lib: Cleanup in crunch-cmd.ML

Mostly syntactic. Ensure less debug messages are generated
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Sewell 2018-02-01 15:49:47 +11:00
parent 9fb7c5cf4d
commit 5152952abb
1 changed files with 44 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ we want to prove. However f is defined in terms of subfunctions g etc.
To prove P \<turnstile> f, we will first show many lemmas P \<turnstile> g, which crunch lets us
do easily.
As a first step, crunch must discover "cruch rules" which structure the proof.
As a first step, crunch must discover "crunch rules" which structure the proof.
For instance, if f is a constant with a definition, crunch may discover the
definition "f == f_body" and derive the crunch rule "P \<turnstile> f_body \<Longrightarrow> P \<turnstile> f".
A crunch rule will be used if all its premises are either proofs of the
@ -38,12 +38,23 @@ sections.
(* Tracing debug. *)
val should_debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
val crunch_debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
fun debug_trace_pf pref f =
if (!crunch_debug) then
tracing (pref ^ f ())
fun debug_trace s =
if (!should_debug) then
if (!crunch_debug) then
tracing s
fun debug_trace_bl bl =
if (!crunch_debug) then
tracing (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
(map (fn f => f ()) bl)))
fun funkysplit [_,b,c] = [b,c]
| funkysplit [_,c] = [c]
@ -104,7 +115,7 @@ sig
had already been proven). *)
val crunch :
crunch_cfg -> term -> extra -> string list -> string
-> (string * thm) list -> (thm option * (string * thm) list);
-> (string * thm) list -> (thm option * (string * thm) list);
val crunch_x : Token.src list -> string -> string -> (string * xstring) list
-> string list -> local_theory -> local_theory;
@ -199,9 +210,6 @@ fun thy_maybe_thms thy name = Global_Theory.get_thms thy name handle ERROR _ =>
fun add_thm thm atts name ctxt =
Local_Theory.notes [(( name, atts), [([thm], atts)])] ctxt |> #2
fun get_thm_name_bluh (cfg: crunch_cfg) const_name
= Long_Name.base_name const_name ^ "_" ^ (#prp_name cfg)
fun get_thm_name (cfg : crunch_cfg) const_name
= if read_const (#ctxt cfg) (Long_Name.base_name const_name)
= read_const (#ctxt cfg) const_name
@ -210,11 +218,6 @@ fun get_thm_name (cfg : crunch_cfg) const_name
fun get_stored cfg n = get_thm (#ctxt cfg) (get_thm_name cfg n)
fun get_stored_bluh cfg n =
let val r = (maybe_thms (#ctxt cfg) (get_thm_name cfg n)) @ (maybe_thms (#ctxt cfg) (get_thm_name_bluh cfg n));
in (case r of [] => error ("") | _ => (hd r))
fun mapM _ [] y = y
| mapM f (x::xs) y = mapM f xs (f x y)
@ -255,13 +258,12 @@ fun def_from_ctxt ctxt const =
val crunch_defs = Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems crunch_def}
val abs_def = Local_Defs.meta_rewrite_rule ctxt #> Drule.abs_def;
fun do_filter thm =
val (Const (nm, _), _) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.prop_of (abs_def thm));
in nm = const end
try (abs_def #> Thm.prop_of #> Logic.dest_equals #> fst #> dest_Const #> fst) thm
= SOME const
case crunch_defs |> filter do_filter of
[x] => [x]
| [] => []
[x] => SOME x
| [] => NONE
| _ => raise Fail ("Multiple definitions declared for:" ^ const)
@ -272,12 +274,15 @@ fun unfold ctxt const triple nmspce =
val const_defn = const |> Long_Name.base_name |> def_of;
val const_def = deep_search_thms ctxt const_defn const_term nmspce
|> hd |> Simpdata.safe_mk_meta_eq;
val _ = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.block [Pretty.str ("const_def: " ^ @{make_string} const_defn), Thm.pretty_thm ctxt const_def])
val _ = debug_trace_bl [K (Pretty.str "const_def:"),
fn () => Pretty.str (@{make_string} const_defn), fn () => Thm.pretty_thm ctxt const_def]
val trivial_rule = Thm.trivial triple
val _ = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.block [Pretty.str "trivial_rule: ", Thm.pretty_thm ctxt trivial_rule])
val _ = debug_trace_bl [K (Pretty.str "trivial_rule :"),
fn () => Thm.pretty_thm ctxt trivial_rule]
val unfold_rule = trivial_rule
|> Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt [const_def];
val _ = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.block [Pretty.str "unfold_rule: ", Thm.pretty_thm ctxt unfold_rule])
val _ = debug_trace_bl [K (Pretty.str "unfold_rule :"),
fn () => Thm.pretty_thm ctxt unfold_rule]
val ms = unfold_rule
|> Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt unfold_get_params
|> Thm.prems_of |> maps (monads_of ctxt);
@ -319,9 +324,9 @@ fun induct_inst ctxt const goal nmspce =
val _ = debug_trace "induct_inst"
val base_const = Long_Name.base_name const;
val _ = debug_trace ("base_const: " ^ @{make_string} base_const)
val _ = debug_trace_pf "base_const: " (fn () => @{make_string} base_const)
val induct_thm = base_const |> induct_of |> get_thm ctxt;
val _ = debug_trace ("induct_thm: " ^ @{make_string} induct_thm)
val _ = debug_trace_pf "induct_thm: " (fn () => @{make_string} induct_thm)
val const_term = read_const ctxt const |> map_unvarifyT;
val n = const_term |> fastype_of |> num_args;
val t = mk_abs (Instance.magic $ mk_apps const_term n 0) n
@ -330,7 +335,7 @@ fun induct_inst ctxt const goal nmspce =
val trivial_rule = Thm.trivial goal;
val induct_inst = Thm.instantiate ([], [(P, t)]) induct_thm
RS trivial_rule;
val _ = debug_trace ("induct_inst" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.prop_of induct_inst));
val _ = debug_trace_pf "induct_inst: " (fn () => Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.prop_of induct_inst))
val simp_thms = deep_search_thms ctxt (base_const |> simps_of) const_term nmspce;
val induct_inst_simplified = induct_inst
|> Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt (map Simpdata.safe_mk_meta_eq simp_thms);
@ -340,11 +345,11 @@ fun induct_inst ctxt const goal nmspce =
then error ("Unfold rule generated for " ^ const ^ " does not apply")
else (ms', induct_inst) end
fun unfold_data ctxt constn goal nmspce nil = (
fun unfold_data ctxt constn goal nmspce NONE = (
induct_inst ctxt constn goal nmspce handle exn => handle_int exn
unfold ctxt constn goal nmspce handle exn => handle_int exn
error ("unfold_data: couldn't find defn or induct rule for " ^ constn))
| unfold_data ctxt constn goal _ [(_, thm)] =
| unfold_data ctxt constn goal _ (SOME thm) =
val trivial_rule = Thm.trivial goal
val unfold_rule = Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt [safe_mk_meta_eq thm] trivial_rule;
@ -354,9 +359,9 @@ fun unfold_data ctxt constn goal nmspce nil = (
in if Thm.eq_thm_prop (trivial_rule, unfold_rule)
then error ("Unfold rule given for " ^ constn ^ " does not apply")
else (ms, unfold_rule) end
| unfold_data _ constn _ _ _ = error ("Multiple unfolds are given for " ^ constn)
fun get_unfold_rule ctxt const cgoal namespace = let
in unfold_data ctxt const cgoal namespace (def_from_ctxt ctxt const) end
val split_if = @{thm "if_split"}
@ -402,9 +407,8 @@ val precond_implication_term
fun precond_needed ctxt pre css pre' = let
val imp = Syntax.check_term ctxt (precond_implication_term $ pre $ pre');
in Goal.prove ctxt [] [] imp
(fn _ => clarsimp_tac css 1); false end
handle exn => handle_int exn true;
in not (can (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] imp)
(fn _ => clarsimp_tac css 1)) end
fun combine_preconds ctxt pre pres = let
val pres' = maps (split_precond o Envir.beta_eta_contract) pres
@ -479,18 +483,18 @@ fun crunch_rule cfg const goal extra thms =
val base_rule = Thm.trivial cgoal
fun app_rew r t = Seq.single (Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt [r] t)
|> Seq.filter (fn t' => not (Thm.eq_thm_prop (t, t')))
val supplied_seq = Seq.of_list (#rules cfg)
|> Seq.maps (fn r => Seq.append
(resolve_tac ctxt [r] 1 base_rule) (app_rew r base_rule))
|> (pair NONE)
val supplied_apps = Seq.of_list (#rules cfg)
|> Seq.maps (fn r => resolve_tac ctxt [r] 1 base_rule)
val supplied_app_rews = Seq.of_list (#rules cfg)
|> Seq.maps (fn r => app_rew r base_rule)
val supplied_seq = Seq.append supplied_apps supplied_app_rews
|> (pair NONE)
(* third option: builtins *)
val unfolds' = (map (pair "") (def_from_ctxt ctxt const))
val unf_seq = (unfold_data ctxt' const cgoal (#nmspce cfg))
(Seq.single unfolds')
|> (apfst SOME)
val builtin_seq = seq_try_apply (get_unfold_rule ctxt' const cgoal) (#nmspce cfg)
|> (apfst SOME)
val seq = foldr1 (uncurry Seq.append) [wp_seq, supplied_seq, unf_seq]
val seq = foldr1 (uncurry Seq.append) [wp_seq, supplied_seq, builtin_seq]
fun fail_tac t _ _ = (writeln "discarding crunch rule, unsolved premise:";
Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t |> Pretty.writeln;
@ -509,8 +513,7 @@ fun crunch_rule cfg const goal extra thms =
val (ms, thm) = case Seq.pull seq of SOME ((ms, thm), _) => (ms, thm)
| NONE => error ("could not find crunch rule for " ^ const)
val _ = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.block
[Pretty.str "crunch rule: ", Thm.pretty_thm ctxt thm])
val _ = debug_trace_bl [K (Pretty.str "crunch rule: "), fn () => Thm.pretty_thm ctxt thm]
val ms = case ms of SOME ms => ms
| NONE => Thm.prems_of thm |> maps (monads_of ctxt)