isabelle-2021 arm : update Refine

Signed-off-by: Gerwin Klein <>
This commit is contained in:
Gerwin Klein 2021-09-16 09:54:08 +10:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent 239037906e
commit 43e558cd9b
14 changed files with 175 additions and 186 deletions

View File

@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ lemma getObject_ASIDPool_corres [corres]:
apply (simp add: return_def)
apply (simp add: in_magnitude_check objBits_simps
archObjSize_def pageBits_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: state_relation_def pspace_relation_def)
apply (drule bspec, blast)
apply (clarsimp simp: other_obj_relation_def asid_pool_relation_def)
@ -245,7 +244,6 @@ lemma getObject_PDE_corres [corres]:
split: if_split_asm Structures_A.kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (simp add: in_magnitude_check objBits_simps archObjSize_def pageBits_def pdeBits_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: state_relation_def pspace_relation_def)
apply (drule bspec, blast)
apply (clarsimp simp: other_obj_relation_def pde_relation_def)
@ -497,7 +495,6 @@ lemma getObject_PTE_corres [corres]:
split: if_split_asm Structures_A.kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (simp add: in_magnitude_check objBits_simps archObjSize_def pageBits_def pteBits_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: state_relation_def pspace_relation_def)
apply (drule bspec, blast)
apply (clarsimp simp: other_obj_relation_def pte_relation_def)

View File

@ -5905,6 +5905,7 @@ lemma valid_cap'_handy_bits:
"s \<turnstile>' Zombie r zb n \<Longrightarrow> n < 2 ^ word_bits"
"\<lbrakk> s \<turnstile>' Zombie r zb n; n \<noteq> 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> of_nat n - 1 < (2 ^ (zBits zb) :: word32)"
"s \<turnstile>' Zombie r zb n \<Longrightarrow> zBits zb < word_bits"
including no_0_dvd no_take_bit
apply (insert zombieCTEs_le[where zb=zb],
simp_all add: valid_cap'_def)
apply (clarsimp elim!: order_le_less_trans)
@ -5944,6 +5945,7 @@ lemma ex_Zombie_to2:
"\<lbrakk> ctes_of s p = Some cte; cteCap cte = Zombie p' b n;
n \<noteq> 0; valid_objs' s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ex_cte_cap_to' (p' + (2^cteSizeBits * of_nat n - 2^cteSizeBits)) s"
including no_take_bit no_0_dvd
apply (simp add: ex_cte_cap_to'_def cte_wp_at_ctes_of)
apply (intro exI, rule conjI, assumption)
apply (simp add: image_def)
@ -7158,6 +7160,7 @@ next
have pred_conj_assoc: "\<And>P Q R. (P and (Q and R)) = (P and Q and R)"
by (rule ext, simp)
show ?case
including no_take_bit no_0_dvd
apply (simp only: rec_del_concrete_unfold cap_relation.simps)
apply (simp add: reduceZombie_def Let_def
@ -7930,7 +7933,7 @@ lemma m_cap:
lemma sameRegion_cap'_src [simp]:
"sameRegionAs cap' c = sameRegionAs src_cap c"
using parency unfolding weak_derived'_def
apply (case_tac "isReplyCap src_cap")
apply (case_tac "isReplyCap src_cap"; clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp simp: capMasterCap_def split: capability.splits arch_capability.splits
; fastforce simp: sameRegionAs_def ARM_H.sameRegionAs_def isCap_simps split: if_split_asm)+

View File

@ -1127,6 +1127,7 @@ qed
lemma cte_refs_capRange:
"\<lbrakk> s \<turnstile>' c; \<forall>irq. c \<noteq> IRQHandlerCap irq \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_refs' c x \<subseteq> capRange c"
including no_take_bit
apply (cases c; simp add: capRange_def isCap_simps)
apply (clarsimp dest!: valid_capAligned
simp: capAligned_def objBits_simps field_simps)

View File

@ -3840,6 +3840,7 @@ lemma create_reply_master_corres:
lemma cte_map_nat_to_cref:
"\<lbrakk> n < 2 ^ b; b < word_bits \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
cte_map (p, nat_to_cref b n) = p + (of_nat n * 2^cte_level_bits)"
including no_take_bit
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_map_def nat_to_cref_def
dest!: less_is_drop_replicate)
apply (rule arg_cong [where f="\<lambda>x. x * 2^cte_level_bits"])

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
theory Detype_R
imports Retype_R
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
text \<open>Establishing that the invariants are maintained
@ -402,35 +403,30 @@ lemma map_to_ctes_delete:
lemma word_range_card:
"base \<le>base + h \<Longrightarrow> card {base..base + (h::word32)} = (unat h) + 1"
proof (induct h)
case 1 show ?case by simp
proof (induct h rule: word_induct2)
case zero show ?case by simp
case (2 h)
case (suc h)
have interval_plus_one_word32:
"\<And>base ceil. \<lbrakk>base \<le> ceil + 1;ceil \<le> ceil + 1\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
{base..ceil + 1} = {base .. ceil } \<union> {ceil + (1::word32)}"
by (auto intro:order_antisym simp:not_le inc_le)
show ?case
using suc plus_one_helper2[where n = h and x = h,simplified]
apply (subst add.commute[where a = 1])
apply (subst add.assoc[symmetric])
apply (subst interval_plus_one_word32)
using 2
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (subst add.assoc)
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right)
using 2 plus_one_helper2[where n = h and x = h,simplified]
apply (simp add: field_simps)
using 2
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (subst card_Un_disjoint,simp+)
using 2
apply (subst card_Un_disjoint; simp)
apply (clarsimp simp: field_simps)
using 2
apply (subst 2)
apply (erule word_plus_mono_right2)
using 2 plus_one_helper2[where n = h and x = h,simplified]
apply (subst suc)
apply (erule word_plus_mono_right2)
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (simp add: unatSuc)
@ -2037,7 +2033,8 @@ proof -
fix obj src a m
show "\<And>s'. \<lbrakk>cte_check obj src a m; ksPSpace s' a = Some obj\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> src \<in> {a..a + 2 ^ objBitsKO obj - 1}"
by (case_tac obj)
(auto simp add: cte_check_def objBits_simps' field_simps
(auto simp add: cte_check_def objBits_simps' diff_eq_eq
add.commute[where b=a]
word_plus_mono_right is_aligned_no_wrap'
tcbVTableSlot_def tcbCTableSlot_def tcbReplySlot_def
tcbCallerSlot_def tcbIPCBufferSlot_def )
@ -4056,6 +4053,7 @@ lemma createNewCaps_ret_len:
| intro conjI impI)+)+
lemma no_overlap_check:
"\<lbrakk>range_cover ptr sz bits n; pspace_no_overlap' ptr sz s;
pspace_aligned' s;n\<noteq> 0\<rbrakk>
@ -4064,6 +4062,7 @@ lemma no_overlap_check:
(fst (lookupAround2 (ptr + of_nat (shiftL n bits - Suc 0))
(ksPSpace s))) s =
return () s"
including no_0_dvd
apply (clarsimp split:option.splits simp:assert_def lookupAround2_char1 not_less)
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (frule(1) pspace_no_overlapD')
@ -4407,7 +4406,7 @@ lemma createObjects'_page_directory_at':
apply (rule createObjects'_wp_subst)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp:valid_def)
apply (frule use_valid[OF _ createObjects_ko_at_strg[where 'b = pde]])
apply (frule use_valid[OF _ createObjects_ko_at_strg[where 'a = pde]])
apply (simp add:objBits_simps archObjSize_def pdeBits_def)
apply simp
apply (simp add:projectKO_def projectKO_opt_pde return_def)
@ -4628,8 +4627,8 @@ lemma new_cap_addrs_def2:
"n < 2 ^ 32
\<Longrightarrow> new_cap_addrs (Suc n) ptr obj
= map (\<lambda>n. ptr + (n << objBitsKO obj)) [0.e.of_nat n]"
by (simp add:new_cap_addrs_def upto_enum_word unat_of_nat
including no_take_bit
by (simp add:new_cap_addrs_def upto_enum_word unat_of_nat Fun.comp_def)
lemma createTCBs_tcb_at':
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. pspace_aligned' s \<and> pspace_distinct' s \<and>
@ -4734,7 +4733,7 @@ proof -
show ?thesis
using assms
including no_take_bit using assms
apply (clarsimp simp:valid_pspace'_def)
apply (frule range_cover.aligned)
apply (frule(3) pspace_no_overlap'_tail)
@ -5201,6 +5200,7 @@ lemma createNewObjects_def2:
apply (simp add:range_cover_def objSize_eq_capBits)+
show ?case
including no_take_bit
apply simp
using snoc.prems
apply (subst upto_enum_inc_1)
@ -5486,7 +5486,7 @@ lemma createNewObjects_Cons:
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs)
thus ?case by (simp add:unat_of_nat32)
thus ?case including no_take_bit by (simp add:unat_of_nat32)
show ?thesis

View File

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ lemma decodeIRQControlInvocation_corres:
dest!: not_le_imp_less
simp: minIRQ_def o_def length_Suc_conv whenE_rangeCheck_eq ucast_nat_def
split: list.splits)[1]
apply (simp add: minIRQ_def o_def length_Suc_conv whenE_rangeCheck_eq ucast_nat_def[symmetric])
apply (simp add: minIRQ_def o_def length_Suc_conv whenE_rangeCheck_eq)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule whenE_throwError_corres, clarsimp, clarsimp)
apply (rule_tac F="unat y \<le> unat maxIRQ" in corres_gen_asm)
@ -325,6 +325,7 @@ lemma arch_decode_irq_control_valid'[wp]:
| wp (once) hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (clarsimp simp add: invs_valid_objs' irq_const_defs unat_word_ariths word_le_nat_alt
not_less unat_le_helper unat_of_nat)
apply (rule order.trans, rule unat_ucast_le, assumption)
lemma decode_irq_control_valid'[wp]:
@ -342,6 +343,7 @@ lemma decode_irq_control_valid'[wp]:
| wp (once) hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_valid_objs' irq_const_defs unat_word_ariths word_le_nat_alt
not_less unat_le_helper unat_of_nat)
apply (rule order.trans, rule unat_ucast_le, assumption)
lemma valid_globals_ex_cte_cap_irq:

View File

@ -3326,30 +3326,8 @@ lemma superSectionPDE_offsets_eq: "superSectionPDE_offsets = superSectionPDEOff
lemma mask_wordRadix_less_wordBits:
assumes sz: "wordRadix \<le> size w"
shows "unat ((w::'a::len word) && mask wordRadix) < wordBits"
proof -
note pow_num = semiring_numeral_class.power_numeral
{ assume "wordRadix = size w"
hence ?thesis
by (fastforce intro!: unat_lt2p[THEN order_less_le_trans]
simp: wordRadix_def wordBits_def' word_size)
} moreover {
assume "wordRadix < size w"
hence ?thesis unfolding wordRadix_def wordBits_def' mask_def
apply simp
apply (subst unat_less_helper, simp_all)
apply (rule word_and_le1[THEN order_le_less_trans])
apply (simp add: word_size bintrunc_mod2p)
apply (subst int_mod_eq', simp_all)
apply (rule order_le_less_trans[where y="2^wordRadix", simplified wordRadix_def], simp)
apply (simp del: pow_num)
apply (subst int_mod_eq', simp_all)
apply (rule order_le_less_trans[where y="2^wordRadix", simplified wordRadix_def], simp)
apply (simp del: pow_num)
ultimately show ?thesis using sz by fastforce
using word_unat_mask_lt[where m=wordRadix and w=w] assms
by (simp add: wordRadix_def wordBits_def')
lemma priority_mask_wordRadix_size:
"unat ((w::priority) && mask wordRadix) < wordBits"

View File

@ -830,13 +830,13 @@ lemma copyGlobalMappings_ksPSpace_concrete:
apply (rule le_less_trans[OF word_and_le1])
apply simp
apply (frule_tac d1 = "pptrBase >> 20 << 2" in is_aligned_add_helper[THEN conjunct2])
apply (simp add:ARM.pptrBase_def pptrBase_def)
apply (simp add:field_simps pdeBits_def)
apply (simp add: pptrBase_def)
apply (simp add: pdeBits_def)
apply (frule_tac d1 = "0x3FFF" and p1="ptr" in is_aligned_add_helper[THEN conjunct2])
apply (simp add: pdeBits_def)
apply (frule_tac d1 = "pptrBase >> 20 << 2" and p1 = "ptr"
in is_aligned_add_helper[THEN conjunct2])
apply (simp add:ARM.pptrBase_def pptrBase_def pdeBits_def)
in is_aligned_add_helper[THEN conjunct2])
apply (simp add: pptrBase_def pdeBits_def)
apply (simp add: pdeBits_def)
apply (cut_tac copyGlobalMappings_ksPSpace_sameD)
apply simp

View File

@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ lemma kernel_corres':
apply (rule corres_underlying_trivial)
apply (rule no_fail_getActiveIRQ)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x=irqa in option_corres)
apply (rule_tac x=irq in option_corres)
apply (rule_tac P=\<top> and P'=\<top> in corres_inst)
apply (simp add: when_def)
apply (rule corres_when[simplified dc_def], simp)

View File

@ -1737,20 +1737,21 @@ proof -
"image (\<lambda>n. ptr + 2 ^ obj_bits_api (APIType_map2 ty) us * n)
{x. x \<le> of_nat n - 1} =
set (retype_addrs ptr (APIType_map2 ty) n us)"
apply (clarsimp simp: retype_addrs_def image_def Bex_def ptr_add_def
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: field_simps word_le_nat_alt)
apply (rule_tac x="unat x" in exI)
apply (simp add: unat_sub_if_size range_cover.unat_of_nat_n[OF cover]
not_le not_zero
split: if_split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: field_simps word_le_nat_alt)
apply (rule_tac x="of_nat x" in exI)
apply (simp add: unat_sub_if_size range_cover.unat_of_nat_n[OF cover])
apply (rule nat_le_Suc_less_imp)
apply (metis le_unat_uoi nat_less_le not_le_imp_less)
including no_take_bit
apply (clarsimp simp: retype_addrs_def image_def Bex_def ptr_add_def
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: field_simps word_le_nat_alt)
apply (rule_tac x="unat x" in exI)
apply (simp add: unat_sub_if_size range_cover.unat_of_nat_n[OF cover]
not_le not_zero
split: if_split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: field_simps word_le_nat_alt)
apply (rule_tac x="of_nat x" in exI)
apply (simp add: unat_sub_if_size range_cover.unat_of_nat_n[OF cover])
apply (rule nat_le_Suc_less_imp)
apply (metis le_unat_uoi nat_less_le not_le_imp_less)
have new_caps_adds_fold:
"map (\<lambda>n. ptr + 2 ^ objBitsKO ko * n) [0.e.2 ^ gbits * of_nat n - 1] =
@ -1770,6 +1771,7 @@ proof -
have al': "is_aligned ptr (obj_bits_api (APIType_map2 ty) us)"
by (simp add: obj_bits_api ko)
show ?thesis
including no_take_bit
apply (simp add: when_def retype_region2_def createObjects'_def
createObjects_def aligned obj_bits_api[symmetric]
ko[symmetric] al' shiftl_t2n data_map_insert_def[symmetric]
@ -1790,11 +1792,11 @@ proof -
obj_bits_api[symmetric] shiftl_t2n upto_enum_red'
range_cover.unat_of_nat_n[OF cover])
apply (rule corres_split_nor[OF corres_trivial])
apply (clarsimp simp: retype_addrs_fold[symmetric]
ptr_add_def upto_enum_red' not_zero'
range_cover.unat_of_nat_n[OF cover] word_le_sub1)
apply (rule_tac f=g in arg_cong)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: retype_addrs_fold[symmetric] ptr_add_def upto_enum_red' not_zero'
range_cover.unat_of_nat_n[OF cover] word_le_sub1
simp del: word_of_nat_eq_0_iff)
apply (rule_tac f=g in arg_cong)
apply clarsimp
apply (rename_tac x eps ps)
apply (rule_tac P="\<lambda>s. x = kheap s \<and> eps = ekheap (s) \<and> ?P s" and
P'="\<lambda>s. ps = ksPSpace s \<and> ?P' s" in corres_modify)
@ -1927,7 +1929,7 @@ lemma createObjects_ko_at_strg:
fixes ptr :: word32
assumes cover: "range_cover ptr sz ((objBitsKO ko) + gbits) n"
assumes not_0: "n\<noteq> 0"
assumes pi: "\<And>s. projectKO_opt ko = Some val"
assumes pi: "projectKO_opt ko = Some val"
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. pspace_no_overlap' ptr sz s \<and> pspace_aligned' s \<and> pspace_distinct' s\<rbrace>
createObjects ptr n ko gbits
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. \<forall>x \<in> set r. \<forall>offs < 2 ^ gbits. ko_at' val (x + (offs << objBitsKO ko)) s\<rbrace>"
@ -1938,9 +1940,11 @@ proof -
apply (simp add:word_le_sub1)
note unat_of_nat_shiftl = range_cover.unat_of_nat_n_shift[OF cover,where gbits = gbits,simplified]
note word_of_nat_eq_0_iff[simp del]
have in_new:"\<And>idx offs. \<lbrakk>idx \<le> of_nat n - 1;offs<2 ^ gbits\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ptr + (idx << objBitsKO ko + gbits) + (offs << objBitsKO ko)
\<in> set (new_cap_addrs (n * 2 ^ gbits) ptr ko)"
including no_take_bit
apply (insert range_cover_not_zero[OF not_0 cover] not_0)
apply (clarsimp simp:new_cap_addrs_def image_def)
apply (rule_tac x ="unat (2 ^ gbits * idx + offs)" in bexI)
@ -2891,67 +2895,66 @@ lemma obj_range'_subset:
by (rule new_range_subset, auto)
lemma obj_range'_subset_strong:
"\<lbrakk>range_cover ptr sz (objBitsKO val) n; ptr' \<in> set (new_cap_addrs n ptr val)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_range' ptr' val \<subseteq> {ptr..ptr + (of_nat n * 2 ^ objBitsKO val) - 1}"
unfolding obj_range'_def
apply (frule(1) obj_range'_subset)
apply (simp add:obj_range'_def)
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply (erule(1) impE)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "n = 0")
apply (clarsimp simp:new_cap_addrs_def)
proof -
assume cover:"range_cover ptr sz (objBitsKO val) n"
and mem_p:"ptr' \<in> set (new_cap_addrs n ptr val)"
and not_0:"n\<noteq> 0"
assumes "range_cover ptr sz (objBitsKO val) n"
and "ptr' \<in> set (new_cap_addrs n ptr val)"
shows "obj_range' ptr' val \<subseteq> {ptr..ptr + (of_nat n * 2 ^ objBitsKO val) - 1}"
proof -
assume cover: "range_cover ptr sz (objBitsKO val) n"
and mem_p: "ptr' \<in> set (new_cap_addrs n ptr val)"
and not_0: "n\<noteq> 0"
note n_less = range_cover.range_cover_n_less[OF cover]
have unat_of_nat_m1: "unat (of_nat n - (1::word32)) < n"
using not_0 n_less
by (simp add:unat_of_nat_minus_1)
have decomp:"of_nat n * 2 ^ objBitsKO val = of_nat (n - 1) * 2 ^ objBitsKO val + (2 :: word32) ^ objBitsKO val"
apply (simp add:distrib_right[where b = "1 :: 32 word",simplified,symmetric])
have unat_of_nat_m1: "unat (of_nat n - (1::machine_word)) < n"
using not_0 n_less by (simp add:unat_of_nat_minus_1)
have decomp:
"of_nat n * 2 ^ objBitsKO val =
of_nat (n - 1) * 2 ^ objBitsKO val + (2 :: machine_word) ^ objBitsKO val"
apply (simp add:distrib_right[where b = "1 :: machine_word",simplified,symmetric])
using not_0 n_less
apply simp
show "ptr' + 2 ^ objBitsKO val - 1 \<le> ptr + of_nat n * 2 ^ objBitsKO val - 1"
have "ptr' + 2 ^ objBitsKO val - 1 \<le> ptr + of_nat n * 2 ^ objBitsKO val - 1"
using cover including no_take_bit
apply (subst decomp)
apply (simp add:add.assoc[symmetric])
apply (simp add:p_assoc_help)
apply (rule order_trans[OF word_plus_mono_left word_plus_mono_right])
using mem_p not_0
using mem_p not_0
apply (clarsimp simp:new_cap_addrs_def shiftl_t2n)
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply (subst mult.commute)
apply (rule word_mult_le_mono1[OF word_of_nat_le])
using n_less not_0
using n_less not_0
apply (simp add:unat_of_nat_minus_1)
apply (rule p2_gt_0[THEN iffD2])
using cover
apply (simp add:word_bits_def range_cover_def)
apply (simp only: word_bits_def[symmetric])
apply (clarsimp simp: unat_of_nat_minus_1[OF n_less(1) not_0])
apply (rule nat_less_power_trans2
[OF range_cover.range_cover_le_n_less(2),OF cover, folded word_bits_def])
apply (simp add:unat_of_nat_m1 less_imp_le)
using cover
apply (simp add:unat_of_nat_m1 less_imp_le)
apply (simp add:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (rule machine_word_plus_mono_right_split[where sz = sz])
using range_cover.range_cover_compare[OF cover,where p = "unat (of_nat n - (1::machine_word))"]
apply (clarsimp simp:unat_of_nat_m1)
apply (simp add:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (rule machine_word_plus_mono_right_split[where sz = sz])
using range_cover.range_cover_compare[OF cover,where p = "unat (of_nat n - (1::word32))"]
apply (clarsimp simp:unat_of_nat_m1)
using cover
apply (simp add:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (rule olen_add_eqv[THEN iffD2])
apply (subst add.commute[where a = "2^objBitsKO val - 1"])
apply (subst p_assoc_help[symmetric])
apply (rule is_aligned_no_overflow)
using cover
apply (clarsimp simp:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (erule aligned_add_aligned[OF _ is_aligned_mult_triv2])
apply simp+
apply (rule olen_add_eqv[THEN iffD2])
apply (subst add.commute[where a = "2^objBitsKO val - 1"])
apply (subst p_assoc_help[symmetric])
apply (rule is_aligned_no_overflow)
apply (clarsimp simp:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (erule aligned_add_aligned[OF _ is_aligned_mult_triv2]; simp)
apply simp
by (meson assms(1) is_aligned_add is_aligned_mult_triv2 is_aligned_no_overflow' range_cover_def)
with assms show ?thesis
unfolding obj_range'_def
apply -
apply (frule(1) obj_range'_subset)
apply (simp add: obj_range'_def)
apply (cases "n = 0"; clarsimp simp:new_cap_addrs_def)
lemma caps_no_overlapD'':
"\<lbrakk>cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cap. cteCap cap = c) q s;caps_no_overlap'' ptr sz s\<rbrakk>
@ -3301,73 +3304,73 @@ proof -
have upbound:" unat ((((of_nat n)::word32) * 2 ^ gbits)) * unat ((2::word32) ^ objBitsKO val) < 2 ^ word_bits"
using range_cover.range_cover_le_n_less[OF cover' le_refl] cover'
apply -
apply (drule nat_less_power_trans)
apply (simp add:range_cover_def)
apply (drule nat_less_power_trans)
apply (simp add:range_cover_def)
apply (fold word_bits_def)
using unat_of_nat_shift not_0
apply (simp add:field_simps shiftl_t2n)
have not_0': "(2::word32) ^ (objBitsKO val + gbits) * of_nat n \<noteq> 0"
apply (rule range_cover_not_zero_shift[OF not_0,unfolded shiftl_t2n,OF _ le_refl])
apply (rule range_cover_rel[OF cover])
apply simp+
apply (rule range_cover_rel[OF cover]; simp)
have "gbits < word_bits"
using cover
by (simp add:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
thus ?thesis
apply -
apply (insert not_0 cover ptr_in)
apply (frule range_cover.range_cover_le_n_less[OF _ le_refl])
apply (fold word_bits_def)
apply (simp add:shiftL_nat )
apply (simp add:range_cover.unat_of_nat_n_shift)
apply (clarsimp simp:new_cap_addrs_def shiftl_t2n)
apply (rename_tac pa)
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply (rule order_trans)
apply (subst mult.commute)
apply (rule word_mult_le_iff[THEN iffD2])
apply (clarsimp simp:p2_gt_0 range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (drule range_cover_rel[where sbit' = "0"])
apply (simp+)[2]
apply (erule less_le_trans[OF range_cover.range_cover_le_n_less(2)])
apply (clarsimp simp:field_simps power_add)
apply (rule unat_le_helper)
apply (rule of_nat_mono_maybe_le[THEN iffD1])
using range_cover.range_cover_le_n_less[OF cover' le_refl]
apply (simp_all only:word_bits_def[symmetric])
including no_take_bit
apply -
apply (insert not_0 cover ptr_in)
apply (frule range_cover.range_cover_le_n_less[OF _ le_refl])
apply (fold word_bits_def)
apply (simp add:shiftL_nat )
apply (simp add:range_cover.unat_of_nat_n_shift)
apply (clarsimp simp:new_cap_addrs_def shiftl_t2n)
apply (rename_tac pa)
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply (rule order_trans)
apply (subst mult.commute)
apply (rule word_mult_le_iff[THEN iffD2])
apply (clarsimp simp:p2_gt_0 range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (drule range_cover_rel[where sbit' = "0"])
apply (simp+)[2]
apply (erule less_le_trans[OF range_cover.range_cover_le_n_less(2)])
apply (clarsimp simp:field_simps power_add)
apply (rule unat_le_helper)
apply (rule of_nat_mono_maybe_le[THEN iffD1])
using range_cover.range_cover_le_n_less[OF cover' le_refl]
apply (simp_all only:word_bits_def[symmetric])
apply simp
apply (drule nat_less_power_trans)
apply (simp add:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (rule less_le_trans[OF mult_less_mono1])
apply (rule unat_mono)
apply (rule_tac y1= "pa" in of_nat_mono_maybe'[THEN iffD1,rotated -1])
apply (assumption)
apply (simp add:word_bits_def)
apply (simp add:word_bits_def)
apply simp
using unat_of_nat_shift
apply (simp add:field_simps shiftl_t2n)
apply simp
apply (drule nat_less_power_trans)
apply (simp add:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (rule less_le_trans[OF mult_less_mono1])
apply (rule unat_mono)
apply (rule_tac y1= "pa" in of_nat_mono_maybe'[THEN iffD1,rotated -1])
apply (assumption)
apply (simp add:word_bits_def)
apply (simp add:word_bits_def)
apply simp
using unat_of_nat_shift
apply (simp add:field_simps shiftl_t2n)
apply simp
apply (rule word_less_sub_1)
apply (simp add:power_add field_simps)
apply (subst mult.assoc[symmetric])
apply (rule word_mult_less_mono1)
apply (rule word_of_nat_less)
using unat_of_nat_shift
apply (simp add:shiftl_t2n field_simps)
apply unat_arith
using upbound
apply (simp add:word_bits_def)
apply (rule machine_word_plus_mono_right_split[where sz = sz])
apply (rule less_le_trans[rotated -1])
apply (rule range_cover.range_cover_compare_bound[OF cover'])
apply (simp add: unat_minus_one[OF not_0'])
using range_cover.unat_of_nat_n_shift[OF cover le_refl]
apply (simp add:shiftl_t2n power_add field_simps)
apply (simp add:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
apply (rule word_less_sub_1)
apply (simp add:power_add field_simps)
apply (subst mult.assoc[symmetric])
apply (rule word_mult_less_mono1)
apply (rule word_of_nat_less)
using unat_of_nat_shift
apply (simp add:shiftl_t2n field_simps)
apply (meson less_exp objBitsKO_bounded2 of_nat_less_pow_32 word_gt_a_gt_0)
using upbound
apply (simp add:word_bits_def)
apply (rule machine_word_plus_mono_right_split[where sz = sz])
apply (rule less_le_trans[rotated -1])
apply (rule range_cover.range_cover_compare_bound[OF cover'])
apply (simp add: unat_minus_one[OF not_0'])
using range_cover.unat_of_nat_n_shift[OF cover le_refl]
apply (simp add:shiftl_t2n power_add field_simps)
apply (simp add:range_cover_def word_bits_def)
lemma createObjects_orig_ko_wp_at2':
@ -3930,7 +3933,7 @@ lemma createObjects_makeObject_not_tcbQueued:
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. pspace_no_overlap' ptr sz s \<and> pspace_aligned' s \<and> pspace_distinct' s\<rbrace>
createObjects ptr n tcb 0
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<forall>addr\<in>set rv. obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. \<not> tcbQueued tcb \<and> tcbState tcb = Structures_H.thread_state.Inactive) addr s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post[OF createObjects_ko_at_strg[where 'b=tcb]])
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post[OF createObjects_ko_at_strg[where 'a=tcb]])
using assms
apply (auto simp: obj_at'_def projectKO_opt_tcb objBitsKO_def
objBits_def makeObject_tcb)
@ -5248,6 +5251,7 @@ lemma corres_retype_region_createNewCaps:
init_arch_objects (APIType_map2 (Inr ty)) y n us x;
return x od)
(createNewCaps ty y n us dev)"
including no_take_bit
apply (rule_tac F="range_cover y sz
(obj_bits_api (APIType_map2 (Inr ty)) us) n \<and>
n \<noteq> 0 \<and>

View File

@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ lemma dec_dom_inv_wf[wp]:
apply (simp add:null_def)
apply (simp add:valid_cap'_def)
apply (simp add:not_le)
apply (simp add:ucast_nat_def[symmetric])
apply (simp del: Word.of_nat_unat flip: ucast_nat_def)
apply (rule word_of_nat_le)
apply (simp add:numDomains_def maxDomain_def)

View File

@ -765,9 +765,9 @@ lemma threadSet_cte_wp_at'T:
apply (simp add: threadSet_def)
apply (rule hoare_seq_ext [where B="\<lambda>rv s. P' (cte_wp_at' P p s) \<and> obj_at' ((=) rv) t s"])
apply (rule setObject_cte_wp_at2')
apply (clarsimp simp: updateObject_default_def projectKOs in_monad objBits_simps
apply (clarsimp simp: updateObject_default_def projectKOs in_monad
obj_at'_def objBits_simps' in_magnitude_check prod_eq_iff)
apply (case_tac tcba, clarsimp simp: bspec_split [OF spec [OF x]])
apply (case_tac tcb, clarsimp simp: bspec_split [OF spec [OF x]])
apply (clarsimp simp: updateObject_default_def in_monad bind_def
apply (wp getObject_tcb_wp)

View File

@ -1989,6 +1989,7 @@ lemma decodeWriteRegisters_corres:
corres (ser \<oplus> tcbinv_relation) (invs and tcb_at t) (invs' and tcb_at' t)
(decode_write_registers args (cap.ThreadCap t))
(decodeWriteRegisters args (ThreadCap t))"
including no_take_bit
apply (simp add: decode_write_registers_def decodeWriteRegisters_def)
apply (cases args, simp_all)
apply (case_tac list, simp_all)
@ -2648,9 +2649,8 @@ lemma decodeSetTLSBase_corres:
"corres (ser \<oplus> tcbinv_relation) (tcb_at t) (tcb_at' t)
(decode_set_tls_base w (cap.ThreadCap t))
(decodeSetTLSBase w (capability.ThreadCap t))"
apply (clarsimp simp: decode_set_tls_base_def decodeSetTLSBase_def returnOk_def
split: list.split)
by (rule sym, rule ucast_id)
by (clarsimp simp: decode_set_tls_base_def decodeSetTLSBase_def returnOk_def
split: list.split)
lemma decodeTCBInvocation_corres:
"\<lbrakk> c = Structures_A.ThreadCap t; cap_relation c c';

View File

@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ lemma APIType_map2_CapTable[simp]:
kernel_object.split arch_kernel_object.splits)
lemma alignUp_H[simp]:
"Untyped_H.alignUp = Word_Lib.alignUp"
"Untyped_H.alignUp = More_Word_Operations.alignUp"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (clarsimp simp:Untyped_H.alignUp_def Word_Lib.alignUp_def mask_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:Untyped_H.alignUp_def More_Word_Operations.alignUp_def mask_def)
(* MOVE *)
@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ next
note word_unat_power [symmetric, simp del]
show ?thesis
including no_take_bit
apply (rule corres_name_pre)
apply clarsimp
apply (subgoal_tac "cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = (capability.UntypedCap d w n idx)) (cte_map slot) s'")
@ -747,6 +748,7 @@ lemma decodeUntyped_wf[wp]:
(UntypedCap d w sz idx) cs
unfolding decodeUntypedInvocation_def
including no_take_bit
apply (simp add: unlessE_def[symmetric] unlessE_whenE rangeCheck_def whenE_def[symmetric]
returnOk_liftE[symmetric] Let_def cap_case_CNodeCap_True_throw
split del: if_split cong: if_cong list.case_cong)
@ -2962,6 +2964,7 @@ lemma createNewCaps_range_helper:
\<and> (\<forall>p. capClass (capfn p) = PhysicalClass
\<and> capUntypedPtr (capfn p) = p
\<and> capBits (capfn p) = (APIType_capBits tp us))\<rbrace>"
including no_0_dvd
apply (simp add: createNewCaps_def toAPIType_def Arch_createNewCaps_def
split del: if_split cong: option.case_cong)
apply (rule hoare_grab_asm)+
@ -2972,8 +2975,7 @@ lemma createNewCaps_range_helper:
apply (case_tac apiobject_type, simp_all split del: if_split)
apply (rule hoare_pre, wp)
apply (frule range_cover_not_zero[rotated -1],simp)
apply (clarsimp simp: APIType_capBits_def
objBits_simps archObjSize_def ptr_add_def o_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: APIType_capBits_def objBits_simps archObjSize_def ptr_add_def o_def)
apply (subst upto_enum_red')
apply unat_arith
apply (clarsimp simp: o_def fromIntegral_def toInteger_nat fromInteger_nat)
@ -3010,8 +3012,7 @@ lemma createNewCaps_range_helper2:
apply (rule hoare_assume_pre)
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (rule createNewCaps_range_helper)
apply (clarsimp simp: capRange_def interval_empty ptr_add_def
apply (clarsimp simp: capRange_def ptr_add_def word_unat_power[symmetric]
simp del: atLeastatMost_subset_iff
dest!: less_two_pow_divD)
apply (rule conjI)
@ -4197,6 +4198,7 @@ lemma resetUntypedCap_corres:
(invs' and valid_untyped_inv_wcap' ui' (Some (UntypedCap dev ptr sz idx)) and ct_active')
(reset_untyped_cap slot)
(resetUntypedCap (cte_map slot))"
including no_take_bit
apply (rule corres_gen_asm, clarsimp)
apply (simp add: reset_untyped_cap_def resetUntypedCap_def
@ -4435,6 +4437,7 @@ lemma resetUntypedCap_invs_etc:
and pspace_no_overlap' ptr sz\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs'\<rbrace>"
(is "\<lbrace>invs' and valid_untyped_inv_wcap' ?ui (Some ?cap) and ct_active' and ?asm\<rbrace>
?f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs' and ?vu2 and ct_active' and ?psp\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs'\<rbrace>")
including no_0_dvd no_take_bit
apply (simp add: resetUntypedCap_def getSlotCap_def
liftE_bind_return_bindE_returnOk bindE_assoc)
apply (rule hoare_vcg_seqE[rotated])
@ -5429,14 +5432,14 @@ lemma invokeUntyped_invs'':
Q' s"
obtain cref reset ptr tp us slots dev
where pf:
"invokeUntyped_proofs s cref reset (ptr && ~~ mask sz) ptr tp us slots
sz idx dev"
where pf: "invokeUntyped_proofs s cref reset (ptr && ~~ mask sz) ptr tp us slots sz idx dev"
and ui: "ui = Invocations_H.Retype cref reset (ptr && ~~ mask sz) ptr tp us slots dev"
using vui1 misc
apply (cases ui, simp only: Invocations_H.untyped_invocation.simps)
apply (frule(2) invokeUntyped_proofs.intro)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of word_bw_assocs)
apply clarsimp
apply (unfold cte_wp_at_ctes_of)
apply (drule meta_mp; clarsimp)
note vui = vui1[simplified ui Invocations_H.untyped_invocation.simps]