lib: add foldl lemma to LemmaBucket

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Joel Beeren 2018-04-18 07:11:03 +10:00
parent 02e5096534
commit 4dcd4df2b6
1 changed files with 7 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -464,4 +464,11 @@ lemma strenghten_False_imp:
"\<not>P \<Longrightarrow> P \<longrightarrow> Q"
by blast
lemma foldl_fun_or_alt:
"foldl (\<lambda>x y. x \<or> f y) b ls = foldl (op \<or>) b (map f ls)"
apply (induct ls)
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
by (simp add: foldl_map)