More fixes for pointer array assertions.

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Sewell 2015-12-03 17:30:08 +11:00
parent df40425731
commit 175eb2da2d
3 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ lemma snd_snd_gs_new_frames_new_cnodes[simp]:
"snd (snd ((if P then f else g) gs)) = (if P then snd (snd (f gs)) else snd (snd (g gs)))"
by (simp_all add: gs_new_frames_def gs_new_cnodes_def gs_clear_region_def)
ML {* val nm = "Kernel_C.cancelIPC" *}
ML {* val nm = "Kernel_C.loadCapTransfer" *}
local_setup {* define_graph_fun_short funs nm *}
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ ML {*
ML {*
val v = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.test_graph_refine_proof funs (csenv ()) ctxt nm
ML {* ProveSimplToGraphGoals.test_all_graph_refine_proofs_after

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ lemma ptr_add_assertion_sintD:
"ptr_add_assertion ptr (sint (x :: ('a :: len) word)) strong htd
\<longrightarrow> (x = 0 \<or> (x <s 0 \<and> array_assertion (ptr +\<^sub>p sint x)
(unat (- x)) htd)
\<or> (0 <s x \<and> array_assertion ptr (if strong then unat (x + 1) else unat x) htd))"
\<or> (x \<noteq> 0 \<and> \<not> x <s 0 \<and> array_assertion ptr (if strong then unat (x + 1) else unat x) htd))"
using unat_lt2p[where x=x]
apply (simp add: ptr_add_assertion_def word_sless_alt
sint_uint_sless_0_if[THEN arg_cong[where f="\<lambda>x. - x"]]
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ lemma ptr_add_assertion_sintD:
del: unat_lt2p)
apply (simp add: array_assertion_shrink_right)
apply auto
apply (auto simp: linorder_not_less)

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@ -577,6 +577,7 @@ fun dest_ptr_add_assertion ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) =>
THEN_ALL_NEW TRY o REPEAT_ALL_NEW (dresolve_tac ctxt
@{thms ptr_add_assertion_uintD[rule_format]
THEN_ALL_NEW TRY o safe_goal_tac ctxt
THEN_ALL_NEW SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) =>
if Term.exists_Const (fn (s, _) => s = @{const_name ptr_add_assertion}
orelse s = @{const_name ptr_add_assertion'}) t