Merge branch 'master' into autocorres-seL4

This commit is contained in:
Japheth Lim 2016-05-13 17:45:06 +10:00
commit 17ed76fc19
5 changed files with 118 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1110,6 +1110,26 @@ lemma struct_rewrite_modifies_globals_setter [heap_abs]:
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_globals_field_def struct_rewrite_expr_def struct_rewrite_modifies_def)
(* Translate Hoare modifies specs. *)
lemma abs_spec_may_not_modify_globals[heap_abs]:
"abs_spec st \<top> {(a, b). meq b a} {(a, b). meq b a}"
apply (clarsimp simp: abs_spec_def meq_def)
lemma abs_spec_modify_global[heap_abs]:
"valid_globals_field st old_getter old_setter new_getter new_setter \<Longrightarrow>
abs_spec st \<top> {(a, b). C a b} {(a, b). C' a b} \<Longrightarrow>
abs_spec st \<top> {(a, b). mex (\<lambda>x. C (new_setter (\<lambda>_. x) a) b)} {(a, b). mex (\<lambda>x. C' (old_setter (\<lambda>_. x) a) b)}"
apply (fastforce simp: abs_spec_def mex_def valid_globals_field_def)
(* Remove the Hoare modifies constants after we're finished,
* as they have very buggy print translations.
* In particular, applying abs_spec_modify_global replaces the bound variable by "x"
* and confuses the print translation into producing "may_only_modify_globals [x]". *)
lemmas [polish] = mex_def meq_def
(* Signed words are stored on the heap as unsigned words. *)
lemma uint_scast [simp]:

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@ -513,6 +513,13 @@ lemma corresTA_L2_guard:
apply (monad_eq simp: L2_defs corresXF_def)
lemma corresTA_L2_spec:
"(\<And>s t. abstract_val (Q s) (P s t) id (P' s t)) \<Longrightarrow>
corresTA Q rx ex (L2_spec {(s, t). P s t}) (L2_spec {(s, t). P' s t})"
apply (monad_eq simp: L2_defs corresXF_def in_liftE split: sum.splits)
apply (erule exI)
lemma corresTA_L2_condition:
"\<lbrakk> corresTA P rx ex L L';
corresTA Q rx ex R R';
@ -877,6 +884,7 @@ lemmas [word_abs] =

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@ -150,18 +150,28 @@ fun mk_l2monadT stateT retT exT =
fun parse_spec ctxt prog_info term =
* If simplification was turned off in L1, the spec may still contain
* unions and intersections, i.e. be of the form
* {(s, t). f s t} \<union> {(s, t). g s t} ...
* We blithely rewrite them here.
val term = Raw_Simplifier.rewrite_term (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
(map mk_meta_eq @{thms Collect_conj_eq[symmetric] Collect_disj_eq[symmetric]}) [] term
(* Apply a dummy old and new state variable to the term. *)
val dummy_s = Free ("_dummy_state1", (#state_type prog_info))
val dummy_t = Free ("_dummy_state2", (#state_type prog_info))
val dummy_s = Free ("_dummy_state1", #state_type prog_info)
val dummy_t = Free ("_dummy_state2", #state_type prog_info)
val dummy_tuple = HOLogic.mk_tuple [dummy_s, dummy_t]
val t = Envir.beta_eta_contract (
(Const (@{const_name "Set.member"},
fastype_of dummy_tuple --> fastype_of term --> @{typ bool})
$ dummy_tuple $ term))
(* Pull apart the "split" at the beginning of the term. *)
(* Pull apart the "split" at the beginning of the term, then apply
* to our dummy variables *)
val t = Raw_Simplifier.rewrite_term (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
[mk_meta_eq @{thm split_def}, mk_meta_eq @{thm fst_conv}, mk_meta_eq @{thm snd_conv}] [] t
(map mk_meta_eq @{thms split_def fst_conv snd_conv mem_Collect_eq}) [] t
* Pull out any references to any other variables into a lambda
@ -174,6 +184,8 @@ fun parse_spec ctxt prog_info term =
val t = Utils.abs_over "t" (globals_getter $ dummy_t) t
|> Utils.abs_over "s" (globals_getter $ dummy_s)
|> HOLogic.mk_case_prod
val t_collect = @{mk_term "Collect :: (?'s \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ?'s set" ('s)}
(domain_type (fastype_of t))
(* Determine if there are any references left to the dummy state
* variable. If so, give up on the translation. *)
@ -182,7 +194,7 @@ fun parse_spec ctxt prog_info term =
(warning ("Can't parse spec term: "
^ (Utils.term_to_string ctxt term)); NONE)
SOME (t_collect $ t)

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* Copyright 2016, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
* Tests for handling Spec constructs emitted by the C parser.
theory Test_Spec_Translation
imports "../../AutoCorres"
install_C_file "test_spec_translation.c"
autocorres "test_spec_translation.c"
context test_spec_translation begin
(* We don't know what this function does, but it's guaranteed to only modify "reg". *)
thm magic_body_def magic'_def
thm call_magic_body_def call_magic'_def
(* Check that our translation did honour the given spec. *)
lemma validNF_spec[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. (\<exists>t. (s, t) \<in> f) \<and> (\<forall>t. (s, t) \<in> f \<longrightarrow> P () t)\<rbrace> spec f \<lbrace>P\<rbrace>!"
by (clarsimp simp: validNF_def valid_def no_fail_def spec_def)
lemma magic'_wp:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> magic' x \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. \<exists>x. P (s\<lparr>reg_'' := x\<rparr>)\<rbrace>!"
apply (unfold magic'_def)
apply wp
apply (fastforce simp: lifted_globals.splits)
lemma call_magic'_wp:
"of_int x < (42 :: 32 signed word) \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> call_magic' x \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. \<exists>x. P (s\<lparr>reg_'' := x\<rparr>)\<rbrace>!"
apply (unfold call_magic'_def)
apply (wp magic'_wp)
apply (fastforce simp: lifted_globals.splits)

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* Copyright 2016, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
volatile int reg;
MODIFIES: reg */
int magic(int x) {
asm volatile ("blah blah": "r"(x));
return x;
/* Make sure \<Gamma> is generated. */
int call_magic(int x) {
/** GHOSTUPD: "(\<acute>x < 42, id)" */
return magic(x);