arm-hyp haskell: rephrase VIRQ inject decode after kernel changes

This commit is contained in:
Rafal Kolanski 2016-08-09 22:36:32 +10:00 committed by Alejandro Gomez-Londono
parent 39f054220c
commit 32951a9a87
3 changed files with 28 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ IO pages are invoked using InvokePage (cap contains a bit indicating it is an IO
FIXME ARMHYP move HyperReg definition (to Hardware?)
> type HyperReg = Word32 -- FIXME ARMHYP can abstract
> type HyperReg = Int -- FIXME ARMHYP can abstract
> type HyperRegVal = Word32 -- FIXME ARMHYP can abstract
> data VCPUInvocation
> -- XXX ARMHYP vcpu index group priority virq
> | VCPUInjectIRQ (PPtr VCPU) Word8 Word8 Word8 Word16
> -- XXX ARMHYP vcpu index virq
> | VCPUInjectIRQ (PPtr VCPU) Int VIRQ
> | VCPUReadRegister (PPtr VCPU) HyperReg
> | VCPUWriteRegister (PPtr VCPU) HyperReg HyperRegVal
> deriving (Show, Eq)

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@ -165,13 +165,15 @@ but this structure is never manipulated as a whole.
FIXME ARMHYP move to platform
> type VIRQ = Word32
> gicVCPUMaxNumLR = (64 :: Int)
> data GICVCPUInterface = VGICInterface {
> vgicHCR :: Word32,
> vgicVMCR :: Word32,
> vgicAPR :: Word32,
> vgicLR :: Array Int Word32
> vgicLR :: Array Int VIRQ
> }
> deriving Show

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@ -141,15 +141,27 @@ Currently, there is only one VCPU register available for reading/writing by the
\subsection{VCPU: inject IRQ}
FIXME ARMHYP: this does not at this instance correspond to exactly what the C
does, but it is the value that is stored inside of lr in the vgic
> makeVIRQ :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> VIRQ
> makeVIRQ group prio irq =
> (group `shiftL` groupShift) .|. (prio `shiftL` prioShift) .|. irq .|.
> irqPending .|. eoiirqen
> where groupShift = 30
> prioShift = 23
> irqPending = bit 28
> eoiirqen = bit 19
> decodeVCPUInjectIRQ :: [Word] -> ArchCapability ->
> KernelF SyscallError ArchInv.Invocation
> decodeVCPUInjectIRQ (mr0:mr1:_) cap@(VCPUCap {}) =
> do
> let vcpuPtr = capVCPUPtr cap
> let vid = (fromIntegral (mr0 .&. 0xffff) :: Word16)
> let priority = fromIntegral $ (mr0 `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff
> let group = fromIntegral $ (mr0 `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xff
> let index = ((fromIntegral $ mr1 .&. 0xff) :: Word8)
> let vid = mr0 .&. 0xffff
> let priority = (mr0 `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff
> let group = (mr0 `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xff
> let index = mr1 .&. 0xff
> rangeCheck vid (0::Int) ((1 `shiftL` 10) - 1)
> rangeCheck priority (0::Int) 31
@ -157,11 +169,11 @@ Currently, there is only one VCPU register available for reading/writing by the
> gic_vcpu_num_list_regs <- withoutFailure $
> gets (armKSGICVCPUNumListRegs . ksArchState)
> rangeCheck index 0 gic_vcpu_num_list_regs
> vcpu <- withoutFailure $ getObject vcpuPtr
> let x = addressTranslateS1CPR
> let vcpuLR = vgicLR $ vcpuVGIC vcpu
> when (vcpuLR ! (fromIntegral index) .&. vgicIRQMask == vgicIRQActive) $ throw DeleteFirst
> return $ InvokeVCPU $ VCPUInjectIRQ vcpuPtr (fromIntegral index) group priority vid
> vcpuLR <- withoutFailure $ liftM (vgicLR . vcpuVGIC) $ getObject vcpuPtr
> when (vcpuLR ! (fromIntegral index) .&. vgicIRQMask == vgicIRQActive) $
> throw DeleteFirst
> let virq = makeVIRQ (fromIntegral group) (fromIntegral priority) (fromIntegral vid)
> return $ InvokeVCPU $ VCPUInjectIRQ vcpuPtr (fromIntegral index) virq
> decodeVCPUInjectIRQ _ _ = throw TruncatedMessage
\subsection{VCPU: perform and decode main functions}
@ -173,7 +185,7 @@ Currently, there is only one VCPU register available for reading/writing by the
> invokeVCPUReadReg vcpuPtr reg
> performARMVCPUInvocation (VCPUWriteRegister vcpuPtr reg val) =
> invokeVCPUWriteReg vcpuPtr reg val
> performARMVCPUInvocation (VCPUInjectIRQ vcpuPtr _ _ _ _) = error "FIXME ARMHYP TODO"
> performARMVCPUInvocation (VCPUInjectIRQ vcpuPtr _ _) = error "FIXME ARMHYP TODO"
> decodeARMVCPUInvocation :: Word -> [Word] -> CPtr -> PPtr CTE ->
> ArchCapability -> [(Capability, PPtr CTE)] ->