spec: add SetTLSBase invocation and update the registers (VER-807)

This commit is contained in:
Corey Lewis 2017-11-06 15:10:07 +11:00
parent 05281b90fe
commit 2b8a2ebfbe
14 changed files with 83 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -381,6 +381,14 @@ where
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError IllegalOperation"
decode_set_tls_base :: "data list \<Rightarrow> cap \<Rightarrow> (tcb_invocation,'z::state_ext) se_monad"
"decode_set_tls_base args cap \<equiv> doE
whenE (length args = 0) $ throwError TruncatedMessage;
returnOk (SetTLSBase (obj_ref_of cap) (ucast (args ! 0)))
decode_tcb_invocation ::
"data \<Rightarrow> data list \<Rightarrow> cap \<Rightarrow> cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> (cap \<times> cslot_ptr) list \<Rightarrow>
@ -401,6 +409,7 @@ where
| TCBSetSpace \<Rightarrow> decode_set_space args cap slot excs
| TCBBindNotification \<Rightarrow> decode_bind_notification cap excs
| TCBUnbindNotification \<Rightarrow> decode_unbind_notification cap
| TCBSetTLSBase \<Rightarrow> decode_set_tls_base args cap
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError IllegalOperation"

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ datatype tcb_invocation =
| Suspend "obj_ref"
| Resume "obj_ref"
| NotificationControl "obj_ref" "obj_ref option"
| SetTLSBase obj_ref machine_word
datatype irq_control_invocation =
IRQControl irq cslot_ptr cslot_ptr

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@ -252,6 +252,14 @@ where
return []
| "invoke_tcb (SetTLSBase tcb tls_base) =
(liftE $ do
as_user tcb $ setRegister tlsBaseRegister tls_base;
cur \<leftarrow> gets cur_thread;
when (tcb = cur) (do_extended_op reschedule_required);
return []
set_domain :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> domain \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"set_domain tptr new_dom \<equiv> do

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@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ datatype cdl_tcb_intent =
| TcbBindNTFNIntent
(* UnbindNTFN: (target) *)
| TcbUnbindNTFNIntent
(* SetTLSBase: (target) *)
| TcbSetTLSBaseIntent
datatype cdl_untyped_intent =
(* Retype: (target), (do_reset), type, size_bits, (root), node_index, node_depth, node_offset, node_window, has_children *)

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ datatype cdl_tcb_invocation =
| Suspend cdl_object_id
| Resume cdl_object_id
| NotificationControl cdl_object_id "cdl_object_id option"
| SetTLSBase cdl_object_id
datatype cdl_irq_control_invocation =
IssueIrqHandler cdl_irq cdl_cap_ref cdl_cap_ref

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@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ where
returnOk (NotificationControl (cap_object target) (Some (cap_object ntfn_cap)))
odE \<sqinter> throw
| TcbUnbindNTFNIntent \<Rightarrow> returnOk (NotificationControl (cap_object target) None) \<sqinter> throw
| TCBSetTLSBaseIntent \<Rightarrow> returnOk (SetTLSBase (cap_object target)) \<sqinter> throw
@ -298,7 +299,8 @@ where
| NotificationControl tcb ntfn \<Rightarrow>
liftE $ (case ntfn of
Some ntfn_id \<Rightarrow> bind_notification tcb ntfn_id
| None \<Rightarrow> unbind_notification tcb)"
| None \<Rightarrow> unbind_notification tcb)
| SetTLSBase tcb \<Rightarrow> liftE $ corrupt_tcb_intent tcb"

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ requalify_consts
abbreviation "mapMaybe \<equiv> option_map"

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@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ The following data type defines the set of possible TCB invocation operations. T
> copyRegsSuspendSource, copyRegsResumeTarget :: Bool,
> copyRegsTransferFrame, copyRegsTransferInteger :: Bool,
> copyRegsTransferArch :: Arch.CopyRegisterSets }
> | SetTLSBase {
> setTLSBaseTCB :: PPtr TCB,
> setTLSBaseNewBase :: Word }
> deriving Show
\subsubsection{CNode Invocations}

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@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ The following type enumerates all the kinds of invocations that clients can requ
> | TCBResume
> | TCBBindNotification
> | TCBUnbindNotification
> | TCBSetTLSBase
> | CNodeRevoke
> | CNodeDelete
> | CNodeCancelBadgedSends
@ -85,22 +86,23 @@ The following type enumerates all the kinds of invocations that clients can requ
> TCBResume -> 12
> TCBBindNotification -> 13
> TCBUnbindNotification -> 14
> CNodeRevoke -> 15
> CNodeDelete -> 16
> CNodeCancelBadgedSends -> 17
> CNodeCopy -> 18
> CNodeMint -> 19
> CNodeMove -> 20
> CNodeMutate -> 21
> CNodeRotate -> 22
> CNodeSaveCaller -> 23
> IRQIssueIRQHandler -> 24
> IRQAckIRQ -> 25
> IRQSetIRQHandler -> 26
> IRQClearIRQHandler -> 27
> TCBSetTLSBase -> 15
> CNodeRevoke -> 16
> CNodeDelete -> 17
> CNodeCancelBadgedSends -> 18
> CNodeCopy -> 19
> CNodeMint -> 20
> CNodeMove -> 21
> CNodeMutate -> 22
> CNodeRotate -> 23
> CNodeSaveCaller -> 24
> IRQIssueIRQHandler -> 25
> IRQAckIRQ -> 26
> IRQSetIRQHandler -> 27
> IRQClearIRQHandler -> 28
> DomainSetSet -> apiMax
> ArchInvocationLabel a -> apiMax + 1 + fromEnum a
> where apiMax = 28
> where apiMax = 29
> toEnum n
> | n == 0 = InvalidInvocation
> | n == 1 = UntypedRetype
@ -117,23 +119,24 @@ The following type enumerates all the kinds of invocations that clients can requ
> | n == 12 = TCBResume
> | n == 13 = TCBBindNotification
> | n == 14 = TCBUnbindNotification
> | n == 15 = CNodeRevoke
> | n == 16 = CNodeDelete
> | n == 17 = CNodeCancelBadgedSends
> | n == 18 = CNodeCopy
> | n == 19 = CNodeMint
> | n == 20 = CNodeMove
> | n == 21 = CNodeMutate
> | n == 22 = CNodeRotate
> | n == 23 = CNodeSaveCaller
> | n == 24 = IRQIssueIRQHandler
> | n == 25 = IRQAckIRQ
> | n == 26 = IRQSetIRQHandler
> | n == 27 = IRQClearIRQHandler
> | n == 28 = DomainSetSet
> | n == 15 = TCBSetTLSBase
> | n == 16 = CNodeRevoke
> | n == 17 = CNodeDelete
> | n == 18 = CNodeCancelBadgedSends
> | n == 19 = CNodeCopy
> | n == 20 = CNodeMint
> | n == 21 = CNodeMove
> | n == 22 = CNodeMutate
> | n == 23 = CNodeRotate
> | n == 24 = CNodeSaveCaller
> | n == 25 = IRQIssueIRQHandler
> | n == 26 = IRQAckIRQ
> | n == 27 = IRQSetIRQHandler
> | n == 28 = IRQClearIRQHandler
> | n == 29 = DomainSetSet
> | n > apiMax = ArchInvocationLabel $ toEnum (n - 1 - apiMax)
> | otherwise = error "toEnum out of range for InvocationLabel"
> where apiMax = 28
> where apiMax = 29
Decode the invocation type requested by a particular message label.

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@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ This list may be empty, though it should contain as many registers as possible.
> syscallMessage :: [Register]
> syscallMessage = map Register Arch.syscallMessage
> tlsBaseRegister :: Register
> tlsBaseRegister = Register Arch.tlsBaseRegister

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ This module defines the ARM register set.
> data Register =
> R0 | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | R9 | SL | FP | IP | SP |
> LR | LR_svc | FaultInstruction | CPSR | TPIDRURW
> LR | LR_svc | FaultInstruction | CPSR | TLS_BASE | TPIDRURW
> deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Ord, Ix, Show)
> type Word = Data.Word.Word32
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ This module defines the ARM register set.
> gpRegisters = [R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, LR]
> exceptionMessage = [FaultInstruction, SP, CPSR]
> syscallMessage = [R0 .. R7] ++ [FaultInstruction, SP, LR, CPSR]
> tlsBaseRegister = TLS_BASE
> elr_hyp = LR_svc

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ This module defines the x86 64-bit register set.
> frameRegisters = FaultIP : RSP : FLAGS : [RAX .. R15]
> gpRegisters = [TLS_BASE]
> exceptionMessage = [FaultIP, RSP, FLAGS]
> tlsBaseRegister = TLS_BASE
> syscallMessage = [RAX .. R15] ++ [FaultIP, RSP, FLAGS]

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@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ There are eleven types of invocation for a thread control block. All require wri
> TCBSetSpace -> decodeSetSpace args cap slot extraCaps
> TCBBindNotification -> decodeBindNotification cap extraCaps
> TCBUnbindNotification -> decodeUnbindNotification cap
> TCBSetTLSBase -> decodeSetTLSBase args cap
> _ -> throw IllegalOperation
\subsubsection{Reading, Writing and Copying Registers}
@ -371,6 +372,14 @@ This is to ensure that the source capability is not made invalid by the deletion
> notificationTCB = tcb,
> notificationPtr = Nothing }
> decodeSetTLSBase :: [Word] -> Capability ->
> KernelF SyscallError TCBInvocation
> decodeSetTLSBase (tls_base:_) cap = do
> return $ SetTLSBase {
> setTLSBaseTCB = capTCBPtr cap,
> setTLSBaseNewBase = tls_base }
> decodeSetTLSBase _ _ = throw TruncatedMessage
\subsection[invoke]{Performing TCB Invocations}
@ -533,6 +542,13 @@ Modifying the current thread may require rescheduling because modified registers
> unbindNotification tcb
> return []
> invokeTCB (SetTLSBase tcb tls_base) =
> withoutPreemption $ do
> asUser tcb $ setRegister tlsBaseRegister tls_base
> cur <- getCurThread
> when (tcb == cur) rescheduleRequired
> return []
\subsection{Decoding Domain Invocations}
The domain cap is invoked to set the domain of a given TCB object to a given value.

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ requalify_consts