apply (thin_tac "\<forall>a b. t \<notin> set (ksReadyQueues one (a, b))") \<comment> \<open>causes slowdown\<close>
apply (safe ; solves \<open>auto\<close>)
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply (fastforce simp: valid_pspace'_def global'_no_ex_cap idle'_not_queued)
\<comment> \<open>endpoint = IdleEP\<close>
@ -4489,7 +4501,7 @@ apply (wp sch_act_wf_lift valid_queues_lift
lemma setupCallerCap_cap_to' [wp]:
"\<lbrace>ex_nonz_cap_to' p\<rbrace> setupCallerCap a b \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. ex_nonz_cap_to' p\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>ex_nonz_cap_to' p\<rbrace> setupCallerCap a b c \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. ex_nonz_cap_to' p\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def getThreadReplySlot_def)
apply (wp cteInsert_cap_to')
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv. ex_nonz_cap_to' p
@ -4501,7 +4513,7 @@ lemma setupCallerCap_cap_to' [wp]:
lemma setupCaller_pred_tcb_recv':
"\<lbrace>pred_tcb_at' proj P r and K (s \<noteq> r)\<rbrace> setupCallerCap s r \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. pred_tcb_at' proj P r\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>pred_tcb_at' proj P r and K (s \<noteq> r)\<rbrace> setupCallerCap s r g \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. pred_tcb_at' proj P r\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def getSlotCap_def
getThreadReplySlot_def locateSlot_conv)
apply (wp getCTE_wp' hoare_drop_imps hoare_vcg_all_lift sts_pred_tcb_neq')
@ -4529,8 +4541,9 @@ lemma si_invs'[wp]:
and (\<lambda>s. \<forall>p. t \<notin> set (ksReadyQueues s p))
and sch_act_not t
and ex_nonz_cap_to' ep and ex_nonz_cap_to' t\<rbrace>
sendIPC bl call ba cg t ep
sendIPC bl call ba cg cgr t ep
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
supply if_split[split del]
apply (simp add: sendIPC_def split del: if_split)
apply (rule hoare_seq_ext [OF _ get_ep_sp'])
apply (case_tac epa)
@ -4550,13 +4563,16 @@ lemma si_invs'[wp]:
hoare_convert_imp [OF setEndpoint_nosch setEndpoint_ct']
hoare_drop_imp [where f="threadGet tcbFault t"]
| rule_tac f="getThreadState a" in hoare_drop_imp
| wp_once hoare_drop_imp[where R="\<lambda>_ _. call"]
hoare_drop_imp[where R="\<lambda>_ _. \<not> call"]
hoare_drop_imp[where R="\<lambda>_ _. cg"]
| simp add: valid_tcb_state'_def case_bool_If
cong: if_cong
del: fun_upd_apply
split del: if_split
| wp_once sch_act_sane_lift tcb_in_cur_domain'_lift)+
apply (clarsimp simp: pred_tcb_at' state_hyp_refs_of'_ep
| wp_once sch_act_sane_lift tcb_in_cur_domain'_lift hoare_vcg_const_imp_lift)+
apply (clarsimp simp: pred_tcb_at' state_hyp_refs_of'_ep cong: conj_cong imp_cong
split del: if_split)
apply (frule obj_at_valid_objs', clarsimp)
apply (frule(1) sym_refs_ko_atD')
@ -4566,18 +4582,20 @@ lemma si_invs'[wp]:
split del: if_split)
apply (frule pred_tcb_at')
apply (drule simple_st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD' st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD')+
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_pspace'_splits)
apply (subst fun_upd_idem[where x=t])
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp split: if_split)
apply (rule conjI, clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def projectKOs)
apply (drule bound_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (fastforce simp: tcb_bound_refs'_def)
apply (clarsimp split del: if_split)
apply (rule conjI, clarsimp)+
apply (rule conjI)
apply (subgoal_tac "ex_nonz_cap_to' a s")
prefer 2
apply (clarsimp elim!: if_live_state_refsE)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply (drule bound_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (fastforce simp: tcb_bound_refs'_def set_eq_subset)
apply (clarsimp simp: conj_ac)
apply (rule conjI, clarsimp simp: idle'_no_refs)
apply (rule conjI, clarsimp simp: global'_no_ex_cap)
apply (rule conjI)
@ -4585,12 +4603,11 @@ lemma si_invs'[wp]:
apply (frule(1) ct_not_in_epQueue, clarsimp, clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp)
apply (simp add: ep_redux_simps')
apply (rule conjI, fastforce simp: tcb_bound_refs'_def set_eq_subset)
apply (clarsimp, rule conjI, erule delta_sym_refs)
apply (auto simp: symreftype_inverse' tcb_bound_refs'_def split: if_split_asm)[2]
apply (rule conjI, clarsimp split: list.splits)
apply (erule delta_sym_refs)
apply (auto simp: symreftype_inverse' tcb_bound_refs'_def split: if_split_asm)[2]
apply (rule conjI, clarsimp split: if_split)
apply (rule conjI, fastforce simp: tcb_bound_refs'_def set_eq_subset)
apply (clarsimp, erule delta_sym_refs;
solves\<open>auto simp: symreftype_inverse' tcb_bound_refs'_def split: if_split_asm\<close>)
apply (solves\<open>clarsimp split: list.splits\<close>)
\<comment> \<open>epa = IdleEP\<close>
apply (cases bl)
apply (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
@ -4768,7 +4785,7 @@ declare setEndpoint_ct' [wp]
lemma setupCallerCap_pred_tcb_unchanged:
"\<lbrace>pred_tcb_at' proj P t and K (t \<noteq> t')\<rbrace>
setupCallerCap t' t''
setupCallerCap t' t'' g
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pred_tcb_at' proj P t\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupCallerCap_def getThreadCallerSlot_def
@ -4778,7 +4795,7 @@ lemma setupCallerCap_pred_tcb_unchanged:
lemma si_blk_makes_simple':
"\<lbrace>st_tcb_at' simple' t and K (t \<noteq> t')\<rbrace>
sendIPC True call bdg x t' ep
sendIPC True call bdg x x' t' ep
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. st_tcb_at' simple' t\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: sendIPC_def)
apply (rule hoare_seq_ext [OF _ get_ep_inv'])
@ -4798,7 +4815,7 @@ lemma si_blk_makes_simple':
lemma si_blk_makes_runnable':
"\<lbrace>st_tcb_at' runnable' t and K (t \<noteq> t')\<rbrace>
sendIPC True call bdg x t' ep
sendIPC True call bdg x x' t' ep
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. st_tcb_at' runnable' t\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: sendIPC_def)
apply (rule hoare_seq_ext [OF _ get_ep_inv'])
@ -4824,8 +4841,8 @@ lemma sfi_makes_simple':
apply (rule hoare_gen_asm)
apply (simp add: sendFaultIPC_def
cong: if_cong capability.case_cong bool.case_cong)
apply (wp si_blk_makes_simple' threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state hoare_drop_imps
| wpc | simp)+
apply (wpsimp wp: si_blk_makes_simple' threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state hoare_drop_imps
lemma sfi_makes_runnable':
@ -4835,8 +4852,8 @@ lemma sfi_makes_runnable':
apply (rule hoare_gen_asm)
apply (simp add: sendFaultIPC_def
cong: if_cong capability.case_cong bool.case_cong)
apply (wp si_blk_makes_runnable' threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state hoare_drop_imps
| wpc | simp)+
apply (wpsimp wp: si_blk_makes_runnable' threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state hoare_drop_imps
lemma hf_makes_runnable_simple':
@ -4871,17 +4888,13 @@ lemma ri_makes_runnable_simple':
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp sts_st_tcb_at'_cases setupCallerCap_pred_tcb_unchanged
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_. st_tcb_at' P t' and K (a \<noteq> t')"
in hoare_post_imp)
apply (clarsimp simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
apply (wp threadGet_inv static_imp_wp)+
apply (simp, simp only: imp_conv_disj)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_disj_lift)+
apply (clarsimp simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def projectKOs)
apply (fastforce simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def isSend_def
split: Structures_H.thread_state.split_asm)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp | wpc | clarsimp)+
apply wpsimp+
lemma rai_makes_runnable_simple':

View File

@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ crunch no_orphans [wp]: getThreadReplySlot "no_orphans"
lemma setupCallerCap_no_orphans [wp]:
"\<lbrace> \<lambda>s. no_orphans s \<and> valid_queues' s \<rbrace>
setupCallerCap sender receiver
setupCallerCap sender receiver gr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>rv s. no_orphans s \<rbrace>"
unfolding setupCallerCap_def
apply (wp setThreadState_not_active_no_orphans
@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ crunch almost_no_orphans [wp]: getThreadReplySlot "almost_no_orphans tcb_ptr"
lemma setupCallerCap_almost_no_orphans [wp]:
"\<lbrace> \<lambda>s. almost_no_orphans tcb_ptr s \<and> valid_queues' s \<rbrace>
setupCallerCap sender receiver
setupCallerCap sender receiver gr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>rv s. almost_no_orphans tcb_ptr s \<rbrace>"
unfolding setupCallerCap_def
apply (wp setThreadState_not_active_almost_no_orphans
@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@ crunch no_orphans [wp]: setEndpoint "no_orphans"
lemma sendIPC_no_orphans [wp]:
"\<lbrace> \<lambda>s. no_orphans s \<and> valid_queues' s \<and> valid_objs' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s \<rbrace>
sendIPC blocking call badge canGrant thread epptr
sendIPC blocking call badge canGrant canGrantReply thread epptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>rv s. no_orphans s \<rbrace>"
unfolding sendIPC_def
apply (wp hoare_drop_imps setThreadState_not_active_no_orphans sts_st_tcb'
@ -1311,12 +1311,11 @@ lemma sendFaultIPC_no_orphans [wp]:
lemma sendIPC_valid_queues' [wp]:
"\<lbrace> \<lambda>s. valid_queues' s \<and> valid_objs' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s \<rbrace>
sendIPC blocking call badge canGrant thread epptr
sendIPC blocking call badge canGrant canGrantReply thread epptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>rv s. valid_queues' s \<rbrace>"
unfolding sendIPC_def
apply (wp hoare_drop_imps | wpsimp)+
apply (wp_once sts_st_tcb', clarsimp)
apply (wp)+
apply (wpsimp wp: hoare_drop_imps)
apply (wpsimp | wp_once sts_st_tcb')+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv. valid_queues' and valid_objs' and ko_at' rv epptr
and (\<lambda>s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s)" in hoare_post_imp)
apply (clarsimp)
@ -1951,7 +1950,7 @@ crunch valid_queues' [wp]: handleFaultReply "valid_queues'"
lemma doReplyTransfer_no_orphans[wp]:
"\<lbrace>no_orphans and invs' and tcb_at' sender and tcb_at' receiver\<rbrace>
doReplyTransfer sender receiver slot
doReplyTransfer sender receiver slot grant
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. no_orphans\<rbrace>"
unfolding doReplyTransfer_def
apply (wp sts_st_tcb' setThreadState_not_active_no_orphans threadSet_no_orphans

View File

@ -99,19 +99,19 @@ where
| "cap_relation Structures_A.DomainCap c = (c =
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.UntypedCap dev ref n f) c = (c =
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.UntypedCap dev ref n f) c = (c =
Structures_H.UntypedCap dev ref n f)"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.EndpointCap ref b r) c = (c =
Structures_H.EndpointCap ref b (AllowSend \<in> r)
(AllowRecv \<in> r) (AllowGrant \<in> r))"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.NotificationCap ref b r) c = (c =
(AllowRecv \<in> r) (AllowGrant \<in> r) (AllowGrantReply \<in> r))"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.NotificationCap ref b r) c = (c =
Structures_H.NotificationCap ref b (AllowSend \<in> r) (AllowRecv \<in> r))"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.CNodeCap ref n L) c = (c =
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.CNodeCap ref n L) c = (c =
Structures_H.CNodeCap ref n (of_bl L) (length L))"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.ThreadCap ref) c = (c =
Structures_H.ThreadCap ref)"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.ReplyCap ref master) c = (c =
Structures_H.ReplyCap ref master)"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.ReplyCap ref master r) c = (c =
Structures_H.ReplyCap ref master (AllowGrant \<in> r))"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.IRQControlCap) c = (c =
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.IRQHandlerCap irq) c = (c =
@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ where
= (ts' = Structures_H.IdleThreadState)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnReply) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnReply)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive oref) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive oref)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive oref sp) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive oref (receiver_can_grant sp))"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnSend oref sp) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnSend oref (sender_badge sp)
(sender_can_grant sp) (sender_is_call sp))"
(sender_can_grant sp) (sender_can_grant_reply sp) (sender_is_call sp))"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnNotification oref) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnNotification oref)"
@ -478,10 +478,10 @@ where
\<and> arm_us_global_pd s = armUSGlobalPD s'}"
(* NOTE: this map discards the Ident right, needed on endpoints only *)
rights_mask_map :: "rights set \<Rightarrow> Types_H.cap_rights"
"rights_mask_map \<equiv> \<lambda>rs. CapRights (AllowWrite \<in> rs) (AllowRead \<in> rs) (AllowGrant \<in> rs)"
"rights_mask_map \<equiv> \<lambda>rs. CapRights (AllowWrite \<in> rs) (AllowRead \<in> rs) (AllowGrant \<in> rs)
(AllowGrantReply \<in> rs)"
lemma obj_relation_cutsE:

View File

@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ primrec
"inv_relation (Invocations_A.InvokeUntyped i) x =
(\<exists>i'. untypinv_relation i i' \<and> x = InvokeUntyped i')"
| "inv_relation (Invocations_A.InvokeEndpoint w w2 b) x =
(x = InvokeEndpoint w w2 b)"
| "inv_relation (Invocations_A.InvokeEndpoint w w2 b c) x =
(x = InvokeEndpoint w w2 b c)"
| "inv_relation (Invocations_A.InvokeNotification w w2) x =
(x = InvokeNotification w w2)"
| "inv_relation (Invocations_A.InvokeReply w ptr) x =
(x = InvokeReply w (cte_map ptr))"
| "inv_relation (Invocations_A.InvokeReply w ptr grant) x =
(x = InvokeReply w (cte_map ptr) grant)"
| "inv_relation (Invocations_A.InvokeTCB i) x =
(\<exists>i'. tcbinv_relation i i' \<and> x = InvokeTCB i')"
| "inv_relation (Invocations_A.InvokeDomain tptr domain) x =
@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ primrec
valid_invocation' :: "Invocations_H.invocation \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeUntyped i) = valid_untyped_inv' i"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeEndpoint w w2 b) = (ep_at' w and ex_nonz_cap_to' w)"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeEndpoint w w2 b c) = (ep_at' w and ex_nonz_cap_to' w)"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeNotification w w2) = (ntfn_at' w and ex_nonz_cap_to' w)"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeTCB i) = tcb_inv_wf' i"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeDomain thread domain) =
(tcb_at' thread and K (domain \<le> maxDomain))"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeReply thread slot) =
(tcb_at' thread and cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap thread False) slot)"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeReply thread slot grant) =
(tcb_at' thread and cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. \<exists>gr. cteCap cte = ReplyCap thread False gr) slot)"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeIRQControl i) = irq_control_inv_valid' i"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeIRQHandler i) = irq_handler_inv_valid' i"
| "valid_invocation' (Invocations_H.InvokeCNode i) = valid_cnode_inv' i"
@ -484,14 +484,13 @@ lemma set_domain_setDomain_corres:
simp: valid_sched_def valid_sched_action_def)
lemma pinv_corres:
"\<lbrakk> inv_relation i i'; call \<longrightarrow> block \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
corres (intr \<oplus> (=))
(einvs and valid_invocation i
and simple_sched_action
and ct_active
and (\<lambda>s. (\<exists>w w2 b. i = Invocations_A.InvokeEndpoint w w2 b) \<longrightarrow> st_tcb_at simple (cur_thread s) s))
and (\<lambda>s. (\<exists>w w2 b c. i = Invocations_A.InvokeEndpoint w w2 b c) \<longrightarrow> st_tcb_at simple (cur_thread s) s))
(invs' and sch_act_simple and valid_invocation' i' and ct_active' and (\<lambda>s. vs_valid_duplicates' (ksPSpace s)))
(perform_invocation block call i) (performInvocation block call i')"
apply (simp add: performInvocation_def)
@ -527,11 +526,12 @@ lemma pinv_corres:
apply simp
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split_eqr [OF _ gct_corres])
apply (rule corres_split_nor [OF _ do_reply_transfer_corres])
apply (rule corres_split_nor [OF _ do_reply_transfer_corres'])
apply (rule corres_trivial, simp)
apply wp+
apply (clarsimp simp: tcb_at_invs)
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def)
apply (erule cte_wp_at_weakenE, fastforce simp: is_reply_cap_to_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: tcb_at_invs')
apply (fastforce elim!: cte_wp_at_weakenE')
apply (clarsimp simp: liftME_def)
@ -714,15 +714,6 @@ lemma diminished_IRQHandler' [simp]:
apply (simp add: diminished'_def maskCapRights_def isCap_simps Let_def)
lemma diminished_ReplyCap' [simp]:
"diminished' (ReplyCap x y) cap = (cap = ReplyCap x y)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: diminished'_def maskCapRights_def Let_def split del: if_split)
apply (cases cap, simp_all add: isCap_simps)[1]
apply (simp add: ARM_HYP_H.maskCapRights_def isPageCap_def split: arch_capability.splits)
apply (simp add: diminished'_def maskCapRights_def isCap_simps Let_def)
lemma diminished_IRQControlCap' [simp]:
"diminished' IRQControlCap cap = (cap = IRQControlCap)"
apply (rule iffI)
@ -749,6 +740,14 @@ lemma dec_dom_inv_wf[wp]:
apply (simp add:numDomains_def maxDomain_def)
lemma diminished_ReplyCap':
"diminished' (capability.ReplyCap t False r) cap
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>gr. cap = capability.ReplyCap t False gr"
apply (clarsimp simp: diminished'_def maskCapRights_def Let_def split del: if_split)
apply (cases cap, simp_all add: isCap_simps)[1]
apply (simp add: ARM_HYP_H.maskCapRights_def isPageCap_def split: arch_capability.splits)
lemma decode_inv_wf'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_cap' cap and invs' and sch_act_simple
and cte_wp_at' (diminished' cap \<circ> cteCap) slot and real_cte_at' slot
@ -767,10 +766,10 @@ lemma decode_inv_wf'[wp]:
apply (case_tac cap, simp_all add: decodeInvocation_def Let_def isCap_defs uncurry_def split_def
split del: if_split
cong: if_cong)
apply ((rule hoare_pre,
((wp_trace decodeTCBInv_wf | simp add: o_def)+)[1],
clarsimp simp: valid_cap'_def cte_wp_at_ctes_of
| (rule exI, rule exI, erule (1) conjI))+)
apply ((rule hoare_pre,
((wp decodeTCBInv_wf | simp add: o_def)+)[1],
clarsimp simp: valid_cap'_def cte_wp_at_ctes_of diminished_ReplyCap'
| (rule exI, rule exI, erule (1) conjI))+)
lemma ct_active_imp_simple'[elim!]:
@ -897,9 +896,9 @@ lemma isReply_awaiting_reply':
lemma doReply_invs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>tcb_at' t and tcb_at' t' and
cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t False) slot and
cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. \<exists>grant. cteCap cte = ReplyCap t False grant) slot and
invs' and sch_act_simple\<rbrace>
doReplyTransfer t' t slot
doReplyTransfer t' t slot grant
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: doReplyTransfer_def liftM_def)
apply (rule hoare_seq_ext [OF _ gts_sp'])
@ -931,10 +930,9 @@ lemma doReply_invs[wp]:
apply (wp cteDeleteOne_reply_pred_tcb_at)+
apply (clarsimp)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_. (\<lambda>s. t \<noteq> ksIdleThread s)
and cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = capability.ReplyCap t False) slot"
and cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. \<exists>grant. cteCap cte = capability.ReplyCap t False grant) slot"
in hoare_strengthen_post [rotated])
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x=t in exI, clarsimp)
apply (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at'_def)
apply (wp)
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post [OF doIPCTransfer_non_null_cte_wp_at'])
apply (erule conjE)
@ -990,7 +988,6 @@ lemma doReply_invs[wp]:
apply (auto dest!: st_tcb_idle'[rotated] simp:isCap_simps)
lemma ct_active_runnable' [simp]:
"ct_active' s \<Longrightarrow> ct_in_state' runnable' s"
by (fastforce simp: ct_in_state'_def elim!: pred_tcb'_weakenE)
@ -1954,7 +1951,7 @@ lemma hr_corres:
intro!: corres_guard_imp [OF delete_caller_cap_corres]
corres_guard_imp [OF do_reply_transfer_corres]
simp: valid_cap_def valid_cap'_def is_cap_simps assert_def)[1]
simp: valid_cap_def valid_cap'_def is_cap_simps assert_def is_reply_cap_to_def)[1]
apply (fastforce simp: invs_def valid_state_def
cte_wp_at_caps_of_state st_tcb_def2
dest: valid_reply_caps_of_stateD)
@ -2011,8 +2008,8 @@ lemmas handleReply_ct_in_state_simple[wp] =
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma doReplyTransfer_st_tcb_at_active:
"\<lbrace>st_tcb_at' active' t and tcb_at' t' and K (t \<noteq> t') and
cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = (capability.ReplyCap t' False)) sl\<rbrace>
doReplyTransfer t t' sl
cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = (capability.ReplyCap t' False g)) sl\<rbrace>
doReplyTransfer t t' sl g
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. st_tcb_at' active' t\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: doReplyTransfer_def liftM_def)
apply (wp setThreadState_st_tcb sts_pred_tcb_neq' cteDeleteOne_reply_pred_tcb_at
@ -2095,7 +2092,7 @@ crunch sane [wp]: doIPCTransfer sch_act_sane
lemma doReplyTransfer_sane:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. sch_act_sane s \<and> t' \<noteq> ksCurThread s\<rbrace>
doReplyTransfer t t' callerSlot \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. sch_act_sane\<rbrace>"
doReplyTransfer t t' callerSlot g \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. sch_act_sane\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: doReplyTransfer_def liftM_def)
apply (wp possibleSwitchTo_sane hoare_drop_imps hoare_vcg_all_lift|wpc)+
apply simp
@ -2128,7 +2125,7 @@ lemma doReplyTransfer_ct_not_ksQ:
and ct_in_state' simple'
and (\<lambda>s. ksCurThread s \<noteq> word)
and (\<lambda>s. \<forall>p. ksCurThread s \<notin> set(ksReadyQueues s p))\<rbrace>
doReplyTransfer thread word callerSlot
doReplyTransfer thread word callerSlot g
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<forall>p. ksCurThread s \<notin> set(ksReadyQueues s p)\<rbrace>"
proof -
have astct: "\<And>t p.

View File

@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ lemma restart_corres:
apply (clarsimp simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def sch_act_wf_weak)
lemma setupReplyMaster_sch_act_simple[wp]:
"\<lbrace>sch_act_simple\<rbrace> setupReplyMaster thread \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. sch_act_simple\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setupReplyMaster_def sch_act_simple_def)
@ -1481,7 +1482,7 @@ proof -
lemma isReplyCapD:
"isReplyCap cap \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ptr master. cap = capability.ReplyCap ptr master"
"isReplyCap cap \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ptr master grant. cap = capability.ReplyCap ptr master grant"
by (simp add: isCap_simps)
lemmas threadSet_ipcbuffer_trivial