aarch64 haskell: implement lookupFrame

This is a bit speculative since the C is not there yet, but I think
it's a good candidate, esp turning the VMPageSize parameters into Int,
because that will save the C from converting it back and forth.

Signed-off-by: Gerwin Klein <gerwin.klein@proofcraft.systems>
This commit is contained in:
Gerwin Klein 2022-02-11 14:08:20 +11:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent 06acbdb742
commit 33f060e249
1 changed files with 23 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -129,9 +129,17 @@ isPageTablePTE :: PTE -> Bool
isPageTablePTE (PageTablePTE {}) = True
isPageTablePTE _ = False
isPagePTE :: PTE -> Bool
isPagePTE (PagePTE {}) = True
isPagePTE _ = False
-- FIXME AARCH64: replace name with whatever ppns will be called
-- only used on non-toplevel tables
pteAddr :: PTE -> PAddr
pteAddr pte = ptePPN pte `shiftL` ptBits False
getPPtrFromHWPTE :: PTE -> PPtr PTE
getPPtrFromHWPTE pte = ptrFromPAddr (ptePPN pte `shiftL` ptBits False)
getPPtrFromHWPTE pte = ptrFromPAddr $ pteAddr pte
-- how many bits there are left to be translated at a given level (0 = bottom
-- level). This counts the bits the levels below the current one translate, so
@ -178,8 +186,15 @@ lookupPTSlotFromLevel level ptPtr vPtr = do
lookupPTSlot :: PPtr PTE -> VPtr -> Kernel (Int, PPtr PTE)
lookupPTSlot = lookupPTSlotFromLevel maxPTLevel
lookupFrame :: PPtr PTE -> VPtr -> Kernel (Maybe (VMPageSize, PAddr))
lookupFrame _ _ = error "FIXME AARCH64: TODO"
lookupFrame :: PPtr PTE -> VPtr -> Kernel (Maybe (Int, PAddr))
lookupFrame vspaceRoot vPtr = do
(bitsLeft, ptePtr) <- lookupPTSlot vspaceRoot vPtr
pte <- getObject ptePtr
if isPagePTE pte
then return $ Just (bitsLeft, pteAddr pte)
else return Nothing
{- Page Table Modification -}
{- Handling Faults -}
@ -499,11 +514,11 @@ labelToFlushType label = case invocationType label of
ArchInvocationLabel ARMPageUnify_Instruction -> Unify
_ -> error "Should never be called without a flush invocation"
pageBase :: (Num a, Bits a) => a -> VMPageSize -> a
pageBase vaddr size = vaddr .&. (complement $ mask (pageBitsForSize size))
pageBase :: (Num a, Bits a) => a -> Int -> a
pageBase vaddr size = vaddr .&. (complement $ mask size)
-- proof assertion only
checkValidMappingSize :: VMPageSize -> Kernel ()
checkValidMappingSize :: Int -> Kernel ()
checkValidMappingSize _ = return ()
decodeRISCVFrameInvocationMap :: PPtr CTE -> ArchCapability -> VPtr -> Word ->
@ -639,8 +654,8 @@ decodeVSpaceRootInvocation label args cap@(PageTableCap { capPTTopLevel = True }
let baseEnd = pageBase (VPtr end - 1) (fst frameInfo)
when (baseStart /= baseEnd) $
throw $ RangeError start $ fromVPtr $ baseStart +
mask (pageBitsForSize (fst frameInfo))
let offset = start .&. mask (pageBitsForSize (fst frameInfo))
mask (fst frameInfo)
let offset = start .&. mask (fst frameInfo)
let pStart = snd frameInfo + toPAddr offset
return $ InvokeVSpaceRoot $ VSpaceRootFlush {
vsFlushType = labelToFlushType label,