aarch64 ainvs: new definitions for ArchADT_AI

adjusting to arm_us_global_vspace and ptes by levels.

Signed-off-by: Gerwin Klein <gerwin.klein@proofcraft.systems>
This commit is contained in:
Gerwin Klein 2022-05-12 12:03:46 +10:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent c6c22e90c5
commit 47b90f0d64
1 changed files with 14 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ text \<open>
Note that this function is total.
If the traversal stops before a page directory can be found
(e.g. because the VTable entry is not set or a reference has been invalid),
the function returns the global kernel mapping.
the function returns the global default page table.
Looking up the address space for a thread reference involves the following
@ -47,16 +47,15 @@ definition
get_vspace_of_thread :: "kheap \<Rightarrow> arch_state \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref"
"get_vspace_of_thread khp astate tcb_ref \<equiv> undefined"
"get_vspace_of_thread khp astate tcb_ref \<equiv>
case khp tcb_ref of Some (TCB tcb) \<Rightarrow>
(case tcb_vtable tcb of
ArchObjectCap (PageTableCap pt (Some (asid, _))) \<Rightarrow>
ArchObjectCap (PageTableCap pt VSRootPT_T (Some (asid, _))) \<Rightarrow>
(case vspace_for_asid asid (state_from_arch khp astate) of
Some pt' \<Rightarrow> if pt' = pt then pt else riscv_global_pt astate
| _ \<Rightarrow> riscv_global_pt astate)
| _ \<Rightarrow> riscv_global_pt astate)
| _ \<Rightarrow> riscv_global_pt astate" *)
Some pt' \<Rightarrow> if pt' = pt then pt else arm_us_global_vspace astate
| _ \<Rightarrow> arm_us_global_vspace astate)
| _ \<Rightarrow> arm_us_global_vspace astate)
| _ \<Rightarrow> arm_us_global_vspace astate"
lemma the_arch_cap_simp[simp]: "the_arch_cap (ArchObjectCap x) = x"
@ -69,15 +68,14 @@ lemma vspace_for_asid_state_from_arch[simp]:
(* NOTE: This statement would clearly be nicer for a partial function
but later on, we really want the function to be total. *)
lemma get_vspace_of_thread_eq:
"pt_ref \<noteq> riscv_global_pt (arch_state s) \<Longrightarrow>
"pt_ref \<noteq> arm_us_global_vspace (arch_state s) \<Longrightarrow>
get_vspace_of_thread (kheap s) (arch_state s) tcb_ref = pt_ref \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<exists>tcb. kheap s tcb_ref = Some (TCB tcb) \<and>
(\<exists>asid vref. tcb_vtable tcb = ArchObjectCap (PageTableCap pt_ref (Some (asid,vref))) \<and>
(\<exists>asid vref. tcb_vtable tcb = ArchObjectCap (PageTableCap pt_ref VSRootPT_T (Some (asid,vref))) \<and>
vspace_for_asid asid s = Some pt_ref))"
unfolding get_vspace_of_thread_def
by (auto split: option.splits kernel_object.splits cap.splits arch_cap.splits) *)
by (auto split: option.splits kernel_object.splits cap.splits arch_cap.splits pt_type.splits)
text \<open>
@ -103,14 +101,12 @@ definition
get_page_info :: "(obj_ref \<rightharpoonup> arch_kernel_obj) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref \<rightharpoonup>
(machine_word \<times> nat \<times> vm_attributes \<times> vm_rights)"
"get_page_info aobjs pt_ref vptr \<equiv> undefined"
(* FIXME AARCH64 needs redefinition, ptes_of doesn't work, we need a pt_type
"get_page_info aobjs pt_ref vptr \<equiv> (do {
oassert (canonical_address vptr);
(level, slot) \<leftarrow> pt_lookup_slot pt_ref vptr;
pte \<leftarrow> oapply slot;
pte \<leftarrow> oapply2 (level_type level) slot;
K $ pte_info level pte
}) (\<lambda>p. pte_of p (aobjs |> pt_of))" *)
}) (\<lambda>pt_t p. level_pte_of pt_t p (aobjs |> pt_of))"
text \<open>
Both functions, @{text ptable_lift} and @{text vm_rights},
@ -118,11 +114,9 @@ text \<open>
The former returns the physical address, the latter the associated rights.
definition ptable_lift :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> 'z::state_ext state \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<rightharpoonup> machine_word" where
"ptable_lift tcb s \<equiv> undefined"
(* FIXME AARCH64: needs redefinition
"ptable_lift tcb s \<equiv> \<lambda>addr.
case_option None (\<lambda>(base, bits, rights). Some (base + (addr && mask bits)))
(get_page_info (aobjs_of s) (get_vspace_of_thread (kheap s) (arch_state s) tcb) addr)" *)
(get_page_info (aobjs_of s) (get_vspace_of_thread (kheap s) (arch_state s) tcb) addr)"
definition ptable_rights :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> 'z::state_ext state \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> vm_rights" where
"ptable_rights tcb s \<equiv> \<lambda>addr.
@ -131,9 +125,8 @@ definition ptable_rights :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> 'z::state_ext state \<Rightar
lemma ptable_lift_Some_canonical_addressD:
"ptable_lift t s vptr = Some p \<Longrightarrow> canonical_address vptr"
sorry (* FIXME AARCH64
by (clarsimp simp: ptable_lift_def get_page_info_def below_user_vtop_canonical
split: if_splits option.splits) *)
by (clarsimp simp: ptable_lift_def get_page_info_def
split: if_splits option.splits)