lib/wp: More aggressive version of wp_pre.

The previous wp_pre would apply a rule (from the named theorems wp_pre) unless
there was already a schematic in the goal. This is frequently prevented by an
irrelevant schematic.

This implementation applies a wp_pre rule unless one of the resulting goals
can be solved by "erule FalseE", that is, unless we would promote a schematic
into the assumption position (or, more rarely, there was already an assumption
schematic or False as an assumption).
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Sewell 2018-01-30 17:40:59 +11:00
parent 7bff086fef
commit 23088c3c18
1 changed files with 39 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -14,23 +14,47 @@ imports
(* Succeed if a predicate P holds on the head goal *)
ML \<open>
fun cond_method P =
Scan.succeed (fn _ => SIMPLE_METHOD
(SUBGOAL (fn (t,_) => COND (fn _ => P t) all_tac no_tac) 1))
(* Succeed if the conclusion of the head goal has schematic variables *)
method_setup concl_has_vars =
\<open>cond_method (fn t => Term.exists_subterm Term.is_Var (Logic.strip_imp_concl t))\<close>
named_theorems wp_pre
(* Use safe thm to make sure wp_pre is not empty *)
declare TrueI [wp_pre]
ML {*
structure WP_Pre = struct
(* Apply wp_pre if conclusion of head goal has no schematic variables *)
method wp_pre = (concl_has_vars | (rule wp_pre)?)
fun pre_tac ctxt pre_rules i t = let
val t2 = resolve_tac ctxt pre_rules i t |> Seq.hd
val etac = TRY o eresolve_tac ctxt [@{thm FalseE}]
fun dummy_t2 _ _ = Seq.single t2
val t3 = (dummy_t2 THEN_ALL_NEW etac) i t |> Seq.hd
in if Thm.nprems_of t3 <> Thm.nprems_of t2
then Seq.empty else Seq.single t2 end
handle Option => Seq.empty
fun tac ctxt = let
val pres = Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems wp_pre}
in pre_tac ctxt pres end
val method
= Args.context >> (fn _ => fn ctxt => Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (tac ctxt));
method_setup wp_pre = \<open>WP_Pre.method\<close>
test_wp_pre :: "bool \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"
"test_wp_pre P Q = (P \<longrightarrow> Q)"
lemma test_wp_pre_pre[wp_pre]:
"test_wp_pre P' Q \<Longrightarrow> (P \<Longrightarrow> P')
\<Longrightarrow> test_wp_pre P Q"
by (simp add: test_wp_pre_def)
lemma demo:
"test_wp_pre P P"
(* note that wp_pre applies, but only once *)
apply wp_pre+
apply (simp add: test_wp_pre_def, rule imp_refl)
apply simp